Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

What I'm saying is that blacks understand that you can never use a majority to deny the same rights for minorities. They can disagree about anything homosexual, but only a true hypocrite black person would side with the majority over the minority.
Sounds to me that if the blacks (in your opinion) were to push back against gays being married (as in marriage) from their view or beliefs upon, then you would call them hypocryts, and you would do this because of the issue of slavery in which they over came as a completely different issue altogether, but rather was a struggle that you are trying to infuse with the gay issue in order to give the gay issue of marriage "strength" by this method as is used by you ? If the blacks come out strong with the whites or others in this nation against gay marriage, will you be wanting to throw your black brothers and sisters under the bus, because they couldn't go along with or all the way on supporting such an issue as is found with this gay marraige issue ?
I think blacks would identify with such a struggle for acceptance, absolutely. Sure, maybe some would be religiously blind like you are, but probably not that many.
So what is it you have against gays anyways?
You just answered your own question in your post written, but I guess you were to blind to realize it... It is my religious beliefs that pits me against the gay marriage issue along these lines in America. I think it is a line that many in America don't want to give up yet or have it crossed, and so they want to push back against this step in which the gay's want to take for now, in which to them finally legitimizes their choice of lifestyle to go full mainstream in America finally.

It won't be long that the anti-gay marriage folk will be dead and gone, so as time erodes the codes, then the door will be swung wide open, but not sure how long it will last, because the nation will be moved out into open waters each time the anchor fails, and this is where she will not be so sure of her course anylonger, as she shall be set a drift in a sea of uncertainty by then.
Sounds to me that if the blacks (in your opinion) were to push back against gays being married (as in marriage) from their view or beliefs upon, then you would call them hypocryts, and you would do this because of the issue of slavery in which they over came as a completely different issue altogether, but rather was a struggle that you are trying to infuse with the gay issue in order to give the gay issue of marriage "strength" by this method as is used by you ? If the blacks come out strong with the whites or others in this nation against gay marriage, will you be wanting to throw your black brothers and sisters under the bus, because they couldn't go along with or all the way on supporting such an issue as is found with this gay marraige issue ?
I think blacks would identify with such a struggle for acceptance, absolutely. Sure, maybe some would be religiously blind like you are, but probably not that many.
So what is it you have against gays anyways?
You just answered your own question in your post written, but I guess you were to blind to realize it... It is my religious beliefs that pits me against the gay marriage issue along these lines in America. I think it is a line that many in America don't want to give up yet or have it crossed, and so they want to push back against this step in which the gay's want to take for now, in which to them finally legitimizes their choice of lifestyle to go full mainstream in America finally.

It won't be long that the anti-gay marriage folk will be dead and gone, so as time erodes the codes, then the door will be swung wide open, but not sure how long it will last, because the nation will be moved out into open waters each time the anchor fails, and this is where she will not be so sure of her course anylonger, as she shall be set a drift in a sea of uncertainty by then.

The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?
I think blacks would identify with such a struggle for acceptance, absolutely. Sure, maybe some would be religiously blind like you are, but probably not that many.
So what is it you have against gays anyways?
You just answered your own question in your post written, but I guess you were to blind to realize it... It is my religious beliefs that pits me against the gay marriage issue along these lines in America. I think it is a line that many in America don't want to give up yet or have it crossed, and so they want to push back against this step in which the gay's want to take for now, in which to them finally legitimizes their choice of lifestyle to go full mainstream in America finally.

It won't be long that the anti-gay marriage folk will be dead and gone, so as time erodes the codes, then the door will be swung wide open, but not sure how long it will last, because the nation will be moved out into open waters each time the anchor fails, and this is where she will not be so sure of her course anylonger, as she shall be set a drift in a sea of uncertainty by then.

The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?
I figured as much, that I was dealing with just another sad little devil playing on the inet, who hopes one day to make this nation his or her own when they grow up, and they want this at the destruction of this nation as it stands, and yes this is what the devils minions hope for her, because they hate their ownselves in this life, and they know it and I know it, and as well they hate this nation as it has stood for God in the past, because a nation of Godlyness won't conform to the devilishness they want for this nation, and this in order for it to finally be for them and no one else if they can't have it their way. When people see these sort of works, they see the devil at play, and if they don't take this seriously, then soon the devil will be coming for their families and the children next (already has been the case), just as he has been doing for a good many years now, but now he is intensifying his efforts as the latter days do approach him. Therefore it is that we must say to these devils "get thee behind me satan", for your days are numbered and you know that they are, as it is written so.
I love their food and eat there regularly.
Wanted some today, but of course it is closed on Sundays, and I will respect that always. The other day when I passed it by, it was packed with customers, and I just smiled as I road on by. Didn't get the chance to stop that day, but "I will be bauck" as Arnold once said..
You just answered your own question in your post written, but I guess you were to blind to realize it... It is my religious beliefs that pits me against the gay marriage issue along these lines in America. I think it is a line that many in America don't want to give up yet or have it crossed, and so they want to push back against this step in which the gay's want to take for now, in which to them finally legitimizes their choice of lifestyle to go full mainstream in America finally.

It won't be long that the anti-gay marriage folk will be dead and gone, so as time erodes the codes, then the door will be swung wide open, but not sure how long it will last, because the nation will be moved out into open waters each time the anchor fails, and this is where she will not be so sure of her course anylonger, as she shall be set a drift in a sea of uncertainty by then.

The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?
I figured as much, that I was dealing with just another sad little devil playing on the inet, who hopes one day to make this nation his or her own when they grow up, and they want this at the destruction of this nation as it stands, and yes this is what the devils minions hope for her, because they hate their ownselves in this life, and they know it and I know it, and as well they hate this nation as it has stood for God in the past, because a nation of Godlyness won't conform to the devilishness they want for this nation, and this in order for it to finally be for them and no one else if they can't have it their way. When people see these sort of works, they see the devil at play, and if they don't take this seriously, then soon the devil will be coming for their families and the children next (already has been the case), just as he has been doing for a good many years now, but now he is intensifying his efforts as the latter days do approach him. Therefore it is that we must say to these devils "get thee behind me satan", for your days are numbered and you know that they are, as it is written so.

The Bible is a made up book of myths and fairy tales. Or do you actually believe that Noah got 2 of EVERY animal on the earth and put them on a boat with food for 40 days?
The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?
I figured as much, that I was dealing with just another sad little devil playing on the inet, who hopes one day to make this nation his or her own when they grow up, and they want this at the destruction of this nation as it stands, and yes this is what the devils minions hope for her, because they hate their ownselves in this life, and they know it and I know it, and as well they hate this nation as it has stood for God in the past, because a nation of Godlyness won't conform to the devilishness they want for this nation, and this in order for it to finally be for them and no one else if they can't have it their way. When people see these sort of works, they see the devil at play, and if they don't take this seriously, then soon the devil will be coming for their families and the children next (already has been the case), just as he has been doing for a good many years now, but now he is intensifying his efforts as the latter days do approach him. Therefore it is that we must say to these devils "get thee behind me satan", for your days are numbered and you know that they are, as it is written so.

The Bible is a made up book of myths and fairy tales. Or do you actually believe that Noah got 2 of EVERY animal on the earth and put them on a boat with food for 40 days?
Ohhhh so now we are moving towards you wanting to school me (retaliate actually) on what you think that the bible is saying to you when read it, and so now you want to teach me what you think that it should say or mean to me as well, and this according to you ? Did you really go there just now or was it just another oops moment by you ?
No it's cool that the people are standing up for their right to stand up again, instead of laying down and taking it like they have for so long now in America, and I think this is just the tip of the iceburg that is coming so hang on for the ride everybody.

:clap2: I agree. It's sick to be told to sit down and when you don't you are called every name in the book. It's just sick and we will NOT comply to lowlife's that don't have a clue what this Country was made of(still is). To sit down is giving up any little freedom we have left.
I figured as much, that I was dealing with just another sad little devil playing on the inet, who hopes one day to make this nation his or her own when they grow up, and they want this at the destruction of this nation as it stands, and yes this is what the devils minions hope for her, because they hate their ownselves in this life, and they know it and I know it, and as well they hate this nation as it has stood for God in the past, because a nation of Godlyness won't conform to the devilishness they want for this nation, and this in order for it to finally be for them and no one else if they can't have it their way. When people see these sort of works, they see the devil at play, and if they don't take this seriously, then soon the devil will be coming for their families and the children next (already has been the case), just as he has been doing for a good many years now, but now he is intensifying his efforts as the latter days do approach him. Therefore it is that we must say to these devils "get thee behind me satan", for your days are numbered and you know that they are, as it is written so.

The Bible is a made up book of myths and fairy tales. Or do you actually believe that Noah got 2 of EVERY animal on the earth and put them on a boat with food for 40 days?
Ohhhh so now we are moving towards you wanting to school me (retaliate actually) on what you think that the bible is saying to you when read it, and so now you want to teach me what you think that it should say or mean to me as well, and this according to you ? Did you really go there just now or was it just another oops moment by you ?
Just answer the question, or are embarrassed with your answer?
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....
Meh...considering Rahm Emannuel embraced a guy that called teh geyz pigs and swine the same week he stated ChickFilA didnt meet Chicago values, I would say people are just tired of moronic hypocrites that use ginned up outrage for political gain.
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

I disagree with Cathy's view marriage. I see nothing wrong with gay marriage. In fact I see many benefits with it. However, he has a right to his opinion and I disagree with the bully-tactics of the left to suppress dissent and opposing views!
I think blacks would identify with such a struggle for acceptance, absolutely. Sure, maybe some would be religiously blind like you are, but probably not that many.
So what is it you have against gays anyways?
You just answered your own question in your post written, but I guess you were to blind to realize it... It is my religious beliefs that pits me against the gay marriage issue along these lines in America. I think it is a line that many in America don't want to give up yet or have it crossed, and so they want to push back against this step in which the gay's want to take for now, in which to them finally legitimizes their choice of lifestyle to go full mainstream in America finally.

It won't be long that the anti-gay marriage folk will be dead and gone, so as time erodes the codes, then the door will be swung wide open, but not sure how long it will last, because the nation will be moved out into open waters each time the anchor fails, and this is where she will not be so sure of her course anylonger, as she shall be set a drift in a sea of uncertainty by then.

The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?

From an outsiders view the Bible is a MILLION fold better than that demonic book you worship!
Homophobic vile filthy conz are just as bigoted and full of hate and ignorance as the KKK in their day

Wait, the KKK is alive and well, isnt it, bigots

from an outsiders view the bible is a joke
You just answered your own question in your post written, but I guess you were to blind to realize it... It is my religious beliefs that pits me against the gay marriage issue along these lines in America. I think it is a line that many in America don't want to give up yet or have it crossed, and so they want to push back against this step in which the gay's want to take for now, in which to them finally legitimizes their choice of lifestyle to go full mainstream in America finally.

It won't be long that the anti-gay marriage folk will be dead and gone, so as time erodes the codes, then the door will be swung wide open, but not sure how long it will last, because the nation will be moved out into open waters each time the anchor fails, and this is where she will not be so sure of her course anylonger, as she shall be set a drift in a sea of uncertainty by then.

The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?

From an outsiders view the Bible is a MILLION fold better than that demonic book you worship!
I don't worship a book. You do.
The whole concept of Christian religion is gay: god threw Adam out of Eden because he was warned not to bang the woman, but he did and was banished from gay heaven.
The Supremes will out gay marriage in your lifetime. Who ya gonna hate then? What does that book of fiction, the Bible say?

From an outsiders view the Bible is a MILLION fold better than that demonic book you worship!
I don't worship a book. You do.

Christians do not worship the Bible, it is a tool. We read it, we study it, we try to interpret it to fit our lives. If someone burns it, they've burned a book.

Meanwhile, the Muslims do worship their Koran and if someone burns it, they kill someone one. The Jews take very good care of their Torah. To them it is more than a book. I had one Jew berate me for the shape of my Bible. I've had my Bible since 2nd grade and I read it frequently. It is not pristine as his Torah was.
Homophobic vile filthy conz are just as bigoted and full of hate and ignorance as the KKK in their day

Wait, the KKK is alive and well, isnt it, bigots

from an outsiders view the bible is a joke
I know, right? Like that Obama guy...what a ****. Oh...wait...that was soooo two months ago...
The only reason why atheists can call the Bible a joke is because Christians would fight for their rights to do that.

Try it in an islamic country and call the koran a joke and see how far it gets you.
The only reason why atheists can call the Bible a joke is because Christians would fight for their rights to do that.

Try it in an islamic country and call the koran a joke and see how far it gets you.

You really are getting dumber by the day, how sad.
Homophobic vile filthy conz are just as bigoted and full of hate and ignorance as the KKK in their day

Wait, the KKK is alive and well, isnt it, bigots

from an outsiders view the bible is a joke
Rep Power: 0

From an outsiders view the Bible is a MILLION fold better than that demonic book you worship!
I don't worship a book. You do.

Christians do not worship the Bible, it is a tool. We read it, we study it, we try to interpret it to fit our lives. If someone burns it, they've burned a book.

Meanwhile, the Muslims do worship their Koran and if someone burns it, they kill someone one. The Jews take very good care of their Torah. To them it is more than a book. I had one Jew berate me for the shape of my Bible. I've had my Bible since 2nd grade and I read it frequently. It is not pristine as his Torah was.

Nice try. Christians think that the bible is the word of some invisible superbeing who made them! In other words, you worship it as the word of god.

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