Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

you are confused, so much so you are even confusing me a little

Baggers hate Gays, Blacks, Latinos, etc...Muslims, Jews, Asians, etc.

got that?
What is a bagger ? Do you think that gays, blacks, latino's and others are without the ability to hate each other at any given time in life, and this be it as a group verses group or individuals verses individuals so on and so forth ? Whites don't have the patten on hatred in the world, but people like you want the world to believe that they do, but why ? What is your goal finally, to over come the whites someday, and this by the way that you accuse and therefore hate so badly the whites as a race like you do ? You don't fool anyone ya know, as it is learned by your words spoken, along with your baseless, blanketing accusations as you like to throw around like a dirty towel in the room. Got that Conman ?

I will take a stab at this for you, you might actually learn something

A. minorities cant be racists, not my rules, just the facts, but they can be and some are bigots

B. yes, some minority groups show bigotry toward other minority groups, been known to happen

C. white tea party racists, i.e. baggers, are the most dangerous as they have the power of the govt behind them
No one has had the power of the federal government behind them (for many years now) more so than the black race has, so don't even compare the baggers with the protetcted status of the black race under the federal government, because it is in no way the same I don't think.

Things might be changing, as they always do, but if the blacks are careful and not mess things up all due to the black racist who are growing in numbers amongst them now, then they will be protected and worked with right on and right on without any problems from the whites in this nation going foward, just as it should be when people are being helped and are trying to unify as Americans in the nation for all to eventually enjoy in peace together.

White people in general want the blacks to get better in America, and they will be there to help them until they are well and good in America, just as Americans should be doing when helping one another as Americans, but if the black racist activist who hate whites sorely, begin to dominate the situation, then the whites will back off and stop helping the blacks in many ways, and this would happen because of possibly a large number of blacks embracing the black racist radicals who are in and amongst the group, and are trying always to seperate the nation instead of bringing it together as it should be.

Yes there are those among the white race who also do the same, but both amongst these two groups should be isolated upon recognition by each group, in so that the good will prevail over the bad always sooner or later (hopefully sooner). White people aren't fools, so it best not to play them as fools by throwing them all into the same basket, and vice-versa I'm guessing does apply just the same as well with the blacks.
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According to your rep power here, you are an embarrasment to yourself...

Uh, this isn't the junior high choosing up sides for kickball.

Grow up.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!
I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me

Do you have a link to any story where rightwing terrorists have been killing Sikh's, gays, or anyone else? I'd appreciate the information.

Please dont shoot me...I have a family, i am surrounded by coworkers, etc.

(i dont call em employees, kinda demeaning)

Listen, Drama Queen, if conservatives were the kind of people you claim we are, you'd have been thrown behind the wire or shot long ago. I see more tendencies to statism and totalitarianism on the Left these days, than I have ever seen on the right; (Stalinism and fascism are hardly mutually exclusive, you know). You're just beside yourself with rage, because your own side tried to muzzle speech you didn't like, picked a fight over it, got exposed, and got a thorough rebuke from the majority of Americans. No one in America is going to drag you off to the gulag; but your side is not going to do that to us, either.
Uh, this isn't the junior high choosing up sides for kickball.

Grow up.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!

No, we look like a nation that allows freedom of speech, expression and religion. Some liberal politicians decided to interfere with Mr. Cathy's right to state his OPINION (which is all he did; nowhere in his remarks do I see any "hate", directly expressed or even implied.) Disagreement with the political agenda of any group, gay or straight, liberal or conservative, is NOT hate. Even if it were, this is not socialist Europe, and even REAL expression of hate is tolerated here (otherwise, some of you on the Left would be in jail). We even let Nazis goose step and "Seig heil!" to their heart's content, and let Communists sing the "Internationale"; hell, you can even burn the flag! You can say whatever you like, only when you act on it to harm others does government intervene. It's called "tolerance"-you should try it sometime!
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!

No, we look like a nation that allows freedom of speech, expression and religion. Some liberal politicians decided to interfere with Mr. Cathy's right to state his OPINION (which is all he did; nowhere in his remarks do I see any "hate", directly expressed or even implied.) Disagreement with the political agenda of any group, gay or straight, liberal or conservative, is NOT hate. Even if it were, this is not socialist Europe, and even REAL expression of hate is tolerated here (otherwise, some of you on the Left would be in jail). We even let Nazis goose step and "Seig heil!" to their heart's content, and let Communists sing the "Internationale"; hell, you can even burn the flag! You can say whatever you like, only when you act on it to harm others does government intervene. It's called "tolerance"-you should try it sometime!
Funny how they only see it their way now (one way) and not in other ways, otherwise by not having tolerance towards other peoples ways, and especially the ways that have been here far before they began their attacks against the good majority of the peoples ways, in which they have fooled this nation into getting away with putting them down every time they do it now in this nation.

Chic-Fil-A supporters were coming out by a majority against these attacks, and gave a strong showing of rebuke against the left who stage them daily and routinely now in this nation, especially against the majority whom are only trying to keep what they have had for the longest time in the nation, in which has worked so well for them and their families for all this time now. They (the majority) have had a great nation steeped in freedom and with liberty and justice for all in America until now. Now one side wants it only in their ways anymore, and they want it against the ways of those who have had it by a majority vote for so long now. The one side can't even stand it when the majority speaks anymore, just as it had done in California they can't stand it. The nation is under attack and so is the family within, where as the Chic-Fil-A situation provided the proof out in the open as to how the nation is under attack from within, and then it provided proof by what the majority thinks about the issues surrounding these attacks once they had spoken as a majority, and why these attacks will keep right on coming in the near future again and again if the majority dares to speak up again in this nation in the way that it did.
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Uh, this isn't the junior high choosing up sides for kickball.

Grow up.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!
where is the hate in chicken ? one mans views on a subject does not the whole company haters make .
CFI dost not disciminate against gays as far as work or customers and they dont limit the freedoms of anybody .the hate comes from left wing wackos like you
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!

No, we look like a nation that allows freedom of speech, expression and religion. Some liberal politicians decided to interfere with Mr. Cathy's right to state his OPINION (which is all he did; nowhere in his remarks do I see any "hate", directly expressed or even implied.) Disagreement with the political agenda of any group, gay or straight, liberal or conservative, is NOT hate. Even if it were, this is not socialist Europe, and even REAL expression of hate is tolerated here (otherwise, some of you on the Left would be in jail). We even let Nazis goose step and "Seig heil!" to their heart's content, and let Communists sing the "Internationale"; hell, you can even burn the flag! You can say whatever you like, only when you act on it to harm others does government intervene. It's called "tolerance"-you should try it sometime!
Freedom of speech is cool, but Abe Lincoln said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Religion? You seriously think that Jesus would be hating gays like that and not wanting them to get married?
(from wiki) Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. The objects of such hatred can vary widely, from inanimate objects to attitudes, animals, oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or the whole world.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!
where is the hate in chicken ? one mans views on a subject does not the whole company haters make .
CFI dost not disciminate against gays as far as work or customers and they dont limit the freedoms of anybody .the hate comes from left wing wackos like you
The people are lining to support the guy's hatred for homos. Please get a clue and try again.
Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!

No, we look like a nation that allows freedom of speech, expression and religion. Some liberal politicians decided to interfere with Mr. Cathy's right to state his OPINION (which is all he did; nowhere in his remarks do I see any "hate", directly expressed or even implied.) Disagreement with the political agenda of any group, gay or straight, liberal or conservative, is NOT hate. Even if it were, this is not socialist Europe, and even REAL expression of hate is tolerated here (otherwise, some of you on the Left would be in jail). We even let Nazis goose step and "Seig heil!" to their heart's content, and let Communists sing the "Internationale"; hell, you can even burn the flag! You can say whatever you like, only when you act on it to harm others does government intervene. It's called "tolerance"-you should try it sometime!
Freedom of speech is cool, but Abe Lincoln said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Religion? You seriously think that Jesus would be hating gays like that and not wanting them to get married?
(from wiki) Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. The objects of such hatred can vary widely, from inanimate objects to attitudes, animals, oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or the whole world.
I don't think you want to bring Jesus into this really, at least not before you school yourself in his word first.
No, we look like a nation that allows freedom of speech, expression and religion. Some liberal politicians decided to interfere with Mr. Cathy's right to state his OPINION (which is all he did; nowhere in his remarks do I see any "hate", directly expressed or even implied.) Disagreement with the political agenda of any group, gay or straight, liberal or conservative, is NOT hate. Even if it were, this is not socialist Europe, and even REAL expression of hate is tolerated here (otherwise, some of you on the Left would be in jail). We even let Nazis goose step and "Seig heil!" to their heart's content, and let Communists sing the "Internationale"; hell, you can even burn the flag! You can say whatever you like, only when you act on it to harm others does government intervene. It's called "tolerance"-you should try it sometime!
Freedom of speech is cool, but Abe Lincoln said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Religion? You seriously think that Jesus would be hating gays like that and not wanting them to get married?
(from wiki) Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. The objects of such hatred can vary widely, from inanimate objects to attitudes, animals, oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or the whole world.
I don't think you want to bring Jesus into this really, at least not before you school yourself in his word first.
What did Jesus ever say that was hateful to gays? Btw, he was probably gay himself: he only hung around with guys, fuck a girl only once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he wore a dress and rode that gay pride animal, the donkey. And in almost all the paintings of jesus, he looks gay.
Like, cmon, people are lining up to buy hate chicken? And these pictures are shown all over the world? We look like a nation of haters who don't believe in personal freedom, and where you can hate others openly. SHEESH!!!
where is the hate in chicken ? one mans views on a subject does not the whole company haters make .
CFI dost not disciminate against gays as far as work or customers and they dont limit the freedoms of anybody .the hate comes from left wing wackos like you
The people are lining to support the guy's hatred for homos. Please get a clue and try again.
Maybe that is what they were doing, but maybe it is just what you think they were doing, yet it was entirely something else at play here altogether?

Maybe they (the supporters) were showing their support for this mans right to make a stand against something that he believes in, and that stand is that "Marriage" is between one man and one woman in his beliefs along with many others who believe the same, and nothing will ever change that for him in his life as he lives it or for them in their lives as they live them. Now just because he is a CEO doesn't forcefully shut his mouth closed when he is asked a question now does it ? Maybe the gay community should be angry at the one who asked the question, and this to such a prominant person having so much influence as he has had in his sucess in the nation overt these years, thus exposing their fragile war in which they (these so called gays) find themselves in trying to get their own accepted as they have been trying to do eh? If don't want the answer, then don't ask the question if scared of the outcome found in the answer.

Lets explore this aspect of it for a second, and lets say that Mr.Cathy would have went against his beliefs, and would have went against his ideals on running this company in the way that includes his beliefs in the make up of the company and/or it's operating procedures. Lets say that many who go to Chic-Fil-A go there because of what Chic-Fil-A stands for when closing on Sundays and etc. (I admit that I have went to Chic-Fil-A on a sunday to get some take out when they first came to our town, and was surprised that they were closed), and then when I asked my wife why they were closed, she said that they are Christians for whom run this place, and that they are closed on Sunday. I accepted that totally and respected that totally, and I didnot go into a fit of rage because I couldn't get me some of that chicken on Sunday, I just went to the fast food place down the street. NO PROBLEM.

Ok back to the point I was trying to make, so what if Mr. Cathy would have went against what he stood for, and angered hundreds of thousands of his customers who support him because of him and his companies beliefs, and that they would have boycotted him over his acceptance of something in that question that they also donot accept possibly ? Now that would have been foolish of him, now wouldn't it have been ?

It's time for the gays to carve them out a small portion in society that will accept them, and leave the rest of society that are to religious and set in their ways to accept them ALONE. This forcing America against it's free will to keep conforming to the few over the majority is getting a little bit rediculous and boring don't cha think ?
Freedom of speech is cool, but Abe Lincoln said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Religion? You seriously think that Jesus would be hating gays like that and not wanting them to get married?
(from wiki) Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. The objects of such hatred can vary widely, from inanimate objects to attitudes, animals, oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or the whole world.
I don't think you want to bring Jesus into this really, at least not before you school yourself in his word first.
What did Jesus ever say that was hateful to gays? Btw, he was probably gay himself: he only hung around with guys, fuck a girl only once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he wore a dress and rode that gay pride animal, the donkey. And in almost all the paintings of jesus, he looks gay.
You have the nerve to use him for strength in an argument or debate, but then trash him when he is of no use to you after you were outted by what you were doing ?

If you will throw him under the bus like you just did, then you will throw anyone under the bus like you just did, thus your friends and family had best watch out for you, because you have no friends or family in which you honor and respect in life anymore, thus making you a sad little puppy having no one or nothing in which you can truly count on in your life, and that is sad for real.
Freedom of speech is cool, but Abe Lincoln said it best: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Religion? You seriously think that Jesus would be hating gays like that and not wanting them to get married?
(from wiki) Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects. The objects of such hatred can vary widely, from inanimate objects to attitudes, animals, oneself or other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or the whole world.
I don't think you want to bring Jesus into this really, at least not before you school yourself in his word first.
What did Jesus ever say that was hateful to gays? Btw, he was probably gay himself: he only hung around with guys, fuck a girl only once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he wore a dress and rode that gay pride animal, the donkey. And in almost all the paintings of jesus, he looks gay.

Saying "I believe in traditional marriage" is "hateful to gays"? I don't think so. Some of them may not agree with those words, or like them; but disagreeing with a minority is not "hateful", nor is it a crime in America; and NO ONE, gay or straight, has a right to force others to say only that which they find inoffensive. Your position amounts to nothing more nor less than this: "No one shall dare utter a word which is not Politically Correct, and if he does, I have the right to demand that government use its power to punish him for doing so". THAT is a direct assault on the constitution, and on freedom itself.

P.S. No one knows what Jesus looked like, as there is no contemporary image of him (there were no cameras circa 30 C.E.).
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where is the hate in chicken ? one mans views on a subject does not the whole company haters make .
CFI dost not disciminate against gays as far as work or customers and they dont limit the freedoms of anybody .the hate comes from left wing wackos like you
The people are lining to support the guy's hatred for homos. Please get a clue and try again.
Maybe that is what they were doing, but maybe it is just what you think they were doing, yet it was entirely something else at play here altogether?

Maybe they (the supporters) were showing their support for this mans right to make a stand against something that he believes in, and that stand is that "Marriage" is between one man and one woman in his beliefs along with many others who believe the same, and nothing will ever change that for him in his life as he lives it or for them in their lives as they live them. Now just because he is a CEO doesn't forcefully shut his mouth closed when he is asked a question now does it ? Maybe the gay community should be angry at the one who asked the question, and this to such a prominant person having so much influence as he has had in his sucess in the nation overt these years, thus exposing their fragile war in which they (these so called gays) find themselves in trying to get their own accepted as they have been trying to do eh? If don't want the answer, then don't ask the question if scared of the outcome found in the answer.

Lets explore this aspect of it for a second, and lets say that Mr.Cathy would have went against his beliefs, and would have went against his ideals on running this company in the way that includes his beliefs in the make up of the company and/or it's operating procedures. Lets say that many who go to Chic-Fil-A go there because of what Chic-Fil-A stands for when closing on Sundays and etc. (I admit that I have went to Chic-Fil-A on a sunday to get some take out when they first came to our town, and was surprised that they were closed), and then when I asked my wife why they were closed, she said that they are Christians for whom run this place, and that they are closed on Sunday. I accepted that totally and respected that totally, and I didnot go into a fit of rage because I couldn't get me some of that chicken on Sunday, I just went to the fast food place down the street. NO PROBLEM.

Ok back to the point I was trying to make, so what if Mr. Cathy would have went against what he stood for, and angered hundreds of thousands of his customers who support him because of him and his companies beliefs, and that they would have boycotted him over his acceptance of something in that question that they also donot accept possibly ? Now that would have been foolish of him, now wouldn't it have been ?

It's time for the gays to carve them out a small portion in society that will accept them, and leave the rest of society that are to religious and set in their ways to accept them ALONE. This forcing America against it's free will to keep conforming to the few over the majority is getting a little bit rediculous and boring don't cha think ?

The only thing that's absurd is using a majority vote to deny a minority something that you allow the majority to do. That's not the America that I want to live in, and the Supreme Court will eventually agree with me. So it doesn't matter how much hate chicken people eat, equal rights aren't things you can outvote someone on.
I don't think you want to bring Jesus into this really, at least not before you school yourself in his word first.
What did Jesus ever say that was hateful to gays? Btw, he was probably gay himself: he only hung around with guys, fuck a girl only once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he wore a dress and rode that gay pride animal, the donkey. And in almost all the paintings of jesus, he looks gay.

Saying "I believe in traditional marriage" is "hateful to gays"? I don't think so. Some of them may not agree with those words, or like them; but disagreeing with a minority is not "hateful", nor is it a crime in America; and NO ONE, gay or straight, has a right to force others to say only that which they find inoffensive. Your position amounts to nothing more nor less than this: "No one shall dare utter a word which is not Politically Correct, and if he does, I have the right to demand that government use its power to punish him for doing so". THAT is a direct assault on the constitution, and on freedom itself.

P.S. No one knows what Jesus looked like, as there is no contemporary image of him (there were no cameras circa 30 C.E.).
No one is forcing you say anything you don't want to, but at the same time, you can't expect to force others to live by your code of conduct, and that just because you're homophobic that that doesn't give you the right to tell others how to live.

There's no actual proof that Jesus ever existed, but he's always painted as a gay man.
I don't think you want to bring Jesus into this really, at least not before you school yourself in his word first.
What did Jesus ever say that was hateful to gays? Btw, he was probably gay himself: he only hung around with guys, fuck a girl only once to see if he'd like it (he didn't), he wore a dress and rode that gay pride animal, the donkey. And in almost all the paintings of jesus, he looks gay.
You have the nerve to use him for strength in an argument or debate, but then trash him when he is of no use to you after you were outted by what you were doing ?

If you will throw him under the bus like you just did, then you will throw anyone under the bus like you just did, thus your friends and family had best watch out for you, because you have no friends or family in which you honor and respect in life anymore, thus making you a sad little puppy having no one or nothing in which you can truly count on in your life, and that is sad for real.

I didn't trash Jesus, I said he was probably gay, if he even ever existed (there's no proof that he did exist). And Judah probably outted Jesus, that's what would have gotten him killed back then.
The people are lining to support the guy's hatred for homos. Please get a clue and try again.
Maybe that is what they were doing, but maybe it is just what you think they were doing, yet it was entirely something else at play here altogether?

Maybe they (the supporters) were showing their support for this mans right to make a stand against something that he believes in, and that stand is that "Marriage" is between one man and one woman in his beliefs along with many others who believe the same, and nothing will ever change that for him in his life as he lives it or for them in their lives as they live them. Now just because he is a CEO doesn't forcefully shut his mouth closed when he is asked a question now does it ? Maybe the gay community should be angry at the one who asked the question, and this to such a prominant person having so much influence as he has had in his sucess in the nation overt these years, thus exposing their fragile war in which they (these so called gays) find themselves in trying to get their own accepted as they have been trying to do eh? If don't want the answer, then don't ask the question if scared of the outcome found in the answer.

Lets explore this aspect of it for a second, and lets say that Mr.Cathy would have went against his beliefs, and would have went against his ideals on running this company in the way that includes his beliefs in the make up of the company and/or it's operating procedures. Lets say that many who go to Chic-Fil-A go there because of what Chic-Fil-A stands for when closing on Sundays and etc. (I admit that I have went to Chic-Fil-A on a sunday to get some take out when they first came to our town, and was surprised that they were closed), and then when I asked my wife why they were closed, she said that they are Christians for whom run this place, and that they are closed on Sunday. I accepted that totally and respected that totally, and I didnot go into a fit of rage because I couldn't get me some of that chicken on Sunday, I just went to the fast food place down the street. NO PROBLEM.

Ok back to the point I was trying to make, so what if Mr. Cathy would have went against what he stood for, and angered hundreds of thousands of his customers who support him because of him and his companies beliefs, and that they would have boycotted him over his acceptance of something in that question that they also donot accept possibly ? Now that would have been foolish of him, now wouldn't it have been ?

It's time for the gays to carve them out a small portion in society that will accept them, and leave the rest of society that are to religious and set in their ways to accept them ALONE. This forcing America against it's free will to keep conforming to the few over the majority is getting a little bit rediculous and boring don't cha think ?

The only thing that's absurd is using a majority vote to deny a minority something that you allow the majority to do. That's not the America that I want to live in, and the Supreme Court will eventually agree with me. So it doesn't matter how much hate chicken people eat, equal rights aren't things you can outvote someone on.

What "majority" are you talking about, otherwise that would be found within and/or vocally opposed to a specific issue ? If a majority is against something found within a specific issue, then how will it be found that they would be engaging in something that they are against, and for which is found within the specific issue that they are against, like what maybe a bunch of hypocryts would do ? Otherwise how would it be found that we as in a majority who are against something on a specific issue, would somehow be secretly telling others in our same majority who are also against these things found on a specific issue, that it is ok for them to do something that we as a majority (them included) are against ? You make no sense in this wording you have presented here.

But you feel that it is ok for the minority (a few) to control the majority (many), as pertaining to a specific issue, just as they are attempting to do today, and therefore are trying to do this more and more now everyday? Sadly they do this by way of these activist judges, lawyers and rogue institutions like the ACLU, and worse an intimidated supreme court who has lost it's freakin mind over the years. You expect the people just to keep letting this stuff close in on them in America, regardless of their rights not to allow it to ? You best wake up, because it's only going to get worse if it keeps going down these roads like it is going, because some of these roads have already ended for those who have been traveling them for far to long now, (i. e. vering wildly off of the beaten path for way to long by a disfunctional internal compass), and therefore they need to get back on the "straight and narrow" roads before it is far to late for them.

As for ther majority, they will survive it all, because well they are the majority, but the few who want what they want at the majorities expense, will soon find that the majority are not so willing to keep sacrificing their own in this nation for others who are just a few in regards to their expense. It just can't and won't keep happening. Chic-Fil-A was a show of what people are thinking these days, and how they have had enough of this one sided game that has been played on them for quite sometime now in this nation.
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Maybe that is what they were doing, but maybe it is just what you think they were doing, yet it was entirely something else at play here altogether?

Maybe they (the supporters) were showing their support for this mans right to make a stand against something that he believes in, and that stand is that "Marriage" is between one man and one woman in his beliefs along with many others who believe the same, and nothing will ever change that for him in his life as he lives it or for them in their lives as they live them. Now just because he is a CEO doesn't forcefully shut his mouth closed when he is asked a question now does it ? Maybe the gay community should be angry at the one who asked the question, and this to such a prominant person having so much influence as he has had in his sucess in the nation overt these years, thus exposing their fragile war in which they (these so called gays) find themselves in trying to get their own accepted as they have been trying to do eh? If don't want the answer, then don't ask the question if scared of the outcome found in the answer.

Lets explore this aspect of it for a second, and lets say that Mr.Cathy would have went against his beliefs, and would have went against his ideals on running this company in the way that includes his beliefs in the make up of the company and/or it's operating procedures. Lets say that many who go to Chic-Fil-A go there because of what Chic-Fil-A stands for when closing on Sundays and etc. (I admit that I have went to Chic-Fil-A on a sunday to get some take out when they first came to our town, and was surprised that they were closed), and then when I asked my wife why they were closed, she said that they are Christians for whom run this place, and that they are closed on Sunday. I accepted that totally and respected that totally, and I didnot go into a fit of rage because I couldn't get me some of that chicken on Sunday, I just went to the fast food place down the street. NO PROBLEM.

Ok back to the point I was trying to make, so what if Mr. Cathy would have went against what he stood for, and angered hundreds of thousands of his customers who support him because of him and his companies beliefs, and that they would have boycotted him over his acceptance of something in that question that they also donot accept possibly ? Now that would have been foolish of him, now wouldn't it have been ?

It's time for the gays to carve them out a small portion in society that will accept them, and leave the rest of society that are to religious and set in their ways to accept them ALONE. This forcing America against it's free will to keep conforming to the few over the majority is getting a little bit rediculous and boring don't cha think ?

The only thing that's absurd is using a majority vote to deny a minority something that you allow the majority to do. That's not the America that I want to live in, and the Supreme Court will eventually agree with me. So it doesn't matter how much hate chicken people eat, equal rights aren't things you can outvote someone on.

What "majority" are you talking about, otherwise that would be found within and/or vocally opposed to a specific issue ? If a majority is against something found within a specific issue, then how will it be found that they would be engaging in something that they are against, and for which is found within the specific issue that they are against, like what maybe a bunch of hypocryts would do ? Otherwise how would it be found that we as in a majority who are against something on a specific issue, would somehow be secretly telling others in our same majority who are also against these things on a specific issue, that it is ok for them to do something that we as a majority (them included) are against ? You make no sense in this wording you have presented here.

But you feel that it is ok for the minority (a few) to control the majority (many), as pertaining to a specific issue, just as they are attempting to do today, and therefore are trying to do this more and more now everyday? Sadly they do this by way of these activist judges, lawyers and rogue institutions like the ACLU, and worse an intimidated supreme court who has lost it's freakin mind over the years. You expect the people just to keep letting this stuff close in on them in America, regardless of their rights not to allow it to ? You best wake up, because it's only going to get worse if it keeps going down these roads like it is going, because some of these roads have already ended for those who have been traveling them for far to long now, (i. e. vering wildly off of the beaten path for way to long by a disfunctional internal compass), and therefore they need to get back on the "straight and narrow" roads before it is far to late for them.

As for ther majority, they will survive it all, because well they are the majority, but the few who want what they want at the majorities expense, will soon find that the majority are not so willing to keep sacrificing their own in this nation for others who are just a few in regards to their expense. It just can't and won't keep happening. Chic-Fil-A was a show of what people are thinking these days, and how they have had enough of this one sided game that has been played on them for quite sometime now in this nation.

So what is it that you have against gay people?
The only thing that's absurd is using a majority vote to deny a minority something that you allow the majority to do. That's not the America that I want to live in, and the Supreme Court will eventually agree with me. So it doesn't matter how much hate chicken people eat, equal rights aren't things you can outvote someone on.

What "majority" are you talking about, otherwise that would be found within and/or vocally opposed to a specific issue ? If a majority is against something found within a specific issue, then how will it be found that they would be engaging in something that they are against, and for which is found within the specific issue that they are against, like what maybe a bunch of hypocryts would do ? Otherwise how would it be found that we as in a majority who are against something on a specific issue, would somehow be secretly telling others in our same majority who are also against these things on a specific issue, that it is ok for them to do something that we as a majority (them included) are against ? You make no sense in this wording you have presented here.

But you feel that it is ok for the minority (a few) to control the majority (many), as pertaining to a specific issue, just as they are attempting to do today, and therefore are trying to do this more and more now everyday? Sadly they do this by way of these activist judges, lawyers and rogue institutions like the ACLU, and worse an intimidated supreme court who has lost it's freakin mind over the years. You expect the people just to keep letting this stuff close in on them in America, regardless of their rights not to allow it to ? You best wake up, because it's only going to get worse if it keeps going down these roads like it is going, because some of these roads have already ended for those who have been traveling them for far to long now, (i. e. vering wildly off of the beaten path for way to long by a disfunctional internal compass), and therefore they need to get back on the "straight and narrow" roads before it is far to late for them.

As for ther majority, they will survive it all, because well they are the majority, but the few who want what they want at the majorities expense, will soon find that the majority are not so willing to keep sacrificing their own in this nation for others who are just a few in regards to their expense. It just can't and won't keep happening. Chic-Fil-A was a show of what people are thinking these days, and how they have had enough of this one sided game that has been played on them for quite sometime now in this nation.

So what is it that you have against gay people?
Why do you narrow it down to this that you ask, I mean do you really think I have something against gay people or is it rather that I have something against people trying to make this nation conform to certain ways of thinking and/or lifestyle choices that are made, and this across the board even though made by a few, thus shutting out any beliefs or lifestyles found in a majority, who might be opposed to these lifestyles or choices made by these few, yet are then being forced in many ways as a majority to conform anyways (the supreme court will side with me, your words), when they don't have to be forced and shouldn't be forced ever, but rather should be left alone in this nation just as they should be left alone in their beliefs and lives as they do live them, and have before lived them for centuries now in this nation. It matters not what I believe, but what does matter, is what is right in this nation and what is wrong in this nation. This is what matters to the majority found on many issues that are brought up or brought foward in this nation, and they expect like any other to have their voices heard, and their rights protected as they had won them so many years ago.

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