Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Black pastors group launches anti-Obama campaign around gay marriage – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

^Those Blacks agree with the head of Chick-fil-A...

Gonna Attack them Ravir?...


Those black pastors are all uncle tom's according to the black code ya know, so she will leave them for now, because by the code in which they go by, it already knows how to deal with those kinds on down the road. These pastors are dangerously destroying black unity is what is thought of them, even though fighting for something in which they strongly believe in, and the ones who are gainst them also do, but it still don't matter because the numbers is the name of the game these days, not morals and decency anymore.

This has been a problem for the blacks in many ways, where as they can't seperate along moral lines or any kind of lines within their group persae, and this acording to those who will never allow that to happen if at all possible (hold the lines no matter what you see), because they fear that if the numbers don't remain strong enough in the lines, then they will be pushed back into slavery or something like it, so otherwise they have to bring everyone that is black regardless of character or morals on board the departing train to the battle fronts with them, so as to apear or become a unified black people (strong in numbers), and this no matter what in order to remain strong along the lines.

If they don't, then they feel that they will be crused and pushed back 100's of years if they allow this break to happen (a split along thel lines) or any other lines that to evolve on the battle field, and this according to some who are in strong leadership positions now, and that adocates the strength in numbers over any other issue that to arise amongst them now or in the near future.

It was seen against Herman Cain when running for President, and it will be seen yet again real soon against these Pastors.
The black pastors are just as bigoted as Cathy. With even less reason.
I knew you'd dis-own them quickly Ravi (never understanding their long standing position on the matter), now how did I know this ya reckon?
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Those black pastors are all uncle tom's according to the black code ya know, so she will leave them for now, because by the code in which they go by, it already knows how to deal with those kinds on down the road. These pastors are dangerously destroying black unity is what is thought of them, even though fighting for something in which they strongly believe in, and the ones who are gainst them also do, but it still don't matter because the numbers is the name of the game these days, not morals and decency anymore.

This has been a problem for the blacks in many ways, where as they can't seperate along moral lines or any kind of lines within their group persae, and this acording to those who will never allow that to happen if at all possible (hold the lines no matter what you see), because they fear that if the numbers don't remain strong enough in the lines, then they will be pushed back into slavery or something like it, so otherwise they have to bring everyone that is black regardless of character or morals on board the departing train to the battle fronts with them, so as to apear or become a unified black people (strong in numbers), and this no matter what in order to remain strong along the lines.

If they don't, then they feel that they will be crused and pushed back 100's of years if they allow this break to happen (a split along thel lines) or any other lines that to evolve on the battle field, and this according to some who are in strong leadership positions now, and that adocates the strength in numbers over any other issue that to arise amongst them now or in the near future.

It was seen against Herman Cain when running for President, and it will be seen yet again real soon against these Pastors.
The black pastors are just as bigoted as Cathy. With even less reason.
I knew you'd dis-own then quickly Ravi (never understanding their long standing position on the matter), now how did I know this ya reckon?
I've said it all along.

Not my fault that you are stupid and jump to conclusions.

Bigotry is bigotry.
The black pastors are just as bigoted as Cathy. With even less reason.
I knew you'd dis-own then quickly Ravi (never understanding their long standing position on the matter), now how did I know this ya reckon?
I've said it all along.

Not my fault that you are stupid and jump to conclusions.

Bigotry is bigotry.
You sure like to throw that word around alot, but do you really understand the differences found in it all ? Do you really know what a real bigot is ravi ? I don't think so, and this is why you are so loose lipped with the word, and thus always applying it to everything or anyone that you disagree with. How convienant the word is for you, that you use it in these ways like you do huh ?
You said I wouldn't comment on the black pastors' bigotry. And when I did you claimed that you predicted that I would throw them under the bus.

You are a dishonest person.
You said I wouldn't comment on the black pastors' bigotry. And when I did you claimed that you predicted that I would throw them under the bus.

You are a dishonest person.
Say WHAT ? I said you wouldn't comment on their bigotry, uhhh nope you must be talking about another, because I only commented once you called them bigots, and then threw them under the bus.
Constitutional case law, to deny same-sex couples equal access to marriage is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. See: Perry v. Brown.

State level.

Federal law says its a man and woman and other states dont have to acknowledge the marriage should other states allow it.

who signed that? why your good democratic old boy slick willy .

Defense of Marriage Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. Section 3 of DOMA codifies the *non-recognition *of same-sex marriage for all federal purposes, including insurance benefits for government employees, Social Security survivors' benefits, and the filing of joint tax returns.
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I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

i wonder how he'd feel if an atheist owner of a chain of stores said he didn't want money from christians.

never mind.. we already know.

can you say dixie chicks?
They are making history, allright.

It's a first for America's politics to be centered on fried chicken, hate, and religious hypocrisy.

Or they simply respect Federal law enacted by Clinton which codified that marriage is between one man and a woman.

A law/Ban that has been ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court.
Gay Marriage Ban DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional In Connecticut Case
Prop 8 backers ask Supreme Court to review gay marriage ban - U.S. News
California Proposition 8 same-sex-marriage ban ruled unconstitutional - The Washington Post
Federal court strikes down key part of federal law banning same-sex marriage - CNN
Judge rules against Defense of Marriage Act | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -
Judge: Texas Ban On Gay Marriage Unconstitutional | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

A law that only has religious backing, Imposing their beliefs on others.
[ame=]US pastor's anti-gay sermon goes viral - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Extreme Religious Right Hate Exposed: Target Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Religious Right Targets Maine & Marriage Equality with Money, Anti-Gay Swat Teams and Reprise of Prop-8

Some pathetic excuse of a "law".

While I support gay marriage you have an error, the supreme court has not done as you claim. Those are not SCOTUS cases.

Also, many people on our side of the issue showed hypocricy and bigotry with their anti-muslim/anti-christian/anti-religious comments and attitudes. Showing a lack of tolerance towards muslims/christians who believe that marriage is between one man and one woman is as bad as showing a lack of tolerance towards people who do not believe this way.
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

i wonder how he'd feel if an atheist owner of a chain of stores said he didn't want money from christians.

never mind.. we already know.

can you say dixie chicks?

my fave hypocrisy was that tool oreilly saying it was unfair to boycott, is that the same oreilly who wanted to boycott pepsi for hiring Ludacris?
Chick-Filled-Ass chicken is an embarrassment to the US.
According to your rep power here, you are an embarrasment to yourself...

Rep power, really?

An american corp goes out of their way to donate to entities that dehumanize Gay people, and you are worried about some silly little button on this message board?

Your post might well be the epitome post as to why America will fail and it is doing now.
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

i wonder how he'd feel if an atheist owner of a chain of stores said he didn't want money from christians.

never mind.. we already know.

can you say dixie chicks?

my fave hypocrisy was that tool oreilly saying it was unfair to boycott, is that the same oreilly who wanted to boycott pepsi for hiring Ludacris?
Give us a link to Orielly actually wanting Pepsi "boycotted" over Ludicris please...Thanks
i wonder how he'd feel if an atheist owner of a chain of stores said he didn't want money from christians.

never mind.. we already know.

can you say dixie chicks?

my fave hypocrisy was that tool oreilly saying it was unfair to boycott, is that the same oreilly who wanted to boycott pepsi for hiring Ludacris?
Give us a link to Orielly actually wanting Pepsi "boycotted" over Ludicris please...Thanks

there are endless links, usually i wont even acknowledge the existence of a rightwing lying hypocrite racist, but here ya go

Boycott Watch - Bill O'Reilly Launches Pepsi Boycott After Pepsi Decides To Use Rapper Ludacris In Adds.

do you really want to change history yet again?

why do you hate Black people? why do you hate Gay people? why do you hate Asian People?
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.
Chick-Filled-Ass chicken is an embarrassment to the US.
According to your rep power here, you are an embarrasment to yourself...

Rep power, really?

An american corp goes out of their way to donate to entities that dehumanize Gay people, and you are worried about some silly little button on this message board?

Your post might well be the epitome post as to why America will fail and it is doing now.
We know why America is failing, and it is because of having to many years of this nation asking the good citizens (or) by the feds forcing the good citizens in many cases, to be "tolerant" of specific things (not all things), that have certainly caused this nation to fail over time as a result of. The genie is out of the bottle all the way now, and it will take years to get that genie back into that bottle, and I don't see that ever happening really, or at least not until the Good Lord comes back to claim his people for whom have been ensnared/trapped by the hands of the evil one over time, and this within this world in which we all do struggle to live our daily lives in, and this as best that we can as individuals supporting American people, American family values, American cultures, American religions and most that is good in America, in which we all do support freely and willingly. The forcing us to accept many things has led to the demise of this nation over time, but the culprits surely can't see it, even though many who are or have been the victims over time surely can see it, especially by what has gone on and what is still going on in this nation that affects them directly and/or sometimes indirectly, and this comes alot of times all to their surprise.
Priceless, we are failing because we are TOO Tolerant, wow!

this is an example of why the planet laughs at you guys

my fave hypocrisy was that tool oreilly saying it was unfair to boycott, is that the same oreilly who wanted to boycott pepsi for hiring Ludacris?
Give us a link to Orielly actually wanting Pepsi "boycotted" over Ludicris please...Thanks

there are endless links, usually i wont even acknowledge the existence of a rightwing lying hypocrite racist, but here ya go

Boycott Watch - Bill O'Reilly Launches Pepsi Boycott After Pepsi Decides To Use Rapper Ludacris In Adds.

do you really want to change history yet again?

why do you hate Black people? why do you hate Gay people? why do you hate Asian People?
Because you need me to hate that is why, and this in order to finish your agenda or work your agenda in the ways that you want to against America. This you do for power purposes and not equality purposes. Hec if you didn't have what you called me in your game, then you would be soooo sad, because then you couldn't do your thing in which you love to do in America.

Hate to disapoint you CONMAN, but I am no hater or racist or any of the things you try and label me as, but you have to do this in order to work your angle on this stuff, in which is a very dishonest angle at best.

Try again, as you have just now been schooled CONMAN.

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