Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

They are making history, allright.

It's a first for America's politics to be centered on fried chicken, hate, and religious hypocrisy.
They are making history, allright.

It's a first for America's politics to be centered on fried chicken, hate, and religious hypocrisy.

Or they simply respect Federal law enacted by Clinton which codified that marriage is between one man and a woman.
They are making history, allright.

It's a first for America's politics to be centered on fried chicken, hate, and religious hypocrisy.

Or they simply respect Federal law enacted by Clinton which codified that marriage is between one man and a woman.

A law/Ban that has been ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court.
Gay Marriage Ban DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional In Connecticut Case
Prop 8 backers ask Supreme Court to review gay marriage ban - U.S. News
California Proposition 8 same-sex-marriage ban ruled unconstitutional - The Washington Post
Federal court strikes down key part of federal law banning same-sex marriage - CNN
Judge rules against Defense of Marriage Act | Strange Bedfellows — Politics News -
Judge: Texas Ban On Gay Marriage Unconstitutional | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

A law that only has religious backing, Imposing their beliefs on others.
[ame=]US pastor's anti-gay sermon goes viral - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Extreme Religious Right Hate Exposed: Target Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Religious Right Targets Maine & Marriage Equality with Money, Anti-Gay Swat Teams and Reprise of Prop-8

Some pathetic excuse of a "law".
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

Well when it comes to gays they have no tolerance for
people and their religious beliefs.Everyone has to be careful
of the gays feelings and there it ends.:confused:
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

Well when it comes to gays they have no tolerance for
people and their religious beliefs.Everyone has to be careful
of the gays feelings and there it ends.:confused:
Good point. Those damn Negroes never had any tolerance for the fucked up beliefs of the slave owners either.
All that the supporters of chic-fil-a did the other day, was go out and eat some chicken in order to show support towards an opinion that was given, and supported the right for Chic-Fil-A to give that opinion when it was given, but wow have you seen all the ciminal acts the non-supporters have resorted to, and this in hopes to counter the support of an opinion, and especially the religious stance that is found in that opinion, in which chic-fil-a has taken on the issue of marriage, where it believes that marriage should be defined and kept as being between one man and one woman?

If this don't let this nation know just how far that the media and government has gone in bullying this nation into submission over time, and especially so as it has been directed at the core of the strength of this nation found within it's families over time, then we are in big trouble. To bully us all into going along with something that is not right for many of us, and for whom will never support these things that government and the media have tried so hard to fool everybody on, and have been at it for so long now, has been something else to witness in this nation over time. They have done this out of pure pressure as it has been applied by them, where as they have made false claims and have made up false numbers to support their claims, and then if that don't work, then it has been by way of strong armed tactics or criminal actions applied next in evidence there of. If we all can't see all this now, then it won't ever be known by the nations people, who are living here as the good majority in America.

The support that was given the other day for Chic-Fil-A, was a great example of putting a cause or opinion out there honestly, and then letting the good people in a majority decide as it should be in this nation as to whether or not they will support the cause or not support the cause. Now who shall deny these people their rights to support or not support a cause in this nation, just as it had supported a cause and an opinion the other day ?
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

Well when it comes to gays they have no tolerance for
people and their religious beliefs.Everyone has to be careful
of the gays feelings and there it ends.:confused:
Good point. Those damn Negroes never had any tolerance for the fucked up beliefs of the slave owners either.
And it was defintely their right not to tolerate being treated like farm animals or property in which they once belonged to these owners back then as purchased property, so what was your point being made again Ravi ?

People have many ways of abusing others in this nation, and when many don't want to be abused in this nation, and therefore they refuse to tolerate abuse of any kind within their circles, then that is their right. If they get many to join them in their refusal to be abused or to tolerate abuse in what they feel is not to be tolerated, then that is just icing on the cake for them, because then they can have their cake and also eat it in peace to.
After the CFA appreciation day, and the Kiss In, it is right and appropriate for the democratic party to put in a gay marriage plank in their party platform, and make endless promises to pass gay marriage legislation at the first opportunity.
I guess it's cool that people applaud intolerance....

The only intolerance was expressed by the mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco.
And the only people who applauded were liberals and gays.

It was really cool!
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.

Eating chicken is inhumane practice toward chickens, according to you. So, you must agree that eating potatoes and carrots is inhuman practice towards potatoes and carrots. If you don`t care to live at the expense of another living entity, hurry up and develop photosynthesis.

Those who oppose Chick-fil-A obviously hate straight people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

And please note that while I disagree with you I did not sink to your level and call you an idiot.
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anybody post the links to the employees losing free speech rights for working there?

that they monitor your behavior as in church attendance etc?

chick fil a needs to get the HELL out of my country, i am just about out of patience with you rabid racist haters...just about

keep it up, assholes...keep it up

Example of liberal-progressive-Democrat love and tolerance.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.

Eating chicken is inhumane practice toward chickens, according to you. So, you must agree that eating potatoes and carrots is inhuman practice towards potatoes and carrots. If you don`t care to live at the expense of another living entity, hurry up and develop photosynthesis.

Those who oppose Chick-fil-A obviously hate straight people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

And please note that while I disagree with you I did not sink to your level and call you an idiot.

No, but you sure did make a lot of stupid assumptions.

Go to a chicken farm and see how inhumanely the chickens are treated, dummy.
Where was the outrage toward President Obama or Vice Pres Biden, when they stood for marriage as a man and woman.
Obama just changed his stance just a few months back.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.

Eating chicken is inhumane practice toward chickens, according to you. So, you must agree that eating potatoes and carrots is inhuman practice towards potatoes and carrots. If you don`t care to live at the expense of another living entity, hurry up and develop photosynthesis.

Those who oppose Chick-fil-A obviously hate straight people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

And please note that while I disagree with you I did not sink to your level and call you an idiot.

No, but you sure did make a lot of stupid assumptions.

Go to a chicken farm and see how inhumanely the chickens are treated, dummy.

I don`t care to go to a chicken farm, because I simply don`t care about the previous state of my dinner, if it happens to be chicken. Those chicken are given food and water until they reach the age destiny determined for them: Be food for humans.

And please note, I still never called you a dummy or your opinions stupid. If you go to a public library you will find books about CIVIL discourse. Give me your ZIP code and I will direct you to the nearest one to you.
Eating chicken is inhumane practice toward chickens, according to you. So, you must agree that eating potatoes and carrots is inhuman practice towards potatoes and carrots. If you don`t care to live at the expense of another living entity, hurry up and develop photosynthesis.

Those who oppose Chick-fil-A obviously hate straight people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

And please note that while I disagree with you I did not sink to your level and call you an idiot.

No, but you sure did make a lot of stupid assumptions.

Go to a chicken farm and see how inhumanely the chickens are treated, dummy.

I don`t care to go to a chicken farm, because I simply don`t care about the previous state of my dinner, if it happens to be chicken. Those chicken are given food and water until they reach the age destiny determined for them: Be food for humans.

And please note, I still never called you a dummy or your opinions stupid. If you go to a public library you will find books about CIVIL discourse. Give me your ZIP code and I will direct you to the nearest one to you.
So you do know how they are abused and you just want to pretend you don't.

As you wish.
Where was the outrage toward President Obama or Vice Pres Biden, when they stood for marriage as a man and woman.
Obama just changed his stance just a few months back.

President Obama `evolved` after the thoughtless gaffe by the most ridiculous Vice President in history, over which he was more than likely raked over the coals by the President.
So, standing up for equal rights is laying down?

I don't get your reasoning.

The chicken chain (that I avoid because of the inhumane practices toward chickens) obviously hates gay people. Fine, they are entitled to be intolerant.

What I don't understand is the idiots that cheer them on.

Hate was never mentioned. They oppose gay marriage as do a majority of the citizens of the US. I have never been ask my sexual preference at a resturant or any other place where I spend my money. If gays don't like it eat somewhere else. We have less that 10% of the population telling the rest of us that we don't understand. Understand what?
:D Today Chic-Fil-A made history, and so does the power of facebook by staging a support Chic-Fil-A day, where thousands upon thousands turned out in support for the chicken sandwich franchise, thus sending a strong message to those who think that the American voters will just lay silent anymore, when infact they (the boycotters) have another thought coming for sure on that note, because the sleeping giant has once again been awoken.

Today in many states where Chic-Fil-A is located, people came out by the thousands in support of the resteraunt chain, causing traffic jams and flooding in ajoining parking lots and more. It was all due mainly in support of the chain and it's personal right to make a statement, and this when asked about it's values and morals as an American business that is run on those values and morals. It then caused an uprising or uproar amongst a minority of Americans when answered, for whom thought that they could afterwards take on the chain by calling for a boycott of it, but the Americans who support the chain weren't having any of it, so they came out in support of the chain today big time, in one of the biggest (counter boycott) moves the nation has seen in a long time. I have a friend who called me and said his wife waited in line for two hours today, but it was worth the wait no matter he said that she said. My wife just came from up town around 8:00 o'clock PM evening time, and she said that the lines were still long and the chain flooded with supporters still at 8:00 o'clock. It was strong in support of all day long and into the night. I wonder how the Media will cover it ? Lets see who they (the media) really belongs to as well in the situation.

I bet this is what will happen to Obama this election, so he had better get ready for the storm, even though it won't help him none otherwise to get ready and counter the Americans on the same views and ideals in which they have had for Chic-Fil-A, and this especially so if the same turn out happens with this election, that also happened with Chic-Fil-A today. WOW! :clap2:

Chic-Fil-A is making history only by embarrassing itself by being on the wrong side of the Constitution, as are those who support the company’s efforts to deny citizens equal protection of the law.

Indeed, the 14th Amendment stands as a bulwark against the ignorance and hate of fearful citizens.
Long live intolerance and disrespect for others, may the intolerant hold hands in their un-American disrespect for people who only want equal rights under the law. Rights that many of these same Americans fought for, now denied. Long live hatred of the other. Take a bow America or stay seated you've sunk low under religious bigotry.

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