Chicago police: Investigative stops down 90%, murder rate back to 1990s level, "ferguson effect"

In response to stupid posts like joe's I posted a solution....

All cops should be located in their respective police more patrolling, no more responding to 911 calls....that just leads to law suits.

Instead, the victim/s of a crime should have to go to the actual station and file a crime victimization report.....then, they sign a waiver for police to respond, then the police will dispatch a car or cars, depending on the number of police an outside neighborhood watch group determines is enough to handle the paperwork on the reported crime.

If it is a robbery....perhaps two officers can go to the scene after the necessary waivers are signed.......

If it is a murder in progres....well.....that won't happen because the victim will essentially be dead...and the people who discover the body will be the ones going to the police station to fill out the paper, maybe one cop can handle that...

And then you will no longer have to worry about racist cops shooting black criminals...or any criminals....
They used to stop more blacks....but those days are over.....a nice quiet shift, and a nice pension after 20 years....and no cop is now going to endanger that to stop a car they don't have to stop......

How was harassing motorists stopping murders exactly?

how about handling black suspects the same way they handle white suspects.

If you can take Dylan Roof into Custody without murdering him you can take Laquan McDonald into custody without murdering him.

Cops around me saw a car with a bad tail light...stopped it....4 guys in the car with duct tape on all of their fingers.....cop calls in the stop.....gets back a report that a Hard ware store on town over had been robbed......4 thugs caught....

Local story......a cop sees a car driving with it's head lights off...pulls it over....another group of "suspicious" occupants......he gets a call over his radio...a man had been pistol whipped and robbed at the local Cub food parking morons were caught because a cop stopped that car....

A lot of crime is stopped in random stops for discretionary reasons.........that has stopped because of left wing coo haters like you......good job...the dead thank you.. are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.
They are doing their job......they just aren't extending themselves past the requirements.....isn't that what democrats want...a bunch of people just doing "enough" to get by....

I dont know, you're here supporting it so, Are you a Democrat?

Not supporting it...reporting it.

Not support. Got it!

I support the police, I defend the police,

Support :confused: Got it!

I think the morons attacking the police to get their left wing base motivated are getting innocent people all over the country killed as they encourage cops to do just enough to get by and not enough to stop violent crime.

I think you have an awesome imagination and just displayed it with that strawman:thup:
This has got to be an Israeli, still living at home with his parents, wonder if mom still wipes his ass? She could have at least not homeschooled him, I thought you had to have a high school diploma in order to home school your kids.

Hey kid, tell mom you going to school.

Did I ever tell you that I love it when people cant address what I say? Its a guide that lets me know the responder is unable to disagree with me intelluctually.

Thanks man
:ahole-1:Don't you have balls enough to call me stupid? Or would your mother make you wash your mouth out with soap?
In response to stupid posts like joe's I posted a solution....

All cops should be located in their respective police more patrolling, no more responding to 911 calls....that just leads to law suits.

Instead, the victim/s of a crime should have to go to the actual station and file a crime victimization report.....then, they sign a waiver for police to respond, then the police will dispatch a car or cars, depending on the number of police an outside neighborhood watch group determines is enough to handle the paperwork on the reported crime.

If it is a robbery....perhaps two officers can go to the scene after the necessary waivers are signed.......

If it is a murder in progres....well.....that won't happen because the victim will essentially be dead...and the people who discover the body will be the ones going to the police station to fill out the paper, maybe one cop can handle that...

And then you will no longer have to worry about racist cops shooting black criminals...or any criminals....

Dude....that actually is how it once was!! Today we have "community policing". Before it was "professional policing". Which was VERY strict discipline internally and very formal/military and 99% reactive. Bunker mentality in police stations.

It was a response to the horrendous police corruption of the pre-1950s. They used a lot of WW2 vets to hire and instill the professional culture. It worked. Corruption plummeted.

But....crime soared.

Police were so "militarized" in their discipline and structure that NO mistakes were tolerated and as a result...they ONLY did what they knew they could do to near perfection. Respond to calls. Clean up. Type report.

Community policing was basically to lower crime by rolling the dice more. Getting out there and getting involved.

We are going BACK to professional policing rapidly. I for one applaud it.
Here you go...more details on why the crime rate in Chicago is going haywire...

The Cost of Radical Police ‘Reform’ Is Blood on Chicago’s Streets, by David French, National Review

But there is this, as reported in the New York Times:

Since January, [Chicago] officers have recorded 20,908 instances in which they stopped, patted down and questioned people for suspicious behavior, compared with 157,346 in the same period last year.

Gun seizures are also down: 1,316 guns have been taken off the streets this year compared with 1,413 at this time last year.

After the American Civil Liberties Union complained that officers allegedly disproportionately targeted minorities for stops, the department implemented paperwork requirements that likely slowed police activity. And there’s little question that officers are skittish. As the Times reported, the department’s interim superintendent made a rare video address to his officers and specifically discussed their fear of being in the “next YouTube video that goes viral.”

Read more at: The Cost of Radical Police ‘Reform’ Is Blood on Chicago’s Streets, by David French, National Review
Cops around me saw a car with a bad tail light...stopped it....4 guys in the car with duct tape on all of their fingers.....cop calls in the stop.....gets back a report that a Hard ware store on town over had been robbed......4 thugs caught....

Local story......a cop sees a car driving with it's head lights off...pulls it over....another group of "suspicious" occupants......he gets a call over his radio...a man had been pistol whipped and robbed at the local Cub food parking morons were caught because a cop stopped that car....

A lot of crime is stopped in random stops for discretionary reasons.........that has stopped because of left wing coo haters like you......good job...the dead thank you..

Okay, driving with headlights out is actually kind of suspicious..

But most of these sound like "Driving While Black" stops, and frankly, how many people do they pull over to find one criminal? One hundreds? one Thousand?

the real reason cops are afraid. Everyone has a camera phone now. The shit they used to be able to get away with they can't.
Here you go twit...

Don't care. Really and truly don't.

Look, guy, I realize that you are a paid shill for the gun industry and need to blame our HORRIFIC violence rates on anything but guns, but "out of wedlock births" ain't it.

It just makes you look... racist.
But there is this, as reported in the New York Times:

Since January, [Chicago] officers have recorded 20,908 instances in which they stopped, patted down and questioned people for suspicious behavior, compared with 157,346 in the same period last year.

Gun seizures are also down: 1,316 guns have been taken off the streets this year compared with 1,413 at this time last year.

So essentially, you are admitting that putting an end to stop and frisk hasn't changed the crime issue.

Here's why you have more crime in Chicago. In 2010, they struck down Chicago's gun laws.
In response to stupid posts like joe's I posted a solution....

All cops should be located in their respective police more patrolling, no more responding to 911 calls....that just leads to law suits.

Instead, the victim/s of a crime should have to go to the actual station and file a crime victimization report.....then, they sign a waiver for police to respond, then the police will dispatch a car or cars, depending on the number of police an outside neighborhood watch group determines is enough to handle the paperwork on the reported crime.

If it is a robbery....perhaps two officers can go to the scene after the necessary waivers are signed.......

If it is a murder in progres....well.....that won't happen because the victim will essentially be dead...and the people who discover the body will be the ones going to the police station to fill out the paper, maybe one cop can handle that...

And then you will no longer have to worry about racist cops shooting black criminals...or any criminals....

Or you can just have cops treat black people the same way they treat white people. There's a crazy idea. are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.

The problem with that thinking is the cops DON'T do that to white people. They file complaints.

The real reason your thug buddies can't behave badly anymore Everyone's got a camera phone. "No more He was reaching for a gun", no more "planting evidence".
Don't care. Really and truly don't.

Look, guy, I realize that you are a paid shill for the gun industry and need to blame our HORRIFIC violence rates on anything but guns, but "out of wedlock births" ain't it.

It just makes you look... racist.
We know you don't care Joey. You blab about it instead of taking to the streets and showing the thugs the error of their ways in you home town and most likely your neighborhood.

We know you don't care Joey. You blab about it instead of taking to the streets and showing the thugs the error of their ways in you home town and most likely your neighborhood.


Here's the thing, EuroTrash, you live in a place that is safe because you have a thorough system of social welfare.

I know you whine and snivel because the one time you came to Chicago, you got rolled by a trannie hooker, but you got to let it go, man. No one thinks you are gay because you went for the tranny. No, really. are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.

The problem with that thinking is the cops DON'T do that to white people. They file complaints.

The real reason your thug buddies can't behave badly anymore Everyone's got a camera phone. "No more He was reaching for a gun", no more "planting evidence".

Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

God damn you lefties are idiots
That link to the ACLU story.....was the same year as you understand that the Ferguson Effect didn't start until 2014........try harder joe.......

Uh, no, guy. I realize you don't get this. But the bad relationship between the CPD and the Black Community has nothing to do with Furgeson. It has everything to do with the fact the police routinely abuse black citizens in this city.

The MURDER of Laquan McDonald was in October 2014, the same time of this story and the murder of Mike Brown. The CPD hid this video for nearly a year, but we all knew something bad happened.
Did McDonald pull a knife? Just asking if you saw it on the video?
They used to stop more blacks....but those days are over.....a nice quiet shift, and a nice pension after 20 years....and no cop is now going to endanger that to stop a car they don't have to stop......

How was harassing motorists stopping murders exactly?

how about handling black suspects the same way they handle white suspects.

If you can take Dylan Roof into Custody without murdering him you can take Laquan McDonald into custody without murdering him.
Except McDonald pulled a knife. Right?
But there is this, as reported in the New York Times:

Since January, [Chicago] officers have recorded 20,908 instances in which they stopped, patted down and questioned people for suspicious behavior, compared with 157,346 in the same period last year.

Gun seizures are also down: 1,316 guns have been taken off the streets this year compared with 1,413 at this time last year.

So essentially, you are admitting that putting an end to stop and frisk hasn't changed the crime issue.

Here's why you have more crime in Chicago. In 2010, they struck down Chicago's gun laws.

Wrong twit.....More Americans now carry guns and the gun murder rate has gone down, not up....the increase in murder in chicago and other cities happened at the same time the Ferguson effect took place.....cops are not going after criminals........
On Dan and Amy this morning the local radio show...... they quoted statistics from DNA info. about chicago police.....they reported that Chicago police investigative stops are down 90%.

Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives.....

black lies matter and the ferguson effect are a lives do not matter to them....the murder rate in chicago is back to the 1990s level..........
Do you know for sure that White killers aren't contributing to that high murder rate in Detroit. Those White killer homicide figures in the FBI Crime Stats have to be occurring SOMEWHERE.
Chicago gang culture......extremely violent......they shoot often and poorly......

And the dopey people who,live in Chicago voted Obama's butt buddy Rahm Emanuel in for another term....

Hey people of Chicago....
You get what you deserve...

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