Chicago police: Investigative stops down 90%, murder rate back to 1990s level, "ferguson effect" are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.

The problem with that thinking is the cops DON'T do that to white people. They file complaints.

The real reason your thug buddies can't behave badly anymore Everyone's got a camera phone. "No more He was reaching for a gun", no more "planting evidence".

Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

God damn you lefties are idiots

Here is what the

View attachment 69975

Warning the above stats may cause stress and increased heart rates among the ill informed and stupid RW dissidents.
72% of arrests are White people... OMG...

perfect! you just proved police dont target blacks! and btw the white pop is about 70%, dumbass.

You are the dumbass..You don't have a clue about proportional statistics. If blacks are 13 % of the population and make up 25% of
arrests they are arrested at nearly twice the rate Whites are who make up 72% of arrests with a population of around 70%. If you don't understand have your kids help you with the math.
By YOUR media I mean the Conservative owned media of the dominant "culture."



Boy, you have been doing the hard drugs for way too long.

The media is corporate owned, not conservative owned and if you dont know the difference, I cannot remedy your affliction.
even as you "ROFLOL" Limbaugh Savage, Levine, Beck, Hannity, O'reilly,, and others, too numerous to mention , have us shaking our heads in amusement watching you make a fool of yourself. BTW, Rupert Murdock sends you his regards along with Ted Turner.
What is really sad is that black lives don't matter to the Democratic Party. They are only used by the Democratic Party to gain votes and divide America. Disgusting pieces of trash.
Well,I am not too caught up in the BLM movement because it really is generally an urban phenomenon that has been given prolonged longevity by your media. I prefer the old traditions of showing Back lives matter through civil right's initiatives and voting rights. I also agree that someone had to stand up and protest the spate of cop killings of unarmed Black men caught on camera. Black people know this: When your entire race is held in contempt by the larger dominant society and you are disparaged for everything you do, cop killings of unarmed Blacks take on an ominous dimension They see that as a manifestation of the hate known to be lurking just below the surface in the minds of many White people.

An the Democratic Party exploits it. They always have and always will.

"My media" lol! I have no part in the media.
By YOUR media I mean the Conservative owned media of the dominant "culture." That is the tool used by the Nixon Administration to initiate the war on Blacks under the guise of the war on drugs according to his former top aide, John Erhlichman.

And the Democratic Party is the party of Black inclusiveness. Black voters have partial OWNERSHIP in the democratic plantation and the politicians work FOR them on that Plantation. You ought to know that seeing as how 75% of the Black population has risen above the poverty level since they went Democrat.

Since you are the Public, you have more control of the liberal media than I do. It's your media.

Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.
That's funny. I guess you had better tell your co-harts to stop that nonsense about "free-stuff" as an incentive to vote democrat. Conservatives of either party are the masters of demagoguery, not liberals and moderates. And the Republican Party thus became the bastion of demagoguery since it has more "hate filled RW white male conservatives than the Democratic Party does.
I think the Democratic Party is full of hate and complete disgust of blacks, they hide it well but I know enough of you sick libs to know otherwise. Racism is alive in the Democratic Party, just hidden well.
Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.

Oh, PapaSmurf, who made Gay marriage an issue in 2004? Who made "Welfare Queens" an issue in 1980? Whose screaming about rapists and murderers this time?

The masters of division are the GOP. They'v convinced poor working class whites they have common cause with the rich who are screwing them and against the people of color in the same boat.
Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.

Oh, PapaSmurf, who made Gay marriage an issue in 2004? Who made "Welfare Queens" an issue in 1980? Whose screaming about rapists and murderers this time?

The masters of division are the GOP. They'v convinced poor working class whites they have common cause with the rich who are screwing them and against the people of color in the same boat.

I believe the Washington Post or another left wing paper brought up welfare queens.......I have posted that story before....and that you lie about it is another example of why you are a vile human...
Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.

Oh, PapaSmurf, who made Gay marriage an issue in 2004? Who made "Welfare Queens" an issue in 1980? Whose screaming about rapists and murderers this time?

The masters of division are the GOP. They'v convinced poor working class whites they have common cause with the rich who are screwing them and against the people of color in the same boat.

I believe the Washington Post or another left wing paper brought up welfare queens.......I have posted that story before....and that you lie about it is another example of why you are a vile human...

He claimed I lied about NYC having twice the population of Chicago, then about Chicago having more murders than NYC. When we proved him wrong he ran a way like the piece of waste he is. He is like his slave master Hillary, can't tell the truth if he wanted to.
Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.

Oh, PapaSmurf, who made Gay marriage an issue in 2004? Who made "Welfare Queens" an issue in 1980? Whose screaming about rapists and murderers this time?

The masters of division are the GOP. They'v convinced poor working class whites they have common cause with the rich who are screwing them and against the people of color in the same boat.

I believe the Washington Post or another left wing paper brought up welfare queens.......I have posted that story before....and that you lie about it is another example of why you are a vile human...

He claimed I lied about NYC having twice the population of Chicago, then about Chicago having more murders than NYC. When we proved him wrong he ran a way like the piece of waste he is. He is like his slave master Hillary, can't tell the truth if he wanted to.

I like it when they scream...NRA....NRA......when the link clearly says CDC, or FBI........they are such morons.....
Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.

Oh, PapaSmurf, who made Gay marriage an issue in 2004? Who made "Welfare Queens" an issue in 1980? Whose screaming about rapists and murderers this time?

The masters of division are the GOP. They'v convinced poor working class whites they have common cause with the rich who are screwing them and against the people of color in the same boat.

I believe the Washington Post or another left wing paper brought up welfare queens.......I have posted that story before....and that you lie about it is another example of why you are a vile human...

He claimed I lied about NYC having twice the population of Chicago, then about Chicago having more murders than NYC. When we proved him wrong he ran a way like the piece of waste he is. He is like his slave master Hillary, can't tell the truth if he wanted to.

I like it when they scream...NRA....NRA......when the link clearly says CDC, or FBI........they are such morons.....

And it doesn't matter how many times the are disapproved, they post the same lie over and over somehow thinking the most they post the more true it is. They are worse than morons.
I believe the Washington Post or another left wing paper brought up welfare queens.......I have posted that story before....and that you lie about it is another example of why you are a vile human...

Actually, the story about ONE WOMAN was published in the Right Wing Chicago Tribune. And it was only about one mixed race woman who used an elaborate scheme of false identities to defraud the system. Ronnie Reagan made it out that this was a common thing, that there were hoardes of "Welfare Queens" and "young Bucks" (the latter phrase was ruled too racist, so Reagan soon dropped it.)

He claimed I lied about NYC having twice the population of Chicago, then about Chicago having more murders than NYC. When we proved him wrong he ran a way like the piece of waste he is. He is like his slave master Hillary, can't tell the truth if he wanted to.

Naw, Papa Smurf, I just ignored you because your "facts" are generally wrong.

And I enjoy the space I occupy in your head.
He claimed I lied about NYC having twice the population of Chicago, then about Chicago having more murders than NYC. When we proved him wrong he ran a way like the piece of waste he is. He is like his slave master Hillary, can't tell the truth if he wanted to.

Naw, Papa Smurf, I just ignored you because your "facts" are generally wrong.

And I enjoy the space I occupy in your head.

You keep lying. I proved you wrong you couldn't refute, so like the little bitch you are you ran away like a coward. It was obvious to me and everyone else. I gave facts and you ran away because you could refute a damn thing and still can't so you lie some more. NYC has twice the population than Chicago and fewer murders than Chicago.

Can you refute it coward? Huh, liar? Gone on dumb ass prove me wrong, you little coward. I dare you, go ahead prove it.

Joey Boy you are a lying coward. It is proven over and you are Hillary's little boy bitch, you like your master can't tell the truth to save your life. The only space you occupy is your head up Hillary's ass.
I believe the Washington Post or another left wing paper brought up welfare queens.......I have posted that story before....and that you lie about it is another example of why you are a vile human...

Actually, the story about ONE WOMAN was published in the Right Wing Chicago Tribune. And it was only about one mixed race woman who used an elaborate scheme of false identities to defraud the system. Ronnie Reagan made it out that this was a common thing, that there were hoardes of "Welfare Queens" and "young Bucks" (the latter phrase was ruled too racist, so Reagan soon dropped it.)


Yes....she was the absolute only one doing that....rigtht? Just like much government welfare is lost to abuse and theft?
Yes....she was the absolute only one doing that....rigtht? Just like much government welfare is lost to abuse and theft?

probably very little of it. this one woman in the Tribune story was a gifted con and fraud artist who had created multiple identities, and conned a lot more people than just the government. She might have even been involved in a murder. (Which wasn't committed with a gun. Sorry, I know you get your rocks off thinking about gun murder all day.)
You keep lying.

are you really under any impression I care what you think? I mean, is your life so sad that you wait for me to give you validation?

Joey Boy I don't,want or need, your validation. I simply prove over and over you are a liar. I don't care what you do, you can lie all you want, I wouldn't expect a scum like you to tell the truth. Scum like you live to lie. You validation means nothing to me. I enjoy exposing all the lies you post and you can't refute shit. Fuckin loser boy.
ah, greatly enjoying the space I own in our head, PapaSmurf.

Get back to me when you actually say something interesting.

Another lie by JoeyBoy, will you ever tell the truth? Nah, Hillary's little bitch wouldn't do that. Lol!

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