Chicago police: Investigative stops down 90%, murder rate back to 1990s level, "ferguson effect"

Black lives don't matter to racist Republicans either, BLM is appealing to the altruistic nature of moderates and liberals in both parties.
By spreading lies about our finest government servants like the cops?

Yeah, sure and you pick your horses right 100% of the time too, I bet.


What is really sad is that black lives don't matter to the Democratic Party. They are only used by the Democratic Party to gain votes and divide America. Disgusting pieces of trash.
Well,I am not too caught up in the BLM movement because it really is generally an urban phenomenon that has been given prolonged longevity by your media. I prefer the old traditions of showing Back lives matter through civil right's initiatives and voting rights. I also agree that someone had to stand up and protest the spate of cop killings of unarmed Black men caught on camera. Black people know this: When your entire race is held in contempt by the larger dominant society and you are disparaged for everything you do, cop killings of unarmed Blacks take on an ominous dimension They see that as a manifestation of the hate known to be lurking just below the surface in the minds of many White people.

An the Democratic Party exploits it. They always have and always will.

"My media" lol! I have no part in the media.
By YOUR media I mean the Conservative owned media of the dominant "culture." That is the tool used by the Nixon Administration to initiate the war on Blacks under the guise of the war on drugs according to his former top aide, John Erhlichman.

And the Democratic Party is the party of Black inclusiveness. Black voters have partial OWNERSHIP in the democratic plantation and the politicians work FOR them on that Plantation. You ought to know that seeing as how 75% of the Black population has risen above the poverty level since they went Democrat.

Since you are the Public, you have more control of the liberal media than I do. It's your media.

Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.
Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives

I must've missed your other threads where you expressed Sympathy for other people not willing to do their job

They are doing their job......they just aren't extending themselves past the requirements.....isn't that what democrats want...a bunch of people just doing "enough" to get by....

I dont know, you're here supporting it so, Are you a Democrat?

I take it you are pretty happy, less investigative stops. That is what people want. That would mean less harassment of citizens. Ferguson is a success, you got what you wanted.

Change isnt easy...too bad
I dont know, you're here supporting it so, Are you a Democrat?

Not supporting it...reporting it.

Not support. Got it!

I support the police, I defend the police,

Support :confused: Got it!

I think the morons attacking the police to get their left wing base motivated are getting innocent people all over the country killed as they encourage cops to do just enough to get by and not enough to stop violent crime.

I think you have an awesome imagination and just displayed it with that strawman:thup:
This has got to be an Israeli, still living at home with his parents, wonder if mom still wipes his ass? She could have at least not homeschooled him, I thought you had to have a high school diploma in order to home school your kids.

Hey kid, tell mom you going to school.

Did I ever tell you that I love it when people cant address what I say? Its a guide that lets me know the responder is unable to disagree with me intelluctually.

Thanks man
:ahole-1:Don't you have balls enough to call me stupid? Or would your mother make you wash your mouth out with soap?

Not sure of what you've been through in life but calling someone stupid on the internet isnt my definition of "having balls"
Because it proves a point. I realize that facts are hard for you to understand. Yet there they are. Wow!

And they are still bullshit. Compared to other industrialized countries which have murder rates in the hundreds, we have them in the tens of thousands. And Dick Tiny thinks because he found one source that says we went down slightly in gun homicides (other sources indicate we haven't) this is a good thing.

When in reality, the government doesn't collect data on gun violence because the NRA doesn't want them to. "Wow, we found the problem doesn't seem nearly as bad when we don't collect data."
look at the little libturd afraid of the NRA. thinks it runs washington DC. Dude now that is paranoid. Your life must be tough.
Population of the 3 cities

US Census releases its 2014 city population estimates for July 1, 2013

New York.... 8,405,837

Los Angeles....3,884,307


Violent Crime rate per capita of the 3 cities...

FBI's Violent Crime Statistics For Every City In America

New York.......596.7

Los Angeles......490.71

Chicago......... 884.26

Murder rate of the 3 cities....

FBI's Violent Crime Statistics For Every City In America

New York....3.93

Los Angeles.....6.66


Same gun control laws......
dude, how did you get all of those figures, Joe said that the NRA said they can't post it, share or collect the data. WTF?
Chicago gang culture......extremely violent......they shoot often and poorly......

But its only black lives and they dont matter to the racist Dhimmicrats.
Black lives don't matter to racist Republicans either, BLM is appealing to the altruistic nature of moderates and liberals in both parties.
then why is it black lives don't matter in democratically run cities more than any other cities? are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.

The problem with that thinking is the cops DON'T do that to white people. They file complaints.

The real reason your thug buddies can't behave badly anymore Everyone's got a camera phone. "No more He was reaching for a gun", no more "planting evidence".

Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

God damn you lefties are idiots

Here is what the

View attachment 69975

Warning the above stats may cause stress and increased heart rates among the ill informed and stupid RW dissidents.
72% of arrests are White people... OMG...
then what is it that black lives matter are worried about?

I thought the argument was the higher number of targeted arrests were black. WTF?
Chicago gang culture......extremely violent......they shoot often and poorly......
Yeah and it's been in Chicago for many, many least 150 years worth....

The social welfare programs that have created generations of single, teenage mothers have been a new glitch in the system.......young males who never become adult men......who shoot each other over facebook insults....
Leave single, teenaged females out of it. It is young males who never become adult men (at least mentally) you have to thank for that. And single, teenaged females can raise proper children. It is the gang culture started by MEN that steal those children from the rules of civilization, not their mothers. You've been watching too many movies.

Wrong......young males need fathers.......single teenage mothers without husbands to be role models for their children are not capable of raising adult males........are there a few who can...yes.....but as we see with an over 72% out of wedlock birth rate for is not the rule........

Have you dealt with teenage girls.....? Do you really expect generations of teenage mothers as role models for other teenage mothers to know how to train young males to be adult, civilized men....

And you are part of the deny the real reason we have the violence...and so it will go on...
I deny the real reason we have violence? You don't know the real reasons either. There are many and they are complex, not your simplistic rants against the Evil Democratic Party and slamming blacks generally for being born violent and incapable of behaving like Ozzie and Harriet. Once again, you and your like-minded friends should leave the mothers out of it. They are stuck with the consequences of having relationships with immature men. I wouldn't advise a 16 year old to have a child alone; it clips her wings way too early. What actually ends up happening is older family members usually take over. It happens in Native American families and white families, too. So many kids are raised by grandparents there are actually social programs to support them. It isn't solely a black phenomenon, and since you aren't black, you ought to keep your nose out of their business, anyway, unless you have some positive ideas to offer.
you would just deny the truth if you heard it.
Black lives don't matter to racist Republicans either, BLM is appealing to the altruistic nature of moderates and liberals in both parties.
By spreading lies about our finest government servants like the cops?

Yeah, sure and you pick your horses right 100% of the time too, I bet.

Cops might be YOUR servants but they are an occupying force in the Black community and they don't come there to make friends; the only thing they serve there is warrants and lead. They are in the front lines of the war on Blacks. That 25% arrest rate means that Blacks, being 13% of the populace, are arrested almost twice as often as Whites are even though 72% of all arrests are Whites.
dude, now that math is fked up. think about what you just wrote. I'll keep my smartass comment to myself for right now, but clean this up.
Actually, they pretty much have the same gun control......Chicago gangs pull the trigger more.

But you guys struck down the gun control laws. That's what Heller and McDonald were about. The Founding Slave Rapists wanted every gang-banger and wife beater to have him a gun... and you are seeing the predictable result.

You gun nuts need to totally own it.

But, no, it's because the cops can't do a "Driving While Black" arrest anymore with out filling out extra paperwork.
obviously, you have no idea about gun laws.
Nope....the police are slowing down, and only responding to direct 911 calls........they are not making traffic stops where they are required by the ACLU to do mountains of paperwork that will expose them to problems because most of the crime in the city is committed by minorities...why bother risking your family, your career and your freedom.....they have decided not to, and the gun murder rate in the democrat paradises is going up....

Again, it probably has a lot more to do with the fact if they pull over someone for a "Driving While Black" today, a whole bunch of people will pull out their cell phones and record it. LaQuan McDonald, Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray- all cases where cops engaged in some kind of outright misconduct and it was caught on tape.

Now, if you are telling me cops can't operate in the black community without curbing their urge to shoot a black person for some petty crime or no crime at all... that's a problem with the police, not the community.

If you can take Dylan Roof into custody after he just shot 9 people without killing him, you can take Eric Garner into custody for selling cigarettes without killing him.
well you already know the answer to your post so, it isn't worth anyone's time writing it down for a fkn hundredth time.
Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives

I must've missed your other threads where you expressed Sympathy for other people not willing to do their job

They are doing their job......they just aren't extending themselves past the requirements.....isn't that what democrats want...a bunch of people just doing "enough" to get by....

I dont know, you're here supporting it so, Are you a Democrat?

I take it you are pretty happy, less investigative stops. That is what people want. That would mean less harassment of citizens. Ferguson is a success, you got what you wanted.

Change isnt easy...too bad
it definitely is easy when they do nothing.
Not supporting it...reporting it.

Not support. Got it!

I support the police, I defend the police,

Support :confused: Got it!

I think the morons attacking the police to get their left wing base motivated are getting innocent people all over the country killed as they encourage cops to do just enough to get by and not enough to stop violent crime.

I think you have an awesome imagination and just displayed it with that strawman:thup:
This has got to be an Israeli, still living at home with his parents, wonder if mom still wipes his ass? She could have at least not homeschooled him, I thought you had to have a high school diploma in order to home school your kids.

Hey kid, tell mom you going to school.

Did I ever tell you that I love it when people cant address what I say? Its a guide that lets me know the responder is unable to disagree with me intelluctually.

Thanks man
:ahole-1:Don't you have balls enough to call me stupid? Or would your mother make you wash your mouth out with soap?

Not sure of what you've been through in life but calling someone stupid on the internet isnt my definition of "having balls"
but it is factual.
Cops might be YOUR servants but they are an occupying force in the Black community and they don't come there to make friends; the only thing they serve there is warrants and lead. They are in the front lines of the war on Blacks.

No, your mind is warped into hatred for society that you probably think of as 'white', but who knows? Who cares? You ideological leftwing freaks are killing your won damend selves faster than you replace yourselves.

That 25% arrest rate means that Blacks, being 13% of the populace, are arrested almost twice as often as Whites are even though 72% of all arrests are Whites.

Lol, 100% - 25% (black arrest rate) = 75% (mostly white arrest rate).

Your 'even though' proves you have your head up you r ass and cant do math.
By YOUR media I mean the Conservative owned media of the dominant "culture."



Boy, you have been doing the hard drugs for way too long.

The media is corporate owned, not conservative owned and if you dont know the difference, I cannot remedy your affliction. are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.

The problem with that thinking is the cops DON'T do that to white people. They file complaints.

The real reason your thug buddies can't behave badly anymore Everyone's got a camera phone. "No more He was reaching for a gun", no more "planting evidence".

Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

God damn you lefties are idiots

Here is what the

View attachment 69975

Warning the above stats may cause stress and increased heart rates among the ill informed and stupid RW dissidents.
72% of arrests are White people... OMG...

perfect! you just proved police dont target blacks! and btw the white pop is about 70%, dumbass.
Population of the 3 cities

US Census releases its 2014 city population estimates for July 1, 2013

New York.... 8,405,837

Los Angeles....3,884,307


Violent Crime rate per capita of the 3 cities...

FBI's Violent Crime Statistics For Every City In America

New York.......596.7

Los Angeles......490.71

Chicago......... 884.26

Murder rate of the 3 cities....

FBI's Violent Crime Statistics For Every City In America

New York....3.93

Los Angeles.....6.66


Same gun control laws......
dude, how did you get all of those figures, Joe said that the NRA said they can't post it, share or collect the data. WTF?

Census, and the FBI.........joe...has issues.....his brain cannot understand facts, the truth or reality the way normal people can......
Last edited:
By spreading lies about our finest government servants like the cops?

Yeah, sure and you pick your horses right 100% of the time too, I bet.


What is really sad is that black lives don't matter to the Democratic Party. They are only used by the Democratic Party to gain votes and divide America. Disgusting pieces of trash.
Well,I am not too caught up in the BLM movement because it really is generally an urban phenomenon that has been given prolonged longevity by your media. I prefer the old traditions of showing Back lives matter through civil right's initiatives and voting rights. I also agree that someone had to stand up and protest the spate of cop killings of unarmed Black men caught on camera. Black people know this: When your entire race is held in contempt by the larger dominant society and you are disparaged for everything you do, cop killings of unarmed Blacks take on an ominous dimension They see that as a manifestation of the hate known to be lurking just below the surface in the minds of many White people.

An the Democratic Party exploits it. They always have and always will.

"My media" lol! I have no part in the media.
By YOUR media I mean the Conservative owned media of the dominant "culture." That is the tool used by the Nixon Administration to initiate the war on Blacks under the guise of the war on drugs according to his former top aide, John Erhlichman.

And the Democratic Party is the party of Black inclusiveness. Black voters have partial OWNERSHIP in the democratic plantation and the politicians work FOR them on that Plantation. You ought to know that seeing as how 75% of the Black population has risen above the poverty level since they went Democrat.

Since you are the Public, you have more control of the liberal media than I do. It's your media.

Nice spin on the Democratic Party that uses race, color, religion and sexual orientation to divide and conquer America. The fact is the Democratic Party only care about minorities when elections roll around, otherwise they do nothing for them.
That's funny. I guess you had better tell your co-harts to stop that nonsense about "free-stuff" as an incentive to vote democrat. Conservatives of either party are the masters of demagoguery, not liberals and moderates. And the Republican Party thus became the bastion of demagoguery since it has more "hate filled RW white male conservatives than the Democratic Party does.
Chicago gang culture......extremely violent......they shoot often and poorly......

But its only black lives and they dont matter to the racist Dhimmicrats.
Black lives don't matter to racist Republicans either, BLM is appealing to the altruistic nature of moderates and liberals in both parties.
then why is it black lives don't matter in democratically run cities more than any other cities?
Go on, tell us! are 100% right.

Violent criminals and thieves don't carry around neon signs saying "criminal". They hide and try to look like everyone else. Obvious reasons. get violent people or guns off the street, or recover stolen stuff or break up drug trafficking....cops must make stops for small things and uncover big ones.

9 out of 10 stops won't produce big things. That's just reality. And when the left demonizes cops for the other 9.....cops decide they aren't doing any of the stops anymore.

And thus....that 10th one that nets worthwhile arrests never happens. And crime soars.

Thank a Democrat.

The problem with that thinking is the cops DON'T do that to white people. They file complaints.

The real reason your thug buddies can't behave badly anymore Everyone's got a camera phone. "No more He was reaching for a gun", no more "planting evidence".

Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

God damn you lefties are idiots

Here is what the

View attachment 69975

Warning the above stats may cause stress and increased heart rates among the ill informed and stupid RW dissidents.
72% of arrests are White people... OMG...
then what is it that black lives matter are worried about?

I thought the argument was the higher number of targeted arrests were black. WTF?
They are...the ratio is nearly 2 to 1 compared to the White arrest rate, even though more Whites are arrested.

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