Chicago police: Investigative stops down 90%, murder rate back to 1990s level, "ferguson effect"

Amy Jacobson? You mean the Amy Jacobson who wore a bikini at the home of a suspected wife-killer to get an exclusive interview with him? That Amy Jacobson?


I hope she wasn't wearing that bikini at the Policeman's ball. Because shes' gone downhill fast.

anyway, I think the reason why the murder rate has gone up is you gun-nutters got our sensible gun laws thrown out. Probably has a lot more to do with gun murders than the fact they have to fill out extra paperwork when doing a "Driving While Black" incident.

Meanwhile, let's see what REAL Journalists say on this issue...

Chicago police stop black motorists more, ACLU finds

Of the more than 100,000 traffic stops made by Chicago police last year, nearly half were of black motorists, far more than their percentage of the population per 2010 Censusfigures, according to the ACLU analysis of the data. The numbers were even more lopsided for traffic stops of blacks in predominantly white neighborhoods, the ACLU found.
well to be more accurate, it was black man who sued the city and won that actually reversed the gun law. See you should really learn about the gun laws before you speak into them. See the man used the argument he was not allowed to own a gun in the city limits and he told the judge he and his family feared for their lives due to the illegal guns in his neighborhood. Guess what, he won!!!!! I stand and applaud that man every fking day. Cause he argued that law abiding citizens were being denied the constitutional right of self defense.

Something I know you don't like, you wish everyone dead. I get that. We all get that, it's a libturd rally cry.
Yes twit....I don't support the police not being aggressive, but I understand it....I support them as democrats attack them constantly.......twit.

They're job isnt to be aggressive anyway. So I applaud them not making what they themselves call "Unnecessary Stops"

Yes...why would stopping violent criminals be a good thing....?

You're saying they are calling something "unnecessary" when they really mean VIOLENT?

Nope....unecessary as in they don't pull over suspicious cars, they don't stop and question suspicious Predfan pointed out...they respond only to calls made and dispatched, and then fill out paperwork.....doing exactly their jobs and no more......

No, I'm sure unnecessary means unnecessary and your musings on what the word unnecessary is unnecessary since its clearly defined.
unnecessary means putting their lives in harms way. They're just letting the blacks kill each other. yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll start hearing from them about how they're being ignored. Well, son, you can't have it both ways.
They're job isnt to be aggressive anyway. So I applaud them not making what they themselves call "Unnecessary Stops"

Yes...why would stopping violent criminals be a good thing....?

You're saying they are calling something "unnecessary" when they really mean VIOLENT?

Nope....unecessary as in they don't pull over suspicious cars, they don't stop and question suspicious Predfan pointed out...they respond only to calls made and dispatched, and then fill out paperwork.....doing exactly their jobs and no more......

No, I'm sure unnecessary means unnecessary and your musings on what the word unnecessary is unnecessary since its clearly defined.
unnecessary means putting their lives in harms way. They're just letting the blacks kill each other. yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll start hearing from them about how they're being ignored. Well, son, you can't have it both ways.

No, Unnecessary doesnt mean what you want it too. Its a clearly defined skipped that day in class
Yes...why would stopping violent criminals be a good thing....?

You're saying they are calling something "unnecessary" when they really mean VIOLENT?

Nope....unecessary as in they don't pull over suspicious cars, they don't stop and question suspicious Predfan pointed out...they respond only to calls made and dispatched, and then fill out paperwork.....doing exactly their jobs and no more......

No, I'm sure unnecessary means unnecessary and your musings on what the word unnecessary is unnecessary since its clearly defined.
unnecessary means putting their lives in harms way. They're just letting the blacks kill each other. yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll start hearing from them about how they're being ignored. Well, son, you can't have it both ways.

No, Unnecessary doesnt mean what you want it too. Its a clearly defined skipped that day in class
no, it's what anyone wants. There you go thinking you have the only definition of things. I think you are one fking funny libturd. Facts are facts. They even admit it. So?
Well I guess one positive thing that has come from the Ferguson effect is cops jobs have gotten MUCH easier!!! No more expectations to do more than the absolute minimum!!

1. Show up on time in proper uniform.
2. Respond to 911 calls.
3. Do appropriate paperwork.
4. Go home.

Nothing more.
Well I guess one positive thing that has come from the Ferguson effect is cops jobs have gotten MUCH easier!!! No more expectations to do more than the absolute minimum!!

1. Show up on time in proper uniform.
2. Respond to 911 calls.
3. Do appropriate paperwork.
4. Go home.

Nothing more.
yep, no more protect the innocent by being pro active. Call me when you need me and I'll decide if I come procedures now.

In other words, hey folks, you want to kill each other have at it.
That link to the ACLU story.....was the same year as you understand that the Ferguson Effect didn't start until 2014........try harder joe.......

Uh, no, guy. I realize you don't get this. But the bad relationship between the CPD and the Black Community has nothing to do with Furgeson. It has everything to do with the fact the police routinely abuse black citizens in this city.

The MURDER of Laquan McDonald was in October 2014, the same time of this story and the murder of Mike Brown. The CPD hid this video for nearly a year, but we all knew something bad happened.
They used to stop more blacks....but those days are over.....a nice quiet shift, and a nice pension after 20 years....and no cop is now going to endanger that to stop a car they don't have to stop......

How was harassing motorists stopping murders exactly?

how about handling black suspects the same way they handle white suspects.

If you can take Dylan Roof into Custody without murdering him you can take Laquan McDonald into custody without murdering him.
Not supporting it...reporting it. I support the police, I defend the police, I think the morons attacking the police to get their left wing base motivated are getting innocent people all over the country killed as they encourage cops to do just enough to get by and not enough to stop violent crime.

Again, your whole premise is that engaging in the behavior that has black folks so upset was doign anything to 'prevent' crime.

Mike Brown wasn't endangering anyone by jaywalking.

LaQuan McDonald was too stoned to be a danger to anyone. Especially after they shot him the first time. The other 15 times were a bit much.

I'm sure that Sandra Bland didn't need to die because she wouldn't put our a cigarette.
Out of wedlock birth rates......find the stats before and after 1960s.......minorities were doing much better before the racist democrats decided to "help" them....

Out of wedlock births have increased for white people, too. Argument fail.

Do you know the rates of the two groups.....? do some homework twit.
They used to stop more blacks....but those days are over.....a nice quiet shift, and a nice pension after 20 years....and no cop is now going to endanger that to stop a car they don't have to stop......

How was harassing motorists stopping murders exactly?

how about handling black suspects the same way they handle white suspects.

If you can take Dylan Roof into Custody without murdering him you can take Laquan McDonald into custody without murdering him.

Cops around me saw a car with a bad tail light...stopped it....4 guys in the car with duct tape on all of their fingers.....cop calls in the stop.....gets back a report that a Hard ware store on town over had been robbed......4 thugs caught....

Local story......a cop sees a car driving with it's head lights off...pulls it over....another group of "suspicious" occupants......he gets a call over his radio...a man had been pistol whipped and robbed at the local Cub food parking morons were caught because a cop stopped that car....

A lot of crime is stopped in random stops for discretionary reasons.........that has stopped because of left wing coo haters like you......good job...the dead thank you..
Not supporting it...reporting it. I support the police, I defend the police, I think the morons attacking the police to get their left wing base motivated are getting innocent people all over the country killed as they encourage cops to do just enough to get by and not enough to stop violent crime.

Again, your whole premise is that engaging in the behavior that has black folks so upset was doign anything to 'prevent' crime.

Mike Brown wasn't endangering anyone by jaywalking.

LaQuan McDonald was too stoned to be a danger to anyone. Especially after they shot him the first time. The other 15 times were a bit much.

I'm sure that Sandra Bland didn't need to die because she wouldn't put our a cigarette.

This is why we do not trust the left....facts, truth and reality have no place in your brains...

Brown attacked a police officer who told him to simply get out of the middle of the street...why did he attack the cop...because he thought the cop was responding to brown's strong armed robbery, so he was trying to avoid an arrest......twit...

Labuan......had a knife and moved in a way that spooked an officer...had he not been high, and vandalizing his way through a neighborhood and had he simply dropped the knife he would be alive today...

Bland........died in jail, not by the cop twit..........
Out of wedlock birth rates......find the stats before and after 1960s.......minorities were doing much better before the racist democrats decided to "help" them....

Out of wedlock births have increased for white people, too. Argument fail.

Here you go twit...

CNN's Don Lemon says more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock

The report broke down statistics by ethnic groups. Here’s a summary

Racial or ethnic group

Percent of births considered "non-marital"

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders........17 percent

Non-Hispanic whites..........29 percent

Hispanics............53 percent

American Indian and Native Alaskans...........66 percent

Non-Hispanic blacks............73 percent

So Lemon is correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock." To make sure we weren’t missing something, we asked two population experts -- Tom W. Smith, a senior fellow at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, and Douglas Massey, professor at Princeton University's Office of Population Research -- and they agreed that the statistic is the best available.
Teen mothers raising children who have children who have children......generations of fatherless homes and young males learning violence and hate because there are no adult men around to teach them how to be men....that is fueling gun violence in the U.S......
Amy Jacobson? You mean the Amy Jacobson who wore a bikini at the home of a suspected wife-killer to get an exclusive interview with him? That Amy Jacobson?


I hope she wasn't wearing that bikini at the Policeman's ball. Because shes' gone downhill fast.

anyway, I think the reason why the murder rate has gone up is you gun-nutters got our sensible gun laws thrown out. Probably has a lot more to do with gun murders than the fact they have to fill out extra paperwork when doing a "Driving While Black" incident.

Meanwhile, let's see what REAL Journalists say on this issue...

Chicago police stop black motorists more, ACLU finds

Of the more than 100,000 traffic stops made by Chicago police last year, nearly half were of black motorists, far more than their percentage of the population per 2010 Censusfigures, according to the ACLU analysis of the data. The numbers were even more lopsided for traffic stops of blacks in predominantly white neighborhoods, the ACLU found.

Black motorists should never be pulled over, especially in Black neighbor hoods, or else your just bound to get complaints about that. Problem solved. And if there happens to be crime, just dont report about it. No worries
White guys don't get murdered because they surrender. Black guys have been told they can over come so many times, they believe it.
I agree. I'd never deliver to ghetto shitholes. Too risky these days.

I agree. You'd see a black man and totally piss yourself.

Isn't that why they fired you as a cop? You kept pissing your uniforms?

Ha. Laughable. I was a cop in Atlanta, Zone 3. Google it. I've encountered more black folks in a week of work than you have your entire worthless life.

Fired huh. That's even funnier. You have no clue about me. And never will.

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