Chicago police: Investigative stops down 90%, murder rate back to 1990s level, "ferguson effect"

On Dan and Amy this morning the local radio show...... they quoted statistics from DNA info. about chicago police.....they reported that Chicago police investigative stops are down 90%.

Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives.....

black lies matter and the ferguson effect are a lives do not matter to them....the murder rate in chicago is back to the 1990s level..........
Do you know for sure that White killers aren't contributing to that high murder rate in Detroit. Those White killer homicide figures in the FBI Crime Stats have to be occurring SOMEWHERE.

Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

So I'm still not seeing how pulling someone over for a "Driving While Black" is really stopping serious crimes. I do see how it CAUSES higher crime rates, as no one wants to talk to the cops.

you do get it's not a crime issue, it's TRUST issue. No one trusts the police.

Wrong twit.....More Americans now carry guns and the gun murder rate has gone down, not up....the increase in murder in chicago and other cities happened at the same time the Ferguson effect took place.....cops are not going after criminals........

Actually, the gun death rate has remained pretty consistant over the last decade, so, um, no.

Except McDonald pulled a knife. Right?

Yes, he was wandering around with a pocket knife. That clearly demanded he be shot 16 times, 15 of those when he was on the ground bleeding.

Your racist boy Trump posted that, but it was debunked.

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

None of the numbers are supported by official sources. The figures on black-on-white homicides and white-on-white homicides are wildly inaccurate. And, as several news organizations quickly noted, the "Crime Statistics Bureau" doesn’t exist. We looked for that agency as well and the closest we found in San Francisco were a number of crime scene clean-up services.
On Dan and Amy this morning the local radio show...... they quoted statistics from DNA info. about chicago police.....they reported that Chicago police investigative stops are down 90%.

Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives.....

black lies matter and the ferguson effect are a lives do not matter to them....the murder rate in chicago is back to the 1990s level..........

You mean it is the Cedrick Chatman effect.

Having fewer investigative stops is a good thing. Less opportunity for the Blue Shirts to commit outrages against the citizenry.
We know you don't care Joey. You blab about it instead of taking to the streets and showing the thugs the error of their ways in you home town and most likely your neighborhood.


Here's the thing, EuroTrash, you live in a place that is safe because you have a thorough system of social welfare.

I know you whine and snivel because the one time you came to Chicago, you got rolled by a trannie hooker, but you got to let it go, man. No one thinks you are gay because you went for the tranny. No, really.
So your abject ignorance is your excuse for not hitting the streets of your home town and showing thugs the error of their ways?

Even for someone with obvious pathological challenges, that's pretty bad.
On Dan and Amy this morning the local radio show...... they quoted statistics from DNA info. about chicago police.....they reported that Chicago police investigative stops are down 90%.

Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives.....

black lies matter and the ferguson effect are a lives do not matter to them....the murder rate in chicago is back to the 1990s level..........
Do you know for sure that White killers aren't contributing to that high murder rate in Detroit. Those White killer homicide figures in the FBI Crime Stats have to be occurring SOMEWHERE.

View attachment 69885

That ad hoc chart of yours doesn't add up. Here is what the real statistical data should look like:


As you can see, the percentages in your chart are, WAYYYYY OFF.
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Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

So I'm still not seeing how pulling someone over for a "Driving While Black" is really stopping serious crimes. I do see how it CAUSES higher crime rates, as no one wants to talk to the cops.

you do get it's not a crime issue, it's TRUST issue. No one trusts the police.

Wrong twit.....More Americans now carry guns and the gun murder rate has gone down, not up....the increase in murder in chicago and other cities happened at the same time the Ferguson effect took place.....cops are not going after criminals........

Actually, the gun death rate has remained pretty consistant over the last decade, so, um, no.

Except McDonald pulled a knife. Right?

Yes, he was wandering around with a pocket knife. That clearly demanded he be shot 16 times, 15 of those when he was on the ground bleeding.
Six inch pocket knife he engaged directly ahead of getting shot. Hmmmm tells me, don't threaten an officer with a gun. Could get you shot. Eh? 16 times. Ouch.
On Dan and Amy this morning the local radio show...... they quoted statistics from DNA info. about chicago police.....they reported that Chicago police investigative stops are down 90%.

Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives.....

black lies matter and the ferguson effect are a lives do not matter to them....the murder rate in chicago is back to the 1990s level..........

You mean it is the Cedrick Chatman effect.

Having fewer investigative stops is a good thing. Less opportunity for the Blue Shirts to commit outrages against the citizenry.
Yep, let em kill each other and stop putting blue lives in harms way. I agree!
Six inch pocket knife he engaged directly ahead of getting shot. Hmmmm tells me, don't threaten an officer with a gun. Could get you shot. Eh? 16 times. Ouch.

That cops is going to spend the REST OF HIS LIFE in prison being sodomized by black men before they shank his sorry ass. Ouch.

Yep, let em kill each other and stop putting blue lives in harms way. I agree!

Seems to me if you can't enforce the law without killing people of color, maybe you shouldn't be in blue. Maybe you should do something more your speed like be a mall cop.
Hey moron....know why cops generally don't do that to white people??? Because MOST high crime areas are MOSTLY black!!!

Why aren't cops stopping huge numbers of suburban blonde white boys for minor infractions to get to the big ones??? Because those neighborhoods have very low rates of murder, rape, armed robbery, shootings, etc. They don't send many cops into low crime areas. They send them to where the bodies are piling up. And in's black hoods.

So I'm still not seeing how pulling someone over for a "Driving While Black" is really stopping serious crimes. I do see how it CAUSES higher crime rates, as no one wants to talk to the cops.

you do get it's not a crime issue, it's TRUST issue. No one trusts the police.

Wrong twit.....More Americans now carry guns and the gun murder rate has gone down, not up....the increase in murder in chicago and other cities happened at the same time the Ferguson effect took place.....cops are not going after criminals........

Actually, the gun death rate has remained pretty consistant over the last decade, so, um, no.

Except McDonald pulled a knife. Right?

Yes, he was wandering around with a pocket knife. That clearly demanded he be shot 16 times, 15 of those when he was on the ground bleeding.

No, you are wrong....more Americans now own and carry guns for self defense and our gun murder rate has been going down....

A comprehensive look at gun murder, gun accidents and other types of accidents...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

And here is the FBI table 8……it is a great table because it goes back4 years to show the rates of decrease….

FBI Table 2004

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

2014 table…..

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

From 2014…..and I added 2011……


Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 and

2006 fbi table 8

Murder by firearm….

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Uniform Crime Reports - 2000

gun murder rate 1997 -2000

1997..... 10,729
1998..... 9,257
1999..... 8,480
2000..... 8,493
2001..... 8,719
2002... 9,369
2003.... 9,638
2004..... 9,385
2005.... 10,158
2006.... 10,225
2007 10,129
2008-- 9,528
2009-- 9,199
2010- 8,874
2011-- 8,653
2012-- 8,897
2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,124

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)
Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974

Here are the stats on some common types of would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling would save more lives.....

guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about would push to ban the following...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)
Gun Suicide: 21,175
Non gun suicide: 19,974


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....
Guy, I don't know why you think spamming threads with pages of bullshit statistics and NRA talking points is an argument.

I'm sure the NRA is getting its money's worth, I suppose.

But the fact is, you guys got what you wanted, Chicago's gun laws were overturned, and the murder rate in this city has been creeping up for years.
Guy, I don't know why you think spamming threads with pages of bullshit statistics and NRA talking points is an argument.

I'm sure the NRA is getting its money's worth, I suppose.

But the fact is, you guys got what you wanted, Chicago's gun laws were overturned, and the murder rate in this city has been creeping up for years.

twit...may I call you twit....or do you prefer...moron? Twit.....the murder rate in all cities is spiking because the democrats and their brownshirts are attacking the police......even the Director of the FBI has addressed the issue.

The information is linked...and if you were even remotely intelligent you would see it comes directly from the CDC...but since you are a left wing, anti gun nut.....truth, facts and reality can find no place in your have "Reality Dyslexia." You can't help it....but it is not helping you.......

At a bear minimum, law abiding citzens carrying guns for self defense does not increase the gun murder rate or the violent crime the stats show........and 18 studies show it helps lower the crime rate.......
Amy Jacobson, who was a Chicago Street reporter, reports that her police sources tell her the police are not going to risk their lives, their families or their pensions by making unnecessary stops on cars, just to be called racists and risk armed confrontation that might destroy their lives

I must've missed your other threads where you expressed Sympathy for other people not willing to do their job

They are doing their job......they just aren't extending themselves past the requirements.....isn't that what democrats want...a bunch of people just doing "enough" to get by....

I dont know, you're here supporting it so, Are you a Democrat?

I take it you are pretty happy, less investigative stops. That is what people want. That would mean less harassment of citizens. Ferguson is a success, you got what you wanted.
Amy Jacobson? You mean the Amy Jacobson who wore a bikini at the home of a suspected wife-killer to get an exclusive interview with him? That Amy Jacobson?


I hope she wasn't wearing that bikini at the Policeman's ball. Because shes' gone downhill fast.

anyway, I think the reason why the murder rate has gone up is you gun-nutters got our sensible gun laws thrown out. Probably has a lot more to do with gun murders than the fact they have to fill out extra paperwork when doing a "Driving While Black" incident.

Meanwhile, let's see what REAL Journalists say on this issue...

Chicago police stop black motorists more, ACLU finds

Of the more than 100,000 traffic stops made by Chicago police last year, nearly half were of black motorists, far more than their percentage of the population per 2010 Censusfigures, according to the ACLU analysis of the data. The numbers were even more lopsided for traffic stops of blacks in predominantly white neighborhoods, the ACLU found.
When your tags are expired you get pulled over. When you're dwyhw you get arrested.

That's driving while you have warrants
One of the major reasons Chicago has so much gun murder....apparently the penalty from the gangs for losing a gun are worse than getting caught by the police as a felon possessing a gun...

Does Chicago Have The Strictest Gun Laws in the Country? It's Complicated

and he contends that gang members face worse sanctions from their gangs for losing a gun than they do by the courts for illegally possessing one
From one of the links above........this is why Chicago has gun crime...they don't arrest and keep gun criminals locked up....

From Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, there have been 2,477 people arrested on gun charges, Guglielmi said. Of those, more than 600 had been arrested before on weapons charges.

Here's a breakdown:

• Two arrested had five prior arrests on weapons charges

• Six had four priors

• 28 had three priors

• 132 had two priors

• 460 had one prior

Source: Chicago Police

"The criminal justice system has to step up," Guglielmi said. Chicago should "have zero tolerance on gun crime. If an individual has documented criminal history, especially a felon, this individual should not be out in society walking around with a gun."
Guy, I don't know why you think spamming threads with pages of bullshit statistics and NRA talking points is an argument.

I'm sure the NRA is getting its money's worth, I suppose.

But the fact is, you guys got what you wanted, Chicago's gun laws were overturned, and the murder rate in this city has been creeping up for years.

So explain the reason New York has less murders, less gun control, with three times the population of Chicago.

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