Chief Federal Law Enforcement Officer in Oregon Puts Media on Full Blast for Refusing to Call Violent Riots ‘Criminal’

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
I'm not quite that extreme, but I do think it may be time for Oregon and Washington Governors in coordination with the mayors of the rioting cities involved may have to activate a few battalions of National Guard, call a curfew, block the streets near sundown, encircling the rioting areas, arrest everbody dumb enough to be on the streets in the curfew area, haul them to a prison camp to be process out in the slowest manner possible from tight non air-conditioned captivity that would make Sheriff Joe blanch and could take weeks before they can be sorted out in front of a judge. If the criminals catch Covid from the experience, put them in forced confinement while they recover from it or die with it. I would be totally against federal troops, but totally behind state troops. The Governors need bite the bullet and start sorting their problems out. It has been 57 days or more. It's not my state. I'm just sayin.
Well, it's my state and I am sick to death of this bullshit. Eugene is getting as bad as Portland, but it's recently invaded a neighborhood in nearby Springfield and I watched it streaming live. I was so mad. I wanted the police to hit them with tear gas or use their batons to break a few ribs at least. And the "protesters" have the gall to say the cops and residents incited the violence. The cops were barricading a street to keep the neighborhood safe and they were attacked by a mob of IDIOTS. Fortunately, the Springfield cops stood their ground and arrested several -- hauling them off to jail. Later on, a group of counter protesters joined in to help the cops chase off the loony libs who were providing cover for the major instigators who were egging on the MOB.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.


It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.

An Excellent Point. Might know it'd be somebody from Texas. :cool:

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.

I know a company makes flamethrowers.....

Just a suggestion.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

Would not be a good idea.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.


Do they make a 50 that shoots paintballs ? Something that really really really hurts when it hits.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.

I know a company makes flamethrowers.....

Just a suggestion.

Sounds like a great response to people trying to blind officers with lasers.


It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.


Do they make a 50 that shoots paintballs ? Something that really really really hurts when it hits.

Screw that, it's time to stop playing games. These fuckers are trying to kill officers, the officers should be allowed to respond in kind.


It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

Would not be a good idea.
The only reason the firehoses haven't come out yet is because it would look bad and remind everyone of the 60s, but sooner or later, it will happen.

They're already calling everyone racists and Nazis, so fuck it..... what's the difference?

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.


Do they make a 50 that shoots paintballs ? Something that really really really hurts when it hits.
Protests and street violence is their game; they're organized, experienced, and damn good at it.
Never play the other person's game.

Lay back, watch, take notes, and when you're ready, come at them from a totally different angle and wipe them off the map.

It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.

I know a company makes flamethrowers.....

Just a suggestion.

Sounds like a great response to people trying to blind officers with lasers.


It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.

I know a company makes flamethrowers.....

Just a suggestion.

Sounds like a great response to people trying to blind officers with lasers.


Damn that thing's a toy, you need something that will reach out and touch someone. LOL


It's no secret Oregon will go to the rancid tomato on November 4th. I wouldn't want it any other way.

But this was more real:

The top federal law enforcement officer in Oregon has had more than enough of the liberal media flying wingman for the violent rioters that have besieged Portland for more than two months.

U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams torched the media in a frank interview for refusing to call the violent riots that have rocked the city for over two months “criminal.”

Williams was asked to share his thoughts on whether the “late-night protests” (interesting choice of words, huh?) are “shadowing the overall message about Black Lives Matter” and “taking away from the fight for racial justice.” (Can you say “loaded question”?”

The top cop got straight to the (what should be) obvious point.

“These aren’t late night demonstrations. This is criminal activity. There’s a difference. What you have failed and the media have failed to distinguish, between, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct, as criminals, as opposed to lawful protesting. This is unlawful. And people, whether you’re an opportunist, an antagonist, an agitator, or an anarchist, call it out for what it is.”

Yes, Late-night-protests ????

How fucking funny.

Major morons in the media these days.

This guy called it what it was.
I'm with you on that. Although I have nothing against peaceful protests maches, etc., that is up to SUNDOWN. Nighttime comes, you are not out there to be seen showing your support for a just cause. If you are out there at night, it is be part of a lawless protest- PROPERLY SPELLED RIOT to do whatever your antisocial mind wants to do under cover of darkness or just be a dumb dufus and watch up close, which makes you part of the problem, not part of the whole world is watching. Like some guy on a TIMCAST video said quoting Biden on another thread tonight "violent criminal protesters need to be caught and prosecuted." That thread was about Portland police filming and live streaming the riots and the ACLU objecting, because people involved in that do not like to be filmed and live streamed. Tuff $hit.

Good job.

It is amazing that these criminals who somehow think they can force themselves on us and our instititutions and then say law enforcement is corrupt.

These guys (the cops) are INCREDIBLY patient. If it were me, I'd have a 50 cal and about 200 of them would be dead or wounded before I was done. That, of course, is why I don't do that and I don't own a 50 cal ! :):)
You wanna buy one?

I might know a guy.....

A 50 cal round costs more than the assholes are worth, a 5.56 round would do the job and costs a lot less.

I know a company makes flamethrowers.....

Just a suggestion.

Sounds like a great response to people trying to blind officers with lasers.


Damn that thing's a toy, you need something that will reach out and touch someone. LOL


It will make them keep their distance though, won't it? Maybe stay back from a fence or away from a courthouse door?

Different tasks, different tools. If I want to reach out and touch someone, I'd use a .308.
This is what happens when millions of freaks from California invade and take over your state. Oregon and Washington were overrun.

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