Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump


The problem, dumbass, is that leftwing judges rule against laws all the time that clearly do meet the muster of the US constitution.


The reason why we can't trust Liberal judges is exactly the same reason we can't trust Liberal Legislatures or Executives.

Their bias is to never to follow the Constitution or any other law when it interferes with the agenda of making this country a socialist shithole.
John Roberts should just zip it and focus his time on completely missing the point on key judicial decisions.
Another uneducated rightie.

Which of my degrees do you want to discuss? The Ivy League one, or the other one from a better school?

It's pretty easy to discuss non existent degrees sitting at home typing as an internet bandit. I would only believe one if they revealed their real names and schools they attended so I could do research if revealing the truth, Hell, I could say I'm a congressman or woman. Ivy league don't mean shit to me.
The 9th regularily rules for the left...............and so it goes to higher courts.

The current battle is that the Refugees may only apply for asylum at legal points of entry............aka......they can't sneak in and when caught go I CLAIM ASYLUM............If they cross illegally and are caught..........well they committed a crime.............yelling Asylum is not a get out of jail free card when caught and never should be.

This will end up in the Supreme Court..................and right now the back log in places like Tijuana are backing up ticking off Mexico.........because Catch and Release is dead............and they are waiting in line........

Interesting times..........they are waiting for what almost certainly will be a ride back to the country of their origin.
Trump should tell that judge to go fuck himself. If you break the law you cannot ask for asylum and get it. Stay in the other side of the wall and go to a legal port of entry otherwise you are breaking the law.

He basically did with his response.
Your confused, Flash in the pan. The issue is not the 9Th Circuit it is Trump's assault on the independence of the judiciary. You may want a compliant judiciary that follows only what you believe, but fortunately we still live in nation where the rule of law still controls. As I said, you Trumpers do not want a free society, you want a uniform, meek and submissive one.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions.
There is when those opinions are clearly in disagreement with what the legislature voted on.

That's why there are 3 branches of Government. The legislature can vote and pass laws all day long, but if it doesn't meet the muster of the US constitution those laws will go down in a ball of flames.

Look at all the state abortion laws that have been overruled by higher federal courts.
And abortion legality was never legislated.

Yes. It was. That's why it's a law.

You can't possibly be that obtuse.
The 9th regularily rules for the left...............and so it goes to higher courts.

The current battle is that the Refugees may only apply for asylum at legal points of entry............aka......they can't sneak in and when caught go I CLAIM ASYLUM............If they cross illegally and are caught..........well they committed a crime.............yelling Asylum is not a get out of jail free card when caught and never should be.

This will end up in the Supreme Court..................and right now the back log in places like Tijuana are backing up ticking off Mexico.........because Catch and Release is dead............and they are waiting in line........

Interesting times..........they are waiting for what almost certainly will be a ride back to the country of their origin.
Trump should tell that judge to go fuck himself. If you break the law you cannot ask for asylum and get it. Stay in the other side of the wall and go to a legal port of entry otherwise you are breaking the law.

He basically did with his response.
This will be decided at the Supreme Court...........yet again......see how the 9th fairs this time........they get overturned all the time.
It's pretty easy to discuss non existent degrees sitting at home typing as an internet bandit. I would only believe one if they revealed their real names and schools they attended so I could do research if revealing the truth, Hell, I could say I'm a congressman or woman. Ivy league don't mean shit to me.

Feel free to message me. Be happy to tell you.

So you think judges are incapable of ruling without partisanship?

The stupid judge in SF violated the latest SCOTUS ruling on travel limitations, so partisanship is the only explanation.


So you got nothing to rebut what I said?

Contrast this, to what the SF Judge said:
It is therefore unsurprising that we have previously observed that §1182(f) vests the President with “ample power” to impose entry restrictions in addition to those elsewhere enumerated in the INA. Sale, 509 U. S., at 187 (finding it “perfectly clear” that the President could “establish a naval blockade” to prevent illegal migrants from entering the United States); see also Abourezk v. Reagan, 785 F. 2d 1043, 1049, n. 2 (CADC 1986) (describing the “sweeping proclamation power” in §1182(f) as enabling the President to supplement the other grounds of inadmissibility in the INA).
So you got anything other than your giggles?????????????


The difference is refugees or immigrants. If they're claiming they're refugees and seeking
Asylum in this country they have to be heard out in a court of law, and the Ass Clown has no authority over that.

According to that dumbass theory, any of 2 billion people from any location on the globe could request asylum and the courts would have to give them a hearing. You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that.

As usual, the snowflake understanding of your laws is defective.

Honduras just changed leadership--and unfortunately we the (US) has caused a lot of problems down there in the past---so yes they will be heard in a court of law. Syrian refugees will also be allowed to enter this country once they're thoroughly vetted.

Trump cannot stop that.

Actually, he can.
The fact that you disagree with some American foreign policy doesn't mean that foreigners are entitled to them to a hearing in our court system, dumbass.

Vetted or not, Syrians have no legal right to come to this country.

Hey stupid...Do you know what thread you're spewing your stupidity on?

U.S. District Court Judge Jon Tigar late Monday sided with opponents of Trump’s policy prohibiting certain immigrants from claiming asylum, granting their request for a temporary restraining order.

“Whatever the scope of the President’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden,” Tigar wrote in his 37-page ruling.

And Roberts backed him up

What the Left is saying via the 9th Circuit is that there is currently no legal way to prevent hordes of vampires from invading the country.

That gang needs to be broken up.

Roberts backed Tigar up? How so?
The 9th regularily rules for the left...............and so it goes to higher courts.

The current battle is that the Refugees may only apply for asylum at legal points of entry............aka......they can't sneak in and when caught go I CLAIM ASYLUM............If they cross illegally and are caught..........well they committed a crime.............yelling Asylum is not a get out of jail free card when caught and never should be.

This will end up in the Supreme Court..................and right now the back log in places like Tijuana are backing up ticking off Mexico.........because Catch and Release is dead............and they are waiting in line........

Interesting times..........they are waiting for what almost certainly will be a ride back to the country of their origin.
Trump should tell that judge to go fuck himself. If you break the law you cannot ask for asylum and get it. Stay in the other side of the wall and go to a legal port of entry otherwise you are breaking the law.

He basically did with his response.
This will be decided at the Supreme Court...........yet again......see how the 9th fairs this time........they get overturned all the time.

Good luck. It's already established law that migrants fleeing persecution can come here to ask for asylum.
LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

This is the misconception you right wingers all have. It's because you've been brainwashed by FOX NEWS to believe it.

Judges, all judges, regardless of which side of the isle appoints them are dutifuly sworn to abide by the U.S Constitution. PERIOD

They are Apolitical, meaning not political, nor will it ever cross their minds, that since R or D appointed me, that's where my decision will go.

You don't have enough fingers and toes on the number of times that a Justice has gone against the party or President that has appointed them.

ROFL! You believe judges appointed by Democrats "abide by the Constitution?" That they are "apolitical?" Are you a complete fool?

Of course you can provide verifiable--credible links to that. You show me where they broke U.S. Constitutional law in order to satiate their leanings toward Democrats or Republicans for that matter.

Otherwise STFU.
The judge who just ruled Trump can't repeal DACA, is one. All the judges who ruled against Trump's travel ban, for another

Democrats could not stop Trump at the ballot box so they use liberal judges to block the will of the people.
U.S. law - in compliance with international law - requires that anyone presenting himself at our border and requesting "asylum" be given a hearing to determine whether the claim is legitimate under international law. Asylum must be granted if a number of conditions are met. They must present themselves and request asylum in the FIRST COUNTRY they encounter where the dangers they are fleeing are not present. The request must be based on a real, verifiable claim that their lives and safety are in jeopardy in their home country, based on race, ethnicity, or religion.

You cannot be granted asylum if you come here to "seek a better life," or get a better job, or exploit our social safety net.

Thus, essentially NONE of the people in the so-called Caravan have a legitimate claim for asylum under U.S. and international law.

Trump's order simply tried to make the coming situation a little more manageable; Each of these fukkers is entitled to a hearing (or two), which will be an administrative nightmare, lasting many, many months, during which all of these people will have to be housed in one way or another, as U.S. taxpayer expense.

The court ruling may be correct, but it won't change the end results; all of these pathetic travelers will be rejected (and some, undoubtedly, will make it through).
U.S. law - in compliance with international law - requires that anyone presenting himself at our border and requesting "asylum" be given a hearing to determine whether the claim is legitimate under international law.

Blah blah blah we all know leftist traitors are abusing this to scam our immigration system. :eusa_hand:

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