Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

What an adorable opinion. Of course we would all like an independent judiciary and judges who put personal feelings aside.

It's not happening and it is silly to pretend that such independence exists.
So Kavanugh is a Trump judge.

You pseudocons need to get together and straighten out your narratives.

Making more stuff up.

Kavanaugh was nominated by Trump.

The left went nuts predicting the end of Roe (which has not happened yet).

Of course the left never worried about that before...which is why every year they don't march on the SCOTUS.

Is your third grade brother using your account ? You used to be a rational poster.

Trump won and you seemed to have lost it.
The 9th regularily rules for the left...............and so it goes to higher courts.

The current battle is that the Refugees may only apply for asylum at legal points of entry............aka......they can't sneak in and when caught go I CLAIM ASYLUM............If they cross illegally and are caught..........well they committed a crime.............yelling Asylum is not a get out of jail free card when caught and never should be.

This will end up in the Supreme Court..................and right now the back log in places like Tijuana are backing up ticking off Mexico.........because Catch and Release is dead............and they are waiting in line........

Interesting times..........they are waiting for what almost certainly will be a ride back to the country of their origin.

Yeah...the left works hard to get cases to the 9th........but judges are not political.

The Democrats used Roe v Wade to scare people, and stir up public outcries to have their Senators not approve Kavanaugh. I guarantee the Supreme Court will do NOTHING with regards to abortion law.
What an absurd fairy land you live in! Incredible! Comical! At odds with the clear evidence.
You truly think judges are apolitical automatons whose personal biases and political feelings play no role in their rulings?

Ahhhhhh, an adamant critic of Bush v. Gore, I see.........LOL
Trump intensifies attacks on Chief Justice Roberts after his 'Obama judge' rebuke and slams the 'horrible' 9th Circuit that is making the nation 'unsafe' as he launches furious rant on Thanksgiving

Trump doubled down on his criticism of the 9th Circuit and intensified his attacks on Chief Justice Roberts

In Thanksgiving tweet on Thursday, he labeled the court a 'total disaster' The president said it was 'out of control' and has a 'horrible reputation' Their row began when Trump complained about judges being political

He was angry at District Judge Jon Tigar, Obama appointee who has blocked his attempt to ban illegal immigrants for asylum Roberts weighed in, insisting that Tiger's politics was irrelevant

President Trump launched another attack on the 9th Circuit on Thanksgiving and dismissed Chief Justice Roberts' strong rebuke one day on from their extraordinary row over judicial independence.

Labeling the 9th Circuit a 'complete and total disaster' that is 'out of control', the president demanded judges not be allowed to 'legislate security' in his early morning attack on Thanksgiving.

The new criticism comes one day after the almost unprecedented row between the Supreme Court Chief Justice and the president of the United States following a strong rebuke from Roberts over Trump calling the 9th Circuit 'Obama judges'.

The row began earlier this week when the president complained about a different judge, Obama-appointed US District Judge Jon Tigar, who has ruled against him in his attempt to stop illegal immigrants applying for asylum once they cross the border.

Tigar said the president's 'scope' did not reach far enough for him to 'rewrite' immigration laws.

'Every case that gets filed in the Ninth Circuit, we get beaten. And then we end up having to go to the Supreme Court, like the travel ban, and we won,' Trump said.

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Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, on Wednesday lashed out at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for issuing a rare statement about President Trump, accusing him of staying silent when former President Barack Obama was publicly critical of the court's Citizens United decision.

"Chief Justice Roberts rebuked Trump for a comment he made abt judge’s decision on asylum I don’t recall the Chief attacking Obama when that Prez rebuked Alito during a State of the Union," Grassley tweeted of Roberts, who was appointed in 2005 by George W. Bush and is regarded as one of the court's conservative members.

Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'
Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
2 word changes to make it now true..

With you? Who cares who has credibility with Obama cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Barry's butt.
Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
Roberts sucked Obamas cock.... That’s why Obamacare was forced on millions that wanted nothing to do with it.
Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
2 word changes to make it now true..

With you? Who cares who has credibility with Obama cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Barry's butt.
Haha, reflexive whataboutism, plagiaraization....the peak mental capacity of the Trump cultist....
The Democrats used Roe v Wade to scare people, and stir up public outcries to have their Senators not approve Kavanaugh. I guarantee the Supreme Court will do NOTHING with regards to abortion law.

How do you do that, on what basis? Really, I am asking. Other than as an expression of near limitless arrogance, who on earth would even come up with the idea seriously to "guarantee" the outcome of any case before the Supreme Court?

Before the Kavanaugh confirmation, GOP-appointed judges had a 5-4 majority. Roe v. Wade, and also gay rights, hinged on the reliable decency of Justice Kennedy in these matters, who would not suffer the equally reliable misogyny and homophobia of his conservative fellow-Justices winning the day. That reliable vote is gone, and it's been replaced by Kavanaugh's. All the man came up with is to declare Roe v. Wade a "precedent" - a truism if there ever was one.

Again, women up and down the country will be glad to hear about your "guarantee", but, in reality, the future of Roe to remain intact is bleak. They may not overturn that precedent outright - not least because Roberts, now arguably the swing vote on most if not all matters, will protect the reputation of the Court - but dwindling of access and increasing restriction on the time available to terminate a pregnancy are very real possibilities.
Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
Roberts sucked Obamas cock.... That’s why Obamacare was forced on millions that wanted nothing to do with it.
Nah, thats just the manbaby blubbering of a angry, ignorant Trump cultist.
Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
Roberts sucked Obamas cock.... That’s why Obamacare was forced on millions that wanted nothing to do with it.
Nah, thats just the manbaby blubbering of a angry, ignorant Trump cultist.

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