Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

Roberts is a true blue progressive... He has no credibility
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
2 word changes to make it now true..

With you? Who cares who has credibility with Obama cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Barry's butt.
Haha, reflexive whataboutism, plagiaraization....the peak mental capacity of the Trump cultist....
Replying so YOU can understand it, low 2 digit IQ ABNORMAL...Thank me later!
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
Roberts sucked Obamas cock.... That’s why Obamacare was forced on millions that wanted nothing to do with it.
Nah, thats just the manbaby blubbering of a angry, ignorant Trump cultist.
Yes,I understand you are triggered. That's why an uneducated slob like you with no information except for what the cult leader tells you is fashioning himself as someone with a credible, important opinion on a SCOTUS judge. The fact that you know that what you are saying is low class and moronic is what keeps you in this constant state of agitation. Nobody triggers you trump ctists like yourselves
Of course, spreading this idiot idea among his cult is Trump's goal.
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
2 word changes to make it now true..

With you? Who cares who has credibility with Obama cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Barry's butt.
Haha, reflexive whataboutism, plagiaraization....the peak mental capacity of the Trump cultist....
Replying so YOU can understand it, low 2 digit IQ ABNORMAL...Thank me later!
Haha, i feel like a gorilla stomping out kindergartners. What a bunch of pansy intellectual lightweights you fools are...
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
Roberts sucked Obamas cock.... That’s why Obamacare was forced on millions that wanted nothing to do with it.
Nah, thats just the manbaby blubbering of a angry, ignorant Trump cultist.
Yes,I understand you are triggered. That's why an uneducated slob like you with no information except for what the cult leader tells you is fashioning himself as someone with a credible, important opinion on a SCOTUS judge. The fact that you know that what you are saying is low class and moronic is what keeps you in this constant state of agitation. Nobody triggers you trump ctists like yourselves
Says an obama supporter
Roberts is in love with Obamacare… Obviously he has no credibility
With you? Who cares who has credibility with Trump cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Trump's butt.
2 word changes to make it now true..

With you? Who cares who has credibility with Obama cultists. They are not rational, ethical , or moral. They have one guiding principle, and it is to suck Barry's butt.
Haha, reflexive whataboutism, plagiaraization....the peak mental capacity of the Trump cultist....
Replying so YOU can understand it, low 2 digit IQ ABNORMAL...Thank me later!
Haha, i feel like a gorilla stomping out kindergartners. What a bunch of pansy intellectual lightweights you fools are...
Even a salamander has a higher IQ than you...but you are fun to pull his string, and watch you jump!
It's pretty easy to discuss non existent degrees sitting at home typing as an internet bandit. I would only believe one if they revealed their real names and schools they attended so I could do research if revealing the truth, Hell, I could say I'm a congressman or woman. Ivy league don't mean shit to me.

Feel free to message me. Be happy to tell you.

I don't message anyone on here also don't reply. I bet you're a pilot too?
The Democrats used Roe v Wade to scare people, and stir up public outcries to have their Senators not approve Kavanaugh. I guarantee the Supreme Court will do NOTHING with regards to abortion law.

Now that we can agree on.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions.
There is when those opinions are clearly in disagreement with what the legislature voted on.

That's why there are 3 branches of Government. The legislature can vote and pass laws all day long, but if it doesn't meet the muster of the US constitution those laws will go down in a ball of flames.

Look at all the state abortion laws that have been overruled by higher federal courts.

So how did they manage to salvage the ACA after declaring several portions unconstitutional? There was no clause that allowed the judges to sever portions and uphold others. So tell the class how Roberts allowed that law to stand, when you just said it should have gone down in flames?

He declared it to be a tax and used tax as precedent.
He legislated from the bench, bypassing the legislature.

Only problem is the mandate "tax", was a direct tax that had no exception in the Constitution, which prohibits direct taxes. The 16th Amendment allow for a tax on income, the Roberts tax was calculated after the requirements of the 16th Amendment had been met. It should have been challenged on those grounds.

But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions.
There is when those opinions are clearly in disagreement with what the legislature voted on.

That's why there are 3 branches of Government. The legislature can vote and pass laws all day long, but if it doesn't meet the muster of the US constitution those laws will go down in a ball of flames.

Look at all the state abortion laws that have been overruled by higher federal courts.
And abortion legality was never legislated.

Yes. It was. That's why it's a law.

You can't possibly be that obtuse.

You're full of shit, it was litigated, not legislated.

too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.

You and your ilk helped elect Trump because you're fucking idiots.....Period !!! LOL

The people that voted for Trump were idiots.

the people that voted for Hillary were idiots

The people that voted for Sanders were idiots.

the people that voted for Stein were idiots.

you didn't like Hillary, and voted for her anyway.

That makes you one of the bigger idiots on this board.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, on Wednesday lashed out at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for issuing a rare statement about President Trump, accusing him of staying silent when former President Barack Obama was publicly critical of the court's Citizens United decision.

"Chief Justice Roberts rebuked Trump for a comment he made abt judge’s decision on asylum I don’t recall the Chief attacking Obama when that Prez rebuked Alito during a State of the Union," Grassley tweeted of Roberts, who was appointed in 2005 by George W. Bush and is regarded as one of the court's conservative members.


Grassley is a dirt bag: worthless, disgusting and an embarrassment to the US Senate, as is McConnell and each one who voted to confirm a life-time appointment to a drunk and a child molester.
Trump did something unconstitutional. If he was a black guy, the pseuedocons would have added that to their growing List O'Reasons To Impeach they used to copy and paste on this forum a few years ago.

A federal judge placed an injunction on Trump's action.

So, as predictable as the sun rising in the east (thanks to Emperor Trump!), our President whined about the judge being an "Obama judge".

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court normally keeps himself above the fray, but I guess yet another criticism of a judge by Perpetual Defendant Donald got to him. So he told Trump to knock it off.

Which means, of course. that John Roberts is a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.

In rare rebuke, Chief Justice Roberts slams Trump for comment about 'Obama judge'

For these liberals when a plutocratic judge speaks it is as if God spoke. And if its one of these rulings that are a temporary political victory which will later be the muslim ban... then its always a "rebuke" for the the media. So whats the difference?

I myself dont care what John Roberts says because he obviously lying. There are liberal judges and conservative judges. Constitutionalist judges and make it up as they go judges. Obama judges and Trump judges.
The liberal ones dont care about the law. Fort instance on DACA the Clinton appointed Garaufis said ""You can't come into court to espouse a position that is heartless" and immigrants are "making the country stronger".
Never mind the law. This "independent judiciary" has decided to impose its morals on us and legislate itself because the real legislature is "heartless".

Or take homosexual "marriage". This is the deep dive into the law the Supreme Court gave us when they imposed homosexual marriage on a country which had rejected it.
“The nature of marriage is that, through its enduring bond, two persons together can find other freedoms, such as expression, intimacy, and spirituality.”

That isnt law. That is in the realm of "mystical aphorisms on a fortune cookie". Its emotional drivel..which is exactly what we make law to avoid.

We dont have an independent judiciary. We have a judiciary attacking our independent executive and independent legislative branches. And it is time President Trump brought then to heel.

By the way it isnt "rare' for the media to interpret any decision as a "rebuke" if it means unelected judges are attacking our President.

Judge Rebukes Trump

Analysis | The Daily 202: Trump gets rebuked by another federal judge as he tests the limits on immigration law

A federal judge on Monday became the latest to rebuke the Trump administration for its immigration practices

A Supreme Court Rebuke to the Trump Administration on DACA

Learn the language of propaganda and be aware of it.
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if John Roberts care for judiciary and judges, why he was silent when Kavanaugh was going through hell and being abused and falsely accused.
But the legislative branch, at the will of the people, is supposed to make the law. Not judges’ (mis)interpretations of existing law.
Judge's are to interpret the law. That does not mean that there cannot be multiple interpretations. Which is why we have what are called appellate courts. When appellate courts disagree, the Supreme Court makes the final decision. Nothing insidious about differing opinions.
There is when those opinions are clearly in disagreement with what the legislature voted on.

That's why there are 3 branches of Government. The legislature can vote and pass laws all day long, but if it doesn't meet the muster of the US constitution those laws will go down in a ball of flames.

Look at all the state abortion laws that have been overruled by higher federal courts.
And abortion legality was never legislated.

Yes. It was. That's why it's a law.

You can't possibly be that obtuse.

Legislatures pass laws. Thats why it isnt law,. It was imposed by overturning the law actually.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, on Wednesday lashed out at Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts for issuing a rare statement about President Trump, accusing him of staying silent when former President Barack Obama was publicly critical of the court's Citizens United decision.

"Chief Justice Roberts rebuked Trump for a comment he made abt judge’s decision on asylum I don’t recall the Chief attacking Obama when that Prez rebuked Alito during a State of the Union," Grassley tweeted of Roberts, who was appointed in 2005 by George W. Bush and is regarded as one of the court's conservative members.


Grassley is a dirt bag: worthless, disgusting and an embarrassment to the US Senate, as is McConnell and each one who voted to confirm a life-time appointment to a drunk and a child molester.

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