Chief Justice Roberts Rebukes Trump

Would be great if you could tell me what a legal expert is.
Maybe it's easier to compare:

Lifelong legal career, scotus judge = expert

Uneducated, partisan slobs throwing fits to protect their cult leader = not experts.

So you are admitting you are not an expert. Thanks for clearing that up.
You have trouble reading English, don’t you?
Maybe Russian would work better for you

Well for someone to determine that, they would need some kind of mastery themselves...something you've shown yourself lacking for as long as you've posted on this board.

If I had an English to stupid might be in the conversation.
"Our highly trained security professionals are not allowed to do their job on the Border because of the Judicial Activism and Interference by the 9th Circuit. Nevertheless, they are working hard to make America a safer place, though hard to do when anybody filing a lawsuit wins!" - President Trump
Would be great if you could tell me what a legal expert is.
Maybe it's easier to compare:

Lifelong legal career, scotus judge = expert

Uneducated, partisan slobs throwing fits to protect their cult leader = not experts.

So you are admitting you are not an expert. Thanks for clearing that up.

You have trouble reading English, don’t you?
Maybe Russian would work better for you

Well for someone to determine that, they would need some kind of mastery themselves...something you've shown yourself lacking for as long as you've posted on this board.

If I had an English to stupid might be in the conversation.

If you had anything of substance to post, you might try to express something other than ad hominems.
Would be great if you could tell me what a legal expert is.
Maybe it's easier to compare:

Lifelong legal career, scotus judge = expert

Uneducated, partisan slobs throwing fits to protect their cult leader = not experts.

So you are admitting you are not an expert. Thanks for clearing that up.
So youre admitting judge Roberts is an expert, thanks.

You would need to describe what he is an expert in.

LMAO the SCOTUS routinely overturns the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals decisions proving Trump correct. The judiciary may not like hearing they are corrupt and biased, too bad we elected Trump to set them straight.
You should really stop talking.

So as the treasonous loon isn’t telling the court anything.


Once again, your posts are not coherent and you call others moron.

Too funny.
Roberts is correct in that the executive branch cant circumvent congress. Cant change immigration law with an order.
Roberts is an expert in then impartiality of the judicial.
Bone Spur Trump is a manchild.

I say that not to insult - I am simply stating a known fact.

Donald J. Trump
A manchild is someone who never takes responsibility for his mistakes or wrongdoings, lies constantly, and accuses every press report that reflects negatively on him of being "fake".'

Urban Dictionary: manchild

Yes, a man child in an empty suit. That's seems to be Trump to a T.

Empty suit: "a prominent person regarded as lacking substance, personality, or ability" [in Trump's case, all three].
Often incorrectly called the "chief justice of the Supreme Court," the chief justice of the United States doesn't only preside over the Supreme Court, which includes eight other members called associate justices. As the nation’s highest-ranking judicial official, the chief justice speaks for the judicial branch of the federal government and serves as the chief administrative officer for the federal courts. In this capacity, the chief justice heads the Judicial Conference of the United States, the chief administrative body of the U.S. federal courts, and appoints the director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.

The chief justice's vote carries the same weight as those of eight associate justices, though the role does require duties that the associate justices don't perform. As such, the chief justice is traditionally paid more than the associate justices.

From What Does the Chief Justice of the U.S. Actually Do?
The Democrats used Roe v Wade to scare people, and stir up public outcries to have their Senators not approve Kavanaugh. I guarantee the Supreme Court will do NOTHING with regards to abortion law.
Here’s the unvarnished truth-Too many middle class white Americans have a family member or relative who has utilized the current policies in place.
Very few want that to go away
No need to sweat RoevWade
If this is white privledge; sometimes it works for everybody
Would be great if you could tell me what a legal expert is.
Maybe it's easier to compare:

Lifelong legal career, scotus judge = expert

Uneducated, partisan slobs throwing fits to protect their cult leader = not experts.

So you are admitting you are not an expert. Thanks for clearing that up.

You have trouble reading English, don’t you?
Maybe Russian would work better for you

Well for someone to determine that, they would need some kind of mastery themselves...something you've shown yourself lacking for as long as you've posted on this board.

If I had an English to stupid might be in the conversation.

If you had anything of substance to post, you might try to express something other than ad hominems.

1. Who really cares if you live or die.
2. I don't need anything of substance to respond to a dumbassed post.
3. Pointing out that Schillian only speaks stupid is not an is a fact.
So the 9th circuit kind of got "rebuked" 86% of the time?

Ignorant morons who get their "education" from the "legal scholar" Sean Hannity, insist on being called ignorant morons.......Here are the facts

  1. 6th Circuit - 87 percent;

  2. 11th Circuit - 85 percent;

  3. 9th Circuit - 79 percent;

  4. 3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

You may be right if you cherry pick certain year... How about we look at the average for the 20 years?

View attachment 230323 View attachment 230324

I know it's hard for you to face the facts and admit it, but Trump is right.

Supreme Court Reversal Rates

All fascists are Right, far Right.

And, what that has to do with court reversal rates?
And how does the SCOTUS have so many 5-4 decisions if they are not politically biased hmmm.
Different opinions on how the law should be interpreted. If you've ever tried reading some of their decisions, they're deep into stuff that you and I never heard of.

The law should be interpreted? LOL thanks for proving my point.
That is what they are there for; it is their purpose. The decisions are usually based on some point of law instead of the actual "bigger question," like baking the cake.
And how does the SCOTUS have so many 5-4 decisions if they are not politically biased hmmm.
Different opinions on how the law should be interpreted. If you've ever tried reading some of their decisions, they're deep into stuff that you and I never heard of.

The law should be interpreted? LOL thanks for proving my point.
That is what they are there for; it is their purpose. The decisions are usually based on some point of law instead of the actual "bigger question," like baking the cake.

Ignoring the Constitution in favor of your personal liberal views is NOT interpreting the law. :itsok:
And how does the SCOTUS have so many 5-4 decisions if they are not politically biased hmmm.
Different opinions on how the law should be interpreted. If you've ever tried reading some of their decisions, they're deep into stuff that you and I never heard of.

The law should be interpreted? LOL thanks for proving my point.
That is what they are there for; it is their purpose. The decisions are usually based on some point of law instead of the actual "bigger question," like baking the cake.

Ignoring the Constitution in favor of your personal liberal views is NOT interpreting the law. :itsok:
"Ignoring the Constitution" WTH?
So the 9th circuit kind of got "rebuked" 86% of the time?

Ignorant morons who get their "education" from the "legal scholar" Sean Hannity, insist on being called ignorant morons.......Here are the facts

  1. 6th Circuit - 87 percent;

  2. 11th Circuit - 85 percent;

  3. 9th Circuit - 79 percent;

  4. 3rd Circuit - 78 percent;
This is a stupid argument.

The Ninth Circuit gets overturned lees than 12 other districts...and the reason the rate is so high is that higher courts generally take ON cases that they will likely over turn.

Roberts is no traitor and he is no liberal.
I give no fucks to what the says oligarch who performed some of the most convoluted mental contortions in human history, in order to declare Ocommiecare constitutional....Might as well quote what Judge Jewdy has to say about the subject.
Like I said. Roberts is obviously a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.
Roberts is an establishment oligarch, who believes those in his line of "work" are demi-gods on Earth....Fuckem.

Roberts has a life tenure, and there is noting dotard can do about it.

OMG, take a nerve pill. Trump and Roberts are having a debate on the courts. Justice Thomas will likely have the USSC limit the circuit judges' (about 700 or so) to issue nationwide injunctions. The 9th gets overturned about 61% of the time, so their rulings are generally garbage.
And the 6th (Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky) gets overturned about 87% of the time and the 11th (Alabama, Florida and Georgia) gets overturned about 85% of the time.
So the 9th circuit kind of got "rebuked" 86% of the time?

Ignorant morons who get their "education" from the "legal scholar" Sean Hannity, insist on being called ignorant morons.......Here are the facts

  1. 6th Circuit - 87 percent;

  2. 11th Circuit - 85 percent;

  3. 9th Circuit - 79 percent;

  4. 3rd Circuit - 78 percent;

You may be right if you cherry pick certain year... How about we look at the average for the 20 years?

View attachment 230323 View attachment 230324

I know it's hard for you to face the facts and admit it, but Trump is right.

Supreme Court Reversal Rates

All fascists are Right, far Right.

And, what that has to do with court reversal rates?

It was a Play on Words. Wry humor. The Federalist Society is a right wing ultra conservative faction of the Republican Party. It is callous conservatism vis a vis compassionate conservatism.

Taking the words in the Constitution at face value does not always benefit the many; in fact it is too often spun to fit the needs of the ruling class and corporations by conservatives on the court.

The attacks on the 9th circuit are in fact a war on reality, where words like infringe are taken literally notwithstanding the carnage which is directly related to that spin.
Roberts is wrong, the circuits do overstep their authority, the USSC will eventually correct.
Justice Thomas is correct that the USSC needs to limit the power of the 700 or so circuit judges that occasionally overstep their authority.
I give no fucks to what the says oligarch who performed some of the most convoluted mental contortions in human history, in order to declare Ocommiecare constitutional....Might as well quote what Judge Jewdy has to say about the subject.
Like I said. Roberts is obviously a fucking homo muslim democrat America hater.
Roberts is an establishment oligarch, who believes those in his line of "work" are demi-gods on Earth....Fuckem.

Roberts has a life tenure, and there is noting dotard can do about it.

OMG, take a nerve pill. Trump and Roberts are having a debate on the courts. Justice Thomas will likely have the USSC limit the circuit judges' (about 700 or so) to issue nationwide injunctions. The 9th gets overturned about 61% of the time, so their rulings are generally garbage.
And the 6th (Ohio, Michigan, and Kentucky) gets overturned about 87% of the time and the 11th (Alabama, Florida and Georgia) gets overturned about 85% of the time.

The 9th gets overturned 125% of the time, they are so liberal biased the SCOTUS pre-overturns the 9ths decisions an extra 25% to save time.
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Roberts is wrong, the circuits do overstep their authority, the USSC will eventually correct.
Justice Thomas is correct that the USSC needs to limit the power of the 700 or so circuit judges that occasionally overstep their authority.

I have no doubt Thomas wants to control the power of judges. That is the conservative way, authoritarianism.

Remember, they have passed legislation on trial court judges on their sentencing power - tying the hands of the trier of fact on something they did not hear and have no understanding of, on the circumstances of the crime and of the convicted defendant(s) and/or victims.

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