Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

I find it amusing how conveniently Roudy is willing to drop his reliance on Guinea, Niger, Chad, and Mali simply so that he can pretend to ignore the entire African continent. If nothing else, that is evidence in and of itself that he isn't really interested in the overarching issue of Child Marriage, and is just interested in justifying anti-Islamic bigotry.
Actually it's pretty pathetic that you keep arguing the same one size fits all approach, that Islam has nothing or "very little" to do with the prevalence of child brides in Muslim countries, and the reasons are the same as other African countries you mentioned. And you call yourself an educated person in this matter. I just don't see how.

Moreover, I just don't understand what there is to dispute? Devout Muslim men and clerics who know far more about Islam, are proudly telling everybody that they have every right to marry 9 year olds because Mohammad did so. Are you now claiming something other than what Muslims are, as to their justifications? Ludicrous.

But you keep putting that lipstick on that pig.
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You said you worked at the State Dept. John Forbes Kerry works there too. When you see him, say 'ol Hoss sez 'Hey'. Simple.

The Secretary of State works on the 7th floor primarily (of the Truman building), the workers of individual bureaus report to Assistant Secretaries (A/S) or Principle Deputy Assistant Secretaries (PDAS), or Deputy Assistant Secretaries (DAS). Meeting the actual Secretary of State is fairly rare.
Now are we supposed to believe that a woman who appears to have all the time in the world to post on some forum which is unknown to most of this country is actually an employee of the State Department? Miss Osomir is probably a clerk there and hides the fact from her bosses that she is fiddling around on a forum during working hours. Isn't it great to have a job like that? Or maybe Miss Osomir was let go because she was found fiddling around during working hours and is now collecting unemployment while looking for another job in her spare time (because the forums seem more important to her). Wow, I just finished up another heart transplant in record time. Kudos to me.
Miss Fatima Misnomer is quite an expert on Islam, Shariah law, and drum roll please..."women's rights". LOL
Women's rights and Muslim countries, now there's an oxymoron if there ever was one. :rofl:
I find it amusing how conveniently Roudy is willing to drop his reliance on Guinea, Niger, Chad, and Mali simply so that he can pretend to ignore the entire African continent. If nothing else, that is evidence in and of itself that he isn't really interested in the overarching issue of Child Marriage, and is just interested in justifying anti-Islamic bigotry.

It seems to me that saddest thing to witness is your continued defense of Islamic practices such as child marriages and abuse of women with nothing more than “ but…. but….. but….. but, look over there at what they do”.

I think we can all agree that poverty and other causes that lead to abuse of female children must be prevented. Many of those causes can be addressed with education, a better standard of living and a global rejection of such abuse.

However, how do we address the abuses of female children within Islamic ideology which provides the most perfect example for humanity as a grown man who marries a child?
Right, so I'm not sure why you would ignore those factors when it came to Muslim majority countries.

There is nothing in any shariah code set that says that Muslims have to marry 9 year olds. Try again.

lol says the guy who though that the Bukhari and Muslim hadith collections were part of the Quran. Tell us again about how Muhammad wrote them ;)

It's actually quite amusing that you can say this with such confidence when you have demonstrated and admitted that you don't know much about Islamic law, or even theology.
Shariah code gives a MAN, the father, of a child to marry her off at whatever age he pleases.

Neither the mother nor the child have any right or say according to Shariah law. In fact women have very little rights under Shariah law, when it comes to many things such as marriage, divorce, the courts, money, travel, etc. they are basically treated as the property of the men.

But then again, you already knew that, right? Or did you not mention that in your amazing thesis? LOL

It's not just "Shariah" - if you look at the countries with the worst record for women, it includes many non-Muslim countries, such as Guatamala and those African countries with Christian majorities. One of the things they have in common is conservative, traditional societies dominated by men and that is a mindset found in most of the dominant religions.

Traditional religions overall suck for women.
Yes I agree. All three faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, have been unfair and oppressive, if not barbaric towards women in history.

However, with Islam being the dominant force in lives of Muslims today, in this case of child brides and many other related issues such as women's and minority rights, the main cause can be traced to Islam.
I find it amusing how conveniently Roudy is willing to drop his reliance on Guinea, Niger, Chad, and Mali simply so that he can pretend to ignore the entire African continent. If nothing else, that is evidence in and of itself that he isn't really interested in the overarching issue of Child Marriage, and is just interested in justifying anti-Islamic bigotry.

It seems to me that saddest thing to witness is your continued defense of Islamic practices such as child marriages and abuse of women with nothing more than “ but…. but….. but….. but, look over there at what they do”.

Where has he ever defended it?:doubt:

I think we can all agree that poverty and other causes that lead to abuse of female children must be prevented. Many of those causes can be addressed with education, a better standard of living and a global rejection of such abuse.

However, how do we address the abuses of female children within Islamic ideology which provides the most perfect example for humanity as a grown man who marries a child?

The same way we would address the abuses of female children within non-Islamic ideology.
I find it amusing how conveniently Roudy is willing to drop his reliance on Guinea, Niger, Chad, and Mali simply so that he can pretend to ignore the entire African continent. If nothing else, that is evidence in and of itself that he isn't really interested in the overarching issue of Child Marriage, and is just interested in justifying anti-Islamic bigotry.
Let's put the Muslim population in the right perspective.

Meanwhile, why are you still blabbering about child marriages, Miss Osomir (especially since you are so hard at work at the State Department earning your salary). Your expertise should also cover honor killings so tell us where they are most prevalent. After all, there are young women being honor killed among the Muslim population for supposedly putting a stain on the family's reputation. I would imagine Miss Osomir has no problems with the Muslims carrying signs saying that Hitler should have finished the job or one man's sign saying Kill the Juice (meaning Jews). She just doesn't want anyone to say anything negative about Islam (I wonder why) even though the sad thing is that many people who follow this faith are even murdering each other if you are not of the right sect. Sad that the Ahmadi Muslims say they only feel safe here in America.

Since the topic is child marriages, not honor killings, not Hitler - that might explain why the discussion is about (EGAD) child marriages.
I find it amusing how conveniently Roudy is willing to drop his reliance on Guinea, Niger, Chad, and Mali simply so that he can pretend to ignore the entire African continent. If nothing else, that is evidence in and of itself that he isn't really interested in the overarching issue of Child Marriage, and is just interested in justifying anti-Islamic bigotry.
Let's put the Muslim population in the right perspective.

Meanwhile, why are you still blabbering about child marriages, Miss Osomir (especially since you are so hard at work at the State Department earning your salary). Your expertise should also cover honor killings so tell us where they are most prevalent. After all, there are young women being honor killed among the Muslim population for supposedly putting a stain on the family's reputation. I would imagine Miss Osomir has no problems with the Muslims carrying signs saying that Hitler should have finished the job or one man's sign saying Kill the Juice (meaning Jews). She just doesn't want anyone to say anything negative about Islam (I wonder why) even though the sad thing is that many people who follow this faith are even murdering each other if you are not of the right sect. Sad that the Ahmadi Muslims say they only feel safe here in America.

Since the topic is child marriages, not honor killings, not Hitler - that might explain why the discussion is about (EGAD) child marriages.
Why is this thread dragging on and on? We know that there are child marriages and that little girls die on their wedding night, and we all know that there are little girls who die during pregnancy because their young bodies can't handle it. We also know that even when the family moves to a civilized country such as England, young girls are still forced into marriages. As far as Hitler is concerned, your friend Miss Osomir is busy calling anyone who speaks out against Islam bigoted, and I was just trying to show that the Muslims are very bigoted too as evidenced by some of the signs they carry at their protests. In fact, not only are they bigoted against the Jews, but also Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and other sects of Muslims. Please don't try to deny the truth, especially when the blood is still running down the streets in Iraq due to the spate of car bombings of one sect against another this past weekend.

You are so transparent. You are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interesting in bashing Islam. For people like you, everything that’s wrong with the world is the fault of blacks, Obama, Islam, or democrats/liberals/progressives. You are a narrow minded bigot and no one except others who chant your vile credo is buying it. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides and of women around the world. They have all the information and all the statistics on this issue, thoroughly researched without any racial or political agenda. THEY SAY religion is not the issue, that this problem spans many religions. You are not at all upset about other religions involved in child bride weddings, only Islamic countries: WHY IS THAT? Oh, it’s simple: because you are a bigot.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW

 The site is the : International Center for Research on Women, and they say:

 "No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world."
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You are so transparent. You are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interesting in bashing Islam. For people like you, everything that’s wrong with the world is the fault of blacks, Obama, Islam, or democrats/liberals/progressives. You are a narrow minded bigot and no one except others who chant your vile credo is buying it. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides and of women around the world. They have all the information and all the statistics on this issue, thoroughly researched without any racial or political agenda. THEY SAY religion is not the issue, that this problem spans many religions. You are not at all upset about other religions involved in child bride weddings, only Islamic countries: WHY IS THAT? Oh, it’s simple: because you are a bigot.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW

 The site is the : International Center for Research on Women, and they say:

 "No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world."
You are so transparent, you are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interested in defending Islam. For people like you, nothing that Muslims do is the fault of Islam or Muslims themselves. It's always the fault of US, or Israel. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. It is research conducted by UNICEF. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides.

UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world with highest observed child marriage rates - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - are all Islamic majority countries.
If not for white people setting the standards on this issue, things would be much worse for females of the world

You are so transparent. You are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interesting in bashing Islam. For people like you, everything that’s wrong with the world is the fault of blacks, Obama, Islam, or democrats/liberals/progressives. You are a narrow minded bigot and no one except others who chant your vile credo is buying it. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides and of women around the world. They have all the information and all the statistics on this issue, thoroughly researched without any racial or political agenda. THEY SAY religion is not the issue, that this problem spans many religions. You are not at all upset about other religions involved in child bride weddings, only Islamic countries: WHY IS THAT? Oh, it’s simple: because you are a bigot.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW

 The site is the : International Center for Research on Women, and they say:

 "No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world."
You are so transparent, you are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interested in defending Islam. For people like you, nothing that Muslims do is the fault of Islam or Muslims themselves. It's always the fault of US, or Israel. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. It is research conducted by UNICEF. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides.

UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world with highest observed child marriage rates - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - are all Islamic majority countries.

You are not being clever here; you're just being stupid. You completely miss the point of my post. You may list the stats from UNICEF, but you interpret them in a biased, bigoted way. UNICEF says nothing about Islam. And you continue to ignore the fact that there are many religions, not just Islam, that have the problem of child brides. You ARE completely transparent in your bigotry.

I am not DEFENDING Islam. I am after one thing only: truth and fairness. This thread was posted purportedly to discuss the problem of child brides but went directly to attacking Islam for having this problem and has not mentioned any other religion or culture. I am against bigotry, not for any one religion.

Your angry, vicious, vitriolic and bitter prejudice makes you think anyone who tries to speak against bigotry when it concerns something about which you are bigoted is defending that one idea or thing you focus your bigotry on. What the person is actually doing is arguing against the bigot, not defending what your bigotry focuses on. You probably don't get the point I'm making. Your mind is warped, sad and pathetic. An ugly, black, wasteland full of decay and offal. Wallow in your hate, anger, stupidity, bigotry. Must be awful to be you. You're really beneath contempt.

Oh, and btw, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE ISSUE OF CHILD BRIDES??? Really? Who posted the site that discusses this issue in detail, w/o focusing on how bad one culture or another is? Me. And who failed to read all the detailed information they have there? YOU. You are not interested in the issue of child brides. You are only interested in bashing Islam.
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You are so transparent. You are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interesting in bashing Islam. For people like you, everything that’s wrong with the world is the fault of blacks, Obama, Islam, or democrats/liberals/progressives. You are a narrow minded bigot and no one except others who chant your vile credo is buying it. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides and of women around the world. They have all the information and all the statistics on this issue, thoroughly researched without any racial or political agenda. THEY SAY religion is not the issue, that this problem spans many religions. You are not at all upset about other religions involved in child bride weddings, only Islamic countries: WHY IS THAT? Oh, it’s simple: because you are a bigot.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW

 The site is the : International Center for Research on Women, and they say:

 "No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world."
You are so transparent, you are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interested in defending Islam. For people like you, nothing that Muslims do is the fault of Islam or Muslims themselves. It's always the fault of US, or Israel. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. It is research conducted by UNICEF. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides.

UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world with highest observed child marriage rates - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - are all Islamic majority countries.

You are not being clever here; you're just being stupid. You completely miss the point of my post. You may list the stats from UNICEF, but you interpret them in a biased, bigoted way. UNICEF says nothing about Islam. And you continue to ignore the fact that there are many religions, not just Islam, that have the problem of child brides. You ARE completely transparent in your bigotry.

I am not DEFENDING Islam. I am after one thing only: truth and fairness. This thread was posted purportedly to discuss the problem of child brides but went directly to attacking Islam for having this problem and has not mentioned any other religion or culture. I am against bigotry, not for any one religion.

Your angry, vicious, vitriolic and bitter prejudice makes you think anyone who tries to speak against bigotry when it concerns something about which you are bigoted is defending that one idea or thing you focus your bigotry on. What the person is actually doing is arguing against the bigot, not defending what your bigotry focuses on. You probably don't get the point I'm making. Your mind is warped, sad and pathetic. An ugly, black, wasteland full of decay and offal. Wallow in your hate, anger, stupidity, bigotry. Must be awful to be you. You're really beneath contempt.

Oh, and btw, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE ISSUE OF CHILD BRIDES??? Really? Who posted the site that discusses this issue in detail, w/o focusing on how bad one culture or another is? Me. And who failed to read all the detailed information they have there? YOU. You are not interested in the issue of child brides. You are only interested in bashing Islam.
What is the breakdown on religions then? At a glance I would say the vast majority are Islamic countries, not that it matters because a Viagra induced boner has no religion.
You are so transparent. You are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interesting in bashing Islam. For people like you, everything that’s wrong with the world is the fault of blacks, Obama, Islam, or democrats/liberals/progressives. You are a narrow minded bigot and no one except others who chant your vile credo is buying it. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides and of women around the world. They have all the information and all the statistics on this issue, thoroughly researched without any racial or political agenda. THEY SAY religion is not the issue, that this problem spans many religions. You are not at all upset about other religions involved in child bride weddings, only Islamic countries: WHY IS THAT? Oh, it’s simple: because you are a bigot.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW

 The site is the : International Center for Research on Women, and they say:

 "No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world."
You are so transparent, you are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interested in defending Islam. For people like you, nothing that Muslims do is the fault of Islam or Muslims themselves. It's always the fault of US, or Israel. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. It is research conducted by UNICEF. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides.

UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world with highest observed child marriage rates - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - are all Islamic majority countries.

You are not being clever here; you're just being stupid. You completely miss the point of my post. You may list the stats from UNICEF, but you interpret them in a biased, bigoted way. UNICEF says nothing about Islam. And you continue to ignore the fact that there are many religions, not just Islam, that have the problem of child brides. You ARE completely transparent in your bigotry.

I am not DEFENDING Islam. I am after one thing only: truth and fairness. This thread was posted purportedly to discuss the problem of child brides but went directly to attacking Islam for having this problem and has not mentioned any other religion or culture. I am against bigotry, not for any one religion.

Your angry, vicious, vitriolic and bitter prejudice makes you think anyone who tries to speak against bigotry when it concerns something about which you are bigoted is defending that one idea or thing you focus your bigotry on. What the person is actually doing is arguing against the bigot, not defending what your bigotry focuses on. You probably don't get the point I'm making. Your mind is warped, sad and pathetic. An ugly, black, wasteland full of decay and offal. Wallow in your hate, anger, stupidity, bigotry. Must be awful to be you. You're really beneath contempt.

Oh, and btw, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE ISSUE OF CHILD BRIDES??? Really? Who posted the site that discusses this issue in detail, w/o focusing on how bad one culture or another is? Me. And who failed to read all the detailed information they have there? YOU. You are not interested in the issue of child brides. You are only interested in bashing Islam.
No, you're not defending Islam. <LOL> According to UNICEF, the top five nations that this phenomenon of child brides is happening in, happen to be Muslim majority, yet you and others like you keep LYING, trying to take Islam out of picture. (Interested in truth? Ya sure). I wouldn't be surprised if women's rights is at rock bottom in those same five countries as well.

What's interesting is those who keep defending the biggest bigots, persecutors, oppressors, and haters in the world not seen since Nazism, which are today's Muslim societies, always get on a pedestal and preach to others about "bigotry".

Question is why is Muslim hatred, barbarism, and intolerance so acceptable and taken for granted? And...Just who do you think you're fooling with this charade? LOL
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You are so transparent, you are not interested in the problem of child brides: you are interested in defending Islam. For people like you, nothing that Muslims do is the fault of Islam or Muslims themselves. It's always the fault of US, or Israel. LOOK at, READ the site I posted. It is research conducted by UNICEF. They have no vested interest in being biased one way or another: they are interested only in the problem of child brides.

UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world with highest observed child marriage rates - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - are all Islamic majority countries.

You are not being clever here; you're just being stupid. You completely miss the point of my post. You may list the stats from UNICEF, but you interpret them in a biased, bigoted way. UNICEF says nothing about Islam. And you continue to ignore the fact that there are many religions, not just Islam, that have the problem of child brides. You ARE completely transparent in your bigotry.

I am not DEFENDING Islam. I am after one thing only: truth and fairness. This thread was posted purportedly to discuss the problem of child brides but went directly to attacking Islam for having this problem and has not mentioned any other religion or culture. I am against bigotry, not for any one religion.

Your angry, vicious, vitriolic and bitter prejudice makes you think anyone who tries to speak against bigotry when it concerns something about which you are bigoted is defending that one idea or thing you focus your bigotry on. What the person is actually doing is arguing against the bigot, not defending what your bigotry focuses on. You probably don't get the point I'm making. Your mind is warped, sad and pathetic. An ugly, black, wasteland full of decay and offal. Wallow in your hate, anger, stupidity, bigotry. Must be awful to be you. You're really beneath contempt.

Oh, and btw, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE ISSUE OF CHILD BRIDES??? Really? Who posted the site that discusses this issue in detail, w/o focusing on how bad one culture or another is? Me. And who failed to read all the detailed information they have there? YOU. You are not interested in the issue of child brides. You are only interested in bashing Islam.
What is the breakdown on religions then? At a glance I would say the vast majority are Islamic countries, not that it matters because a Viagra induced boner has no religion.
There is no question, Islamic violence and terrorism certainly has a degree of sexual frustration as part of its causes.

When you combine the strict, repressive societies with a promise of unlimited sex with virgins in the Islamic afterlife, that boner can make you do some amazing things.
I see the usual maggots still defending this. I got out of this thread because it just felt too slimey. Wish I hadn't looked back in. God, you liberals are disgusting.
Thank you for your valuable though somewhat confusing contribution.

This thread has turned into quite a good discussion about a complex worldwide issue. Strangely, no one seems to be defending the practice but perhaps I've misunderstood your post or the fact that you've not been reading the thread is to blame. :)
You are not being clever here; you're just being stupid. You completely miss the point of my post. You may list the stats from UNICEF, but you interpret them in a biased, bigoted way. UNICEF says nothing about Islam. And you continue to ignore the fact that there are many religions, not just Islam, that have the problem of child brides. You ARE completely transparent in your bigotry.

I am not DEFENDING Islam. I am after one thing only: truth and fairness. This thread was posted purportedly to discuss the problem of child brides but went directly to attacking Islam for having this problem and has not mentioned any other religion or culture. I am against bigotry, not for any one religion.

Your angry, vicious, vitriolic and bitter prejudice makes you think anyone who tries to speak against bigotry when it concerns something about which you are bigoted is defending that one idea or thing you focus your bigotry on. What the person is actually doing is arguing against the bigot, not defending what your bigotry focuses on. You probably don't get the point I'm making. Your mind is warped, sad and pathetic. An ugly, black, wasteland full of decay and offal. Wallow in your hate, anger, stupidity, bigotry. Must be awful to be you. You're really beneath contempt.

Oh, and btw, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE ISSUE OF CHILD BRIDES??? Really? Who posted the site that discusses this issue in detail, w/o focusing on how bad one culture or another is? Me. And who failed to read all the detailed information they have there? YOU. You are not interested in the issue of child brides. You are only interested in bashing Islam.
What is the breakdown on religions then? At a glance I would say the vast majority are Islamic countries, not that it matters because a Viagra induced boner has no religion.
There is no question, Islamic violence and terrorism certainly has a degree of sexual frustration as part of its causes.

When you combine the strict, repressive societies with a promise of unlimited sex with virgins in the Islamic afterlife, that boner can make you do some amazing things.

You have a good point there. The worst sexual exploitations seem to occur in the most socially repressive cultures and religious sects that demand celibacy or drastically restrict social interaction between males and females prior to marriage. end up with a large number of frustrated testosterone infested young men....

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