Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

If "We are talking child marriages TODAY" why do you keep bringing up Mohamed? (PBUH)

So, you've stopped lying and claiming you're not Muslim?

And wouldn't a better tag be Muhammad, (MTFBIH?)

*** - May The Fucker Burn In Hell.

I don't actually believe in hell, but if there were one, Muhammad would be there!
And here's the India you keep harping about. Problem AGAIN, is with the Indian Muslims!

Child marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 was passed during the tenure of British rule on pre-partition India. It forbade the marriage of a male younger than 21 or a female younger than 18 for Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and most people of India. However, this law did not and currently does not apply to India's 165 million Muslim population, and only applies to India's Hindu, Christian, Jain, Sikh and other religious minorities. This link of law and religion was formalized by the British colonial rule with the Muslim personal laws codified in the Indian Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act of 1937. The age at which India's Muslim girl can legally marry, according to this Muslim Personal Law, is 9 years, and can be lower if her guardian (wali) decides she is sexually mature.[70][71] Over the last 25 years, All India Muslim Personal Law Board and other Muslim civil organizations have actively opposed India-wide laws and enforcement action against child marriages; they have argued that Indian Muslim families have a religious right to marry a girl when her age is 15 or even 12.[72] Several states of India claim specially high child marriage rates in their Muslim and tribal communities.[73] India, with a population of over 1.2 billion, has the world's highest total number of child marriages. It is a significant social issue.


Another custom in Pakistan, called swara or vani, involves village elders solving family disputes or settling unpaid debts by marrying off young girls. The average marriage age of swara girls is between 5 and 9 years old.[76][79] Similarly, the custom of watta satta has been cited[80] as a cause of child marriages in Pakistan.

Sounds like egg, or should I say LIPSTICK on the face!

Again, it's not "the Muslims". Or, at least not in the way you want it to appear.

The practice is more prevalent amongst the Muslims - I don't disagree. However, that by no means even begins to address the huge numbers in Hindu dominant nations.

India is 80% Hindu and 13% Muslim; Nepal is 81% Hindu and 4% Muslim. Both those nations are in the top ten for child marriages. Your own source states: India, with a population of over 1.2 billion, has the world's highest total number of child marriages. It is a significant social issue.

You are not going to get that with just or mostly numbers from the Muslim minority.

Child marriages persist in rural India | Asian Tribune

Akhai Teej is a Hindu festival. :eusa_eh:

The practice is particularly rampant in the populous northern belt where child marriages are most deeply rooted: Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal, with a combined population of 420 million, about 40 percent of all India. In Rajasthan alone, 56% of the women have been married before they were 15.

Rajasthan is 89% Hindu, Madhya Pradesh (91% Hindu), Uttar Pradesh (80% Hindu), Bihar (83% Hindu), West Bengal (73%, with the largest Muslim minority of these districts at 25%). clarify, here is my position, which I've modified slightly:

Child marriages are a serious issue in much of the developing world.

The causes are various and often intertwined: poverty, lack of education, culture, political instability and war, religious values, weak governmental authority.

I concede religion may play a greater role in child marriages when it comes to Muslim and Hindu communities in certain parts of the world.

When it comes to Islam, however - there is not a unified opinion among scholars as to the propriety of child marriages or the age of Aisha at marriage and consumation (I've supported this with multiple links). While Aisha's age is undoubtedly used in some regions to justify child marriages it is also bound up in cultural traditions and far more prevalent in rural, poorly educated and poor regions then in better educated urban areas regardless of religion. Ignorance, superstition, lack of women's rights (which extends to girl children) often go hand in hand with the most fundamentalist forms of religion.

Given the above, I strongly condemn those who attempt to smear all or even most of Islam and Muslims as a group as being supporters of pedophilia and child marriages. I firmly believe those who do can accurately be labeled "hate groups" who are less interested in resolving the issue then in demonizing Islam since, at least as is shown in discussions thus far - they largely discount what happens in the non-Muslim world and non-religious reasons for child marriages..

Wipe off the egg before it dries :)
This is called "you can run but you can't hide" syndrome. I even showed you that in countries where you yourself cited as examples of child marriages in other cultures and religions, it is the Muslims in that community that have the biggest problem with child marriage. At what point do you conceed that you lost this argument, not once, but many times. Yes, it's prevalent among Muslims, and yes, Islam has a big influence on why it's so prevalent. Accept it and move on. You are too committed to defending something with bogus and controversial "facts" because of your own bias. However in the process you aren't doing a favor to yourself, or the people you think you're defending. This strategy isn't working for you.

Read what I posted again:

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 was passed during the tenure of British rule on pre-partition India. It forbade the marriage of a male younger than 21 or a female younger than 18 for Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and most people of India. However, this law did not and currently does not apply to India's 165 million Muslim population, and only applies to India's Hindu, Christian, Jain, Sikh and other religious minorities. This link of law and religion was formalized by the British colonial rule with the Muslim personal laws codified in the Indian Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act of 1937. The age at which India's Muslim girl can legally marry, according to this Muslim Personal Law, is 9 years, and can be lower if her guardian (wali) decides she is sexually mature.[70][71] Over the last 25 years, All India Muslim Personal Law Board and other Muslim civil organizations have actively opposed India-wide laws and enforcement action against child marriages; they have argued that Indian Muslim families have a religious right to marry a girl when her age is 15 or even 12.

Gee, 9 years? Now where did we here that magical age before? Perhaps it was the age at which Aisha was married to prophet Mohammad? Can we make an educated guess here? What do you think? No, no, of course not, Islam's influence is minimal here. LOL

Roudy, I repeatedly showed you that the simple math and the demographics do not fit your claims when it comes to India and Nepal, two of the nations in the top ten. You rely on one section of a Wikipedia article citing a law on which to base your claim and ignore everything else.

I also showed you it is hugely prevalent in Africa - again, top of the stats in nations (ten worst) are a mixture Muslim, Christian, and Hindu. You ignore this.

You ignore everything that doesn't make it all Islam.
The whole "age of Aisha" seems to really bother non muslims and they seem to be obsessed with the issue.

But in the Islamic community it's not a big issue and muslims don't dwell on the topic. .. :cool:
Thank you for confirming that muslims are not concerned with pedophilia while the rest of the world is.
The whole "age of Aisha" seems to really bother non muslims and they seem to be obsessed with the issue.

But in the Islamic community it's not a big issue and muslims don't dwell on the topic. .. :cool:
Thank you for confirming that muslims are not concerned with pedophilia while the rest of the world is.
Tell ya what.........why don't you mind your own business and worry about issues that directly affect you.

And we will address the issues that affect us.

Deal? ... :cool:
The whole "age of Aisha" seems to really bother non muslims and they seem to be obsessed with the issue.

But in the Islamic community it's not a big issue and muslims don't dwell on the topic. .. :cool:
Thank you for confirming that muslims are not concerned with pedophilia while the rest of the world is.
Tell ya what.........why don't you mind your own business and worry about issues that directly affect you.

And we will address the issues that affect us.

Deal? ... :cool:
Because babies can't defend themselves from perverts and it's every civilized person's duty to try to stop child abuse. I guess you don't understand that concept.
Thank you for confirming that muslims are not concerned with pedophilia while the rest of the world is.
Tell ya what.........why don't you mind your own business and worry about issues that directly affect you.

And we will address the issues that affect us.

Deal? ... :cool:
Because babies can't defend themselves from perverts and it's every civilized person's duty to try to stop child abuse.
What makes it your "duty" an who appointed you as the world's policeman?? .. :cool:
If "We are talking child marriages TODAY" why do you keep bringing up Mohamed? (PBUH)

So, you've stopped lying and claiming you're not Muslim?

And wouldn't a better tag be Muhammad, (MTFBIH?)

*** - May The Fucker Burn In Hell.

I don't actually believe in hell, but if there were one, Muhammad would be there!

You really should do something about all that Hate, it is not good for a person.

Most people living in todays world do not marry children, whatever religion they are.

In the past, things were different than today, there were different morals.

Just read The Old Testament in The Bible, you read stories of daughters sleeping with their fathers (the story of Dinah and Lot), brothers killing each other (the story of Cain and Abel), men prepared to kill their children (the story of Abraham and Isaac), cousins married cousins (Mary and Joseph), a brother and sister marrying each other (Abraham and Sarah), etc.
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It's you who keeps referring to to pre-Medieval times, with your quotes on Mohammed PBUH
Nope. You brought up a reference to "Jewish Ashkenazi communities in the Middle Ages". We are talking child marriages TODAY, moron.

That was a pretty lame attempt. Try again, Chos. LOL

If "We are talking child marriages TODAY" why do you keep bringing up Mohamed? (PBUH)
Because Muslims use Mohammad's marriage to Aisha as the reason for being able to marry 9 year olds. DUFUS.
If "We are talking child marriages TODAY" why do you keep bringing up Mohamed? (PBUH)

So, you've stopped lying and claiming you're not Muslim?

And wouldn't a better tag be Muhammad, (MTFBIH?)

*** - May The Fucker Burn In Hell.

I don't actually believe in hell, but if there were one, Muhammad would be there!

You really should do something about all that Hate, it is not good for a person.

Most people living in todays world do not marry children, whatever religion they are.

In the past, things were different than today, there were different morals.

Just read The Old Testament in The Bible, you read stories of daughters sleeping with their fathers (the story of Dinah and Lot), brothers killing each other (the story of Cain and Abel), men prepared to kill their children (the story of Abraham and Isaac), cousins married cousins (Mary and Joseph), a brother and sister marrying each other (Abraham and Sarah), etc.
Speak to yourself Jew hater who spends most of her living breathing hours spouting lies and hate about Jews and Israel. Gollee Gee, talk about denial.
Again, it's not "the Muslims". Or, at least not in the way you want it to appear.

The practice is more prevalent amongst the Muslims - I don't disagree. However, that by no means even begins to address the huge numbers in Hindu dominant nations.

India is 80% Hindu and 13% Muslim; Nepal is 81% Hindu and 4% Muslim. Both those nations are in the top ten for child marriages. Your own source states: India, with a population of over 1.2 billion, has the world's highest total number of child marriages. It is a significant social issue.

You are not going to get that with just or mostly numbers from the Muslim minority.

Child marriages persist in rural India | Asian Tribune

Akhai Teej is a Hindu festival. :eusa_eh:

Rajasthan is 89% Hindu, Madhya Pradesh (91% Hindu), Uttar Pradesh (80% Hindu), Bihar (83% Hindu), West Bengal (73%, with the largest Muslim minority of these districts at 25%). clarify, here is my position, which I've modified slightly:

Child marriages are a serious issue in much of the developing world.

The causes are various and often intertwined: poverty, lack of education, culture, political instability and war, religious values, weak governmental authority.

I concede religion may play a greater role in child marriages when it comes to Muslim and Hindu communities in certain parts of the world.

When it comes to Islam, however - there is not a unified opinion among scholars as to the propriety of child marriages or the age of Aisha at marriage and consumation (I've supported this with multiple links). While Aisha's age is undoubtedly used in some regions to justify child marriages it is also bound up in cultural traditions and far more prevalent in rural, poorly educated and poor regions then in better educated urban areas regardless of religion. Ignorance, superstition, lack of women's rights (which extends to girl children) often go hand in hand with the most fundamentalist forms of religion.

Given the above, I strongly condemn those who attempt to smear all or even most of Islam and Muslims as a group as being supporters of pedophilia and child marriages. I firmly believe those who do can accurately be labeled "hate groups" who are less interested in resolving the issue then in demonizing Islam since, at least as is shown in discussions thus far - they largely discount what happens in the non-Muslim world and non-religious reasons for child marriages..

Wipe off the egg before it dries :)
This is called "you can run but you can't hide" syndrome. I even showed you that in countries where you yourself cited as examples of child marriages in other cultures and religions, it is the Muslims in that community that have the biggest problem with child marriage. At what point do you conceed that you lost this argument, not once, but many times. Yes, it's prevalent among Muslims, and yes, Islam has a big influence on why it's so prevalent. Accept it and move on. You are too committed to defending something with bogus and controversial "facts" because of your own bias. However in the process you aren't doing a favor to yourself, or the people you think you're defending. This strategy isn't working for you.

Read what I posted again:

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 was passed during the tenure of British rule on pre-partition India. It forbade the marriage of a male younger than 21 or a female younger than 18 for Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and most people of India. However, this law did not and currently does not apply to India's 165 million Muslim population, and only applies to India's Hindu, Christian, Jain, Sikh and other religious minorities. This link of law and religion was formalized by the British colonial rule with the Muslim personal laws codified in the Indian Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act of 1937. The age at which India's Muslim girl can legally marry, according to this Muslim Personal Law, is 9 years, and can be lower if her guardian (wali) decides she is sexually mature.[70][71] Over the last 25 years, All India Muslim Personal Law Board and other Muslim civil organizations have actively opposed India-wide laws and enforcement action against child marriages; they have argued that Indian Muslim families have a religious right to marry a girl when her age is 15 or even 12.

Gee, 9 years? Now where did we here that magical age before? Perhaps it was the age at which Aisha was married to prophet Mohammad? Can we make an educated guess here? What do you think? No, no, of course not, Islam's influence is minimal here. LOL

Roudy, I repeatedly showed you that the simple math and the demographics do not fit your claims when it comes to India and Nepal, two of the nations in the top ten. You rely on one section of a Wikipedia article citing a law on which to base your claim and ignore everything else.

I also showed you it is hugely prevalent in Africa - again, top of the stats in nations (ten worst) are a mixture Muslim, Christian, and Hindu. You ignore this.

You ignore everything that doesn't make it all Islam.
Again I used your India example and its the Muslim Indians that have the biggest problem wi child marriages. In fact all the other Indians have conceded to stop doing it, except for Muslims. And they cite RELIGION as their reason for it.

At what point will bells go off in your mind, and when will you run out of lipstick? LOL
SANAA (Reuters) - An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.

"On the wedding night and after intercourse, she suffered from bleeding and uterine rupture which caused her death," Othman told Reuters. "They took her to a clinic but the medics couldn't save her life."

Othman said authorities had not taken any action against the girl's family or her husband.t

Many poor families in Yemen marry off young daughters to save on the costs of bringing up a child and earn extra money from the dowry given to the girl.

This is very wrong and needs to stop.

"Yemen's human rights minister has said she will press for the minimum age of marriage to be set at 18, after the reported death of a young girl on the first night of her marriage.

Eight-year-old Rawan was said to have died last week from internal bleeding after sexual intercourse, after having been married to a man in his 40s in the northeastern province of Hajja.

The provincial governor, however, on Saturday denied the reports that Rawan had died.

If the case was confirmed and covered up, then the crime would be more serious.

Huriya Mashhoor told the AFP news agency she wanted to revive a bill that has lain dormant since 2009, which would have set the minimum age for marriage at 17, and amend it to raise the age to 18.

"We are asking to fix the legal age for marriage at 18, as Yemen is a signatory to the international conventions on children's rights," she said.

Mashhoor spoke a day after the government formed a committee to investigate the reports of the girl's death.

The governor of Hajja province told official news agency SABA that Rawan was still alive.

Ali al-Qaissi said "the young girl Rawan Abdo Hattan is still alive and normally lives with her family who, in turn, deny the whole thing".

But he added that "the young girl is currently in a social protection centre after undergoing physical and psychological tests in a public hospital" in the area."
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A picture of 10-year-old Sally trying on her wedding dress. Beaten, drugged and raped, Sally won a divorce from Nabil recently after her story made headlines in local media and became the focus of a national debate that has polarised Yemeni society. [Credit: Hugh Macleod

Sally's story - Al Jazeera English

A picture of 10-year-old Sally trying on her wedding dress. Beaten, drugged and raped, Sally won a divorce from Nabil recently after her story made headlines in local media and became the focus of a national debate that has polarised Yemeni society. [Credit: Hugh Macleod

Sally's story - Al Jazeera English
You haven't been following this conversation much have you? Or perhaps those voices in your head keep you too busy to pay attention to e real world.

Nobody claiming that child marriage does not occur in other societies or countries, just that the prevalence is highest among MUSLIMS, and the reason for it is ISLAM, who's prophet Mohammad, married a 9 year old.

A picture of 10-year-old Sally trying on her wedding dress. Beaten, drugged and raped, Sally won a divorce from Nabil recently after her story made headlines in local media and became the focus of a national debate that has polarised Yemeni society. [Credit: Hugh Macleod

Sally's story - Al Jazeera English
You haven't been following this conversation much have you? Or perhaps those voices in your head keep you too busy to pay attention to e real world.

Nobody claiming that child marriage does not occur in other societies or countries, just that the prevalence is highest among MUSLIMS, and the reason for it is ISLAM, who's prophet Mohammad, married a 9 year old.

You are obviously not reading my post or the article I provided a link for or the OP. None of those address the issues you are addressing. All I did in my post was address the story of a child bride named Sally. This is a real story, of a real person, who was a child bride in Yemen.

Here is a Photo of Rawan.

She looks like she is alive.

It looks like this thread title is a Propaganda lie.

I am reading Rawan was never even married.

"Rawan was said to have died last week from internal bleeding after sexual intercourse, following her marriage in a remote area of the northeastern province of Hajja.

On Tuesday, the head of criminal investigations in Hajja's district of Harad, Muslem al-Ghazzi, presented a young girl and said: "This is Rawan. She is alive and has never been married."

The girl identified herself as Rawan Mohamed Abdo Hattan and repeated that she had never been married.

"Everything that was said [about me] was false. My oldest sister who is 18 was recently married," the girl, wearing a dress with short sleeves and a headscarf, said at the Harad meeting with reporters.

A man standing next to her was introduced by the criminal investigation chief as her father.

At the weekend, the governor of Hajja province told official news agency Saba that Rawan was still alive.

Ali al-Qaissi told Saba that "the young girl Rawan Abdo Hattan is still alive and normally lives with her family who, in turn, deny the whole thing".

Human Rights Watch said yesterday that 14 per cent of girls in Yemen are married before the age of 15, and 52 per cent before 18, citing Yemeni and UN 2006 figures."

Yemen denies child bride death | South China Morning Post
Sherri will go to any length to defend shit like this, as long as the person(s) is Muslim. What a sick twisted woman.
Kinda strange how the American juden get all upset about marriage issues in muslim countries.

Yet, teen pregnancy and pedophile rape of children is epidemic in the U.S. where they live. .. :doubt:
Kinda strange how the American juden get all upset about marriage issues in muslim countries.

Yet, teen pregnancy and pedophile rape of children is epidemic in the U.S. where they live. .. :doubt:

The difference is, it's illegal in the U.S.

My goodness you're one dumb Muslim !

Let us know when 40 year old men are marrying 9 year old girls in the U.S, you sick puppy :cool:
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