Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Kinda strange how the American juden get all upset about marriage issues in muslim countries.

Yet, teen pregnancy and pedophile rape of children is epidemic in the U.S. where they live. .. :doubt:
Ya, like they say in the mosque, all infidel / Western women are all whores, right?

So tell us, how old was Aisha when Mohammad married her?
The whole "age of Aisha" seems to really bother non muslims and they seem to be obsessed with the issue.

But in the Islamic community it's not a big issue and muslims don't dwell on the topic. .. :cool:
Thank you for confirming that muslims are not concerned with pedophilia while the rest of the world is.

You are only concerned with pedophilia when it's a Muslim. Your very first post in this thread was evidence of that.
Kinda strange how the American juden get all upset about marriage issues in muslim countries.

Yet, teen pregnancy and pedophile rape of children is epidemic in the U.S. where they live. .. :doubt:
Ya, like they say in the mosque, all infidel / Western women are all whores, right?
Never heard anyone say that at the mosque.

But I do know that's what jews think and say about gentile women. ... :cool:
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Kinda strange how the American juden get all upset about marriage issues in muslim countries.

Yet, teen pregnancy and pedophile rape of children is epidemic in the U.S. where they live. .. :doubt:
Ya, like they say in the mosque, all infidel / Western women are all whores, right?
Never heard anyone say that at the mosque.

But I do know that's what jews think and say about gentile women. ... :cool:

No, you just pretend to know about Jews.
You are a rabid Sunni Muslim jihadist terrorist supporter, so therefore your opinion about Jews is absolutely useless :cool:
This is called "you can run but you can't hide" syndrome. I even showed you that in countries where you yourself cited as examples of child marriages in other cultures and religions, it is the Muslims in that community that have the biggest problem with child marriage. At what point do you conceed that you lost this argument, not once, but many times. Yes, it's prevalent among Muslims, and yes, Islam has a big influence on why it's so prevalent. Accept it and move on. You are too committed to defending something with bogus and controversial "facts" because of your own bias. However in the process you aren't doing a favor to yourself, or the people you think you're defending. This strategy isn't working for you.

Read what I posted again:

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 was passed during the tenure of British rule on pre-partition India. It forbade the marriage of a male younger than 21 or a female younger than 18 for Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and most people of India. However, this law did not and currently does not apply to India's 165 million Muslim population, and only applies to India's Hindu, Christian, Jain, Sikh and other religious minorities. This link of law and religion was formalized by the British colonial rule with the Muslim personal laws codified in the Indian Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act of 1937. The age at which India's Muslim girl can legally marry, according to this Muslim Personal Law, is 9 years, and can be lower if her guardian (wali) decides she is sexually mature.[70][71] Over the last 25 years, All India Muslim Personal Law Board and other Muslim civil organizations have actively opposed India-wide laws and enforcement action against child marriages; they have argued that Indian Muslim families have a religious right to marry a girl when her age is 15 or even 12.

Gee, 9 years? Now where did we here that magical age before? Perhaps it was the age at which Aisha was married to prophet Mohammad? Can we make an educated guess here? What do you think? No, no, of course not, Islam's influence is minimal here. LOL

Roudy, I repeatedly showed you that the simple math and the demographics do not fit your claims when it comes to India and Nepal, two of the nations in the top ten. You rely on one section of a Wikipedia article citing a law on which to base your claim and ignore everything else.

I also showed you it is hugely prevalent in Africa - again, top of the stats in nations (ten worst) are a mixture Muslim, Christian, and Hindu. You ignore this.

You ignore everything that doesn't make it all Islam.
Again I used your India example and its the Muslim Indians that have the biggest problem wi child marriages. In fact all the other Indians have conceded to stop doing it, except for Muslims. And they cite RELIGION as their reason for it.

At what point will bells go off in your mind, and when will you run out of lipstick? LOL

No Roudy, they haven't. They might have laws against it but they aren't enforced in the rural primarily HINDU northern districts - did you even look at the demographics of the areas where it's a big problem? They are NOT stopping it and their RELIGION encourages it. It's not just the Muslims and it's certainly not "mostly" the Muslims because the numbers just aren't there. Give it up and quit giving a free pass to the Hindus.
Tell ya what.........why don't you mind your own business and worry about issues that directly affect you.

And we will address the issues that affect us.

Deal? ... :cool:
Because babies can't defend themselves from perverts and it's every civilized person's duty to try to stop child abuse.
What makes it your "duty" an who appointed you as the world's policeman?? .. :cool:
It's everybody's duty to stop adult men from raping babies, no one needs to be "appointed", fucktard. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?
Because babies can't defend themselves from perverts and it's every civilized person's duty to try to stop child abuse.
What makes it your "duty" an who appointed you as the world's policeman?? .. :cool:
It's everybody's duty to stop adult men from raping babies, no one needs to be "appointed", fucktard. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway?

I've been asking him the same thing for a while now.........
The juden name for a non hebrew girl is a 'shitza'.

Clearly a derogatory term.......

Link please to that.

Still no link :eusa_whistle:

Beg all you want, but I don't work for you. .. :cool:

Yet again your despicable trolling lies has caught you out. I asked you to prove your claim that "the Jewish name for a non-Hebrew girl is a shitza" and you won't prove it. Therefore you have lied, as usual.
The word shiksa is etymologically partly derived from the Hebrew term שקץ shekets, meaning "abomination", "impure," or "object of loathing", depending on the translator.[3]

Several dictionaries define "shiksa" as a disparaging and offensive term applied to a non-Jewish girl or woman.
Shiksa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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