Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Well....when it comes to training dogs, I've learned that the best way to handle certain types of bad behavior is to ignore it. Attention just acts as a reinforcement. So...I bet it's not so different with people :)

So desperate for attention... the two wannabes.
Must be that time of the month for Hollie........ :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Even by your usual standards of disgusting behavior, you have sunk to new lows.
Well....when it comes to training dogs, I've learned that the best way to handle certain types of bad behavior is to ignore it. Attention just acts as a reinforcement. So...I bet it's not so different with people :)

So desperate for attention... the two wannabes.
Must be that time of the month for Hollie........ :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
If she was Muhammad's wife, she wouldn't have to worry about that for several more years.
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.

And for that day and time, age 14 would not be an unusual age for a girl to get married.
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?
"Biblical Companions, briefly addresses ancient, biblical marriage customs.Ancient marriages were usually arranged between the oldest male family members within the same group or family clan (Genesis 27:46-28:2). This guaranteed the future existence of the overall group and preservation of culture and values. Girls were given in marriage when they were old enough to bear children, whereas men married when they either received their inheritance or obtained their own resources. It was also common for the groom to give a dowry, or purchase his wife from his future father-in-law. In the case of Jacob, since he evidently had no such dowry, he indentured himself to his father-in-law in exchange for his wives (Genesis 29:15-21). (Rushmore)During the first century, however, it appears to have been the general rule that young people who were "of age" could arrange their own marriages. A girl was considered of age at twelve years and one day. The Jewish rabbis set the minimum age for marriage at twelve years for the girl, and thirteen years for the boy. A boy should certainly be wed by the time he was eighteen to twenty. Betrothal was a vital part of marriage in biblical times. Once a young man had chosen his prospective bride, and she had consented (if of age), a formal declaration of marital intent was made in the presence of two witnesses. The couple was then betrothed. The betrothal period was fixed by law. For a maiden, it was from ten months to a year; for a widow, three months. From the time of her betrothal until the marriage actually took place, a woman was treated*as if she were actually married. The betrothal could not be dissolved except by divorce; breach of faithfulness was regarded as adultery. (Jackson)When the day for the marriage arrives, the bridegroom with some of his friends goes to the house of the father-in-law, and receives the bride. She is brought with much parade to the bridegroom's home, where a feast is prepared, of which the guests partake with a great deal of boisterous merriment. (McGarvey)"

Religious Questions Answered with Biblical Answers
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Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?

Should we discuss Abrahams incest in sleeping with his sister?
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?

Should we discuss Abrahams incest in sleeping with his sister?
Is discussing the pervert Muhammad too uncomfortable for you?
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?

How about other cultures? Every culture is different, some cultures marry children off at a very young age. We don't condone it, but its the culture of that country, just like you Americans have your own culture.
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?

Should we discuss Abrahams incest in sleeping with his sister?

Incest is okay to the Bible thumpers, God says its okay to populate the world that way.
Aisha didn't suffer on her wedding night. Conservatives like to claim she was between the ages of six and nine when she had sex, but its more likely that she was a teenager - around the age of fourteen.
And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?

How about other cultures? Every culture is different, some cultures marry children off at a very young age. We don't condone it, but its the culture of that country, just like you Americans have your own culture.
That's right, change the subject. SherriM must be rubbing off on you.
"That's right, change the subject. SherriM must be rubbing off on you."

KKKooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooties, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!
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And you base that on what? Are you not willing to entertain the possibility that the "prophet" Muhammad might have been a pervert?

How about other cultures? Every culture is different, some cultures marry children off at a very young age. We don't condone it, but its the culture of that country, just like you Americans have your own culture.
That's right, change the subject. SherriM must be rubbing off on you.

The subject of the thread is not Muhammad.
How about other cultures? Every culture is different, some cultures marry children off at a very young age. We don't condone it, but its the culture of that country, just like you Americans have your own culture.
That's right, change the subject. SherriM must be rubbing off on you.

The subject of the thread is not Muhammad.
Nor is it incest. It's child rape, and the one person who is notorious for that practice is Muhammad.

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