Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

There was a thread created awhile back with a video of a child from a same sex couple speaking in favor of gay marriage. Does that one child's opinion cancel out this one child's opinion?

Did that child live in a same sex household?

The two women are his parents. I imagine he lived in their household. Unless I'm not understanding your question correctly. :dunno:
Where is the father?

There is no father, only a donor. The child still has two parents...which, as it turns out, is what kids need most.
There was a thread created awhile back with a video of a child from a same sex couple speaking in favor of gay marriage. Does that one child's opinion cancel out this one child's opinion?

Did that child live in a same sex household?

The two women are his parents. I imagine he lived in their household. Unless I'm not understanding your question correctly. :dunno:
Where is the father?

There is no father, only a donor. The child still has two parents...which, as it turns out, is what kids need most.
What kids need most is a father and mother.
There was a thread created awhile back with a video of a child from a same sex couple speaking in favor of gay marriage. Does that one child's opinion cancel out this one child's opinion?

Did that child live in a same sex household?

The two women are his parents. I imagine he lived in their household. Unless I'm not understanding your question correctly. :dunno:
Where is the father?

My father was never there, and I grew up into what I would consider a well adjusted adult. My mother raised five children without him, and all but one grew up to become stable, law-abiding, intelligent adults. I'd say those are good odds for a family with no father in the picture.
There was a thread created awhile back with a video of a child from a same sex couple speaking in favor of gay marriage. Does that one child's opinion cancel out this one child's opinion?

Did that child live in a same sex household?

The two women are his parents. I imagine he lived in their household. Unless I'm not understanding your question correctly. :dunno:
Where is the father?

There is no father, only a donor. The child still has two parents...which, as it turns out, is what kids need most.

That's obscene. Purposely putting the child at risk of harm so that two adults can play at parent.
whose rights did she violate?

Her son's.

Not at all, strange one.

Your ignorant pronouncements don't constitute an argument. Take a look at what happens with switched baby cases which pop up occasionally. Who the hell is harmed? Each set of parents goes home with a child, so where do you imagine the harm arises?

Look up the failure of derivative analogies. They rapidly fall apart. Yours does immediately.
whose rights did she violate?

Her son's.

Not at all, strange one.

Your ignorant pronouncements don't constitute an argument. Take a look at what happens with switched baby cases which pop up occasionally. Who the hell is harmed? Each set of parents goes home with a child, so where do you imagine the harm arises?

Look up the failure of derivative analogies. They rapidly fall apart. Yours does immediately.

Please link to a definition of "derivative analogy."
Please link to analysis which demonstrates that "they rapidly fall apart."
Please EXPLAIN, rather than meme ASSERT, why my analogy falls apart.

You damn leftists and your habit of argument by assertion are like a never-ending comedy show.
You have not made an argument, only several ineffective angry statements.

I don't have to provide evidence to refute opinions that collapse because of obvious internal inconsistency.

Your opinion bub is not evidence. The Word does not stand alone.
Nice, anyone can link ot the American Academy of Pediatrics, so what, they are the Activists.

Link to the scientific research you speak of, it is so flawed and narrow that its ridiculous. I bet you never even read what you think exists.

A simple statement by a political organization is hardly valid.
I've had this LGBT crew laugh down CDC statistics and the Mayo Clinic's report on pedophiles. The AAP and the AMA both answer to the APA which was taken over by gay activists in the 1970s. They unilaterally replaced the ruling scientific principle [google "leona tyler"] and replaced it with a political agenda that does in no way take its final conclusions from science. How else could you explain the AMA abandoning the hippocratic oath to help patients mutilate healthy organs ["sex change operations"]?

Also google "Cummings APA" for more information..
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

Can't miss something you've never known as with missing both mother and a father if you've never had that. And if you have and thus miss it, it's merely a change of status to be adapted to. There's no inherit benefit to male-female parents vs homosexual parents.

How many male-female marriages end where children are raised by just one parent? Are we proposing to forbid divorce now since both parents do so much better than just one?

First, lets start at the end of your statement, are we to forbid divorce? We certainly discourage divorce as any man who has went through divorce can attest to so you are kind of wrong thinking there are no restrictions or incentives not to divorce, especially with children and a mother that does not work.

Further, there is nothing we can do about divorce or death, so that is the natural way of things.

Second, children adopted into a homosexual man-man relationship, are forced into a family of your design and your choosing, a relationship that for the first time in history is a government/activist designed ruled and regulated relationship. So when there is a divorce or death in this New Social Unit of your design, any failure is thus a failure you have created. You will put children into that situation. Much different than being born into that situation.

Third, "Can't miss something you've never known". a statement more applicable is, "Can't understand something you've never lived".

Actually there is a benefit to having a Mother and Father, Mommy and Daddy make us, so that is one minor benefit.

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

This has to one of the most ignorant things I have ever encountered in this forum;

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

Obviously you have never been a parent yourself which probably explains why you are so ignorant.

Anyone can be a parent. Big Brothers/Big Sisters are actually substitute parents. An aunt, uncle or even just a neighbor can be a parent. There are Foster Parents. None of them have to be either the mother or the father of the child being parented.
There was a thread created awhile back with a video of a child from a same sex couple speaking in favor of gay marriage. Does that one child's opinion cancel out this one child's opinion?

Did that child live in a same sex household?

The two women are his parents. I imagine he lived in their household. Unless I'm not understanding your question correctly. :dunno:
Where is the father?

There is no father, only a donor. The child still has two parents...which, as it turns out, is what kids need most.

So six parents would be 3 times better?

What a shocker--yet another manpig trying to revoke a womyn's ryght to choose to have glorious lysbyyn intercourse with another womyn.

To think I almost took this thread seriously before seeing that it was just more syxyst hate speech.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

You cannot long for something which you have never had.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

You cannot long for something which you have never had.

Guess that explains all the 40 year old virgins?

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