Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

You have not made an argument, only several ineffective angry statements.
I don't have to provide evidence to refute opinions that collapse because of obvious internal inconsistency.

Your opinion bub is not evidence. The Word does not stand alone.

^^^ snit fit ^^^

Pop, why are you snitting. There has been no qualitative or philosophical evidence that indicates marriage equality should not come to pass. Anyone's religious belief about it is immaterial. Children are as safe in LGBT homes. SCOTUS will make the final determination next year, I rhink.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

Oh, so having 2 gay moms makes you want to have butt sex with dudes? I want to read the science on that one.

Look, gay marriage and gays with children are 2 VERY different topics.

Either way, I know a couple of gay girls that cant get married that are WAY better parents than some of my Christian family/friends.

One thing is certain, a male child of 2 women wants a mans perspective on life.....Again, this has nothing to do with butt sex you sick OP.
Wow, you have no argument unless you lie and put words in my mouth, good thing my back ain't turned to you.

Gee, liberal democrats are bigots.
They're also bullies.
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Can't miss something you've never known as with missing both mother and a father if you've never had that. And if you have and thus miss it, it's merely a change of status to be adapted to. There's no inherit benefit to male-female parents vs homosexual parents.

How many male-female marriages end where children are raised by just one parent? Are we proposing to forbid divorce now since both parents do so much better than just one?

First, lets start at the end of your statement, are we to forbid divorce? We certainly discourage divorce as any man who has went through divorce can attest to so you are kind of wrong thinking there are no restrictions or incentives not to divorce, especially with children and a mother that does not work.

Further, there is nothing we can do about divorce or death, so that is the natural way of things.

Second, children adopted into a homosexual man-man relationship, are forced into a family of your design and your choosing, a relationship that for the first time in history is a government/activist designed ruled and regulated relationship. So when there is a divorce or death in this New Social Unit of your design, any failure is thus a failure you have created. You will put children into that situation. Much different than being born into that situation.

Third, "Can't miss something you've never known". a statement more applicable is, "Can't understand something you've never lived".

Actually there is a benefit to having a Mother and Father, Mommy and Daddy make us, so that is one minor benefit.

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

This has to one of the most ignorant things I have ever encountered in this forum;

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

Obviously you have never been a parent yourself which probably explains why you are so ignorant.

Anyone can be a parent. Big Brothers/Big Sisters are actually substitute parents. An aunt, uncle or even just a neighbor can be a parent. There are Foster Parents. None of them have to be either the mother or the father of the child being parented.


You are an epic failure when it comes to providing a single shred of "proof" to support your bogus allegation.
The OP is simply one person testifying. That is not an allegation, just a fact. What part of his testimony do you take issue with.
That was not what you were saying in your posts. You were saying they needed to copulate.
Big difference. BIG!

Sorry but yes they have. Science is a bit beyond for some.

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.
The percentage of hetero couples compared to the percentage of same sex couples and then find the percentage of "so-called" troubled children from each category, that is the percentage that you compare.
Again you have no idea what you are talking about.

But try doing the percentage of troubled children from hetero sexual couples and compared to same sex couples.
Get back to us when the math makes sense.

You think the percentage is different? 99.9999999999999999999999999 % of all people are from the same source

Of course 100% of all people are from opposite sex coupling.

Tell me you knew that

Same sex coupling has never produced a child.

Sorry if you were unaware if that

Please name one child born with shared DNA of two males or two females.

yea, I know, you people got a bunch of studies, well, post them studies so we can see how all you got is well thought out talking points in which to steer the debate.

Post the studies you'll ignore again? Studies like the Australian study, the Tufts University Study or the University of California San Francisco study. How about the Florida State University study that looked at adopted kids?

Australian children with same-sex attracted parents score higher than population samples on a number of parent-reported measures of child health. Perceived stigma is negatively associated with mental health. Through improved awareness of stigma these findings play an important role in health policy, improving child health outcomes.

Results confirm previous studies in this current body of literature, suggesting that children raised by same-sex parents fare equally well to children raised by heterosexual parents.

Adolescents who have been reared in lesbian-mother families since birth demonstrate healthy psychological adjustment. These findings have implications for the clinical care of adolescents and for pediatricians who are consulted on matters that pertain to same-sex parenting.

Children of all family types (including children of same-sex couples) are far more likely to make normal progress through school than are children living in group quarters (such as orphanages and shelters).

Now where are YOUR studies, Elektra? In this game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours", you are woefully short.
I am not the one who claims or makes posts based on what I call, "Studies". Link to where I have, or quote where I have said my study trumps your study.

Again you did not link to the study, you linked to a .com, At this .com, they have an article with a brief description of a supposed, "study".

Now correct me if I am wrong, but the cherry picked items in the article do not constitute 1% of the actual, "study". If the study is 100 pages long that is.

There is no link on the page to the study, seawytch does this all the time, makes claims about studies that seawytch has never read.

None of you have read a study. Not at all.

Nobody has posted any study, just little cherry picked pieces the, "experts" leak.
Can't miss something you've never known as with missing both mother and a father if you've never had that. And if you have and thus miss it, it's merely a change of status to be adapted to. There's no inherit benefit to male-female parents vs homosexual parents.

How many male-female marriages end where children are raised by just one parent? Are we proposing to forbid divorce now since both parents do so much better than just one?

First, lets start at the end of your statement, are we to forbid divorce? We certainly discourage divorce as any man who has went through divorce can attest to so you are kind of wrong thinking there are no restrictions or incentives not to divorce, especially with children and a mother that does not work.

Further, there is nothing we can do about divorce or death, so that is the natural way of things.

Second, children adopted into a homosexual man-man relationship, are forced into a family of your design and your choosing, a relationship that for the first time in history is a government/activist designed ruled and regulated relationship. So when there is a divorce or death in this New Social Unit of your design, any failure is thus a failure you have created. You will put children into that situation. Much different than being born into that situation.

Third, "Can't miss something you've never known". a statement more applicable is, "Can't understand something you've never lived".

Actually there is a benefit to having a Mother and Father, Mommy and Daddy make us, so that is one minor benefit.

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

This has to one of the most ignorant things I have ever encountered in this forum;

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

Obviously you have never been a parent yourself which probably explains why you are so ignorant.

Anyone can be a parent. Big Brothers/Big Sisters are actually substitute parents. An aunt, uncle or even just a neighbor can be a parent. There are Foster Parents. None of them have to be either the mother or the father of the child being parented.


You are an epic failure when it comes to providing a single shred of "proof" to support your bogus allegation.
The OP is simply one person testifying. That is not an allegation, just a fact. What part of his testimony do you take issue with.

I take issue with his attempts to blame all his woes on the nature of his homelife as a child.
You have not made an argument, only several ineffective angry statements.
I don't have to provide evidence to refute opinions that collapse because of obvious internal inconsistency.

Your opinion bub is not evidence. The Word does not stand alone.

^^^ snit fit ^^^

Pop, why are you snitting. There has been no qualitative or philosophical evidence that indicates marriage equality should not come to pass. Anyone's religious belief about it is immaterial. Children are as safe in LGBT homes. SCOTUS will make the final determination next year, I rhink.

If you can say,"Children are as safe in LGBT homes.", I can prove they are not. How about this same sex homosexual couple. They murdered the boy that you state they are "parents", of.

Sure, it happens everyday with all kinds of people, but your claim that children are safe in LGBT homes is a fantasy, children without biological parents (biological parents means a mother and a father,) are at even greater risk.

So, all children murdered, molested, or abused in same sex homosexual "families" that you have designed and dictated through activist judges, lawyers, and politicians, is a crime, is blood on your hands and all who supported this Experiment in Homosexual Relationships.

But enough of the simple flaming of the Liberal/Democrat amateur wannabe activists.

Where was your voices when this tiny boy was brutally murdered.

Texas carries out a rare occurrence An execution of a woman - The Washington Post

Texas executed Lisa Coleman on Wednesday evening. Coleman was the ninth person executed by Texas this year — more than any other state – and the 30th inmate executed in the United States over the same span.


Coleman, 38, was sentenced to death after being found guilty of murdering Davontae Williams, her partner’s nine-year-old son, a decade ago. Davontae was emaciated, weighing 35 pounds at the time of his death in 2004, and had multiple injuries on his body. Coleman and Marcella Williams, her longtime girlfriend, had restrained him and deprived him of food, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
This is a credible resource, but it is just one family. It would be a very interesting study to to interview the children of gay couples for it is their lives and experiences that matter, not those of psychologists, psychiatrists or social workers.

There have been plenty of studies of children raised by gay parents that show no discernible difference in how they were raised as opposed to heterosexual parents.

This anecdote concerns an adopted child and many adoptees have "abandonment" issues since they question why they ended up being adopted in the first place. It is unlikely that this child is any different to other adoptees in his feelings and being raised by a loving gay couple probably has nothing to do with why he feels this way.

The OP has an agenda and appears to be exploiting this child in order to further his agenda. That much was obvious from the biased slant of the text in the link.

I agree with all but the last paragraph, in your post, Te. :thup:

I do not judge the OP's intentions.

Adoptees in general would have abandonment issues, and most children reared in a one-parent family may also resent the absence of an opposite sex role model. May this be the worst thing to afflict them through adulthood.

I like the idea of kids having two loving parents, regardless of gender. No childhood is perfect and adversity builds strength.
First, lets start at the end of your statement, are we to forbid divorce? We certainly discourage divorce as any man who has went through divorce can attest to so you are kind of wrong thinking there are no restrictions or incentives not to divorce, especially with children and a mother that does not work.

Further, there is nothing we can do about divorce or death, so that is the natural way of things.

Second, children adopted into a homosexual man-man relationship, are forced into a family of your design and your choosing, a relationship that for the first time in history is a government/activist designed ruled and regulated relationship. So when there is a divorce or death in this New Social Unit of your design, any failure is thus a failure you have created. You will put children into that situation. Much different than being born into that situation.

Third, "Can't miss something you've never known". a statement more applicable is, "Can't understand something you've never lived".

Actually there is a benefit to having a Mother and Father, Mommy and Daddy make us, so that is one minor benefit.

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

This has to one of the most ignorant things I have ever encountered in this forum;

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

Obviously you have never been a parent yourself which probably explains why you are so ignorant.

Anyone can be a parent. Big Brothers/Big Sisters are actually substitute parents. An aunt, uncle or even just a neighbor can be a parent. There are Foster Parents. None of them have to be either the mother or the father of the child being parented.


You are an epic failure when it comes to providing a single shred of "proof" to support your bogus allegation.
The OP is simply one person testifying. That is not an allegation, just a fact. What part of his testimony do you take issue with.

I take issue with his attempts to blame all his woes on the nature of his homelife as a child.


One day an employee came to me and said her young schoolteacher's daughter was going to marry for the first time and the fiance would soon be in my business to bring her something.

He came in; my employee introduced the young man to me and he was very polite and friendly. I noticed though, his many effeminate gestures and later mentioned it to her as I was curious about it all.

My employee told me he had been adopted as a baby and reared by two lesbians.

I have long wondered how the marriage turned out and can only hope, wonderfully.

I have known married men with effeminate gestures. Their female wives and marriages appeared to be content. :dunno:

Once more, I am in favor of two loving people of the same sex, adopting children. There are no guarantees any child is going to turn out just fine, under even the best circumstances and so-called ideal parents.
Last edited:
Post the studies you'll ignore again? Studies like the Australian study, the Tufts University Study or the University of California San Francisco study. How about the Florida State University study that looked at adopted kids?

Now where are YOUR studies, Elektra? In this game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours", you are woefully short.

I have not made claims or posts based on studies, no need to when your study is fine, let me do your work for.

I thought I would answer this post twice, its informative of how ill-informed the liberal/democrat pro homosexual people are.

seaywytch, watch and learn,

your link seawytch I follow
BMC Public Health Abstract Parent-reported measures of child health and wellbeing in same-sex parent families a cross-sectional survey

Clearly the link given is to a .com and is an abstract of a study, at best and following the link finds what I state to be fact. Seawytch and you others thus have based your, "opinions" on a headline, propaganda.

We do not even get the name of the Australian Study in Seawytch's post, nobody actually posts the names of studies? How come? Never read them?

The name of the Australian study I find and I google and follow it to the author, this is the name and link: Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families

Welcome to the Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families (ACHESS).


August 2014: The adolescent perspectives on health and wellbeing from the ACHESS have now been published here.

July 2014: The first official results from the ACHESS, reporting on parent-response measures of health and wellbeing, have now been published in BMC Public Health. The paper can be foundhere.

More results will be available soon.

More results will be available soon? Huh, Has seawytch and everyone else just based opinion on headlines at a .com?

The study is not complete!

But they do give two links, lets check out the first link; The health perspectives of Australian adolescents from same-sex parent families a mixed methods study - Crouch - 2014 - Child Care Health and Development - Wiley Online Library

Positive health outcomes are informed by the ways adolescents conceptualize health and how they construct their spheres of life. Peer relationships, and community perspectives of same-sex families, inform perceived stigma and its correlation with poorer health and well-being. Although adolescents see their families as essentially normal they are negatively affected by external societal stigma.

Well, the study that seawytch attempted to link to, is not complete, but what is published and released by the University of Melbourne is the opposite of seawytch's opinion.

The University of Melbourne study, which I am using, is posted by seawytch. Nobody has complained or criticized the posting and using of this study in support of same sex homosexual relationships involving adopted children. But the study does not support your contention, the study states the opposite.

The Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families (ACHESS), states children of Same-Sex "families", are negatively effected. Now if we could only now what they were asked, what were the questions, how many kids (35).

So a survey is sent out to 57 kids, 35 are completed. What the study does state is that the children in same sex families consider their friends their real family, the family that is important, not the homosexual biological mother they live with.

At times these categories would be clearly demarcated but some adolescents, like 16-year-old Joel, would blur the distinction as they described social families and contexts where friends are seen as part of the family, being just as important as, or in some cases more important than, biological ties.

Either way, even biased studies are useful if you get to read the study, when this one is complete it would be nice to see it in its entirety. I say biased because the study seems to have concentrated on if the children felt social stigma, and stated that, "homophobic" society needs a new education.

So, one study, not completed, with only a little report of what is in the study, and we find it is biased but did find that children are being effected negatively by being in a homosexual same sex mother girlfriend relationship.

Not sure if there were any homosexual men in the study, without having a study to actually see, who knows.

People throw around the word study like the argument has been settled, all the studies indicate same sex homosexual couples should not have children, as this partially finished study that is partially released indicates, despite what the "researchers bias", tells us otherwise.
This is a credible resource, but it is just one family. It would be a very interesting study to to interview the children of gay couples for it is their lives and experiences that matter, not those of psychologists, psychiatrists or social workers.

There have been plenty of studies of children raised by gay parents that show no discernible difference in how they were raised as opposed to heterosexual parents.

This anecdote concerns an adopted child and many adoptees have "abandonment" issues since they question why they ended up being adopted in the first place. It is unlikely that this child is any different to other adoptees in his feelings and being raised by a loving gay couple probably has nothing to do with why he feels this way.

The OP has an agenda and appears to be exploiting this child in order to further his agenda. That much was obvious from the biased slant of the text in the link.

I agree with all but the last paragraph, in your post, Te. :thup:

I do not judge the OP's intentions.

Adoptees in general would have abandonment issues, and most children reared in a one-parent family may also resent the absence of an opposite sex role model. May this be the worst thing to afflict them through adulthood.

I like the idea of kids having two loving parents, regardless of gender. No childhood is perfect and adversity builds strength.

Exactly, there is the ideal and then there is reality. There are children with two abusive parents who might be better off without them at all but those are the exceptions rather than the rule.

Hopefully the child in this instance, who is now an adult, will eventually come to terms with the fact you have to live the life you have, and make it the way you want it to be, rather than to waste it wishing that it had been different from the outset.
This has to one of the most ignorant things I have ever encountered in this forum;

Obviously you have never been a parent yourself which probably explains why you are so ignorant.

Anyone can be a parent. Big Brothers/Big Sisters are actually substitute parents. An aunt, uncle or even just a neighbor can be a parent. There are Foster Parents. None of them have to be either the mother or the father of the child being parented.


You are an epic failure when it comes to providing a single shred of "proof" to support your bogus allegation.
The OP is simply one person testifying. That is not an allegation, just a fact. What part of his testimony do you take issue with.

I take issue with his attempts to blame all his woes on the nature of his homelife as a child.


One day an employee came to me and said her young schoolteacher's daughter was going to marry for the first time and the fiance would soon be in my business to bring her something.

He came in; my employee introduced the young man to me and he was very polite and friendly. I noticed though, his many effeminate gestures and later mentioned it to her as I was curious about it all.

My employee told me he had been adopted as a baby and reared by two lesbians.

I have long wondered how the marriage turned out and can only hope, wonderfully.

I have known married men with effeminate gestures. Their female wives and marriages appeared to be content. :dunno:

Once more, I am in favor of two loving people of the same sex, adopting children. There are no guarantees any child is going to turn out just fine, under even the best circumstances and so-called ideal parents.

There are some very masculine men who are gay so it isn't the outward appearance and gestures that matter as much as it is who they are as people. If they make their partners happy then that is all that matters.
Can't miss something you've never known as with missing both mother and a father if you've never had that. And if you have and thus miss it, it's merely a change of status to be adapted to. There's no inherit benefit to male-female parents vs homosexual parents.

How many male-female marriages end where children are raised by just one parent? Are we proposing to forbid divorce now since both parents do so much better than just one?

First, lets start at the end of your statement, are we to forbid divorce? We certainly discourage divorce as any man who has went through divorce can attest to so you are kind of wrong thinking there are no restrictions or incentives not to divorce, especially with children and a mother that does not work.

Further, there is nothing we can do about divorce or death, so that is the natural way of things.

Second, children adopted into a homosexual man-man relationship, are forced into a family of your design and your choosing, a relationship that for the first time in history is a government/activist designed ruled and regulated relationship. So when there is a divorce or death in this New Social Unit of your design, any failure is thus a failure you have created. You will put children into that situation. Much different than being born into that situation.

Third, "Can't miss something you've never known". a statement more applicable is, "Can't understand something you've never lived".

Actually there is a benefit to having a Mother and Father, Mommy and Daddy make us, so that is one minor benefit.

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

This has to one of the most ignorant things I have ever encountered in this forum;

Parents means Mother and Father, not homosexual man-man playing daddy and mommy. In a homosexual relationship, there is no Father or Mother, there are no parents, its a misuse of words to imply, Father, Mother, Parents, are words that are like a jacket, something you can put on when you feel like it.

Obviously you have never been a parent yourself which probably explains why you are so ignorant.

Anyone can be a parent. Big Brothers/Big Sisters are actually substitute parents. An aunt, uncle or even just a neighbor can be a parent. There are Foster Parents. None of them have to be either the mother or the father of the child being parented.


You are an epic failure when it comes to providing a single shred of "proof" to support your bogus allegation.
The OP is simply one person testifying. That is not an allegation, just a fact. What part of his testimony do you take issue with.

I take issue with your having absolutely zero basis whatsoever for calling me a liar.

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