Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

Okay, so if this single anecdote of some clown bitching about have same sex parents is a definitive and significant argument against such couples having children,

if I find one example of someone bitching about how being raised in a fundamentalist Christian home fucked up his life,

does that equally prove that Christian fundamentalists shoud also be denied children?

Well? Comon, big mouths, let's hear it!
Okay, so if this single anecdote of some clown bitching about have same sex parents is a definitive and significant argument against such couples having children,

if I find one example of someone bitching about how being raised in a fundamentalist Christian home fucked up his life,

does that equally prove that Christian fundamentalists shoud also be denied children?

Well? Comon, big mouths, let's hear it!
The wife of the mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. Kinda blows the leftist chant of " born that way".
The complainant grew up an A student, and now has a doctorate and is a professor and author.

How dare those two women ruin his life!!!!!!!
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?
Okay, so if this single anecdote of some clown bitching about have same sex parents is a definitive and significant argument against such couples having children,

if I find one example of someone bitching about how being raised in a fundamentalist Christian home fucked up his life,

does that equally prove that Christian fundamentalists shoud also be denied children?

Well? Comon, big mouths, let's hear it!
The wife of the mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. Kinda blows the leftist chant of " born that way".

Well you weren't born with a gun in your hand but you still claim the right to own one.
The complainant grew up an A student, and now has a doctorate and is a professor and author.

How dare those two women ruin his life!!!!!!!
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

then by all means, prove the difference, and then prove what's wrong with the difference (which you won't be able to prove in the first place).

Or...fuck off.
The complainant grew up an A student, and now has a doctorate and is a professor and author.

How dare those two women ruin his life!!!!!!!
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

Needless to say Pastor Rikurzhen is just spewing his own ignorant bigotry again because he hasn't bothered to research a single fact in the OP. The child in question was born while his mother was married to the father. It was only after her divorce that she entered a lesbian relationship.

So no, she in not a "eugenicist" and she did not "put more effort into shopping for sperm" than "buying a house" and she most certainly never bought her child "like a commodity".

Pastor Rikurzhen must enjoy being exposed as a liar since he does this over and over again.

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

I'm not excusing heterosexual couples from the human rights violations they inflict on the children, but they're not as eugenicist when shopping for sperm, rather they're mostly trying to find a man who matches the husband in looks. Lesbians are totally unmoored from that constraint, so they really commodify the sperm donor's qualities. Jodie Foster spent months on her shopping expedition:

"I went the in vitro pregnancy route because I could choose exactly the father I wanted. I was looking for a man who's genius level."

The Yale-educated actress is saidn to have chosen a tall, dark-haired and 'strikingly handsome' university scientist with a PhD and IQ of 160, after months of studying sperm donor "biographies" at a Los Angeles clinic.​

"I know all about the father's background but I don't know his name," Foster told friends​

A 160 IQ is a 1 in 30,000 occurrence. That's how human rights violators think - a kid is a commodity to be bought.
Okay, so if this single anecdote of some clown bitching about have same sex parents is a definitive and significant argument against such couples having children,

if I find one example of someone bitching about how being raised in a fundamentalist Christian home fucked up his life,

does that equally prove that Christian fundamentalists shoud also be denied children?

Well? Comon, big mouths, let's hear it!
The wife of the mayor of NYC used to be a lesbian. Kinda blows the leftist chant of " born that way".

Well you weren't born with a gun in your hand but you still claim the right to own one.
Oh my god.
The complainant grew up an A student, and now has a doctorate and is a professor and author.

How dare those two women ruin his life!!!!!!!
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

then by all means, prove the difference, and then prove what's wrong with the difference (which you won't be able to prove in the first place).

Or...fuck off.
Nothing more pathetic than an ignorant loser who chooses to remain one.
If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

I'm not excusing heterosexual couples from the human rights violations they inflict on the children, but they're not as eugenicist when shopping for sperm, rather they're mostly trying to find a man who matches the husband in looks. Lesbians are totally unmoored from that constraint, so they really commodify the sperm donor's qualities. Jodie Foster spent months on her shopping expedition:

"I went the in vitro pregnancy route because I could choose exactly the father I wanted. I was looking for a man who's genius level."

The Yale-educated actress is saidn to have chosen a tall, dark-haired and 'strikingly handsome' university scientist with a PhD and IQ of 160, after months of studying sperm donor "biographies" at a Los Angeles clinic.​

"I know all about the father's background but I don't know his name," Foster told friends​

A 160 IQ is a 1 in 30,000 occurrence. That's how human rights violators think - a kid is a commodity to be bought.

As if women don't do exactly the same thing when looking for a partner to marry!

Pastor Rikurzhen is such an ill-informed ignoramus.

Studies show that when it comes to choosing a mate both sexes are looking for certain characteristics. Height, eye color, intelligence, physique are all factors that are considered.
If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

I'm not excusing heterosexual couples from the human rights violations they inflict on the children, but they're not as eugenicist when shopping for sperm, rather they're mostly trying to find a man who matches the husband in looks. Lesbians are totally unmoored from that constraint, so they really commodify the sperm donor's qualities. Jodie Foster spent months on her shopping expedition:

"I went the in vitro pregnancy route because I could choose exactly the father I wanted. I was looking for a man who's genius level."

The Yale-educated actress is saidn to have chosen a tall, dark-haired and 'strikingly handsome' university scientist with a PhD and IQ of 160, after months of studying sperm donor "biographies" at a Los Angeles clinic.​

"I know all about the father's background but I don't know his name," Foster told friends​

A 160 IQ is a 1 in 30,000 occurrence. That's how human rights violators think - a kid is a commodity to be bought.

As if women don't do exactly the same thing when looking for a partner to marry!

Pastor Rikurzhen is such an ill-informed ignoramus.

Studies show that when it comes to choosing a mate both sexes are looking for certain characteristics. Height, eye color, intelligence, physique are all factors that are considered.
Do you have a link to those studies?
Sorry but yes they have. Science is a bit beyond for some.

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about.
The percentage of hetero couples compared to the percentage of same sex couples and then find the percentage of "so-called" troubled children from each category, that is the percentage that you compare.
Again you have no idea what you are talking about.

You think the percentage is different? 99.9999999999999999999999999 % of all people are from the same source

Of course 100% of all people are from opposite sex coupling.

Tell me you knew that

Same sex coupling has never produced a child.

Sorry if you were unaware if that

Please name one child born with shared DNA of two males or two females.

Me and my grandparents. lol

Well, kaint argue wit dat.
Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. Regardless of what move I make, the pigeon is going to knock all the pieces over, crap on the board, then strut around like he won.
The complainant grew up an A student, and now has a doctorate and is a professor and author.

How dare those two women ruin his life!!!!!!!
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

then by all means, prove the difference, and then prove what's wrong with the difference (which you won't be able to prove in the first place).

Or...fuck off.
Nothing more pathetic than an ignorant loser who chooses to remain one.

Let me ask a question I can guarantee you won't answer:

Are you aware that the guy in the OP complaining about his same sex parents was NOT the product of artificial insemination?
The complainant grew up an A student, and now has a doctorate and is a professor and author.

How dare those two women ruin his life!!!!!!!
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

then by all means, prove the difference, and then prove what's wrong with the difference (which you won't be able to prove in the first place).

Or...fuck off.
Nothing more pathetic than an ignorant loser who chooses to remain one.

The person in the OP was not the product of artificial insemination.
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

then by all means, prove the difference, and then prove what's wrong with the difference (which you won't be able to prove in the first place).

Or...fuck off.
Nothing more pathetic than an ignorant loser who chooses to remain one.

Let me ask a question I can guarantee you won't answer:

Are you aware that the guy in the OP complaining about his same sex parents was NOT the product of artificial insemination?
Lesbians are well known for being eugenicists - they put more effort into shopping for sperm than you did in buying a house.

Parental influence delivered through home life, doesn't have much impact, (crushing the delusions of parents everywhere) so his success was mostly attributed to the high quality sperm his mother bought and combined with her egg.

Being bought like a commodity tends to upset children.

The hatred of homosexuals exhibits the most entertaining symptoms.

The mindlessness of your response has outed you as a liberal. Doesn't it suck to have your world view destroyed and to have nothing to say in defense of the idiocy you believe?

If you want to prove that lesbians looking for a sperm donor engage in some sort of evil lesbian eugenic screening that heterosexual couples do not when they look for a sperm donor,

then by all means, prove the difference, and then prove what's wrong with the difference (which you won't be able to prove in the first place).

Or...fuck off.
Nothing more pathetic than an ignorant loser who chooses to remain one.

The person in the OP was not the product of artificial insemination.
Which means nothing.
I'm not excusing heterosexual couples from the human rights violations they inflict on the children, but they're not as eugenicist when shopping for sperm, rather they're mostly trying to find a man who matches the husband in looks. Lesbians are totally unmoored from that constraint, so they really commodify the sperm donor's qualities. Jodie Foster spent months on her shopping expedition:

"I went the in vitro pregnancy route because I could choose exactly the father I wanted. I was looking for a man who's genius level."

The Yale-educated actress is saidn to have chosen a tall, dark-haired and 'strikingly handsome' university scientist with a PhD and IQ of 160, after months of studying sperm donor "biographies" at a Los Angeles clinic.​

"I know all about the father's background but I don't know his name," Foster told friends​

A 160 IQ is a 1 in 30,000 occurrence. That's how human rights violators think - a kid is a commodity to be bought.

whose rights did she violate?

A 160 IQ is a 1 in 30,000 occurrence. That's how human rights violators think - a kid is a commodity to be bought.
What a silly comment.

The hundreds of comments of folks I have heard from unhappy grown children raised in the heterosexual conservative and religious homes easily outweighs the silly OP.
Jodie violated no one's rights in her search, plus the point that so many straight gals do the same.
Every attempt should be made to unite this child with its biological father and give the father visitation rights or offer the child a decision to live with the father. If the father doesn't want visitation, then he should pay child support.

Just because you want to be gay married, that doesn't mean you can ruin a child's life.

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