Child Of Lesbian Couple Speaks Against Same-sex Marriage.

I know, the only voice to be heard is that of homosexuality and those who support it.

Those who are living witnesses, children who are adopted by homosexuals will not be allowed to testify, these children are the facts yet they are to be discredited.

is your premise that children of heterosexuals never feel "anguish" ? :lol:
Is your premise that the voice of heterosexual children adopted by homosexuals shall not be allowed to speak.
You believe this to be true.
Explain then in vitro fertilization to us. Please.

Excellent reasoning you must be some product of a charter school.
All other and real conventional wisdom arrives at a more reasonable statement.
Keep on trucking.

And we all know how wonderful conventional marriage parenting is and how their offspring turn out.

All children from heterosexual couples turn out to be well adjusted adults, and all children from gay couples turn out messed up. If a child who is messed up comes from what seems to be a heterosexual couple then one of them is probably a tranny. Somebody alert Novasteve!

All people are from opposite sex coupling.

Is this some sort of a surprise?

You MUST couple sperm with an EGG.

Unless you're speaking of some sort of exotic frog species, and egg is the product of females and the sperm is the product of males.


It's really not that tough. It's always, ALWAYS, opposite sex coupling that creates babies

Synthetic sperm and egg splitting are very bad investments.

Thank me later
Seems the only voice in this debate, is the voice of the Homosexual and the Activist. Now its time to here from the children being adopted into, "families". Children know right from wrong despite what the "experts", think.

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage Denny Burk

Contrary to what the gay lobby claims, Lopez writes, children raised by same-sex parents “deeply feel the loss of a father or mother, no matter how much we love our gay parents.”

These children know they are “powerless to stop the decision to deprive them of a father or mother,” he adds. And this decision comes with serious and often permanent consequences. For instance, they “feel disconnected from the gender cues of people around them,” and long for a role model of the opposite sex.

While they love the people who raised them, they experience anger at their decision to deprive them of one or both biological parents—and “shame or guilt for resenting their loving parents.”

The so-called “consensus” by psychologists and pediatricians on the soundness of same-sex parenting is, Lopez writes, “frankly bogus.” The truth is, there is no data to support that assertion.

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”

A child rebelling against his parents. lol, how novel.
Yet, relevant.

The OP has failed to provide any relevance whatsoever.
seems more an indictment of same-sex parenting than same-sex marriage.
it also seems like the lamentation is that not having a heterosexual couple for parents a child will miss the absent gender.

I wonder what a child of a single parent, or a child in foster care, would think about rejecting a loving parent because they aren't the right gender?

I really don't want to second guess the mind of a child when I don't know the child or the parents involved. But I will say, that the experiences of the child has to be taken into account as well as the parents.

Relationships with other children at school, friends, parents of friends, and possible bullying experiences can take place. Children can be mean. Do the children of gay parents have negative experiences such as those?
Our family, I would say no....our daughter had plenty of friends in school, was and is an A student (she's in college now) we have become friends with her friends' parents and if I may stereotype, she was a core member of the jock/popular crowd at her High School. There were a few bullying attempts in elementary school...but the bullies were all around bullies and (as we told her would happen) got their comeuppance in Middle School and High School....they had a multitude of issues.

I would say no as well and my children are still in school, Middle and High. They have not experienced any bullying because of who their parents are and both kids have plenty of friends. My daughter is an A student, my son has a range of grades ;) Granted, we live in a small town and they go to a small school.

What is setting my kids apart from almost every single one of their friends is the fact that their parents are still together. Only my daughter has ONE friend who also has parents still married to each other. There is not a weekend that goes by that I don't have someone else's kid at my house because they didn't want to go to their Dad's house or their Mom had a date or simply because they like being here in our loving, family atmosphere.
seems more an indictment of same-sex parenting than same-sex marriage.
it also seems like the lamentation is that not having a heterosexual couple for parents a child will miss the absent gender.

I wonder what a child of a single parent, or a child in foster care, would think about rejecting a loving parent because they aren't the right gender?

I really don't want to second guess the mind of a child when I don't know the child or the parents involved. But I will say, that the experiences of the child has to be taken into account as well as the parents.

Relationships with other children at school, friends, parents of friends, and possible bullying experiences can take place. Children can be mean. Do the children of gay parents have negative experiences such as those?
Our family, I would say no....our daughter had plenty of friends in school, was and is an A student (she's in college now) we have become friends with her friends' parents and if I may stereotype, she was a core member of the jock/popular crowd at her High School. There were a few bullying attempts in elementary school...but the bullies were all around bullies and (as we told her would happen) got their comeuppance in Middle School and High School....they had a multitude of issues.

I would say no as well and my children are still in school, Middle and High. They have not experienced any bullying because of who their parents are and both kids have plenty of friends. My daughter is an A student, my son has a range of grades ;) Granted, we live in a small town and they go to a small school.

What is setting my kids apart from almost every single one of their friends is the fact that their parents are still together. Only my daughter has ONE friend who also has parents still married to each other. There is not a weekend that goes by that I don't have someone else's kid at my house because they didn't want to go to their Dad's house or their Mom had a date or simply because they like being here in our loving, family atmosphere.

Sounds like you are the "cool parents". :thup:

That is an honor that very few parents achieve but you obviously deserve it. :smiliehug:
the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence, yet it hardly ever is...

I've not yet met one person raised in a heterosexual family who has expressed the wish to be raised by two fathers and no mother.

Going solely on my own experience I can't say that I agree with you that people find the grass greener on the other side of the fence.

I'll never forget the day we both showed up to pick up our daughter from elementary school. My partner usually picked the kids up so this one little girl had never seen me and so she asked who I was. When we told her and explained that our daughter had two mothers she turned to her mother and said "how come I can't have two mommies?"
the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence, yet it hardly ever is...

I've not yet met one person raised in a heterosexual family who has expressed the wish to be raised by two fathers and no mother.

Going solely on my own experience I can't say that I agree with you that people find the grass greener on the other side of the fence.

I'll never forget the day we both showed up to pick up our daughter from elementary school. My partner usually picked the kids up so this one little girl had never seen me and so she asked who I was. When we told her and explained that our daughter had two mothers she turned to her mother and said "how come I can't have two mommies?"


Smart kid. :D
Let's give this guy the Biblical treatment, traditional family values style:

And he that curseth his father or his mother, shall surely be put to death. (Exodus 21:17 )

seems more an indictment of same-sex parenting than same-sex marriage.
it also seems like the lamentation is that not having a heterosexual couple for parents a child will miss the absent gender.

I wonder what a child of a single parent, or a child in foster care, would think about rejecting a loving parent because they aren't the right gender?

I really don't want to second guess the mind of a child when I don't know the child or the parents involved. But I will say, that the experiences of the child has to be taken into account as well as the parents.

Relationships with other children at school, friends, parents of friends, and possible bullying experiences can take place. Children can be mean. Do the children of gay parents have negative experiences such as those?
Our family, I would say no....our daughter had plenty of friends in school, was and is an A student (she's in college now) we have become friends with her friends' parents and if I may stereotype, she was a core member of the jock/popular crowd at her High School. There were a few bullying attempts in elementary school...but the bullies were all around bullies and (as we told her would happen) got their comeuppance in Middle School and High School....they had a multitude of issues.

I would say no as well and my children are still in school, Middle and High. They have not experienced any bullying because of who their parents are and both kids have plenty of friends. My daughter is an A student, my son has a range of grades ;) Granted, we live in a small town and they go to a small school.

What is setting my kids apart from almost every single one of their friends is the fact that their parents are still together. Only my daughter has ONE friend who also has parents still married to each other. There is not a weekend that goes by that I don't have someone else's kid at my house because they didn't want to go to their Dad's house or their Mom had a date or simply because they like being here in our loving, family atmosphere.

Sounds like you are the "cool parents". :thup:

That is an honor that very few parents achieve but you obviously deserve it. :smiliehug:

It's an honor I could do without every once in a while! Seriously, I beg my kids "hey, why don't you stay over at so and so's this weekend instead of coming over here?"
seems more an indictment of same-sex parenting than same-sex marriage.
it also seems like the lamentation is that not having a heterosexual couple for parents a child will miss the absent gender.

I wonder what a child of a single parent, or a child in foster care, would think about rejecting a loving parent because they aren't the right gender?

I really don't want to second guess the mind of a child when I don't know the child or the parents involved. But I will say, that the experiences of the child has to be taken into account as well as the parents.

Relationships with other children at school, friends, parents of friends, and possible bullying experiences can take place. Children can be mean. Do the children of gay parents have negative experiences such as those?
Our family, I would say no....our daughter had plenty of friends in school, was and is an A student (she's in college now) we have become friends with her friends' parents and if I may stereotype, she was a core member of the jock/popular crowd at her High School. There were a few bullying attempts in elementary school...but the bullies were all around bullies and (as we told her would happen) got their comeuppance in Middle School and High School....they had a multitude of issues.

I would say no as well and my children are still in school, Middle and High. They have not experienced any bullying because of who their parents are and both kids have plenty of friends. My daughter is an A student, my son has a range of grades ;) Granted, we live in a small town and they go to a small school.

What is setting my kids apart from almost every single one of their friends is the fact that their parents are still together. Only my daughter has ONE friend who also has parents still married to each other. There is not a weekend that goes by that I don't have someone else's kid at my house because they didn't want to go to their Dad's house or their Mom had a date or simply because they like being here in our loving, family atmosphere.

Sounds like you are the "cool parents". :thup:

That is an honor that very few parents achieve but you obviously deserve it. :smiliehug:

It's an honor I could do without every once in a while! Seriously, I beg my kids "hey, why don't you stay over at so and so's this weekend instead of coming over here?"

You need a vacation from your kids! :D Set yourself up with a weekend getaway and palm the kids off on the grandparents or someone similar. Gives you a whole new lease on life.
You need a vacation from your kids! :D Set yourself up with a weekend getaway and palm the kids off on the grandparents or someone similar. Gives you a whole new lease on life.

Your mouth to god's ear! Only one election next year...nice slow year. We're gonna try and finally get our Honeymoon ;)

:lol: You sound like me and Mrs Te, we never had a honeymoon either.
You believe this to be true.
Explain then in vitro fertilization to us. Please.

Excellent reasoning you must be some product of a charter school.
All other and real conventional wisdom arrives at a more reasonable statement.
Keep on trucking.

And we all know how wonderful conventional marriage parenting is and how their offspring turn out.

All children from heterosexual couples turn out to be well adjusted adults, and all children from gay couples turn out messed up. If a child who is messed up comes from what seems to be a heterosexual couple then one of them is probably a tranny. Somebody alert Novasteve!

All people are from opposite sex coupling.

Is this some sort of a surprise?

You MUST couple sperm with an EGG.

Unless you're speaking of some sort of exotic frog species, and egg is the product of females and the sperm is the product of males.


It's really not that tough. It's always, ALWAYS, opposite sex coupling that creates babies

Synthetic sperm and egg splitting are very bad investments.

Thank me later
You believe this to be true.
Explain then in vitro fertilization to us. Please.

Excellent reasoning you must be some product of a charter school.
All other and real conventional wisdom arrives at a more reasonable statement.
Keep on trucking.

All children from heterosexual couples turn out to be well adjusted adults, and all children from gay couples turn out messed up. If a child who is messed up comes from what seems to be a heterosexual couple then one of them is probably a tranny. Somebody alert Novasteve!

All people are from opposite sex coupling.

Is this some sort of a surprise?

You MUST couple sperm with an EGG.

Unless you're speaking of some sort of exotic frog species, and egg is the product of females and the sperm is the product of males.


It's really not that tough. It's always, ALWAYS, opposite sex coupling that creates babies

Synthetic sperm and egg splitting are very bad investments.

Thank me later

There's more to conception?

Please, go on
From the article:

Instead, as political scientists Leon Kass of the University of Chicago and Harvey Mansfield of Harvard University note, “Claims that science provides support for constitutionalizing a right to same-sex marriage must rest necessarily on ideology”—and “ideology is not science.”​

Which is something sensible people have always understood. Only ideologues have never been honest about that as they manufacture junk science to suit their ideology.

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