Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

The question is whether they have fixed it up to look nice. Members of Congress should be allowed to inspect facilities with no advance notice and to talk to the children. The operative word is THEY PUBLIUSHED. More propaganda videos.
"Operative" ? Yeah, they published it. That's OK. No reason to think it's propaganda, as long as one is not biased.

We will never know unless members of Congress are able to make unannounced inspections. There is nothing wrong with that and if they have nothing to hide then they will allow it.

Why admit Congresspeople who are just partisan liars? There is nothing wrong with not admitting a bunch of liars just looking for a photo op and have no intention of telling the truth.

You are a partisan liar. You know nothing about telling the truth. Trump was right. If he shot someone just for the hell of it, you would be defending him. Is Franklin Graham a partisan liar as well. He calls it disgusting.
No one has the right to illegally immigrate.
We have a 100% right to control our border crossings.
We have a 100% right to control our immigration.
We have a 100% right to prevent non-citizens from voting in our elections.
The Democrats are not just wrong, they are bad.

You are bad. Kidnapping children is evil. Terrorism is evil.

nobody kidnapped any children. you want to spread lies, just post articles from the New York Times.

A kidnapper will never admit to kidnapping.

A lying Democrat will never admit to lying.

A lying Trump supporter will never admit to lying.
The question is whether they have fixed it up to look nice. Members of Congress should be allowed to inspect facilities with no advance notice and to talk to the children. The operative word is THEY PUBLIUSHED. More propaganda videos.
"Operative" ? Yeah, they published it. That's OK. No reason to think it's propaganda, as long as one is not biased.

We will never know unless members of Congress are able to make unannounced inspections. There is nothing wrong with that and if they have nothing to hide then they will allow it.

Why admit Congresspeople who are just partisan liars? There is nothing wrong with not admitting a bunch of liars just looking for a photo op and have no intention of telling the truth.

You are a partisan liar. You know nothing about telling the truth. Trump was right. If he shot someone just for the hell of it, you would be defending him. Is Franklin Graham a partisan liar as well. He calls it disgusting.

you're still just a liar. go ahead and keep proving it; you exploit children, put them in danger from criminal syndicates just for a few photo ops and yet another fake news campaign. you're sick pieces of shit, you know it, we know it, and you love it.
In other news, all these relatives in Latin America the media's 'color commentators' are running around digging up and interviewing are almost all morbidly obese and well dressed, and have access to excellent dental care. They're better off than American kids, so quit trying to make them out to be 'desperate poor refugees'; they all have thousands of dollars to pay criminals to guide them here.
My personal favorite was when Chuck "the schmuck" Schumer dismissed the possibility of legislation because it was "too hard and it'll JUST get all mucked up with additions" before he even saw it. Hey, Chuckie, if this "member of Congress" gig is too much work for you, you're welcome to resign and let someone who isn't as lazy take a crack at it. What the hell are we paying that jackass for?

Since Trump can't follow the current law without abusing people, what's the point of passing a new law that he will abuse?
My personal favorite was when Chuck "the schmuck" Schumer dismissed the possibility of legislation because it was "too hard and it'll JUST get all mucked up with additions" before he even saw it. Hey, Chuckie, if this "member of Congress" gig is too much work for you, you're welcome to resign and let someone who isn't as lazy take a crack at it. What the hell are we paying that jackass for?

Since Trump can't follow the current law without abusing people, what's the point of passing a new law that he will abuse?

He issued an order exactly what the left wanted. It of course did nothing, because the left's 'problem' is it's fake problem to begin with that never existed, and his order was illegal anyway and will be struck down. You don't know what the current law is, so you can't say anything about it that makes any sense, so give up.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Kids weren't being seperated from their parents like this before Trump. The laws haven't changed. Only the priorities of the president have. He can stop this atrocity today. Why doesn't he?

Those pics of kids in "cages" that the media suddenly discovered were taken during Obama's administration.

There were never 2000 or more kids taken from their parents in a couple of weeks during Obama's administration. Why are you trying to defend Trump? He said taking those kids was heartless too.
Time Magazine nailed it.

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Honduran father reveals daughter was never separated from her mother | Daily Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE: 'They're together and safe: Father of Honduran two-year-old who became the face of family separation crisis reveals daughter was never separated from her mother, but the image of her in tears at U.S. border control ‘broke his heart’
  • Denis Javier Varela Hernandez spoke out about the status of his wife Sandra, 32, and daughter, Yanela, 2
  • Yanela became the face of the immigration crisis after a Getty photographer snapped a photo of her in tears
  • Speaking to Hernandez said he has still not been in direct contact with his wife Sandra because he does not have a way of communicating
  • He says all he can do now is wait, and says he is happy that 'they are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border
  • Sandra was part of a group that were caught by Border Patrol agents after making their way across the Rio Grande river on a raft
  • She set out on her journey from Puerto Cortes, Honduras to the U.S. at 6am on June 3 and allegedly paid $6,000 for a coyote
  • Hernandez said he did not support his wife's decision to make the journey with their young daughter in her arms and never got to properly say goodbye


Hernandez said that Yanela (center in her mother's arms) is the youngest of four children and she was the only one that traveled with her mother, a decision that surprised him

She left the other 3 Children..........

Anyone got a tissue................AHHHHHHHHHHH


Save it for the uniformed.............

She left her other 3 kids.................Husband had a job................paid a Coyote to come here.........

Now back to your self righteous crying.............
Time Magazine nailed it.View attachment 200260

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have you seen the real picture? if you have, the childs mom was about 1' from her going through the immigration process and was asked to put the child down for a moment. it was then and ONLY then the child cried.

as most kids do.

so they ONLY thing TIME nailed was their ass to the door by faking an event you soak up like gravy on a southern biscuit.
I already Refuted your blanket racist rant without your ability to defend your propaganda. You lost that argument already.
No it isn't racism because even Mexico does this with it's southern borders and how can Mexico be Racist against Latinos? How can Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio be Racist? Is Schumer Racist then? How about Hillary? AND FURTHERMORE you keep forgetting, protection includes from enemy combatants/terrorists trying to sneak in through the same lax of security.
It's completely racist. Its couched in racism and you're just some dumbass racist prick goosestepping for Trump. He called these people vermin and pests. That's just what the Nazis called Jews. Trump has complained we don't have enough immigrants from white countries like Norway and Sweden. His attorney general is a racist prick that the widow of MLK warned us about. And Stephen Miller is one of the biggest racist pricks to ever go into the White House.

Trump was even convicted of racist policies in his rentals.

Don't give me this shit about it not being racist. Fuck you! You're a racist asshole. And you're as dumb as a box of rocks.
from the left:
"It's only because we care so much about the children that we and ONLY WE are allowed to use them for our political gain and then go back to not caring about them after making our pointless point that helped nothing in the end."
from the left:
"It's only because we care so much about the children that we and ONLY WE are allowed to use them for our political gain and then go back to not caring about them after making our pointless point that helped nothing in the end."
Most Americans are not as informed as we are on the issues..........

This board is a testing site for them to see how far they can get with their lies.......In public..........the mass Hysteria works on the uniformed masses......Whether a lie or not.

The end justifies the means...........the real story of the Time Cover isn't's PRAVDA...........and nothing more.

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