Child Separation "Issue" Is Democrat Scam

It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Kids weren't being seperated from their parents like this before Trump. The laws haven't changed. Only the priorities of the president have. He can stop this atrocity today. Why doesn't he?
Your post proves that you are ignorant regarding the subject.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Kids weren't being seperated from their parents like this before Trump. The laws haven't changed. Only the priorities of the president have. He can stop this atrocity today. Why doesn't he?
Your post proves that you are ignorant regarding the subject.

How many thousand children were seperated from their parents at the same time during Obama's presidency? Where were the tent cities for children before Trump?
Who is imprisoned on a misdemeanor charge in the USA...... And their children taken from them while they are waiting for their court date????

Try...... No one!!!!
If they are arrested on a misdemeanor, and cannot make bail, they'll be in the county jail for months (depending on the court calender-many are jammed)-all this time, they're separated from their kids (who don't go to jail with them)

This is news to you ?
sorry, I don't believe children are taken away from their parents and put in a guarded child camp, that has been charged with simply a misdemeanor....and has not gone to trial and been found guilty yet.

if it happens, it is very very very rare....
Who is imprisoned on a misdemeanor charge in the USA...... And their children taken from them while they are waiting for their court date????

Try...... No one!!!!
If they are arrested on a misdemeanor, and cannot make bail, they'll be in the county jail for months (depending on the court calender-many are jammed)-all this time, they're separated from their kids (who don't go to jail with them)

This is news to you ?
sorry, I don't believe children are taken away from their parents and put in a guarded child camp, that has been charged with simply a misdemeanor....and has not gone to trial and been found guilty yet.

if it happens, it is very very very rare....

What most often happens with a misdemeanor is the accused gets a PR bond. They also get PR bonds for some felonies. It costs big bucks to detain people for minor crimes.
But you're missing the point that in most cases the parents' only "crime" is that they crossed the border illegally looking for a better life for themselves and their kids. It is true that American citizens who are jailed for crimes do not get to take their kids to jail with them, but that is different situation. In this case, the only "crime" we're talking about is simply trying to sneak across the border.

Now, as I said, if the immigrant parents have committed any other crimes, then, yeah, they should be locked up separately from their kids.
sorry, I don't believe children are taken away from their parents and put in a guarded child camp, that has been charged with simply a misdemeanor....and has not gone to trial and been found guilty yet.

if it happens, it is very very very rare....
The point was that kids are being SEPARATED from their jailed parents. That has happened every day for the past 200+ years in America.

If the illegal alien kids are being put in a "guarded child camp" as you call it, that's because they are newly entering the country, and thus don't have relatives they can be put with. So what would you prefer ? That they be homeless, or in jail ?

We don't jail kids because of their parents' lawlessness. I've always agreed with that (whether American kids or foreign). Still do.

As for the word "guarded", being a protectionist, who is concerned with protection, "guarded" sounds like protection to me. A GOOD thing.
But you're missing the point that in most cases the parents' only "crime" is that they crossed the border illegally looking for a better life for themselves and their kids. It is true that American citizens who are jailed for crimes do not get to take their kids to jail with them, but that is different situation. In this case, the only "crime" we're talking about is simply trying to sneak across the border.

Now, as I said, if the immigrant parents have committed any other crimes, then, yeah, they should be locked up separately from their kids.
I totally disagree with you. The crime of entering the US without legal authorization is a serious one that our ancestors set up to protect us. AS for the illegals, they are disrespecting our laws, and therefore us as well.

There are many serious harms that are being imposed on the American people from this foreign invasion. These harms are consistently OMITTED from liberal OMISSION media, and your post indicates that you are an example of the product of that.

The US is now the # victim of imperialism in the world, by way of illegal immigration. This Imperialism against the US is what hundreds of thousands American military died to prevent in World War II. the scope is far bigger than what you are envisioning, but if your media diet is CNN, PBS, etc, I'm not surprised one bit.
sorry, I don't believe children are taken away from their parents and put in a guarded child camp, that has been charged with simply a misdemeanor....and has not gone to trial and been found guilty yet.

if it happens, it is very very very rare....
The point was that kids are being SEPARATED from their jailed parents. That has happened every day for the past 200+ years in America.

If the illegal alien kids are being put in a "guarded child camp" as you call it, that's because they are newly entering the country, and thus don't have relatives they can be put with. So what would you prefer ? That they be homeless, or in jail ?

We don't jail kids because of their parents' lawlessness. I've always agreed with that (whether American kids or foreign). Still do.

As for the word "guarded", being a protectionist, who is concerned with protection, "guarded" sounds like protection to me. A GOOD thing.
how come families seeking asylum before Trump, were not separated from their kids and jailed, while going through the refugee status verification?

put an ankle bracelet on them, if you are worried of flight while they are going through the process.....

imprisonment and separation is chewing up tax dollars like there is no tomorrow..... you could build a wall with the waste of money, doing that....
But you're missing the point that in most cases the parents' only "crime" is that they crossed the border illegally looking for a better life for themselves and their kids. It is true that American citizens who are jailed for crimes do not get to take their kids to jail with them, but that is different situation. In this case, the only "crime" we're talking about is simply trying to sneak across the border.

Now, as I said, if the immigrant parents have committed any other crimes, then, yeah, they should be locked up separately from their kids.
I totally disagree with you. The crime of entering the US without legal authorization is a serious one that our ancestors set up to protect us. AS for the illegals, they are disrespecting our laws, and therefore us as well.

There are many serious harms that are being imposed on the American people from this foreign invasion. These harms are consistently OMITTED from liberal OMISSION media, and your post indicates that you are an example of the product of that.
sorry, it's a misdemeanor, not a SERIOUS or felonious crime....

Congress wrote the law that way.... they did not make it a felony.... a serious crime.
What most often happens with a misdemeanor is the accused gets a PR bond. They also get PR bonds for some felonies. It costs big bucks to detain people for minor crimes.
Millions of people are in County jails this minute, unable to bail out. Kids are not there with them. Good grief. Is this whole country going nuts ?

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sorry, it's a misdemeanor, not a SERIOUS or felonious crime....

Congress wrote the law that way.... they did not make it a felony.... a serious crime.
No need for you to be sorry. I don't care if it's a misdemeanor or not. It's a serious crime. Battery is a misdemeanor. Does this look not serious to you ? >>


Also, second and subsequent offenses of US Code 8, section
1325 are felonies.
Keep the parents and children together on the Mexican side of the border. Provide them with applications to enter the US. If their application is accepted they will be allowed to enter.

Some estimates state that there are over 6 million immigrant visa applications a year. Why should illegals be allowed to jump the line. Allowing illegal immigration isn't fair to the more than 6 million individuals and families each year that legally and respectfully follow our laws in the hopes of being allowed residency in the US.

how come families seeking asylum before Trump, were not separated from their kids and jailed, while going through the refugee status verification?

put an ankle bracelet on them, if you are worried of flight while they are going through the process.....

imprisonment and separation is chewing up tax dollars like there is no tomorrow..... you could build a wall with the waste of money, doing that....
Before Trump, we had Obama, and "Catch & Release". Are you keeping up with this ?
2009 Immigration Detention Reforms

The Current System
The present immigration detention system is sprawling and needs more direct federal oversight and management. While ICE has over 32,000 detention beds at any given time, the beds are spread out over as many as 350 different facilities largely designed for penal, not civil, detention. ICE employees do not run most of these. The facilities are either jails operated by county authorities or detention centers operated by private contractors.

Only in the last few years have facilities changed to more civil detention........including those like a Walmart for children detained......And outside of military bases for detention of Children..........

Not many CIVIL DETENTION CENTERS EXIST......................ICE hands are tied.............Without building these centers........then they must work with what they have and are budgeted..................

Only Now when actual Laws are enforced do the Leftist give a damn about how they are detained........because under their policies the just let them go.......On the other thread I showed how they turned loose Criminals who had ICE Detainers on them.........including Child Rapists............but New York and Los Angeles are Sanctuary cities and DO NOT assist ICE and let them go............Nice huh............

During Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, ICE/HSI investigations led to the disruption or dismantlement ofTCOs with more than 32,958 criminal arrests, including arrests of more than 4,818 transnational gang members. ICE/HSI also seized 981,586 pounds of narcotics, made 1,205 seizures for violations ofU.S. export laws and regulations, and seized nearly $307 million in currency and monetary instruments. Additionally, ICE/HSI identified and assisted 518 human trafficking victims and more than 904 child exploitation victims. During the last two decades, transnational criminal organizations have expanded dramatically in size, scope, and impact, which poses a significant threat to national security. ICE/HSI takes this threat very seriously, and together in coordination with the Department of Justice including the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) targets TCOs at every critical location in the cycle: internationally, in cooperation with foreign counterparts, where transnational criminal organizations operate; and domestically, both at our nation' s physical border and ports of entry, in coordination with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), where the transportation cells attempt to exploit 3 America's legitimate trade, travel, and transportation systems; and in our cities throughout the United States, where criminal organizations earn substantial profits off their illicit activities. As directed by the President's Executive Order 13773, Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing lnternatio.nal Trafficking, ICE will continue to give a high priority and devote sufficient resources to dismantling TCOs and subsidiary organizations. ICE will continue to focus on cooperative work with other federal agencies, as well as with foreign counterparts, by sharing intelligence and law enforcement information when appropriate and permitted by law.

The effectiveness of the EOs has already resulted in greater public safety; for example, ERO arrested 143,470 criminal aliens in FY 2017, the most since 20141 and a 30 percent increase over FY 2016. Additionally, total ERO administrative arrests in FY 2017 since the beginning of the Administration were up 42 percent from the same period last year (up from 77,806 to 110,568). In fact, ERO arrested more aliens in FY 2017 over this period than in all of FY 2016. Of the 110,568 ERO administrative arrests in FY 2017, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, a pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive,2 or were processed with a reinstated final order.3 In FY 2018, from October 1, 2017 through February 3, 2018, arrests increased from the comparable period in FY 2017 by 39 percent, from 38,508 to 53,653.4 Of those 53,653 arrested aliens, 89 percent had a criminal conviction, a pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive, or were processed with a reinstated final order. This faithful enforcement of our Nation’s immigration laws in the interior of the United States is critically important to the national security and public safety. To continue these efforts, the funding increases included in the FY 2019 President’s Budget are needed. Aliens who illegally enter the United States, or who overstay or otherwise violate the terms of their visas, have violated our nation’s laws and can pose a threat to national security and public safety. This is particularly true for aliens who engage in criminal conduct in the United States. From October 1, 2017 through February 3, 2018, ERO removed 76,180 aliens from the United States and repatriated them to 172 countries around the world. These are aliens who posed a danger to our national security, public safety, or the integrity of the immigration system. Of these removals, 55 percent (41,899) had criminal convictions. ERO has also issued 56,142 detainers and 42,908 charging documents, and maintained an average daily population of 40,702 aliens in civil immigration detention during the same timeframe.
It's ALL ABOUT INNOCENT CHILDREN.............blah blah blah.............

They don't need to be separated.............No facilities..........blah blah blah

It's ALL TRUMP'S FAULT.........WE JUST LET THEM GO............blah blah blah.....

Same shit .........different day...........Liberals.........blah blah blah
MsM fails to tell it's duped audience that only a small fraction of the kids came with their parents, most (90%) in the facility (at least that former Walmart converted facility) were unescorted children. MSM fails to report they are getting more meals better fed, better health and education then they had, and obviously better supervision being they have wreckless parents (screw ups) who supervised them to break the law to flee their countries woes(issues) instead of staying to resolve their country's
issues, as in being part of the solution, not being a quiter exasperating their country's problems, then making them another country's problem.
It really does appear that Democrats are using the separations of illegal alien parents (some are not parents) from illegal alien children, as a political tool. When have American children ever accompanied their parents/guardians into jails ? When Americans are sent to jail, they go alone, not with their kids. It's been this way for hundreds of years, but have we heard an outcry from Democrats over that ?

No. We have not. It is only now, with illegal aliens, that Democrats are suddenly upset about separation of parent and child. So what about all the American kids, whose parents got locked up ? What are they ? Chopped liver ? They don't count ?

Actually, to Democrats, no they don't count. And maybe "count" is just the right word, since VOTE counts are what this is all about. Democrats want illegal aliens in the US, as VOTES for THEM. American kids and their jailed parents, aren't seen that way.

Kids weren't being seperated from their parents like this before Trump. The laws haven't changed. Only the priorities of the president have. He can stop this atrocity today. Why doesn't he?
Your post proves that you are ignorant regarding the subject.

How many thousand children were seperated from their parents at the same time during Obama's presidency? Where were the tent cities for children before Trump?
Why don't you do some research to find the answers to those questions rather than remaining ignorant regarding the subject?
WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN................


OMFG..............Look what Trump did...............HE LOST THE CHILDREN...............

#WhereAreTheChildren Showed Progressives Didn’t Learn Anything About Immigration From the Obama Administration - Rewire.News

Presumably, Knight was referring to the almost 1,500 children ORR had lost track of, according to Steven Wagner, acting assistant secretary of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), at a congressional hearing in April. But those children were not “lost in the system,” as many using the #WhereAreTheChildren hashtag contended. Rather, they were released from ORR custody to their sponsors—meaning their parents, legal guardians, or other family members—during the Obama administration.

Allow me the opportunity to call the Liberals and their Media a BUNCH OF LYING SACKS OF SHIT........Did you get that message...........GOOD.

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