China and America: Scoping Out the Megacepts


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Full disclosure and disclaimer: I read this blog with regularity for the main reason he is witty. I don't agree with everything he posits but he does offer a different, usually witty, POV.

Why, we ask, does it seem that the Middle Kingdom advances speedily on so many fronts, while the US doesn’t? The clear conclusion seems to be that China is superior, not across the board, but in enough ways to ensure its soon global primacy. Apparently the only way a Washington incapable of reform can stop this is with war.

Americans are also told that they have more freedoms than do the Chinese. They do, but the gap is less than we might like to think, and closing. Freedom of speech? In America you cannot say anything against backs, feminists, transgenders, Israel, Jews, Hispanics, black crime, affirmative action, or abortion, or in favor of the police, the Second Amendment, white rights, or the South. Politically disapproved sites, mostly conservative, are rapidly being shut down.

None of this is being done by the formal government. It is being done. Lincoln said that you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The American principle is that you can fool enough of the people enough of the time.

In foreign relations, China again seems to have the edge in wisdom. America’s approach to the world is military and coercive, controlled by a vast and profitable arms industry with a Cold War mentality. China’s outlooks (and that of most of the world) is commercial. This is an imperfect description but catches the centerline. China spends on China, America on the Pentagon. In Africa, America sends troops and builds drone bases. China constructs infrastructure and buys up resources. China and Russia prepare to commercialize the Northern Sea Route; the Pentagon to send warships to counter them. (How do you counter a trade route with an aircraft carrier? Bomb the water?)

So, brothers and sisters, America’s choices seemingly are to start a world war (favored by Bannon, Pompeo, and Bolton), or gut the military budget to make America great again (not a chance), or have America become a resonably important middle-sized country that can, in peace and tranquility, focus its its attention on transgender bathrooms.
Full disclosure and disclaimer: I read this blog with regularity for the main reason he is witty. I don't agree with everything he posits but he does offer a different, usually witty, POV.

Why, we ask, does it seem that the Middle Kingdom advances speedily on so many fronts, while the US doesn’t? The clear conclusion seems to be that China is superior, not across the board, but in enough ways to ensure its soon global primacy. Apparently the only way a Washington incapable of reform can stop this is with war.

Americans are also told that they have more freedoms than do the Chinese. They do, but the gap is less than we might like to think, and closing. ...
Read this and reconsider: the population of Wuhan was under stresses we can’t even imagine.

And I'm sick of the Chi-Com's filling this nation's Left with the cash they accumulated by raping the American Worker. Every single Left Wing Institution, including Lebron and the NBA carries water for the Chi-coms in every dispute.

CHINA SYNDROME: Justice Dept. charges professor with hiding ties to China.

“A professor at the University of Tennessee has been arrested on charges that he hid his relationship with a Chinese university while receiving research grants from the federal government, the Justice Department said Thursday. Anming Hu, an associate professor in the department of mechanical, aerospace and biomedical engineering at the university’s flagship Knoxville campus, was charged with three counts of wire fraud and three counts of making false statements.”​

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