China and Russian Intelligence Used Hunters Dope Addicted Punk Ass

Moron, Turmp is the President of my country.
Act like it!

What act is that, retard?

Should I ACT that our president is a respectable, moral person and not a law flaunting swamp beast?

No thanks, you Trump lemmings can fuck off.

As can you biden apologists. You are a piss poor Democrat paid poster is all I can say

Appologize FOR WHAT?

How about you show some serious evidence of wrongdoing before accusing me of carrying water for Bidens.

You cook up some half-baked standards you can't even apply to your own side and then bitch that I don't buy that bullshit.

Oh fuck you. You ask for what you ignore from your heroes.

He is President of the United States Donald J Trump? Who’s the President of your county these days? Denmark PM Sven Jorgensen commanding a military of 1,000 people? 500 of whom are men, 300 of whom are women, and 200 of whom are I trannys that can’t figure our who the fuck they are. Putin is scared over this shit!

Moron, Turmp is the President of my country.
Act like it!

What act is that, retard?

Should I ACT that our president is a respectable, moral person and not a law flaunting swamp beast?

No thanks, you Trump lemmings can fuck off.

As can you biden apologists. You are a piss poor Democrat paid poster is all I can say

Appologize FOR WHAT?

How about you show some serious evidence of wrongdoing before accusing me of carrying water for Bidens.

You cook up some half-baked standards you can't even apply to your own side and then bitch that I don't buy that bullshit.
You vote Democrat? You’re an employee of CNN, NBC or the New York Times aren’t you?
Act like it!

What act is that, retard?

Should I ACT that our president is a respectable, moral person and not a law flaunting swamp beast?

No thanks, you Trump lemmings can fuck off.

As can you biden apologists. You are a piss poor Democrat paid poster is all I can say

Appologize FOR WHAT?

How about you show some serious evidence of wrongdoing before accusing me of carrying water for Bidens.

You cook up some half-baked standards you can't even apply to your own side and then bitch that I don't buy that bullshit.

Oh fuck you. You ask for what you ignore from your heroes.


Given many times. Ok, you really ARE this stupid.
Act like it!

What act is that, retard?

Should I ACT that our president is a respectable, moral person and not a law flaunting swamp beast?

No thanks, you Trump lemmings can fuck off.

As can you biden apologists. You are a piss poor Democrat paid poster is all I can say

Appologize FOR WHAT?

How about you show some serious evidence of wrongdoing before accusing me of carrying water for Bidens.

You cook up some half-baked standards you can't even apply to your own side and then bitch that I don't buy that bullshit.

Oh fuck you. You ask for what you ignore from your heroes.

This post and about 100 others where you support impeachment of the President.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own news media coverage...shit. Biggest story of the whole process.
If you believe a pile of crap, super duper. Breaking news for idiots like you...Democrats are honest and innocent until proven guilty no matter what your ridiculous propaganda says.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own news media coverage...shit. Biggest story of the whole process.
If you believe a pile of crap, super duper. Breaking news for idiots like you...Democrats are honest and innocent until proven guilty no matter what your ridiculous propaganda says.
We’re not talking Argentina politics today dumbass.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
Joe Biden is an establishment piece of shit. What’s your angle? Boswash media? Gotta protect Joe “he’s one of us.”
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
Joe served in what war?
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
Brains scrambled much by your college prof’s?
I’m the son of a factory worker. Marine combat infantry. Sorry if I don’t have sensitive feelings for the spoiled son of a rich prick. The son of the rich prick named dropped and had Big Daddy bail him out. Ask me why I no longer vote Democrat.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
Brains scrambled much by your college prof’s?

I very well smart enough to conclude you are an asshole and a damn liar. I've had it with you and the other dozen or so I'm putting on ignore. Bye.
Not just Joe Biden’s little boy, but Teresa Heinz Kerry’s Little squib as well. P,ease don’t let me bring in Whitey Bulgers nephew as well. Nobody would believe it. Never see it on fake news. Run block for Democrats.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
Brains scrambled much by your college prof’s?

I very well smart enough to conclude you are an asshole and a damn liar. I've had it with you and the other dozen or so I'm putting on ignore. Bye.

Postscript: Too late '92, the hate and bullshit you've polluted on my screen will no longer infect it - everything you've posted would qualify as an idiot-gram; though I never used it in response since your posts are too long, to foolish and anything worthwhile.
Last edited:
I didn't just accuse you, I clearly showed that are a silly two bit hack unable to apply the rediculous standards you set out to your own side.
You’re a Russian plant.

Yep, they planted me here so I can talk shit about Putin's efforts to subvert our politics, spread propaganda and cirminaly interefere in elections.

Good job shit-for-brains.
Damned if I could tell. You hate the United States daily.

Hate United States? What the? You are straight insane.

No, it's pretty clear you hate the USA. Pretty much everything you support is either stalinist or some form of authoritarian government.

In other words the antithesis of what the US is.
what a load of crap, super troll. You are so misinformed you hate half the country at least. No Democratic voter is a stalinist or authoritarian. It is people like you that would do martial law if you could God knows why..... To stop the stalinist fascist nazi authoritarian anti-christians No doubt.... Who don't exist. Poor America.
You’re a Russian plant.

Yep, they planted me here so I can talk shit about Putin's efforts to subvert our politics, spread propaganda and cirminaly interefere in elections.

Good job shit-for-brains.
Damned if I could tell. You hate the United States daily.

Hate United States? What the? You are straight insane.

No, it's pretty clear you hate the USA. Pretty much everything you support is either stalinist or some form of authoritarian government.

In other words the antithesis of what the US is.
what a load of crap, super troll. You are so misinformed you hate half the country at least. No Democratic voter is a stalinist or authoritarian. It is people like you that would do martial law if you could God knows why..... To stop the stalinist fascist nazi authoritarian anti-christians No doubt.... Who don't exist. Poor America.

You are so you just proved yourself wrong, little hater dupe.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.

Oh, fuck you too you lying sack of shit. Law enforcement my ass. Maybe a piss ant agent for the GESTAPO.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.
Brains scrambled much by your college prof’s?

I very well smart enough to conclude you are an asshole and a damn liar. I've had it with you and the other dozen or so I'm putting on ignore. Bye.

So smart you don't understand sentence structure and punctuation.

Case closed.
You are a complete moron if you do not think that Russian, Chinese, and possibly Iranian intelligence services didn’t target Hunter Biden when Big Daddy Joe was VP. Turned that little fucking loser when Obama was President. Whole reason the Democrats are trying to impeach Trump. Cover for their God Obama.
The life of Hunter Biden: How Joe Biden's middle child landed in Trump's impeachment inquiry and a paternity scandal of his own

You're an asshole; the VP is a good man, you're not. There is not probative evidence, no indictment and only assholes like you who continue the character assassination which is endemic to your neo fascist ideology.

Oh, fuck you too you lying sack of shit. Law enforcement my ass. Maybe a piss ant agent for the GESTAPO.
Thank you. He/she or both combined is a fragile turd.
Yep, they planted me here so I can talk shit about Putin's efforts to subvert our politics, spread propaganda and cirminaly interefere in elections.

Good job shit-for-brains.
Damned if I could tell. You hate the United States daily.

Hate United States? What the? You are straight insane.

No, it's pretty clear you hate the USA. Pretty much everything you support is either stalinist or some form of authoritarian government.

In other words the antithesis of what the US is.
what a load of crap, super troll. You are so misinformed you hate half the country at least. No Democratic voter is a stalinist or authoritarian. It is people like you that would do martial law if you could God knows why..... To stop the stalinist fascist nazi authoritarian anti-christians No doubt.... Who don't exist. Poor America.

You are so you just proved yourself wrong, little hater dupe.
I am so what? I admire and respect your opinion so much.... On everything but politics.

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