China Buying Out Smithfield Foods.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
It's no secret that China has been purchasing American cropland, predominantly in the mid west. Now China appears to be interested in purchasing complete livestock farming operations in their entirety. That means grazing lands, hog farms, cattle farms, dairies like whatever they can purchase in our USA that has to do with food products for Americans. What's next, china purchasing Americas military industrial complex? American farmers have been warning our fellow Americans about this problem for many moons now but the issue appears to just go from bad to worse. The debt spenders in the D.istrict of C.orruption could care less about the issue as all that matters to them is power/control, & attaining the fund$ to keep their power & control gig moving forwards.

Your video is from ten years ago, why did you wait ten years to get your panties in a bunch over the shareholders of Smithfield Foods voting to approve a partnership with Shuanghui International Holdings?
It's no secret that China has been purchasing American cropland, predominantly in the mid west. Now China appears to be interested in purchasing complete livestock farming operations in their entirety. That means grazing lands, hog farms, cattle farms, dairies like whatever they can purchase in our USA that has to do with food products for Americans. What's next, china purchasing Americas military industrial complex? American farmers have been warning our fellow Americans about this problem for many moons now but the issue appears to just go from bad to worse. The debt spenders in the D.istrict of C.orruption could care less about the issue as all that matters to them is power/control, & attaining the fund$ to keep their power & control gig moving forwards.

This is really OLD news. China bought Smithfield during the Obama admin and Obama and the dems rolled over for it -- just like they are allowing them to buy farmland adjacent to military bases currently. The DNC is bent on global dominance and a one world government and the more they weaken the super powers the easier it will be. Tensions between China, the US and Russia are worse than they have ever been and the economies of all three are suffering as they are at each others throats. American voters better wake up.
It's no secret that China has been purchasing American cropland, predominantly in the mid west. Now China appears to be interested in purchasing complete livestock farming operations in their entirety. That means grazing lands, hog farms, cattle farms, dairies like whatever they can purchase in our USA that has to do with food products for Americans. What's next, china purchasing Americas military industrial complex? American farmers have been warning our fellow Americans about this problem for many moons now but the issue appears to just go from bad to worse. The debt spenders in the D.istrict of C.orruption could care less about the issue as all that matters to them is power/control, & attaining the fund$ to keep their power & control gig moving forwards.

America's attempts to exclude China haven't been concentrate enough to show results. And the rest of the world has refused to accept America's demands.

On a positive note for America, China isn't pursuing the same policy of exclusion against America.

Is America starting to understand that it will be left by itself walking down the road kicking rocks, if it doesn't join the party China has thrown for the world?
American voters better wake up.
Precisely how I explained it in my post before I read yours. The only difference being your 'American voters' and my 'Americans'.

So, co-operation with China under Biden.

Or confrontation with China under Trump?
Precisely how I explained it in my post before I read yours. The only difference being your 'American voters' and my 'Americans'.

So, co-operation with China under Biden.

Or confrontation with China under Trump?
STFU, duck. Your nonsense posts are neither asked for nor needed. Take care of the incompetents in your own country. You've been polluting our country this entire summer. The US should be suing Canada for reparations due to the effects of your and Turdeau failing to address your environmental disasters.
STFU, duck. Your nonsense posts are neither asked for nor needed. Take care of the incompetents in your own country. You've been polluting our country this entire summer. The US should be suing Canada for reparations due to the effects of your and Turdeau failing to address your environmental disasters.
America would be unwise to pursue any satisfaction through legal action. That usually comes back to bite their asses.

I think you answer of depending on sea water has merit, albeit a bit too late for Lahaina!

Trust me, corrosion of equipment isn't a consideration. You didn't think that one out.
It shouldn't be allowed. Whatever happened to trust-busting and all that?

The US market is closer to monopolization than ever before.

Smithfield should have been smashed up before they sold to China.
There are no easy answers Dook.
China is playing 'backatcha' and they have the economic clout to do so.
Trust me, corrosion of equipment isn't a consideration.
Shut up, duck. Again you have no idea what you are talking about. Are you not concerned with the fact that everyone who reads your posts know what an intentionally ignorant troll you are? I guess not. It is true, the stupid don't know that they are stupid.
It shouldn't be allowed. Whatever happened to trust-busting and all that?

The US market is closer to monopolization than ever before.

Smithfield should have been smashed up before they sold to China.
Duke; this problem with foreign purchases of crop acreage, livestock farms & indeed entire agriculturally based corporations has been going on for decades. The Smithfield purchase REALLY got the ball rolling for China. The Chinese are not dumb as they kept price increases to a minimum for pork to avoid alarming the American general public so they can look for the next "target" to purchase & then the next & the next etc. At current China owns about 1% of agricultural America;

Notice WHERE some of those Chinese acquired agricultural lands ARE LOCATED AT;

There are 109 countries that own American agricultural acreage, read the link below to find out who the top ten countries are that own American farm land.

Congress has been literally allowing the sale of American farm land to foreigners for $$$$$/personal gain. This appears to 'me' to be another attempt for a multilateral one world without borders scam. Maybe enough of my fellow Americans realized the danger with congress allowing the selling off of Americans food supply to finally pressure congress to get off their money grabbing bonanza & pass legislation to prevent the selling off of America to non-American citizens?

I REALLY became aware, as did most farmers in our USA when the Smithfield purchase by China back then made news. Since then I have been following the national scene for farmers as much as I do our regional farming community. The links I included above are informative links that I believe you will be interested in knowing about. Till next time!
Duke; this problem with foreign purchases of crop acreage, livestock farms & indeed entire agriculturally based corporations has been going on for decades. The Smithfield purchase REALLY got the ball rolling for China. The Chinese are not dumb as they kept price increases to a minimum for pork to avoid alarming the American general public so they can look for the next "target" to purchase & then the next & the next etc. At current China owns about 1% of agricultural America;

Notice WHERE some of those Chinese acquired agricultural lands ARE LOCATED AT;

There are 109 countries that own American agricultural acreage, read the link below to find out who the top ten countries are that own American farm land.

Congress has been literally allowing the sale of American farm land to foreigners for $$$$$/personal gain. This appears to 'me' to be another attempt for a multilateral one world without borders scam. Maybe enough of my fellow Americans realized the danger with congress allowing the selling off of Americans food supply to finally pressure congress to get off their money grabbing bonanza & pass legislation to prevent the selling off of America to non-American citizens?

I REALLY became aware, as did most farmers in our USA when the Smithfield purchase by China back then made news. Since then I have been following the national scene for farmers as much as I do our regional farming community. The links I included above are informative links that I believe you will be interested in knowing about. Till next time!

I quit buying any Smithfield affiliated product when the sale happened. I am amazed at the number of products that they sell in my conservative neck of the woods and no one seems to know or care. Nalleys, Hormel, John Morrell, Nathan's, Bar S, Jimmy Dean....
No shit, talk about old news....The chi-coms bought it generations of hogs ago. :laughing0301:

For ten years I have been actively not buying Smithfield products. And that's not easy, they make a lot of stuff besides packaging pork loin...

For ten years I have been actively not buying Smithfield products. And that's not easy, they make a lot of stuff besides packaging pork loin...

Virginians still work there, I support them. I could give a fuck who owns them.

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