China cancelling billions in soy bean orders. Farmers refuse to blame Trump --------- for now.

I've seen lots of threads talking about how farmers are rolling in government cash. My grandfather was a farmer, and I can't remember him getting government money. I asked my mother today about this, she isn't aware of government money being funneled to farmers either. How exactly are farmers rolling in government money? Oh by the way, the family farmer is just about extinct. So when people say the farmers are angry, they need to just stop. It should be the Ag businesses will be upset.
China cancelling billions in soy bean orders

Yawn. Here goes the Trump Tirade Train again on schedule every hour for another tiresome thread. Woo! Woo! China needs those soy beans. Give it a few months and they'll be back begging for them at a higher price once they fail to call Trump's bluff.
I've seen lots of threads talking about how farmers are rolling in government cash. My grandfather was a farmer, and I can't remember him getting government money. I asked my mother today about this, she isn't aware of government money being funneled to farmers either. How exactly are farmers rolling in government money? Oh by the way, the family farmer is just about extinct. So when people say the farmers are angry, they need to just stop. It should be the Ag businesses will be upset.

I went to university with an Iowan farmer's daughter.

She got free university education.
The farmer father got loads of handouts for things.

They weren't poor by any stretch of the imagination, three holidays a year, living the good life.

Milking taxpayers

"In 2014, after much squabbling, Congress approved a new farm bill, more than two years after they were scheduled to. The main emphasis of the federal farm policy is now on subsidized “crop insurance.”"

"And with the federal government spending over $5 billion a year to subsidize these insurance premiums, all that corn (and soy and wheat) doesn’t come cheap."

"Since 1995, 75 percent of federal subsidies have gone to 10 percent of farms"

Maybe that last sentence explains why your grandfather didn't get any money. Also, that was a while ago, now things have changed.
Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.
Opposition to Trump apparently has been reduced to soy bean sales.
Deanie boy do you have a clue why the soy bean plant was originally planted in the U.S.? Of coarse you don't, because you are stupid... They used to bale the plant and feed livestock... Things are a little different know with processing and all, but they still use it as feed... Always have a plan B dipstick...

The poultry and swine industries are major consumers of soybean meal. Over half of the soybeans processed for livestock feed are fed to poultry, about one-quarter is fed to swine, and the rest is used for beef cattle, dairy cattle and pet food.
Uses of Soybeans - North Carolina SoybeansNorth Caroli…
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Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.

Mixing articles? WTF does soy beans in China have to do with NK. You are another comedian that provides humor with all your dire predictions and issues. Thanks for another laugh.

Next time try to formulate a thought without the hate, the story might flow better.
Americans can plant our own stuff and do it better. America first!!!

Time for USA people to PROCESS OUR OWN SOYBEANS-------we can do soy sauce,
miso, pig feed, Tofu etc etc OURSELVES with good honest UNION WORKERS
right here in the USA------la la la ~~~~ look for--the union label---la la la ---------I do not
need soy sauce manufactured in CHINA--------I want AMERICAN SOY SAUCE

To much so you is not good for people, especially men.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
In a special circumstance like this I say yes. If we need to fix something in the world, then we must all work together. Nice try, but you fail.
So you want handouts to billion dollar agribusinesses? But poor people are commies for needing food stamps?
Two completely separate things where one is the future of our trade in the world, and the other is a domestic problem that can be addressed separately from the other.

The use of the poor here in order to somehow set policy on trade in the world is a huge fail. Try again.
So why would these handouts to agribusiness be good but past handouts to the auto industry be bad?
Was these so called handouts to the auto industry a result of global competition (unfair trade) nearly breaking that industry or was it after cleaning out the corruption of those here who were creating super cheap products for to many years, and next us wanting to retain our global presence in the world, and to rebuild our industries into a major competitor, and to create once again quality products, and to make them affordable products here and in the world again ??
Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.
Don't laugh, but can't the farmers plant something else? Wheat? Corn? LIMA BEANS? (I really like them and they're actually in short supply at our grocery store)
We are a capitalistic society. Farmers have to make the money. They go where the most money is. We all do if we are smart and/or are able.
Trump is taking that away. Farmers still support him because they don't want to believe it.
But they will. They won't have any choice.
I understand the general concept that the tariffs hurt certain businesses in the U.S. and help others. Soybean farmers seem to be one of the ones being hurt. I wasn't trying to be smart, sans the lima beans comment; I really want to know why the farmers can't adjust and grow different crops. We can probably figure out how to process the soybeans we've already got, one way or the other, if we really want to. Instead of just crying about it.
They probably started planting corn last month when the information came out.


And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The oil companies buy the corn. Ever heard of E85 moron?
That needs to end, because this E85 or ethanol enhanced gasoline is destroying fuel systems big time, and no challenges to it are being made ?? We need a clean burning product out here, because I myself am tired of cleaning fuel systems and repairing them due to this crap.
Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.
Let the chinks starve. Who cares?
I've seen lots of threads talking about how farmers are rolling in government cash. My grandfather was a farmer, and I can't remember him getting government money. I asked my mother today about this, she isn't aware of government money being funneled to farmers either. How exactly are farmers rolling in government money? Oh by the way, the family farmer is just about extinct. So when people say the farmers are angry, they need to just stop. It should be the Ag businesses will be upset.
Maybe your grandfather didn't grow the right crops. I know the government used to pay farmers NOT to grow certain crops, to control the prices. Don't know if that's still the case.
Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.
People will lose their healthcare. Thanks Obama and the democrats, not one Republican voted for it. Everyone needs to be informed.
Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.
Let the chinks starve. Who cares?
Farmers and owners of farm potential lands in Brazil care a lot. China is placing orders for soy beans produced in Brazil. In many cases it is just a matter of clear cutting Amazon jungle, creating a tillable farm on the deforested land and planting soy beans. Sucks for those objecting to destroying rain forest, but it's a boom for developers and land investors in Brazil. They will probably over produce and cause a drop in worldwide soy bean prices.
I've seen lots of threads talking about how farmers are rolling in government cash. My grandfather was a farmer, and I can't remember him getting government money. I asked my mother today about this, she isn't aware of government money being funneled to farmers either. How exactly are farmers rolling in government money? Oh by the way, the family farmer is just about extinct. So when people say the farmers are angry, they need to just stop. It should be the Ag businesses will be upset.
Maybe your grandfather didn't grow the right crops. I know the government used to pay farmers NOT to grow certain crops, to control the prices. Don't know if that's still the case.
I think he is referring to a time where he is right when it was all about the family farm (no handouts), but as he said we need to refer to it as the Agri industry now instead of the family farm. Need to break these big corporate farms up, and restore the family farms again in this nation. Monopolies are never a good thing, and especially when the monopolies get so huge that they endanger a huge part of the economy if they are set to fail. This is where the problem comes in where as government is then their only save and they know it (could become highly corrupt and manipulative between all the players involved). Ends up costing taxpayers millions to bail the corporate farms out if a ripple occurs in the system. A single family farm failing against millions of family farms back in the day, drew alot better outcome in the overall. As well more Americans were empowered to be caretakers of the land, their families, and contributors to the overall stability of the economy. If helped a small farmer it was in no way near the billions it takes today in order to bail out corporations that fail.
I've seen lots of threads talking about how farmers are rolling in government cash. My grandfather was a farmer, and I can't remember him getting government money. I asked my mother today about this, she isn't aware of government money being funneled to farmers either. How exactly are farmers rolling in government money? Oh by the way, the family farmer is just about extinct. So when people say the farmers are angry, they need to just stop. It should be the Ag businesses will be upset.
Maybe your grandfather didn't grow the right crops. I know the government used to pay farmers NOT to grow certain crops, to control the prices. Don't know if that's still the case.
I think he is referring to a time where he is right when it was all about the family farm (no handouts), but as he said we need to refer to it as the Agri industry now instead of the family farm. Need to break these big corporate farms up, and restore the family farms again in this nation. Monopolies are never a good thing, and especially when the monopolies get so huge that they endanger a huge part of the economy if they are set to fail. This is where the problem comes in where as government is then their only save and they know it (could become highly corrupt and manipulative between all the players involved). Ends up costing taxpayers millions to bail the corporate farms out if a ripple occurs in the system. A single family farm failing against millions of family farms back in the day, drew alot better outcome in the overall. As well more Americans were empowered to be caretakers of the land, their families, and contributors to the overall stability of the economy. If helped a small farmer it was in no way near the billions it takes today in order to bail out corporations that fail.
I've only known family farmers, so I don't know who these ghost like Agri-businesses are. Here wild blueberries are about the only "crop," and over the past twenty years, people who owned blueberry "barrens" as we call them started leasing their land out to blueberry processing companies that do all the maintenance, harvest the berries and then pay the owner. It's not as much $$ as when they did the work themselves, but with tighter labor laws and higher costs for spraying, burning, etc., it wasn't worth the nuisance. Is that what agribusinesses do? Lease the land and buy all the produce? Because when you drive through Illinois, it sure looks like farms to me. Farmhouse (with one tree) barns and lots of fields planted all around. Someone is still doing the plowing and the sowing and the sweating. It's not a ghost.
Americans can plant our own stuff and do it better. America first!!!
The problem with that attitude is we already are planting for our selves and more. There will be a surplus of soy and corn this year which screws those who grow this shit. Which in turns screws those who sell farm equipemnt and down the line. This is what a trade war is both sides suffer. That being said the chinese have minipulated currency, stole crazy amounts of tech with no regard to patents and flood our markets with counterfit products. Some thing had to be done! The question is was this the right time and the right thing to be done. Some thing was going to have to be done sooner or later.
I've seen lots of threads talking about how farmers are rolling in government cash. My grandfather was a farmer, and I can't remember him getting government money. I asked my mother today about this, she isn't aware of government money being funneled to farmers either. How exactly are farmers rolling in government money? Oh by the way, the family farmer is just about extinct. So when people say the farmers are angry, they need to just stop. It should be the Ag businesses will be upset.
Maybe your grandfather didn't grow the right crops. I know the government used to pay farmers NOT to grow certain crops, to control the prices. Don't know if that's still the case.
I think he is referring to a time where he is right when it was all about the family farm (no handouts), but as he said we need to refer to it as the Agri industry now instead of the family farm. Need to break these big corporate farms up, and restore the family farms again in this nation. Monopolies are never a good thing, and especially when the monopolies get so huge that they endanger a huge part of the economy if they are set to fail. This is where the problem comes in where as government is then their only save and they know it (could become highly corrupt and manipulative between all the players involved). Ends up costing taxpayers millions to bail the corporate farms out if a ripple occurs in the system. A single family farm failing against millions of family farms back in the day, drew alot better outcome in the overall. As well more Americans were empowered to be caretakers of the land, their families, and contributors to the overall stability of the economy. If helped a small farmer it was in no way near the billions it takes today in order to bail out corporations that fail.
I've only known family farmers, so I don't know who these ghost like Agri-businesses are. Here wild blueberries are about the only "crop," and over the past twenty years, people who owned blueberry "barrens" as we call them started leasing their land out to blueberry processing companies that do all the maintenance, harvest the berries and then pay the owner. It's not as much $$ as when they did the work themselves, but with tighter labor laws and higher costs for spraying, burning, etc., it wasn't worth the nuisance. Is that what agribusinesses do? Lease the land and buy all the produce? Because when you drive through Illinois, it sure looks like farms to me. Farmhouse (with one tree) barns and lots of fields planted all around. Someone is still doing the plowing and the sowing and the sweating. It's not a ghost.
Not sure about the area or farms you are speaking of in Illinois, but yes, many "family" farmers today are contractors with big corporate agribusiness. Poultry farming is a good example. The farmer has a contract with one of the big poultry companies. They buy the baby chicks and feed from the company and raise the poultry by company methods and regulations. Basically, the farmer trades off the risk and financing responsibility for a quasi job and guaranteed income for labor and caretaking.
China cancelling billions in soy bean orders

Yawn. Here goes the Trump Tirade Train again on schedule every hour for another tiresome thread. Woo! Woo! China needs those soy beans. Give it a few months and they'll be back begging for them at a higher price once they fail to call Trump's bluff.

They don't need to buy soy beans from America.

The largest soy bean producing nation, Brazil, has stepped up to fill in the hole that was created when China stopped buying soy beans from America.

Brazil and their farmers win. America and our farmers lose.

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