China cancelling billions in soy bean orders. Farmers refuse to blame Trump --------- for now.

Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Americans can plant our own stuff and do it better. America first!!!

Time for USA people to PROCESS OUR OWN SOYBEANS-------we can do soy sauce,
miso, pig feed, Tofu etc etc OURSELVES with good honest UNION WORKERS
right here in the USA------la la la ~~~~ look for--the union label---la la la ---------I do not
need soy sauce manufactured in CHINA--------I want AMERICAN SOY SAUCE
Kikkoman Soy Sauce IS made in the US (leading brand sold in the US).
Soy Sauce Business | Kikkoman Corporation

Thanks----I could not find the same INFO for LA CHOY-----there are lots of soy
products that TRAVEL to china and then come back----including simple packaged
dry soy beans. Also soy protein chunks PROBABLY LOTS MORE
Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
What will you demon-crats do when the poor people become fewer and fewer ?? You won't be able to use that blanket term as a sledge hammer to beat the conservatives over the head with it anymore will you ?

The problem with the use of a blanket label as in the use of the term poor, is that just as it is with any other label or term used, it implies that everyone is poor because of the actions and/or policies that were put forth by another.

This is of course ridiculous, but it has been adopted as a strategy by the Demon-crats mostly, in order to beat down an opponent with the term or label, even if the opponent has no connection what so ever to the reason some people are poor.

How people can't understand this is amazing really. I have known many in my lifetime that were poor not by the governments actions, the wealthy people's actions or anyone else's actions except for the poor choices or actions taken by the person who had become poor all due to their own actions taken in life.

Just like the Demon-crats are hoping to exploit the Parkland shooting, and gain votes from children if they could fool this country into such an idiotic thing, the same is the case where the power hungry crats use the poor in the same way. Infact the Demon-crats may even be creating situations that cause many to end up poor, just so they can exploit them or use them at a later date.

Some are figuring the game out finally, and they are now speaking out about it. Kanye West is now speaking out on it.
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Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Hmm, hopefully the truly poor will be helped, but not while these baby daddies hide in the shadows living off of the generosity and compassion being given to the family he had hap hazzardly created, and then just walked away from.... He didn't go to far, and this was in order to indirectly benefit from the mess that he had created when the taxpayers kicked in to subsidize the situation..
Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Hmm, hopefully the truly poor will be helped, but not while these baby daddies hide in the shadows living off of the generosity and compassion being given to the family he had hap hazzardly created, and then just walked away from.... He didn't go to far, and this was in order to indirectly benefit from the mess that he had created when the taxpayers kicked in to subsidize the situation..
I'm not sure where you're getting that stupid stereotype from, but the article was actually concerned primarily for vets, who use a lot of food stamps here when they first get home and get reacclimatized and settled in.
Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Hmm, hopefully the truly poor will be helped, but not while these baby daddies hide in the shadows living off of the generosity and compassion being given to the family he had hap hazzardly created, and then just walked away from.... He didn't go to far, and this was in order to indirectly benefit from the mess that he had created when the taxpayers kicked in to subsidize the situation..
I'm not sure where you're getting that stupid stereotype from, but the article was actually concerned primarily for vets, who use a lot of food stamps here when they first get home and get reacclimatized and settled in.
Using the vets for shields ?
Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Hmm, hopefully the truly poor will be helped, but not while these baby daddies hide in the shadows living off of the generosity and compassion being given to the family he had hap hazzardly created, and then just walked away from.... He didn't go to far, and this was in order to indirectly benefit from the mess that he had created when the taxpayers kicked in to subsidize the situation..
I'm not sure where you're getting that stupid stereotype from, but the article was actually concerned primarily for vets, who use a lot of food stamps here when they first get home and get reacclimatized and settled in.
Using the vets for shields ?
Why would you say that? The guy works for a social work agency that helps vets. There are a lot of them in our state.
Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Hmm, hopefully the truly poor will be helped, but not while these baby daddies hide in the shadows living off of the generosity and compassion being given to the family he had hap hazzardly created, and then just walked away from.... He didn't go to far, and this was in order to indirectly benefit from the mess that he had created when the taxpayers kicked in to subsidize the situation..
I'm not sure where you're getting that stupid stereotype from, but the article was actually concerned primarily for vets, who use a lot of food stamps here when they first get home and get reacclimatized and settled in.
Using the vets for shields ?
Why would you say that? The guy works for a social work agency that helps vets. There are a lot of them in our state.
In a political context everything is suspect.
They probably started planting corn last month when the information came out.


And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
They probably started planting corn last month when the information came out.


And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
In a special circumstance like this I say yes. If we need to fix something in the world, then we must all work together. Nice try, but you fail.
They probably started planting corn last month when the information came out.


And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
In a special circumstance like this I say yes. If we need to fix something in the world, then we must all work together. Nice try, but you fail.
So you want handouts to billion dollar agribusinesses? But poor people are commies for needing food stamps?
Maybe we should let Republicans go ahead and finish the job they started under Bush and want to continue under Trump.

Seems like wrecking the economy and screwing over the poor is a bad thing. But they see something there. Not sure what it is, but it must be something.
I read in the paper this a.m. that the House has just proposed a bill (HR 2) that will cut SNAP benefits nationwide by cutting off benefits after three months to people who are not working and also cutting off benefits to women with young children.
The two groups who probably need some groceries the most, wouldn't you say? I'd send an email to my Congressman, but the last time I did that I got on his robocall list.
Republicans caring about children is laughable. Even the fetus thing is really about legislating women's bodies, a form of "keeping them in their place".


Facing threat of tariffs, China buyers cancel orders for U.S. soybeans

Area farmers refuse to blame Trump for China canceling soy deliveries

Usually, China buys soy beans in the spring in South America and from the US in the fall.

Fall, November, the midterms.

Three of the top five soybean-exporting states — Iowa, Indiana and Nebraska — voted for Trump in 2016.

October is when millions of Trump voters find out they will be losing their healthcare.

Fall is when Farmers across 5 states find out how badly Trump ruined their lives.

People are saying his numbers are up.

He keeps saying that people are saying he should win the Nobel Peace Prize for something he has already repeatedly lied about:


This is like the "Perfect Storm" for the November Midterms.

His numbers may be up for now, but how long will that last after he has ruined the lives of millions of his voters. And by then, we will find out the mess his disastrous Tax Cuts for billionaires will create.

It's going to take Democrats years to dig out of this GOP mess. It's even worse than under Bush. Trump will cause way more damage in a fraction of the time.
Don't laugh, but can't the farmers plant something else? Wheat? Corn? LIMA BEANS? (I really like them and they're actually in short supply at our grocery store)
We are a capitalistic society. Farmers have to make the money. They go where the most money is. We all do if we are smart and/or are able.
Trump is taking that away. Farmers still support him because they don't want to believe it.
But they will. They won't have any choice.
They probably started planting corn last month when the information came out.


And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
In a special circumstance like this I say yes. If we need to fix something in the world, then we must all work together. Nice try, but you fail.
So you want handouts to billion dollar agribusinesses? But poor people are commies for needing food stamps?
Two completely separate things where one is the future of our trade in the world, and the other is a domestic problem that can be addressed separately from the other.

The use of the poor here in order to somehow set policy on trade in the world is a huge fail. Try again.
And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
In a special circumstance like this I say yes. If we need to fix something in the world, then we must all work together. Nice try, but you fail.
So you want handouts to billion dollar agribusinesses? But poor people are commies for needing food stamps?
Two completely separate things where one is the future of our trade in the world, and the other is a domestic problem that can be addressed separately from the other.

The use of the poor here in order to somehow set policy on trade in the world is a huge fail. Try again.
So why would these handouts to agribusiness be good but past handouts to the auto industry be bad?
China has 1.3 Billion mouths to feed.

People grow food all over the world. Now they will grow more and we will sell less.
Thanks Trump.

Making a fool of yourself over Trump eh ?

Feeding our own doesn't mean feeding our own for free. So your stance is that America is fundementally broke instead of fundementally changed, and that you have absolutely no confidence in the American people in order for them to buy even a plate of beans anymore ?? Thanks Demon-crats.

America is already being fed. Otherwise dum dum, you would see people starving in the street. It's the extra US farmers were selling. Were. As in used to.

Gawd, you have to explain every little thing to mental midgets.

And even then.................

You just explained that you don't understand supply and demand.

And I know that has been explained in terms a kidergartner can understand.
They probably started planting corn last month when the information came out.


And who will they sell it to?

And the tard calls me an imbecile.
The U.S. government can purchase the products from our own, and this should be done as a means to show the world that we will never be bribed by trade.

You complain about Communist and Socialism, and then demand the US govt buy your stuff even when they don't need it..... er.....
In a special circumstance like this I say yes. If we need to fix something in the world, then we must all work together. Nice try, but you fail.

Ah, but "special circumstances" will only be when you think it's convenient.

When it's healthcare, fuck that shit, right?

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