China funded location Biden hid his stolen Top Secret documents.

Explain to us what the actual CRIMES were and HOW they should be PUNISHED OP.
The Clinton's pizza parlor child prostitute ring? ... wouldn't Republicans have noticed these Tip Top Secret SCI BBBU NoForn COMSEC documents taped to the outside windows? ...
Trying to make a big thing of this is only going to get Trump's intentional document hoarding and subsequent obstruction back in the news.
I suggest both of them be impeached.
Your search for wrongdoing in this case is entirely about excusing Trump's INTENTIONAL mishandling of documents and INTENTIONAL obstruction.

You think it was unintentional just because they said so? Having this 3rd party involved (Penn Biden Center) in any dealings with China and the big gu…, er I mean, Joe Biden, makes a lot of sense. They can do as they are doing now and fain shock that such documents could exist. Their sheep will believe them and they know that. Just like they believed that it was purely considental that Lois Lerner’s hard drive crashed while under investigation and that the thousands of emails deleted from Hillary’s private email server were just family photos. Sheep will believe anything they are told.
Your search for wrongdoing in this case is entirely about excusing Trump's INTENTIONAL mishandling of documents and INTENTIONAL obstruction.
and not highlighting incompetence in his handling of said documents by Biden?
and not highlighting incompetence in his handling of said documents by Biden?
This sort of thing is not all that unusual. They picked up the phone, called the national archives and gave the stuff back. They will fully cooperate with any inquiries and everything will be fine because there is no criminal intent.
This sort of thing is not all that unusual. They picked up the phone, called the national archives and gave the stuff back. They will fully cooperate with any inquiries and everything will be fine because there is no criminal intent.

Nobody knows that for sure right now. If it warrants an investigation then let it be done.
How many nuclear secrets did China get for their investment in Biden?

How can we trust there were only 10 documents? When the lawyers found the stolen classified documents did they continue to go through files or did they stop and turn remaining files over?
Your search for wrongdoing in this case is entirely about excusing Trump's INTENTIONAL mishandling of documents and INTENTIONAL obstruction.
Equal Justice.

EVERYTHING the DOJ has done to Trump and in Trump's case must be duplicated and applied to Biden and his case.

Everyone knows there are different rules for Democrats - we will now see if they put in on display ... again ... for the world to see.
Your search for wrongdoing in this case is entirely about excusing Trump's INTENTIONAL mishandling of documents and INTENTIONAL obstruction.
Bleating ORANGE MAN BAD doesn’t excuse Traitor Joe’s crimes, Simp
Explain to us what the actual CRIMES were and HOW they should be PUNISHED OP.

I'm not the OP, but I can answer the question. The crime can be found under 18 US Code 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents. The punishment, according to the law, is a fine or up to 5 years or both. Each document would equal one count of violating this law.

You may want to jump on this and say if that's the case, then Trump should also be charged. On the surface, yes, but it's a lot murkier for him than Biden. Trump had OCA (Original Classification Authority) under Executive Order 13526. The President also has the USSC decision of Dept. of the Navy vs. Egan on his side. Most legal scholars believe that it gives any President broad power as to the ability of classify or declassify information in their capacity as President. The USSC cited Article 2 of the Constitution as the basis of a President having this authority. That's why the raid at Mar-a Lago hasn't been the slam dunk that many on the left has been claiming. The DOJ is having a hard time with this because, although, Trump can't declassify anything with his mind, but if a President says that a document is no longer classified, who has the authority to override that decision?

Biden, on the other hand, is a lot clearer. Either President Obama declassified the documents before the end of his Presidency, or Biden broke the law. He can't declassify the documents now as President and be free and clear. The weasel out is going to be that he didn't know that there were classified documents mixed in. Because he's powerful, it's likely going to work. Normal people, however, would fall under "ignorance is no excuse". Especially, if the classification markings were on the documents.

Something that hasn't been discussed much. The last day of the Obama presidency was 1/20/17. The Penn Biden Center was open on 2/8/18. For those classified documents, where were those documents located between those two dates?

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