China moving ahead of the U.S. in wind and solar power

Thanks for failing to live up to the expectations you hold others up to.

Like I said, you're straight out of a psych stereotype textbook.

Mea Culpa, I was trying to reach down to your level Dude, as a full grown adult that's next to impossible.
Universally I agree. With large demand costs generally are reduced if there are sufficient suppliers in competition and the materials are in sufficient supply. In my example recycled and treated newspaper was placed in my exterior walls and attic. Our home is warmer in winter, cooler in summer and outside noise reduced considerably.
Anyother critique you'd like to offer?

Newspaper loses much of its insulatory quality after 1 year. Wouldn't it be nice if unlike the recent redo of government paying for insulation, the money went to poor southerners instead of rich East Coast people. What were the qualifiers for this last one that Obama just did? I think it was you have to earn less than $70k if you live in New Jersey, but less than $18k if you live in Texas. What an asshole. It's institutionalized corruption and vote buying.

Evidence backing your claim re newspaper as an insulator? Ours has been working fine for the past (nearly) 30 years. When the stucco was cut to install new construction double windows several years ago the material had remained packed solid. We have never noticed any reduction in its insulation effectivness over the years. If there was, my dear wife would have brought it to my attention. On that there is no doubt.

Newspaper settles and loses a significant amount(around 20% I think) of its original r factor in the first few years, after that I think it is pretty stable.
Thanks for failing to live up to the expectations you hold others up to.

Like I said, you're straight out of a psych stereotype textbook.

Mea Culpa, I was trying to reach down to your level Dude, as a full grown adult that's next to impossible.
You're nothing if not a marvel of self-flattery....From where you crawl, everything is up.

As was earlier pointed out, for someone who bitches about others not posting anything of substance, you have an amazingly difficult time doing so yourself.
Thanks for failing to live up to the expectations you hold others up to.

Like I said, you're straight out of a psych stereotype textbook.

Mea Culpa, I was trying to reach down to your level Dude, as a full grown adult that's next to impossible.
You're nothing if not a marvel of self-flattery....From where you crawl, everything is up.

As was earlier pointed out, for someone who bitches about others not posting anything of substance, you have an amazingly difficult time doing so yourself.

lmao, Dude, it's all about the audience.
Newspaper loses much of its insulatory quality after 1 year. Wouldn't it be nice if unlike the recent redo of government paying for insulation, the money went to poor southerners instead of rich East Coast people. What were the qualifiers for this last one that Obama just did? I think it was you have to earn less than $70k if you live in New Jersey, but less than $18k if you live in Texas. What an asshole. It's institutionalized corruption and vote buying.

Evidence backing your claim re newspaper as an insulator? Ours has been working fine for the past (nearly) 30 years. When the stucco was cut to install new construction double windows several years ago the material had remained packed solid. We have never noticed any reduction in its insulation effectivness over the years. If there was, my dear wife would have brought it to my attention. On that there is no doubt.

Newspaper settles and loses a significant amount(around 20% I think) of its original r factor in the first few years, after that I think it is pretty stable.

That is not our experience. The voids in our walls are jam packed, have been since filled in the fall of 1980.
Evidence backing your claim re newspaper as an insulator? Ours has been working fine for the past (nearly) 30 years. When the stucco was cut to install new construction double windows several years ago the material had remained packed solid. We have never noticed any reduction in its insulation effectivness over the years. If there was, my dear wife would have brought it to my attention. On that there is no doubt.

Newspaper settles and loses a significant amount(around 20% I think) of its original r factor in the first few years, after that I think it is pretty stable.

That is not our experience. The voids in our walls are jam packed, have been since filled in the fall of 1980.
If it's packed in the walls then it is already compressed and wouldn't change, the blown kind in the attic is what settles.
Gubmint doesn't create any added value to anything, therefore cannot "create jobs" in one sector without destroying them in another.

That's only one of the most basic of economic concepts.

Only a typically stupid and totally wrong comment by Dooodeee....

Interstate Highway System.

Irrigation Canals.

Hydorelectric dams.

A minor research grant in 1948 to research something called 'semi-conductors'.
You might as well quit trying to argue with uneducated Republicans. They have no solutions and want to keep it that way.

We know that many years ago, we had the Model T. They were gas hogs. It takes many years to develop technology to be really reliable. Years of research and investment and we have the cars of today.

Same thing with energy.

Solar panels are in their infancy. It will be years before the make a substantial energy input into our economy. Same with wind.

All of that will take investment. Money we don't have because Republicans spent it on Iraq.
It will take education. Something Republicans are against.

Somehow, America will have to get around the Party of "NO" if we are going to stay any type of world leader.

Their terror and fear are dragging down this country. Maybe that's part of their plan. Wonder what their goal is?
Stereotype straight out of a psych textbook. :lol:

It seems you are correct the projector are first :)
Thanks, Pee-wee. :rolleyes:


I love watching two Republicans argue. Because they march in lockstep, it's so rare.
Add the lack of education. If you don't know anything, what is there to argue about?

Trying to pay off each other. Calling names. Perfect. Thanks.
ANAHEIM, Calif. — The world's solar companies gathered here recently amid the nation's largest solar market under a brilliant sun – and the looming shadow of China.
China leads the world in making solar cells, the key component in solar panels, many of which are exported to the U.S.

But China is setting itself up to do more than just manufacture components for renewable energy, such as wind and solar. It's also spending heavily to build its own domestic market as it attempts to battle its greenhouse gas emissions, electrify its nation of 1.3 billion people and curb its massive pollution problem.

The buildup of a huge market in China for renewable energy is luring global manufacturers and research teams to China, energy executives say. That's causing concern in some corners that China – not the U.S. – will emerge as the hub of the new industries, leaving the U.S. as dependent on foreign nations for solar panels, wind turbines and other green-energy equipment and technology as it is on the Mideast for oil.

"The Chinese government has recognized that these industries are the 21st century's industries of importance, and it wants to be the Silicon Valley of renewables," says Alan Salzman, CEO of U.S.-based VantagePoint Venture Partners, which specializes in clean energy and clean tech investments.

He says the U.S. hasn't been as clear or as determined as China, a stance echoed by Energy Secretary Steven Chu in testimony before a Senate committee last month.

While China spends about $9 billion a month on clean energy development, the U.S. "has fallen behind," Chu said. He noted that the world's largest turbine-making company is headquartered in Denmark, that 99% of batteries for America's hybrid cars are made in Japan and that the U.S. has lost most of its solar cell manufacturing industry.

China pushes solar, wind power development -

First, we consume 16% more in bpd than we did in 1970, yet our population has grown roughly 33% over the same that is the high which represents 3.5 million bpd more than 1970, which brings us to today, currently in slower economic growth (growth being vital to our way of life, actually any nations way of life) we are consuming roughly 1 to 1.5 million bpd more than 1970......

The Al Gore Fan Club is making Al Gore a very rich man.....and his "Truth" is not about the planet, it is about him and only him.....

The following is from the International Energy Agency.......

Clean Energy Will Lag Behind Global Power Demand: Chart of Day - see attachment....

Over the next 15 years we can not even come close to meeting the demand for just electricity, let alone transportation, heating, manufacturing, etc... with Clean Energy Alternatives.....

And for those of you who really believe we need the ME for their oil, take a look at the following:

Rank Country (bbl) Date of Information

1 Saudi Arabia 266,700,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

2 Canada 178,100,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

3 Iran 136,200,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

4 Iraq 115,000,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

5 Kuwait 104,000,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

6 Venezuela 99,380,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

7 United Arab Emirates 97,800,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

8 Russia 60,000,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

9 Libya 43,660,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

10 Nigeria 36,220,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

11 Kazakhstan 30,000,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

12 United States 21,320,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

13 China 16,000,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

14 Qatar 15,210,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

15 Brazil 12,620,000,000 1 January 2009 est.

Now keep in mind, the Saudis kicked American management out of Saudi Aramco in 1979, the rules for the OPEC Cartel members for their amount of barrels of production per day are based on their proven reserves, there is no independent auditing of proven reserves for any of the members........

This brings me to my point, currently reserves est. in the North Dakota Bakken are 271 billion to 503 billion barrels (8.00×1010 m3), with a mean of 413 billion barrels (6.57×1010 m3).[9]......current technology, horizontal drilling mainly, have brought Shale into the forefront of domestic production, and the Bakken formation was discovered in 1951, there are several new Shale plays within our own borders.....The top three nations Globally est. reserves amount to 581,000,000,000......

We can continue to follow, but our strongest position has always been as a leader, if we continue to believe we need to import to guard our future, we will continue to be a slave to global price controls, and as T. Boone Pickens has pointed out we will never develop the capital or ambition to really find safe alternative energy....
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Wind is a very old technology that has peaked, the only advance has been to make the windmill bigger, pretty funny huh, you got to think of the wooden windmills of Holland, all we are doing is making them out of fiberglass and that mega-sizing them.

Solar, real big joke, massive amounts of water need to be pumped to solar farms, so much water that you have to have a different source of energy to pump the water because the solar farm is too weak to pump its own water.

So why dont the liberal/marxist environuts show off their education, all I see is the left calling people names and posting links to press releases.

Here, show us your education

How much energy and which types does it take to make one ton of fiberglass
Quoting Bloomberg on clean energy?

Why don't you just quote the American Petroleum Institue.

Clean energy technology is available, now.

In Israel, solar power that won’t need subsidies |

I know you have a difficult time dealing with the facts, it is the International Energy Agency that is being quoted, not Bloomberg, furthermore from your own article the following statement is made....

"In a country that ranks among the world’s highest for average number of sunny days per year, solar energy has long been seen as a key natural resource here."

What would they do in these locations.....the bold number is the yearly average of sunny days....



"ZenithSolar hopes to offer its technology further afield. But can it work everywhere, even in the places without nearly as much sun? Faiman says it can, since the machines track the sun even on a cloudy day, but it might not be cost-effective." OOOPPPPPSSS.....

The other obvious fact you choose to skip transportation, so are we going to power a commercial jet with solar? How about the shipping industry?
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I note that GWV5903 is a resident of Houston, TX. Further note that Houston is not mentined on his/her list.
By cherry picking regions for sunshine, s/he neglects (lies by omission) to note the entire Southwest, the deep south, as well as the western states of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and of course California have substantially more sunny days, and hours of sun each day then those s/he listed in the Northwest, New England and Alaska. However, the neglect does not end there, the midwestern states are well known for wind, work is being done to capture wave and tidal power and to more cheaply collect hydrogen from water.
I note that GWV5903 is a resident of Houston, TX. Further note that Houston is not mentined on his/her list.
By cherry picking regions for sunshine, s/he neglects (lies by omission) to note the entire Southwest, the deep south, as well as the western states of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and of course California have substantially more sunny days, and hours of sun each day then those s/he listed in the Northwest, New England and Alaska. However, the neglect does not end there, the midwestern states are well known for wind, work is being done to capture wave and tidal power and to more cheaply collect hydrogen from water.

And how many effective hours in one day, how does that change in the winter vs the summer, there is a huge difference in the length of the day in summer and winter, actually its a different number each and every day so it would be more accurate to state how many effective hours for summer, fall, sprng, and winter.

There is not clean energy technology, it is a fact that everything green produces more CO2 than fossil fuel, you must use fossil fuel to build the wind mill, the solar panel, to make hydrogen, and to make a geothermal plant.

Green Energy is not about saving the planet, I have yet to see one person explain how they can make a windmill without using fossil fuels.

Green Energy is an Oxymoron. It simply does not exsist.

So those who support Green Energy and ignore how you produce the power plants are either morons or marxist.

when confronted with a simple fact that has yet to be shown false, when that fact is repeatedly ignored by those of you that supposedly better educated, how can anyone see the green energy supporters as anything but being either a liberal/marxist or a moron
I note that GWV5903 is a resident of Houston, TX. Further note that Houston is not mentined on his/her list.
By cherry picking regions for sunshine, s/he neglects (lies by omission) to note the entire Southwest, the deep south, as well as the western states of Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and of course California have substantially more sunny days, and hours of sun each day then those s/he listed in the Northwest, New England and Alaska. However, the neglect does not end there, the midwestern states are well known for wind, work is being done to capture wave and tidal power and to more cheaply collect hydrogen from water.

And how many effective hours in one day, how does that change in the winter vs the summer, there is a huge difference in the length of the day in summer and winter, actually its a different number each and every day so it would be more accurate to state how many effective hours for summer, fall, sprng, and winter.

There is not clean energy technology, it is a fact that everything green produces more CO2 than fossil fuel, you must use fossil fuel to build the wind mill, the solar panel, to make hydrogen, and to make a geothermal plant.

Green Energy is not about saving the planet, I have yet to see one person explain how they can make a windmill without using fossil fuels.

Green Energy is an Oxymoron. It simply does not exsist.

So those who support Green Energy and ignore how you produce the power plants are either morons or marxist.

when confronted with a simple fact that has yet to be shown false, when that fact is repeatedly ignored by those of you that supposedly better educated, how can anyone see the green energy supporters as anything but being either a liberal/marxist or a moron

Wow, nice rant. Wind and water mills have been around for centuries, wood fins, wood gears, wood drive shafts for pumping water or grinding grain. My pool is heated by the sun, of course the black hose which circulates the water and the pump were produced using energy, but to pump the water throught the filter and hose requires much less energy than a gas pool heater.
Green energy exists, take rocks heated in the sun and put them in your sleeping bag. Warm, and as green as green gets.
I wonder, do you also believe the earth is flat?

liberal and Marxist are words which describe different world views; calling someone a moron is simply using a pejorative and has zero relevance to the debate. Pejoratives are used by those unable to provide a credible argument.
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