China purposefully spread covid to the US and the rest of the world .


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
given the undenyible fact that China lied about and withheld critical info on covids origins from the rest of the world during the early outbreak of the virus it shouldnt be a reach to believe that China wanted the rest of the world to be in the dark about a virus that new info states probably leaked from their lab ... but lets take the democrats claim that the virus came from nature in defense of their CCP friends as fact .. lets say the virus did come from nature like the left in the US is quick to claim ... the fact that during the early outbreak lab leak or no lab leak China withheld info about the virus from the rest of the world and actually restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan to contain the spread in their own country but allowed international travel to the rest of the world ! in other words Chins purposefully spread covid to the US and other countries while they attempted to contain the virus in one sector of their own ! China is responsible for the death of over 1 million American citizens ! China is the greatest enemy the US has ! and by the way .. the virus did leak from a lab !

It's amazing how short people's memories are. Good to keep reminding them of what China did to the world and how our NIH and Fauci in particular played a role.
and Biden says nice things about China on his recent oversees trip stating that he doesnt want to contain the country that killed over 1 million Americans !
and Biden says nice things about China on his recent oversees trip stating that he doesnt want to contain the country that killed over 1 million Americans !
Biden was almost starting to talk tough on China. Master Xi must have called him and gave him a scolding, now he's back to being a good lackey.
Biden was almost starting to talk tough on China. Master Xi must have called him and gave him a scolding, now he's back to being a good lackey.
yes ..Biden recently stated that he had no desire to contain the CCP.

IF Trump and the ALEC FAKE GOP had not chosen negligence and lying for their platform 1,400,000 might still be alive today instead dead.

Trump Admin people were advised by the military in 2017 that this virus was spreading yet what did the GOP and Trump decide was the best action …….. lie over and over.

Trump and the GOP Lied ….. people are STILL dying daily throughout the USA as we speak.

MORE THAN = as of April 2023 more than 1,400,000 USA humans have passed on as a result of Trump and the GOP lying about COVID 19 and related variants.

More than 1,400,000 million HAVE DIED THUS FAR.

FAKE GOP is a greater sin than being a normal lying republican


given the undenyible fact that China lied about and withheld critical info on covids origins from the rest of the world during the early outbreak of the virus it shouldnt be a reach to believe that China wanted the rest of the world to be in the dark about a virus that new info states probably leaked from their lab ... but lets take the democrats claim that the virus came from nature in defense of their CCP friends as fact .. lets say the virus did come from nature like the left in the US is quick to claim ... the fact that during the early outbreak lab leak or no lab leak China withheld info about the virus from the rest of the world and actually restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan to contain the spread in their own country but allowed international travel to the rest of the world ! in other words Chins purposefully spread covid to the US and other countries while they attempted to contain the virus in one sector of their own ! China is responsible for the death of over 1 million American citizens ! China is the greatest enemy the US has ! and by the way .. the virus did leak from a lab !
Unsubstantiated statements by someone - who has absolutely no idea as to what he talks about. A simpleton China-basher.
Unsubstantiated statements by someone - who has absolutely no idea as to what he talks about. A simpleton China-basher.

IF Trump and the ALEC FAKE GOP had not chosen negligence and lying for their platform 1,400,000 might still be alive today instead dead.

Trump Admin people were advised by the military in 2017 that this virus was spreading yet what did the GOP and Trump decide was the best action …….. lie over and over.

Trump and the GOP Lied ….. people are STILL dying daily throughout the USA as we speak.

MORE THAN = as of April 2023 more than 1,400,000 USA humans have passed on as a result of Trump and the GOP lying about COVID 19 and related variants.

More than 1,400,000 million HAVE DIED THUS FAR.

FAKE GOP is a greater sin than being a normal lying republican


Evidence is overwhelming that the virus was released by a Chinese lab. The question is how deeply was Fauci involved in the development and how he was able to protect his Chinese scientists from criticism with the cooperation of the U.S. media and the Biden administration.
given the undenyible fact that China lied about and withheld critical info on covids origins from the rest of the world during the early outbreak of the virus it shouldnt be a reach to believe that China wanted the rest of the world to be in the dark about a virus that new info states probably leaked from their lab ... but lets take the democrats claim that the virus came from nature in defense of their CCP friends as fact .. lets say the virus did come from nature like the left in the US is quick to claim ... the fact that during the early outbreak lab leak or no lab leak China withheld info about the virus from the rest of the world and actually restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan to contain the spread in their own country but allowed international travel to the rest of the world ! in other words Chins purposefully spread covid to the US and other countries while they attempted to contain the virus in one sector of their own ! China is responsible for the death of over 1 million American citizens ! China is the greatest enemy the US has ! and by the way .. the virus did leak from a lab !

Do you think it was because they wanted Potato for pres? I mean, you know... Republicans who were supposed to be viewing the vote results were kept from doing so.. blame placed on covid... windows papered over... Then there were the dead voters... the vote- harvesters and etc... etc...

and some are saying that China shipped into dim-controlled states fake ballots to be filled out for Potato...

Vis a vis the virus... it was a handy excuse to make people stand 6 ft back... where they couldn't view vote counting... and of course some people didn't want to go to the polls to vote bc they might catch the damn thing ... which we found out had a death rate about the same as the flu... (for healthy folks anyhow, and even some not so healthy)
Xi; thanks to drastic measures we manged to control the spread of the virus
T: I know, I know - great job-congrats - I didn't do shit

given the undenyible fact that China lied about and withheld critical info on covids origins from the rest of the world during the early outbreak of the virus it shouldnt be a reach to believe that China wanted the rest of the world to be in the dark about a virus that new info states probably leaked from their lab ... but lets take the democrats claim that the virus came from nature in defense of their CCP friends as fact .. lets say the virus did come from nature like the left in the US is quick to claim ... the fact that during the early outbreak lab leak or no lab leak China withheld info about the virus from the rest of the world and actually restricted domestic travel to and from Wuhan to contain the spread in their own country but allowed international travel to the rest of the world ! in other words Chins purposefully spread covid to the US and other countries while they attempted to contain the virus in one sector of their own ! China is responsible for the death of over 1 million American citizens ! China is the greatest enemy the US has ! and by the way .. the virus did leak from a lab !

Unfortunately I think we have far worse viruses to worry about then COVID. We most likely will have a virus far more worse then COVID spread across the world. Think of what will happened if a country tried to unleash the Black Plauge as a weapon. I don't think China spread COVID intentionally as a weapon, if they wanted to do that they would of spread a virus far more deadly than COVID.

IF Trump and the ALEC FAKE GOP had not chosen negligence and lying for their platform 1,400,000 might still be alive today instead dead.

Trump Admin people were advised by the military in 2017 that this virus was spreading yet what did the GOP and Trump decide was the best action …….. lie over and over.

Trump and the GOP Lied ….. people are STILL dying daily throughout the USA as we speak.

MORE THAN = as of April 2023 more than 1,400,000 USA humans have passed on as a result of Trump and the GOP lying about COVID 19 and related variants.

More than 1,400,000 million HAVE DIED THUS FAR.

FAKE GOP is a greater sin than being a normal lying republican


What did Trump lie about COVID that he was not told by Fauci, et al?

If we knew about this virus in 2017, why is called COVID 19, instead of COVID 17?
Unfortunately I think we have far worse viruses to worry about then COVID. We most likely will have a virus far more worse then COVID spread across the world. Think of what will happened if a country tried to unleash the Black Plauge as a weapon. I don't think China spread COVID intentionally as a weapon, if they wanted to do that they would of spread a virus far more deadly than COVID.
What's a "plauge"?

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