China suggests it might declare war aginst America

China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

We should be making those Commie bastards, dead!

They would kill us all yesterday if they could.
As is, they are sending swarms of fishing vessels into our area to rape our seas of fish and marine life, leaving an unmitigated ecological disaster in their trail for us to deal with.

We are at war with china

"They would kill us all yesterday if they could."

And so would the Democrats IF they could get away with it and that is something you SHOULD ALWAYS keep in mind.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

I know,
But remember, the CCP has 1.4 BILLION troops they can throw at the problem.
The USA is vastly outnumbered now.
And as China improves it's technology, they can overwhelm our military.

I am READY to report to duty. If the Air Force calls, I will go.
If God is for us, who can stand against us

satan and his children will NOT win...the battle is the Lord's
Regardless of what it looks like, we are to walk by faith, not by sight

Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world
Vengeance is Mine says the Lord

Um, good luck with that.
God helps those....who help themselves
" Chinese vessels travel to the region each year in search of marine species." :sigh2:

I know. I was just pointing out that Ecuador knew they were there and didn't want them treading on the island's delicate habitat.
Again, a Chinese backed media site spreading fear to willing right wing rubes in the US thinking that an invasion is imminent. :)
The only way the chinks could win a war with the US is with nukes....of course their country would then be a smoking crater as well.
If they try to go conventional they wouldnt stand a chance.

You have to remember that China has the Leftists in America on their SIDE already and so it would not be straightforward, this because you have Traitors Within who would in any War situation with China be working across America to bring America down from WITHIN and so you would be fighting a War on two Fronts with the Second Front literally on American soil.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces and stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?

What do you think?

You got anything more legitimate than an alt-right publication that's actually being backed by the Chinese? Cause I don't see us going to war with China. That's what I think.
We might be able to move some manufacturing back to our shores (drug manufacturing would be nice) but until you convince Americans to take shit paying jobs with no benefits and lousy working conditions and are able to buy cheap land and have the United States government pick up the tab for you expenses, it ain't gonna happen.

They won't have to go to war....biden and the democrat party will give them Asia.......
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

I know,
But remember, the CCP has 1.4 BILLION troops they can throw at the problem.
The USA is vastly outnumbered now.
And as China improves it's technology, they can overwhelm our military.

I am READY to report to duty. If the Air Force calls, I will go.

How would they deploy these troops and how would they feed them?
Our military is far superior.
They have one measly aircraft carrier to our ten.
We would smoke China in short order.

Remember that if America is attacked, Europe and India will not idly stand by. Additionally, Russia might also stand on the side of Europe. Then there's M.A.D. 1.4 million souls in China hmmm....?
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China
  1. You are vastly overestimating China's domination of the world.
  2. NATO forces are already in cahoots with China against the U.S. through Interpol and other world policing, and have absolutely no interest in our side of that conflict.
  3. You are suffering from the entrenched Democrat politics of the Pentagon's Military Industrial Complex and America's Prison Industrial Complex in general.
The only way the chinks could win a war with the US is with nukes....of course their country would then be a smoking crater as well.
If they try to go conventional they wouldnt stand a chance.

You have to remember that China has the Leftists in America on their SIDE already and so it would not be straightforward, this because you have Traitors Within who would in any War situation with China be working across America to bring America down from WITHIN and so you would be fighting a War on two Fronts with the Second Front literally on American soil.

Hmmm...., so there's a Fifth Column deep in America... I agree... That'swhy there's the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Left. I wonder would Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, AOC and all the leading Commies in Congress be cheering for a China win?
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China
  1. You are vastly overestimating China's domination of the world.
  2. NATO forces are already in cahoots with China against the U.S. through Interpol and other world policing, and have absolutely no interest in our side of that conflict.
  3. You are suffering from the entrenched Democrat politics of the Pentagon's Military Industrial Complex and America's Prison Industrial Complex in general.

Am I?
If so, I apologize.

Can you comment on the 260 vessel strong Chinese Armada in the Galapagos Islands today poised to decimate one of Earts most treasured marine ecosystems?

Also, what about their militarization of the South China sea?

Plus tons of other power grabs via loans etc across the globe?

All no big deal you say?
All I know is, China is a global plague and we need to stop it.

We cankick the can down the road, until after they've destroyed Earths food chain and developed much better weapons if we're stupid.
Why are we still importing Chinese shit?

And why are American companies STILL shoving themselves up Chinas behind bending to their every demand?
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

I know,
But remember, the CCP has 1.4 BILLION troops they can throw at the problem.
The USA is vastly outnumbered now.
And as China improves it's technology, they can overwhelm our military.

I am READY to report to duty. If the Air Force calls, I will go.

How would they deploy these troops and how would they feed them?
Our military is far superior.
They have one measly aircraft carrier to our ten.
We would smoke China in short order.

Remember that if America is attacked, Europe and India will not idly stand by. Additionally, Russia might also stand on the side of Europe. Then there's M.A.D. 1.4 million souls in China hmmm....?

I would say that in the event of this insane situation happening that my side of our Continent would support America, I cannot say WHAT side Western Europa would support though, you could probably count on the British from that side but I am not sure about any others.

My side of our Continent using Diplomatic Channels would ACTIVELY be trying to persuade Russia to either support America OR to at LEAST remain Neutral and I think India under Prime Minister Modi would support America or at the LEAST remain Neutral, India would certainly NOT side with China we know this because of the military shit that is ALREADY going on between India and China where they are ALREADY fighting and killing each other and India is sending another 35.000 troops to their border with China:


China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

I know,
But remember, the CCP has 1.4 BILLION troops they can throw at the problem.
The USA is vastly outnumbered now.
And as China improves it's technology, they can overwhelm our military.

I am READY to report to duty. If the Air Force calls, I will go.
If God is for us, who can stand against us

satan and his children will NOT win...the battle is the Lord's
Regardless of what it looks like, we are to walk by faith, not by sight

Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world
Vengeance is Mine says the Lord

Um, good luck with that.
God helps those....who help themselves

Yeah, uh...Good luck with that

Please tell me where I can find that in Scripture...thank you
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?
I think is a totally stupid idea and I seriously doubt it will happen.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

I know,
But remember, the CCP has 1.4 BILLION troops they can throw at the problem.
The USA is vastly outnumbered now.
And as China improves it's technology, they can overwhelm our military.

I am READY to report to duty. If the Air Force calls, I will go.

How would they deploy these troops and how would they feed them?
Our military is far superior.
They have one measly aircraft carrier to our ten.
We would smoke China in short order.

Remember that if America is attacked, Europe and India will not idly stand by. Additionally, Russia might also stand on the side of Europe. Then there's M.A.D. 1.4 million souls in China hmmm....?

I would say that in the event of this insane situation happening that my side of our Continent would support America, I cannot say WHAT side Western Europa would support though, you could probably count of the British from that side but I am not sure about any others.

My side of our Continent using Diplomatic Channels would ACTIVELY be trying to persuade Russia to either support America OR to at LEAST remain Neutral and I think India under Prime Minister Modi would support America or at the LEAST remain Neutral, India would certainly NOT side with China we know this because of the military shit that is ALREADY going on between India and China where they are ALREADY fighting and killing each other and India is sending another 35.000 troops to their border with China:

View attachment 369239

FREE JAPAN AND GERMANY!!! Give BOTH full military autonomy AND sell them (cheaply) as many weapons as possible.

Commies would run for the fucking hills.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?
I think it wrong to use a religious whack-job conspiracy theory website as a supporting link.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling only makes them look foolish.

I know,
But remember, the CCP has 1.4 BILLION troops they can throw at the problem.
The USA is vastly outnumbered now.
And as China improves it's technology, they can overwhelm our military.

I am READY to report to duty. If the Air Force calls, I will go.
If God is for us, who can stand against us

satan and his children will NOT win...the battle is the Lord's
Regardless of what it looks like, we are to walk by faith, not by sight

Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world
Vengeance is Mine says the Lord

Um, good luck with that.
God helps those....who help themselves

Yeah, uh...Good luck with that

Please tell me where I can find that in Scripture...thank you

hate to tell ya but NOWHERE in the the Old OR New testament does it say that
God will fight ALL your wars. God parted the waters for Moses it says, but his own son died at the hands of evil men.

Didn't you ever do Bible study at all?

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