China - Tell me it isn't true..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
I already feel dirty being in the conspiracy section, but I was researching a post this morning and realized there's a connection in the timeline between when China started buying our debt (Treas Bonds) and when ALLEDGELY, the Clinton Admin allowed the transfer of missile and other military technology to China..

Tell me that is a coincidence.. And that John Wang and the other Clinton appointees allowed access to Commerce and other depts weren't just part of the deal to have China start to buy up our debt..

I DO know that it was around 1994 that China pegged it's currency to the dollar and started to buy US treasuries. And that by 2000 -- China held 6% share of foreign holders of Treasuries.

Uncle Ferd says dey gonna come over here with dat 200 million man army an' repossess the White House...
China Slams US on Credit Downgrade, Most Countries Cautious
August 06, 2011 - Countries around the world trying to assess the impact of the U.S. credit downgrade on the global economy are starting to speak out.
China issued a stern warning to the United States Saturday, criticizing the country's "debt addiction" and saying Washington needs to understand it can no longer borrow its way out of economic problems. The commentary by communist China's official Xinhua news agency condemned the U.S. for what it called "short-sighted political wrangling," and said the world needs a new, stable global reserve currency. China's central bank is the largest holder of U.S. public debt.

Other countries are reacting more cautiously. Japan, the second largest U.S. creditor, said Saturday the lower rating would not affect Tokyo's approach to investing in U.S. debt. South Korea put the downgrade on the agenda for a meeting Sunday of its central bank officials, but along with Australia urged against an overreaction. India, one of the world's top emerging economies, called America's downgraded credit rating a "grave" situation. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee refused to comment further, saying more analysis was needed.

Russia said Saturday it would keep its investments in U.S. debt stable, saying there was not much difference between a AAA and a AA+ rating. In an interview Saturday, French Finance Minister Francois Baroin also voiced support for the U.S., saying France had faith in Washington's ability to right its economy. But Europe is also trying to confront its own economic woes, with Italy and Spain facing growing debt problems.

Officials with the Group of Seven, which represents the world's top industrial economies, said Saturday finance ministers planned to talk by phone over the coming days to discuss both the U.S. credit downgrade and and eurozone debt crisis. Despite the official reactions, some economists say what happens next may depend on what investors do when the Asian stock markets reopen on Monday. Asia's benchmark indexes, Tokyo's Nikkei index and Hong Kong's Hang Seng, plunged 3.7 percent and 4.3 percent respectively at the close of trade Friday.


See also:

China blasts US over debt woes
Sun, Aug 07, 2011 - NEW RESERVE CURRENCY:A research institute director said China would begin to consider other currency options for its reserves after the US downgrade to ‘AA-plus’
China roundly condemned the US for its “debt addiction” and “short-sighted” political wrangling and said the world needed a new stable global reserve currency. In a harshly worded commentary by the Xinhua news agency yesterday, China gave its first official comments on the US losing its gilded “AAA” long-term credit rating from Standard & Poor’s. “China, the largest creditor of the world’s sole superpower, has every right now to demand the United States address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China’s dollar assets,” Xinhua said.

China also urged the US to apply “common sense” to “cure its addiction to debts” by cutting military and social welfare expenditure. “The US government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone,” Xinhua wrote. China also said further credit downgrades would very likely undermine the world economic recovery and trigger fresh rounds of financial turmoil.

“International supervision over the issue of US dollars should be introduced and a new, stable and secured global reserve currency may also be an option to avert a catastrophe caused by any single country,” Xinhua said. Chinese economists said the US credit rating downgrade posed a great risk to financial markets and they expected it to prompt China, the world’s biggest holder of US Treasuries, to accelerate the diversification of its holdings. S&P cut the US’ rating to “AA-plus” on concerns over the government’s budget deficits and rising debt burden. The move is likely to raise borrowing costs eventually for the US government, companies and consumers.

The ultimate goal of this research is gene therapy, which replaces the damaged genes in obamanized cells with normal genes to stop the abnormal behavior of these cells. For example, scientists have learned that there is an abnormality of chromosome 3 in many vaginas.

Better understanding of how this may play a role in the development of the liberals might lead to better treatment for liberalism.

Studies are under way to determine the best way to combine external beam therapy and brachytherapy to treat the obamanized cells and limit damage to normal tissue.

researchers do say it's Obama's fault and feel certain he will blame George W Bush
The ultimate goal of this research is gene therapy, which replaces the damaged genes in obamanized cells with normal genes to stop the abnormal behavior of these cells. For example, scientists have learned that there is an abnormality of chromosome 3 in many vaginas.

Better understanding of how this may play a role in the development of the liberals might lead to better treatment for liberalism.

Studies are under way to determine the best way to combine external beam therapy and brachytherapy to treat the obamanized cells and limit damage to normal tissue.

researchers do say it's Obama's fault and feel certain he will blame George W Bush

These scientists that you refer to.... were 6% of them Republicans?

I already feel dirty being in the conspiracy section, but I was researching a post this morning and realized there's a connection in the timeline between when China started buying our debt (Treas Bonds) and when ALLEDGELY, the Clinton Admin allowed the transfer of missile and other military technology to China..

Tell me that is a coincidence.. And that John Wang and the other Clinton appointees allowed access to Commerce and other depts weren't just part of the deal to have China start to buy up our debt..

I DO know that it was around 1994 that China pegged it's currency to the dollar and started to buy US treasuries. And that by 2000 -- China held 6% share of foreign holders of Treasuries.

Yes, it's all just a coincidence. Go back to sleep.
Hey this conspiracy stuff is actually FUN!

I think waltky hit it -- We DID trade missile tech and other goodies to China in return for them buying our debt.. But now -- we're trying to stiff them on the deal by bankrupting ourselves.. Brilliant!

But the BEST part is --- the Chinese don't have to steal stuff from us or break our knees to get paid..

Stupid American businessman are sending them the detailed drawings for every valuable product we develop. So a few of those go into Chinese production every time the debt ceiling goes up...

Tell MadScientist --- I'm gonna be awake awhile longer tonight..
Hey this conspiracy stuff is actually FUN!

I think waltky hit it -- We DID trade missile tech and other goodies to China in return for them buying our debt.. But now -- we're trying to stiff them on the deal by bankrupting ourselves.. Brilliant!

But the BEST part is --- the Chinese don't have to steal stuff from us or break our knees to get paid..

Stupid American businessman are sending them the detailed drawings for every valuable product we develop. So a few of those go into Chinese production every time the debt ceiling goes up...

Tell MadScientist --- I'm gonna be awake awhile longer tonight..

There was lots of funny stuff going on with China in the ‘90s.

BBC News | Americas | How China targeted US secrets
China is once again an Empire. The difference is, greed wont destroy them like it did murka ( or so I believe....for now). They won the war buy buying the Great Whore.
Hey this conspiracy stuff is actually FUN!

I think waltky hit it -- We DID trade missile tech and other goodies to China in return for them buying our debt.. But now -- we're trying to stiff them on the deal by bankrupting ourselves.. Brilliant!

But the BEST part is --- the Chinese don't have to steal stuff from us or break our knees to get paid..

Stupid American businessman are sending them the detailed drawings for every valuable product we develop. So a few of those go into Chinese production every time the debt ceiling goes up...

Tell MadScientist --- I'm gonna be awake awhile longer tonight..
As a condition of moving business there, the ChiComms have demanded in many cases that all related patents of all the machinery be transferred over to the Chinese company. Isn't that nice?

So if the jobs ever do come back, we'll have to pay the ChiComms for the technology the companies gave them!

But of course, that's all just conspiracy theory! :uhoh3:
China losin' it cheap labor edge...
China 'losing edge' as low-cost manufacturer, says KPMG
15 September 2011 : Bangladesh, Indonesia, India and Vietnam are poised to benefit as China's costs rise
China is losing its edge as the world's cheapest place to manufacture goods, a new report suggests. Indonesia and Bangladesh are benefiting most as rising costs in China force firms to switch production, it says. The report by consultants KPMG says that minimum wage levels in China are now four times greater than other places in South and South East Asia. However, the report says China can defend its position because of its productivity and infrastructure. China is still dominant in the production of goods such as consumer electronics and furniture.

But the report says that production of clothing and footwear is now more widely dispersed across Asia, with Indonesia and Vietnam specialising in the production of footwear and India developing a niche in hand-stitched fabrics and metalware. According to KPMG estimates, Indonesia's footwear exports grew by 42% in 2010 to $2.1bn (£1.3bn), while Bangladesh saw textiles exports grow by 43% to more than $18bn in the year to July 2011. "Sourcing goods in China purely because of ultra-low costs is a thing of the past," said Nick Debnam, KPMG's Asia-Pacific chair. "With demand still soft in many Western consumer markets, it is also proving difficult for companies to pass on higher costs to consumers. This changing environment is forcing companies to reassess sourcing strategies."

Rising wages

China is battling its highest rate of inflation in three years although the latest consumer prices data from August suggests that the rate is beginning to ease. While much of China's manufacturing has begun to migrate westwards from the south and east of the country to cheaper provinces such as Sichuan, the report says the cost advantages from such moves inland may be short-lived. KPMG says that China's increasing manufacturing costs are more to do with the country's demographics.

China's one-child policy has resulted in a "sudden and serious" shortage of the labour that gives workers in both the richer coastal provinces and poorer inland areas the leverage to demand higher wages. The report was based on interviews with 12 major multinational companies including Ikea, B&Q-owner Kingfisher and Hong Kong's Li & Fung, which sources goods for big-name clients including Wal-Mart.

BBC News - China 'losing edge' as low-cost manufacturer, says KPMG

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