China to develop more aircraft carriers

Hey Japan, hurry up with your nuclear missile program.

In my assessment, China has very vindictive attitude towards Japan. It is like they are clamoring for vengeance.
They have much justification for vengeance.

But, carriers are basically obsolete; useful against places like Vietnam and Iraq, that have no navy, but not the power base they were.

We should let China build themselves broke; we'd sink them all in the first day of a shooting war with China.
Hey Japan, hurry up with your nuclear missile program.

In my assessment, China has very vindictive attitude towards Japan. It is like they are clamoring for vengeance.

Yes, they're not exactly kissing cousins. If you watch CCTV, the criticism of Japan by China, North & South Korea, Vietnam, etc., this year has been more vociferous than it's been since the 1940's. Most of that is China though. They're big and rich and they're flexing their muscles. It comes down to territory and the oil that's under that territory. The War College still regards China as the most ominous potential threat against America, not Islam. 12 million hardcore communists run the show over there, less than 1% of the population.
Turnabout is fair play.

Japan has much karma to settle.
Anyone else seen the Chinese film, Back to 1941? The scale is huge, the story is riveting, and the acting is first rate. It's probably the finest film to come out of China yet. It's about the people of Henan Province who fled the coastal areas for the backcountry trying to stay ahead of the invading Japanese army. Two million of them died of starvation. The film concentrates on the terrible hardships suffered by a single family. "A Spectacular Epic"--Hollywood Reporter

At any rate, a nation that lost 12 million people at the hands of an invading army isn't so ready to forgive, just because the Japanese PM spends twenty minutes at the mike saying "I'm sorry."
Read "The Rape of Nanking".

China has a big score to settle with Japan.

They did not get their revenge, like the USSR got on Russia.

Payback would be a real bitch.
Anyone else seen the Chinese film, Back to 1941? The scale is huge, the story is riveting, and the acting is first rate. It's probably the finest film to come out of China yet. It's about the people of Henan Province who fled the coastal areas for the backcountry trying to stay ahead of the invading Japanese army. Two million of them died of starvation. The film concentrates on the terrible hardships suffered by a single family. "A Spectacular Epic"--Hollywood Reporter

At any rate, a nation that lost 12 million people at the hands of an invading army isn't so ready to forgive, just because the Japanese PM spends twenty minutes at the mike saying "I'm sorry."

OK. So China is not willing to forgive and forget Japan. What is their excuse for invading and killing Tibetans?

This kind of vengeance oriented foreign policy of China is going to deal disaster for the region, world and China itself.

The communists don't care. If they thought for a New York Minute that they could get away with nuking our cities, they'd do it. The next great conflict in China is going to be internal, the growing middle class made affluent via capitalism, against the entrenched communists who represent a very small proportion of the population, but who'd destroy the country before they'd see their power usurped. They have 400,000 paramilitary riot police to keep all the proles in line.

Rise of Chinese communists is one of the darkest chapters in our recent history. They destroyed Chinese culture. They invaded and killed neighbors. They brainwashed Chinese people to the extent that average Chinese is not sure what is right and what is wrong. The last point was perhaps the saddest.

Chinese communism jerked a backward ass people 500 years forward.

100 years ago, they were the doormat of the world, today, the world's largest economy.

Sometimes a people need a kick in the ass to get jump started.
China has to cover Russias backdoor when Russia pre-emptively nuclear strikes the USA.

Neither will attack the US.

The interest on our debt to China funds their entire military.
Love the liberal responses in this thread. Poor innocent China. China's reds have only murdered 65 million of their own people since the 1930's.
In 65 year, Reds transformed the poorest nation on Earth into a superpower.

Jerked them 500 years forward.

That cannot be done painlessly.
Anyone else seen the Chinese film, Back to 1941? The scale is huge, the story is riveting, and the acting is first rate. It's probably the finest film to come out of China yet. It's about the people of Henan Province who fled the coastal areas for the backcountry trying to stay ahead of the invading Japanese army. Two million of them died of starvation. The film concentrates on the terrible hardships suffered by a single family. "A Spectacular Epic"--Hollywood Reporter

At any rate, a nation that lost 12 million people at the hands of an invading army isn't so ready to forgive, just because the Japanese PM spends twenty minutes at the mike saying "I'm sorry."

OK. So China is not willing to forgive and forget Japan. What is their excuse for invading and killing Tibetans?

This kind of vengeance oriented foreign policy of China is going to deal disaster for the region, world and China itself.

The communists don't care. If they thought for a New York Minute that they could get away with nuking our cities, they'd do it. The next great conflict in China is going to be internal, the growing middle class made affluent via capitalism, against the entrenched communists who represent a very small proportion of the population, but who'd destroy the country before they'd see their power usurped. They have 400,000 paramilitary riot police to keep all the proles in line.

Rise of Chinese communists is one of the darkest chapters in our recent history. They destroyed Chinese culture. They invaded and killed neighbors. They brainwashed Chinese people to the extent that average Chinese is not sure what is right and what is wrong. The last point was perhaps the saddest.

Chinese communism jerked a backward ass people 500 years forward.

100 years ago, they were the doormat of the world, today, the world's largest economy.

Sometimes a people need a kick in the ass to get jump started.

Are you trying to cram as much ignorant bullshit into one thread as possible?
Anyone else seen the Chinese film, Back to 1941? The scale is huge, the story is riveting, and the acting is first rate. It's probably the finest film to come out of China yet. It's about the people of Henan Province who fled the coastal areas for the backcountry trying to stay ahead of the invading Japanese army. Two million of them died of starvation. The film concentrates on the terrible hardships suffered by a single family. "A Spectacular Epic"--Hollywood Reporter

At any rate, a nation that lost 12 million people at the hands of an invading army isn't so ready to forgive, just because the Japanese PM spends twenty minutes at the mike saying "I'm sorry."
Read "The Rape of Nanking".

China has a big score to settle with Japan.

They did not get their revenge, like the USSR got on Russia.

Payback would be a real bitch.
China has no score to settle with Japan. How many of the actual victims of any Japanese aggression are even still alive?
Love the liberal responses in this thread. Poor innocent China. China's reds have only murdered 65 million of their own people since the 1930's.
In 65 year, Reds transformed the poorest nation on Earth into a superpower.

Jerked them 500 years forward.

That cannot be done painlessly.
Please. The Chinese are as communist as the U.S. is capitalist. Both are mixed economies. It wasn't until the Chinese enacted capitalist reforms that their economy began to grow.
Let us review what your original claim was:

There is no proof that China has ever been more advanced than Japan

Chinese logograms predate Japanese kanas. China was using a writing system before Japan was.

Modern Day Views

Nowadays there is more-or-less consensus on a few points concerning the origin of writing. First of all, writing was invented independently in at least three places, Mesopotamia, China, and Mesoamerica. Recent discoveries might also provide evidence that writing was invented in Egypt and Indus independently of Mesopotamia.

Ancient Scripts Origins of Writing Systems

Chinese writing, basically logographic writing system, one of the world’s great writing systems.

Like Semitic writing in the West, Chinese script was fundamental to the writing systems in the East. Until relatively recently, Chinese writing was more widely in use than alphabetic writing systems, and until the 18th century more than half of the world’s books were written in Chinese, including works of speculative thought, historical writings of a kind, and novels, along with writings on government and law.

It is not known when Chinese writing originated, but it apparently began to develop in the early 2nd millennium bc. The earliest known inscriptions, each of which contains between 10 and 60 characters incised on pieces of bone and tortoiseshell that were used for oracular divination, date from the Shang (or Yin) dynasty (18th–12th century bc), but, by then it was already a highly developed system, essentially similar to its present form. By 1400 bc the script included some 2,500 to 3,000 characters, most of which can be read to this day. Later stages in the development of Chinese writing include the guwen (“ancient figures”) found in inscriptions from the lateShang dynasty (c. 1123 bc) and the early years of the Zhou dynasty that followed. The major script of the Zhou dynasty, which ruled from 1046 to 256 bc, was the dazhuan (“great seal”), also called the Zhou wen (“Zhou script”). By the end of the Zhou dynasty the dazhuan had degenerated to some extent.

The script was fixed in its present form during the Qin period (221–207 bc). The earliest graphs were schematic pictures of what they represented; the graph for man resembled a standing figure, that for woman depicted a kneeling figure.

Chinese writing -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Another copy and paste 'scholar.' :rolleyes:
Hey Japan, hurry up with your nuclear missile program.

In my assessment, China has very vindictive attitude towards Japan. It is like they are clamoring for vengeance.

Yes, and all because Japan stole their islands, started a war against them, mass murdered on an unbelievable scale, raped their women when they were forced to work as comfort women, and generally refuse to accept any fault for Japanese war crimes.

I did not get your position wrong. I am talking about the stated position of yours on this thread about Senkaku dispute. It is quite possible that you may have meant to write something else and thought you were writing something else but ended up writing something entirely different. In that case, that is your fault not mine. Your sated position considers Senkaku Islands disputed territory. This is exactly what Chinese wanted. They have been successful at labeling Senku, an undisputed territory as disputed territory. That is not a neutral stance. On top of that you floated Chinese propaganda.

There is nothing negative to say about Japan so if you are not saying anything negative about Japan, it simply means that you are doing the right thing. Unfortunately however, there are quite a few negative things about China. Pointing out those actions of China which can be characterized as crimes against humanity (e.g., Tibet and Xinjiang), intimidation of weaker neighbors (e.g., Philippines), making irrational territorial claims with total disregard to peace and security (e.g., Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, India and so on) is not negativity against China. It is called obligation to speak truth. It is certainly not an attack on Chinese.

Japan's character as a responsible player in the region commands respect and credibility and is therefore relevant to the topic.
Here are my exact words with a link to the post that they appeared in so that everyone can see that there is no way to possibly get my position wrong, unless that position is inconvenient so you simply make up a straw man argument.
My position is that neither Japan nor China has a legitimate claim to the islands...
That you continue to erroneously claim I'm on China's side, or spewing Chinese propaganda is clearly nonsense. Even if everything you said is true and you left out absolutely no other facts there is nothing controversial whatsoever about stating that there is a dispute over these islands. Even if Japan is completely in the right and China completely in the wrong there is still a dispute, otherwise we wouldn't be discussing it at all.

"There is nothing negative to say about Japan..." Well that shows who the biased poster in this thread is. Abe is unconstitutionally building up Japan's military over this issue, which is something negative to say. Diplomacy is the way forward, not belligerence. Which, again, is not to say that China isn't also being belligerent. They are. Conducting military exercises over the islands and unilaterally declaring them Chinese territory is an example of their belligerence.

As for floating Chinese propaganda, I'm going to need you to provide a link to that. All I've pointed out is that China was at one point one of the most advanced civilizations on the planet, and this was long before Japan flourished. And that's not a dig against Japan anymore than it's a dig against the United States to say that both China and Japan were advanced long before we were even a nation at all.

The point is that you have some vendetta against China, and you're projecting that onto those of us who point out that things aren't simply black and white by stating that we're propagandists for China and that we hate Japan. Get real.

You have demonstrated your hostility towards Japanese people by expecting them to not modify their constitution in order to be able to defend themselves against Chinese aggression. That shows on your part a clear disregard for safety and security of Japanese people. Your incessant anti Japanese posts are nothing but deplorable.
And your claim that the Japanese constitution was "modified" shows you don't know what you're talking about. The constitution wasn't modified but merely ignored.

Reinterpreting Article 9 endangers Japan s rule of law The Japan Times

Your anti Japan attitude is there for all to see. Japan has right to self defense. Interpretation of Japanese constitution is up to Japanese people not you. They are taking steps to defend themselves. That does not violate Japanese constitution. They are also working to modify the constitution. There is nothing wrong with that. But of course that will prevent China from carrying out vengeance. You do not want that. You want to see Japanese people suffer at the hands of Chinese. Shame on you.
Anyone else seen the Chinese film, Back to 1941? The scale is huge, the story is riveting, and the acting is first rate. It's probably the finest film to come out of China yet. It's about the people of Henan Province who fled the coastal areas for the backcountry trying to stay ahead of the invading Japanese army. Two million of them died of starvation. The film concentrates on the terrible hardships suffered by a single family. "A Spectacular Epic"--Hollywood Reporter

At any rate, a nation that lost 12 million people at the hands of an invading army isn't so ready to forgive, just because the Japanese PM spends twenty minutes at the mike saying "I'm sorry."
Read "The Rape of Nanking".

China has a big score to settle with Japan.

They did not get their revenge, like the USSR got on Russia.

Payback would be a real bitch.
China has no score to settle with Japan. How many of the actual victims of any Japanese aggression are even still alive?

That was a first somewhat reasonable post from you that I can remember on this thread. China has to discard its vengeance oriented foreign policy and adopt live and let live attitude. Past cannot be undone. But Chinese clamor for vengeance against Japanese which will result in injustice against Japanese can be prevented and it should be. That is my position on this issue.
China being an older civilization does not mean China settled Senkaku before Japan given the clear lack of Chinese maritime capabilities. Menzies is the one who started propagating this myth. It goes beyond Menzies though. But the scholars have clearly demonstrated that there is no proof of Chinese ships sailing anywhere near Africa in 1400. There is no record in India either that proves that Chinese visited India through sea in 1400. This is all hoax. You are welcome to believe it. I am done with this topic.

Yes you are done with it.


I am certainly done with China being superior to Japan :) This is not my first rodeo. I have debated with Chinese posters making outlandish claims before. It gets tiring and boring real fast. Communist party has brainwashed Chinese people. Now they are on a mission to brainwash rest of us :)

Both Chinese and Japanese cultures have strong national mythologies about why we should regard them as the superior people. Both are quite racist in essence although Communism casts a slightly different light on Chinese rhetoric today. Think you have to take their claims case by case and attach probabilities to their veracity.

But surely, as the Chinese building aircraft carriers ( a global power projection capability) illustrates, the real issue here is how things are going to develop in the future. They appear to have global ambitions and already have global trade and supply routes to protect. The projections are that China will be richer, stronger and given its land size and population less scared of conflict than the Japanese. Also they may have some measure of a case when it comes to places like Taiwan for instance though I am less sure about Senkaku

America and its network of allies currently have an immense advantage over the Chinese. What we do now is what will guard us later.

It seems to me that the advantage that the Americans (and those who ally themselves with them) will continue to have regardless of how big China grows is its global network of friendships and bases. This is something the Chinese really are not equipped to counter and it is extremely unlikely they will ever more weight than the US & Europe & Japan working together. The Chinese are hated or mistrusted by almost all their neighbours and even gas deals with Russia are not going to change that.
China being an older civilization does not mean China settled Senkaku before Japan given the clear lack of Chinese maritime capabilities. Menzies is the one who started propagating this myth. It goes beyond Menzies though. But the scholars have clearly demonstrated that there is no proof of Chinese ships sailing anywhere near Africa in 1400. There is no record in India either that proves that Chinese visited India through sea in 1400. This is all hoax. You are welcome to believe it. I am done with this topic.

Yes you are done with it.


I am certainly done with China being superior to Japan :) This is not my first rodeo. I have debated with Chinese posters making outlandish claims before. It gets tiring and boring real fast. Communist party has brainwashed Chinese people. Now they are on a mission to brainwash rest of us :)

Both Chinese and Japanese cultures have strong national mythologies about why we should regard them as the superior people. Both are quite racist in essence although Communism casts a slightly different light on Chinese rhetoric today. Think you have to take their claims case by case and attach probabilities to their veracity.

But surely, as the Chinese building aircraft carriers ( a global power projection capability) illustrates, the real issue here is how things are going to develop in the future. They appear to have global ambitions and already have global trade and supply routes to protect. The projections are that China will be richer, stronger and given its land size and population less scared of conflict than the Japanese. Also they may have some measure of a case when it comes to places like Taiwan for instance though I am less sure about Senkaku

America and its network of allies currently have an immense advantage over the Chinese. What we do now is what will guard us later.

It seems to me that the advantage that the Americans (and those who ally themselves with them) will continue to have regardless of how big China grows is its global network of friendships and bases. This is something the Chinese really are not equipped to counter and it is extremely unlikely they will ever more weight than the US & Europe & Japan working together. The Chinese are hated or mistrusted by almost all their neighbours and even gas deals with Russia are not going to change that.

So true "mind"------china is china-----as it has been for thousands of years------kinda militaristic------and now carries the Legacy of MAO------who the Chinese have not discredited-------maybe someday he will be something like
STALIN is in -----Moscow------but not yet. I do not believe
that china has given up its Imperialist delusions
Let us review what your original claim was:

There is no proof that China has ever been more advanced than Japan

Chinese logograms predate Japanese kanas. China was using a writing system before Japan was.

Modern Day Views

Nowadays there is more-or-less consensus on a few points concerning the origin of writing. First of all, writing was invented independently in at least three places, Mesopotamia, China, and Mesoamerica. Recent discoveries might also provide evidence that writing was invented in Egypt and Indus independently of Mesopotamia.

Ancient Scripts Origins of Writing Systems

Chinese writing, basically logographic writing system, one of the world’s great writing systems.

Like Semitic writing in the West, Chinese script was fundamental to the writing systems in the East. Until relatively recently, Chinese writing was more widely in use than alphabetic writing systems, and until the 18th century more than half of the world’s books were written in Chinese, including works of speculative thought, historical writings of a kind, and novels, along with writings on government and law.

It is not known when Chinese writing originated, but it apparently began to develop in the early 2nd millennium bc. The earliest known inscriptions, each of which contains between 10 and 60 characters incised on pieces of bone and tortoiseshell that were used for oracular divination, date from the Shang (or Yin) dynasty (18th–12th century bc), but, by then it was already a highly developed system, essentially similar to its present form. By 1400 bc the script included some 2,500 to 3,000 characters, most of which can be read to this day. Later stages in the development of Chinese writing include the guwen (“ancient figures”) found in inscriptions from the lateShang dynasty (c. 1123 bc) and the early years of the Zhou dynasty that followed. The major script of the Zhou dynasty, which ruled from 1046 to 256 bc, was the dazhuan (“great seal”), also called the Zhou wen (“Zhou script”). By the end of the Zhou dynasty the dazhuan had degenerated to some extent.

The script was fixed in its present form during the Qin period (221–207 bc). The earliest graphs were schematic pictures of what they represented; the graph for man resembled a standing figure, that for woman depicted a kneeling figure.

Chinese writing -- Encyclopedia Britannica

Another copy and paste 'scholar.' :rolleyes: opposed to your inciteful and substantiated post....
China's communists responsible for their economic boom? That's a laugh. Where else on earth have communists seen economic prosperity in any of the countries where they've murdered their way into power? China's economic boom came about because of A: Richard Nixon; B: Unconscionable American labor union greed that just in the decade from 1969-1979 saw the forced closure of thousands of large American factories and the exportation overseas of 32 million American jobs; C: Tens of billions in American investment; and D: A predisposition in the Chinese personality for higher education and entrepreneurship that almost guaranteed them success in the their transition from slavery into a free market economy.

Ask of China's 110 million strong middle class demographic, how many spend their days reading Mao's little red book. This is a country that produces 60,000 new millionaires every year as well as half a dozen new billionaires every year. Their middle class has disposable income enough to buy condos, new cars (they love Buicks), and to send their kids to private schools. How long till the clash with the reds do you think?
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China's communists responsible for their economic boom? That's a laugh. Where else on earth have communists seen economic prosperity in any of the countries where they've murdered their way into power? China's economic boom came about because of A: Richard Nixon; B: Unconscionable American labor union greed that just in the decade from 1969-1979 saw the forced closure of thousands of large American factories and the exportation overseas of 32 million American jobs; C: Tens of billions in American investment; and D: A predisposition in the Chinese personality for higher education and entrepreneurship that almost guaranteed them success in the their transition from slavery into a free market economy.

Ask of China's 110 million strong middle class demographic, how many spend their days reading Mao's little red book. This is a country that produces 60,000 new millionaires every year as well as half a dozen new billionaires every year. Their middle class has disposable income enough to buy condos, new cars (they love Buicks), and to send their kids to private schools. How long till the clash with the reds do you think?

so true----but the Chinese ancestor worshippers have not
repudiated uncle, grandpa Mao yet

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