China to provide military aid to Russia

But there is presently a war (you are aware right?) - so the UN has the right to invoke polls - for the poeple living in those disputed/occupied areas to decide for themselves.

That is exactly as to what I had pointed out before - the UN miserably failed in regards to Crimea - just to refute Russian claims wasn't enough - the UN had the right to demand polls to be held upon the Russian occupation of Crimea. Since it also belonged and still belongs to a sovereign UN acknowledged state.

Before you come up with Tibet again, Tibet was never ever recognized as an independent-sovereign state - since you love to dig as far as possible into history - Tibet was already ruled and controlled by the respective Chinese dynasties since the 7 century A.D. During the Manchu dynasty they were a tributary vassal state. In 1914 they were officially integrated as a province into the ROC.

Anyone who want's to, can read up all this stuff by himself - but sprouting false narrative seems to be the more popular choice amongst certain people.
Once again, nowhere is said that the UN can organise any polls/referendums in one of the warring sides. This sounds absurd and may be deemed as biased toward one of the sides of a conflict.

Either cite exact paragraph that refers to that, or stop pushing this nonsense.

I don't want to talk about Tibet, because I have little interest in it. My point was clear. Either you support the right on self-determination or the principle of territorial integrity of the states. I am not interested in your cherry-picking and speculations. I have read too much of that from the Russians, so spare me from that.
Once again, nowhere is said that the UN can organise any polls/referendums in one of the warring sides. This sounds absurd and may be deemed as biased toward one of the sides of a conflict.

Either cite exact paragraph that refers to that, or stop pushing this nonsense.

I don't want to talk about Tibet, because I have little interest in it. My point was clear. Either you support the right on self-determination or the principle of territorial integrity of the states. I am not interested in your cherry-picking and speculations. I have read too much of that from the Russians, so spare me from that.
I think you need to start off with the basics.

What do you think UN Peacekeeping-missions are about?

Those peace-missions that failed were in general due to an insufficient UN mandate allocated towards the use of military force by the peacekeeping UN force.

Successful UN missions allowed to establish functional independent government institutions that in return allowed for fair elections. So the peoples right to self determination was ensured - since e.g. Ukrainian-Russians would hardly vote for a pro Ukraine party and vice-versa.
If however pro-Ukrainian parties would win such an election - then it proofs, that the majority of the people want to belong to e.g. Ukraine. It can also be that the strongest elected party in e.g. Crimea stands for an independent Crimea.
So by setting and ensuring the parameters for free and fair elections the UN ensures the "peoples right towards self-determination" I hope you got it now.

The evil of china is well documented outside of the territory controlled by the CCP
People, especially Chinese folks living in China only laugh about the evil propaganda propagated outside of China. They know China far better and it is actually a big advantage for China and Chinese, to see and realize as to how stupid, naive and mendacious, Westerners or certain people outside China are.
I think you need to start off with the basics.

What do you think UN Peacekeeping-missions are about?

Those peace-missions that failed were in general due to an insufficient UN mandate allocated towards the use of military force by the peacekeeping UN force.

Successful UN missions allowed to establish functional independent government institutions that in return allowed for fair elections. So the peoples right to self determination was ensured - since e.g. Ukrainian-Russians would hardly vote for a pro Ukraine party and vice-versa.
If however pro-Ukrainian parties would win such an election - then it proofs, that the majority of the people want to belong to e.g. Ukraine. It can also be that the strongest elected party in e.g. Crimea stands for an independent Crimea.
So by setting and ensuring the parameters for free and fair elections the UN ensures the "peoples right towards self-determination" I hope you got it now.

So, now you want to switch to the UN peacekeeping missions. I just propose to stop this endless nonsense.

Returning back to China's proposals. I don't believe that the China's ruling elite doesn't understand that they can't be fulfilled. And that is why they don't have any detailed propositions, term limits and so on. It is basically a declaration.

And the main question isn't what in this declaration, but why this declaration was published only after a year this war started and when it is already coming to a standstill. This declaration, circulating information about possible arm supplies to Russia, announced meeting with the main EU officials. All these links are of one chain.
Before you come up with Tibet again, Tibet was never ever recognized as an independent-sovereign state - since you love to dig as far as possible into history - Tibet was already ruled and controlled by the respective Chinese dynasties since the 7 century A.D. During the Manchu dynasty they were a tributary vassal state. In 1914 they were officially integrated as a province into the ROC.
You are wrong as usual

Like many nations - even china itself - Tibet has been occupied by foreign powers from time to time

But the people of Tibet never surrendered their national sovereignty and to this day yearn for freedom from the oppressive foreign chinese rule
People, especially Chinese folks living in China only laugh about the evil propaganda propagated outside of China. They know China far better and it is actually a big advantage for China and Chinese, to see and realize as to how stupid, naive and mendacious, Westerners or certain people outside China are.
Thats because they are ignorant about the truth

The CCP is very careful to control what the chinese people are allow to see and hear

It would not surprise me if you were part of the 50 Cent Army toiling away at a government computer somewhere in china
There were issues in the beginning of lock-downs were the supply of food was not well regulated - nobody died of starvation as you claimed.
You simply forwarded a lie. - aka primitive propaganda.
Anyone with a bit of brain knows - as to who the media The Sun appeals to. That Western media is hell bend on twisting occurrences in regards to China is also know to everyone.
But it fits the narratives of No-nothings like you.

Just as if China media would propagate that millions of Americans are still homeless, jobless and therefore starving to death due to the US government having done shit in regards to e.g. the victims of Hurricane Catrina.

You are also unaware that the Chinese government had issued directives towards Chinese households - month ahead of it's lock-down policy - that food and drinking supplies are to be stored at home for emergencies covering a period of 1-2 weeks. There were lists handed out stating exactly as to what households were supposed to store.
China needs to come clean on the COVID-19 virus origins. If a lab leak happened, then what's the big deal ? Anything is possible in any situation. Now if stuff is being covered up, then for what reason is it being covered up ? Gain of function at the lab ? Who is trying to protect who in the tragic situation ?

Yes million's possibly died, but of course they did because it was a virus in which the immune system couldn't recognize, and million's were caught off guard.

Was it intentional ? God I hope not. If not then why not transparency ? Mistakes happen, although that was a horrendous one.

People are not wanting to Trust China because of the situation, so relations might keep spiraling out of control. Just come clean China. It was on your soil, and it was your lab. If it was an accident, then so be it. The main thing is never to repeat it again.
Thats because they are ignorant about the truth
The CCP is very careful to control what the chinese people are allow to see and hear
wrong - there is no CCP
It would not surprise me if you were part of the 50 Cent Army toiling away at a government computer somewhere in china
Off course not, it's the fantasy world and the narrative you thrive off
China needs to come clean on the COVID-19 virus origins. If a lab leak happened, then what's the big deal ? Anything is possible in any situation. Now if stuff is being covered up, then for what reason is it being covered up ? Gain of function at the lab ? Who is trying to protect who in the tragic situation ?

Yes million's possibly died, but of course they did because it was a virus in which the immune system couldn't recognize, and million's were caught off guard.

Was it intentional ? God I hope not. If not then why not transparency ? Mistakes happen, although that was a horrendous one.

People are not wanting to Trust China because of the situation, so relations might keep spiraling out of control. Just come clean China. It was on your soil, and it was your lab. If it was an accident, then so be it. The main thing is never to repeat it again.
Let me state upfront - I am definitely not versed in virology, therefore my personal knowledge in this matter is somewhere from extremely little to nothing.

Not the Chinese central government - ignored warnings - but local authorities - So to blame e.g. the US government due to a mishandling of an issue via. e.g. the failure of the Major of Huston and his departments - would IMO be ridiculous. But that is exactly what the USA and others did and are still doing.

As for a possible lab leak - there is not sufficient proof in either direction - even the latest report by the US energy department isn't shared by the other 5 national departments.
The US intelligence community forwards that there isn't enough proof and facts available to either confirm nor deny it. As such this whole thing is what it is "speculation".

Unless scientists can confirm and identify an indisputable link towards the animal-human chain - this 'speculation" will never stop - too much politics involved.
China officially forwarded - that not politics can clarify this matter, but that it is up to the scientist. I fully agree.

In regards to trust - okay understood, but there are also numerous incidents were the US government lied to their own public and the world, and still is.
I do not blindly trust any government (since I myself was and still am very much involved with governments) - If it doesn't fit their respective agenda towards a certain issue they will never give the facts and as such tell the truth. Simple as that.

Partially things get so confused due to deliberate attempts to hide, conceal, cover up issues - that the respective Central governments themselves don't even know the real facts. Many others including myself are therefore trying to get as much information as possible through own observations and what are considered to be trustworthy personal contacts.
Capitalism can be demanding in that it tends not to reward the stupid or the lazy
Capitalism gives one percent of society the authority to decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any profits. Consequently it concentrates wealth in fewer and fewer hands after killing billion$ of innocent human beings over the past 500 years. China's human rights record leaves much to be desired; however, it didn't begin its national existence by relying on human slavery and genocide, and it is not current killing, maiming, and displacing millions of human beings on the opposite side of the planet from Beijing.
China's human rights record leaves much to be desired;
Yes it does

I’m surprised you even admit that much

If you think 1% making all the decisions under democratic capitalism is bad - which is a gross misrepresentation - try one-man rule under chinese communism and see how you like it
Yes it does

I’m surprised you even admit that much

If you think 1% making all the decisions under democratic capitalism is bad - which is a gross misrepresentation - try one-man rule under chinese communism and see how you like it
Will you admit China is NOT killing, maiming, and displacing millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet?

Only one country is doing so.

Name it.
Let me state upfront - I am definitely not versed in virology, therefore my personal knowledge in this matter is somewhere from extremely little to nothing.

Not the Chinese central government - ignored warnings - but local authorities - So to blame e.g. the US government due to a mishandling of an issue via. e.g. the failure of the Major of Huston and his departments - would IMO be ridiculous. But that is exactly what the USA and others did and are still doing.

As for a possible lab leak - there is not sufficient proof in either direction - even the latest report by the US energy department isn't shared by the other 5 national departments.
The US intelligence community forwards that there isn't enough proof and facts available to either confirm nor deny it. As such this whole thing is what it is "speculation".

Unless scientists can confirm and identify an indisputable link towards the animal-human chain - this 'speculation" will never stop - too much politics involved.
China officially forwarded - that not politics can clarify this matter, but that it is up to the scientist. I fully agree.

In regards to trust - okay understood, but there are also numerous incidents were the US government lied to their own public and the world, and still is.
I do not blindly trust any government (since I myself was and still am very much involved with governments) - If it doesn't fit their respective agenda towards a certain issue they will never give the facts and as such tell the truth. Simple as that.

Partially things get so confused due to deliberate attempts to hide, conceal, cover up issues - that the respective Central governments themselves don't even know the real facts. Many others including myself are therefore trying to get as much information as possible through own observations and what are considered to be trustworthy personal contacts.
Time to pay the Piper.

'The cable was scrubbed. "As far as I know, the final decision not to send the demarche occurred after the handover of power to the Biden administration," Ford says. This is one point DiNanno and Ford agree on. "Biden scrapped it. China would have been demarched with Pompeo still in charge," DiNanno said. "You either confront a tyrant or appease him. History has taught us appeasement doesn't work." '
(Sharri Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan, p. 342-3)
Will you admit China is NOT killing, maiming, and displacing millions of civilians on the opposite side of the planet?

Only one country is doing so.

Name it.
My, arent we clever?

The US and NATO allies have always had UN approval for the wars against terror that we were involved in

Did communist china get permission from the UN to invade tibet, practice genocide against the Uighers, or harvest organs from Falon Gong prisoners?
Time to pay the Piper.

'The cable was scrubbed. "As far as I know, the final decision not to send the demarche occurred after the handover of power to the Biden administration," Ford says. This is one point DiNanno and Ford agree on. "Biden scrapped it. China would have been demarched with Pompeo still in charge," DiNanno said. "You either confront a tyrant or appease him. History has taught us appeasement doesn't work." '
(Sharri Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan, p. 342-3)
So now you want to start a discussion by documenting your wisdom about China, via citing from a book titled "What really happened in Wuhan" ????
Some of you people are really just thick in the head.
China is not any sort of benevolent socialism that anyone in Norway or Sweden would recognize

First of all because there is no safety net worthy of the name

People literally die of starvation with no assistance from the government

In china under the CCP individuals are expendable and their value measured only by their usefulness to the state

Capitalism can be demanding in that it tends not to reward the stupid or the lazy

But America has more bleeding hearts in its little finger than there are in all of communist china
Capitalism certainly does reward the wealthy and connected, along with anything connected to war.

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