China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You

Kinda like what Trump did when he abandoned the Kurds who fought alongside our military fighting ISIS, right Ace?
You can have a world lead by America, or you can have a world lead by China.

America doesn't lead The World and if we pulled every troop out of every country, China wouldn't either.

In a culture and economic war, America is much better placed to influence world culture than China.

Even the culture of post-revolution China is heavily influenced by America while the cultural influence of China is negligible.

It isn't our military that spreads American culture...

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America doesn't lead The World and if we pulled every troop out of every country, China wouldn't either.

In a culture and economic war, America is much better placed to influence world culture than China.

Even the culture of post-revolution China is heavily influenced by America while the cultural influence of China is negligible.

It isn't our military that spreads American culture...

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You sure about that?

So you want to send troops to defend Taiwan? A large percentage of peoe may not agree. They are tired of endless unwinnable skirmishes.
Joe should be impeached for the way this was handled...we have people from all over the world coming in through the border and he just gave the terrorists their sanction nation back so they can plot their revenge....this is unbelievable...
Yeah, it is.

We do so because we project our power, ideals, and wealth onto the world.

You can have a world led by America, or you can have a world led by China.

What do you choose?

Wouldn't make a difference one way or the other.

First, China really doesn't have the resources to "lead the world".

Secondly, we have too many of our own problems to go around trying to solve everyone else's
More than half the users of Tik Tok (which represents an 18% Internet penetration) are from outside of China.

Those posters from inside China are typically promoting American Hip Hop music and fashion.

Face it... we won the culture war.

Irrelevant. Tik Tok is a tool of the CCP that has America enthralled. It has massive impact on our culture.
Irrelevant. Tik Tok is a tool of the CCP that has America enthralled. It has massive impact on our culture.

Tik Tok is a platform. The content is decidedly pro-Western culture.

I haven't seen any Tik Tok channels promoting Chairman Mao's Red Book or calling for the nationalization of farming and heavy industry.

If anything, Tik Tok promotes (arguably the worst aspects of) Western Culture and Western Values and the Chinese owners are raking huge profits from this...

Win ... win!
That is some grade A stupidity son.

First of. "another "THINK" coming. Those fucking morons in Judas Priest made so many ignorant fools.

Then we need to look at the fact that we have a 60 year treaty with Taiwan. The Nazi democrats have no honor - they are gutter scum - but America honors our treaties. But more than that, China is the biggest foreign threat we face - democrats are the greatest threat, but China and the democrats are allies. To let Taiwan fall to China would destroy the Semiconductor market and severely damage our economy and our ability to defend the nation - both goals of the democrats and their Chinese masters, but very bad for America.
Yes, destroy our entire nation for Taiwan. Don't you fucking boomer idiots EVER learn? Are you THAT fucking brainwashed?
Well then time to purchase your ticket to Taiwan. I'm too busy being retired. And not really caring of course.
Tik Tok is a platform. The content is decidedly pro-Western culture.

It's owned and operated by the Chinese Communist government.

I haven't seen any Tik Tok channels promoting Chairman Mao's Red Book or calling for the nationalization of farming and heavy industry.

If anything, Tik Tok promotes (arguably the worst aspects of) Western Culture and Western Values and the Chinese owners are raking huge profits from this...

Win ... win!

Tik Tok is as CCP as McDonalds is American.
It's owned and operated by the Chinese Communist government.

Tik Tok is as CCP as McDonalds is American.

We've converted a fanatically dedicated Communist country to unabashed Capitalists...

You're welcome ...

Yes, destroy our entire nation for Taiwan. Don't you fucking boomer idiots EVER learn? Are you THAT fucking brainwashed?

Honoring our treaty to defend Taiwan is not going to destroy our nation. The loss of the entire semiconductor industry and handing it to the CCP is suicide. We are dependent on technology, handing it over to the enemy is insane.

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