China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You

The loss of the entire semiconductor industry and handing it to the CCP is suicide.

The two largest producers of semiconductors are Hong Kong (SAR) and China ... combined output 2.5 times that of Taiwan.

Hong Kong is already Chinese.
Honoring our treaty to defend Taiwan is not going to destroy our nation. The loss of the entire semiconductor industry and handing it to the CCP is suicide. We are dependent on technology, handing it over to the enemy is insane.
Look, if China wants Taiwan and we step in there is only one way that is gonna go...
As for the semiconductor industry...that is our own fault for permitting our politicians to bend us over by sending all of our industry overseas...which is ANOTHER reason why we may not be prepared for another world war.
We need to pull back, tip our hat and focus on AMERICA.
Look, if China wants Taiwan and we step in there is only one way that is gonna go...

How do you think it will go, Jimmy Carter? Is China vastly superior to us the way that Carter said the USSR was?

As for the semiconductor industry...that is our own fault for permitting our politicians to bend us over by sending all of our industry overseas...which is ANOTHER reason why we may not be prepared for another world war.
We need to pull back, tip our hat and focus on AMERICA.

Regardless, the most sophisticated chip development in the world is in Taiwan.

Lose it, and your dream of a dominant China will become reality. - which is the democrat goal.
I have said it for years...if Taiwan thinks we are gonna risk a world war for their ass...they have another thing comin.


We shouldn't be risking our nation over some island in the Pacific.

I hope this Afghan thing will finally convince Americans to just STOP supporting this kind of shit.
Allowing China to intimate and take over other nations will only lead to war. They will eventually come for us as well but it will be only us then. The nazis started off seizing one little country after another the same way which lead to WW2.
How do you think it will go, Jimmy Carter? Is China vastly superior to us the way that Carter said the USSR was?

Regardless, the most sophisticated chip development in the world is in Taiwan.

Lose it, and your dream of a dominant China will become reality. - which is the democrat goal.
and if China is not vastly superior? Then they start to lose...and then it goes nuke...and vice versa...Regardless.

Either I said...risking our country over some island in the Pacific...stupid.
Allowing China to intimate and take over other nations will only lead to war. They will eventually come for us as well but it will be only us then. The nazis started off seizing one little country after another the same way which lead to WW2.
Oh Jesus...that BS line again...and you dipshits keep falling for it.

My countrymen are dipshits...gullible...rubes.
If Americans actually paid attention to how loud and direct the CCP mouthpieces are, they might care more than they do. Since MSM doesn't cover it, few uncover the facts.

China isn't pulling punches. America cannot either. We are in the global fight of our lives and I call out the three presidents before Trump in particular for being so willing to allow it to happen.

This is the genesis of WW2 all over again. Different actors, similar methods, but much smarter and dangerous.
With what?...Ever handed $10.06 for something that cost $9.81 to the checkout drone at WallyWorld, and watched the smoke blow out their ears?
Wait...our people are idiots, who you wouldn't trust to count your change but you would to operate ultra complex machines of war against the PRC?
Wait...our people are idiots, who you wouldn't trust to count your change but you would to operate ultra complex machines of war against the PRC?
I'm saying that the college "educated" are mostly idiots, getting worthless degrees....There's nowhere for them to go in tech, as the Silocon Valley Robber Barons have been bringing in cheaper techs from China and India.
If Americans actually paid attention to how loud and direct the CCP mouthpieces are, they might care more than they do. Since MSM doesn't cover it, few uncover the facts.

China isn't pulling punches. America cannot either. We are in the global fight of our lives and I call out the three presidents before Trump in particular for being so willing to allow it to happen.

This is the genesis of WW2 all over again. Different actors, similar methods, but much smarter and dangerous.

Let's get real here.

The Chinese are bout 40 years behind us in military technology. The vast majority of the country lives in grinding poverty. Their best aircraft carrier is an old Soviet Surplus model that's been refitted several times since it was built in the 1980's. They are largely hemmed in by India and Russia on land.

If we really want to compete with China, we need to do what they did... invest trillions into infrastructure and industry.
I'm saying that the college "educated" are mostly idiots, getting worthless degrees....There's nowhere for them to go in tech, as the Silocon Valley Robber Barons have been bringing in cheaper techs from China and India.
That's not entirely true. Any tech work that requires a Secret Clearance is a barrier for foreign nationals.
Let's get real here.

The Chinese are bout 40 years behind us in military technology. The vast majority of the country lives in grinding poverty. Their best aircraft carrier is an old Soviet Surplus model that's been refitted several times since it was built in the 1980's. They are largely hemmed in by India and Russia on land.

If we really want to compete with China, we need to do what they did... invest trillions into infrastructure and industry.
You underestimate one of America's top enemies.
I'm saying that the college "educated" are mostly idiots, getting worthless degrees....There's nowhere for them to go in tech, as the Silocon Valley Robber Barons have been bringing in cheaper techs from China and India.
ahhh ok. True. H1B Visa program is highly abused. Politicians bending to the will of their TRUE constituents...corporations.
With what?...Ever handed $10.06 for something that cost $9.81 to the checkout drone at WallyWorld, and watched the smoke blow out their ears?

One of the unintended consequences of shipping chip manufacturing overseas was the death of innovation. Moore's Law, which predicted a 200% increase in computing power every two years since 1970 has flattened.

America leads the way in quantum computing innovation. We have an opportunity to introduce an exponential leap in computing power and, this time, keep our hands on the market.
If Xi Jinping tells Joe to abandon Taiwan —Joe will comply. China owns Joe Biden. Xi Jinping bought Joe lock, stock and barrel whileJoe was Obama’s VP.

Let's get real here.

The Chinese are bout 40 years behind us in military technology. The vast majority of the country lives in grinding poverty. Their best aircraft carrier is an old Soviet Surplus model that's been refitted several times since it was built in the 1980's. They are largely hemmed in by India and Russia on land.

If we really want to compete with China, we need to do what they did... invest trillions into infrastructure and industry.

Yes the war is primarily economic and through global influence. I think you are naive to underestimate China, especially if the Will of America and her allies isn't there. I won't dig up old data but China is expanding and preparing, they also have strong military alliances.

They may not be as battle tested as the U.S, but they have many advantages in their orbit. Also, since Obamas presidency, we've seen a far less bold America at precisely the time we need to see far bolder and loud actions to confront China. The nation for which a virus was released that has changed the world and killed millions.

This is why so many of us despise the "woke" B.S and their desire to emasculate the West. It's definitely funded for a purpose and now by patriotic citizens of the West.

The only way evil men are reigned in and denied is when good, strong men do not sit idle.

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