China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You

One of the unintended consequences of shipping chip manufacturing overseas was the death of innovation. Moore's Law, which predicted a 200% increase in computing power every two years since 1970 has flattened.

America leads the way in quantum computing innovation. We have an opportunity to introduce an exponential leap in computing power and, this time, keep our hands on the market.
Right....But who's going to do that?....Imported Chinese PLA infiltrators?
Right....But who's going to do that?....Imported Chinese PLA infiltrators?

Before retiring and starting a new (decidedly untechnical career), I spent nearly 40 years in the IT industry both in America and overseas. I will match our smart people with their smart people, head-to-head, any day.

Not every American is a WalMart employee.
You underestimate one of America's top enemies.

1) I don't think they are our enemy. In many ways, we are kind of co-dependent.
2) I put their capabilities where they are- Poor naval power, an Army that really doesn't have a good track record, (Last war they fought was against Vietnam in 1979 and they did less well against Vietnam than we did).
Before retiring and starting a new (decidedly untechnical career), I spent nearly 40 years in the IT industry both in America and overseas. I will match our smart people with their smart people, head-to-head, any day.

Not every American is a WalMart employee.
I'm not arguing that we don't have smart people....It's that the smart people can't get jobs in tech, because the SV Robber Barons are undercutting their pay by bringing in cheap labor from abroad.

Who is going to hire our smart people?
1) I don't think they are our enemy. In many ways, we are kind of co-dependent.
2) I put their capabilities where they are- Poor naval power, an Army that really doesn't have a good track record, (Last war they fought was against Vietnam in 1979 and they did less well against Vietnam than we did).
1) I don't think they are our enemy.

You are inexplicably, dangerously naive.
1) I don't think they are our enemy. In many ways, we are kind of co-dependent.
2) I put their capabilities where they are- Poor naval power, an Army that really doesn't have a good track record, (Last war they fought was against Vietnam in 1979 and they did less well against Vietnam than we did).
See comment #56
We shouldn't be risking our nation over some island in the Pacific.
We should risk our nation for our nation

if we lose taiwan all of asia becomes a chinese colony

And America will soon be a chinese colony goo
Several American companies operate in Taiwan...and then Taiwanese companies have satellite operations here in the states.

Then there's the Japanese businesses interlinking with Taiwan... both have satellite operations in each other.

So if China thinks that they can have total dominance over Taiwan...they are wrong on many fronts...the whole world won't be pleased....just like we weren't pleased with Germany at one time.
It's that the smart people can't get jobs in tech

Tech jobs are very much a class structure. There are low tier jobs and high tier jobs. You've got drones doing sys admin and network admin, you have much more talented people doing research and design.

The folks who do R&D are not H1-B drones.
We should risk our nation for our nation

if we lose taiwan all of asia becomes a chinese colony

And America will soon be a chinese colony goo
No...that's absurd. India, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand. There are a lot of Asian nations where we hold influence still.

However, what is wrong with China exhibiting influence in their sphere? We had the Monroe Doctrine.
No...that's absurd. India, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand. There are a lot of Asian nations where we hold influence still.

However, what is wrong with China exhibiting influence in their sphere? We had the Monroe Doctrine.
However, what is wrong with China exhibiting influence in their sphere?

Um, they're fucking evil communists?

Stipulating that I'm as non-aggression and anti-war as you're going to find at this dump, China has already entered into an undeclared war with the whole world, by their purposely loosing of the FauxiFlu onto the globe.
However, what is wrong with China exhibiting influence in their sphere?

Um, they're fucking evil communists?

Stipulating that I'm as non-aggression and anti-war as you're going to find at this dump, China has already entered into an undeclared war with the whole world, by their purposely loosing of the FauxiFlu onto the globe.
Then say it. Say we should go to war with China over Taiwan. What are you afraid of? Sounding stupid?
And would have been 6 months ago as well. Is anyone suggesting we go to war with China over Taiwan? Anyone? Anywhere? Yuk yuk, China owns Biden. Hee haw.
Stupid Leftist FUCK ....

They feared Trump.

They have the Green Light under Biden and EVERYONE knows it.
This is an easy fix

Just give the Taiwanese nukes

There done i solved the problem. What's the worst that could happen? They nuke the mainland? lol

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