China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You

No...that's absurd. India, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand. There are a lot of Asian nations where we hold influence still.
That influence will disappear if we lose Taiwan in a humiliating fashion by surrendering without a fight

the smaller nations of asia are looking to the US to lead the resistance to china

otherwise they will have to kowtow to china one by one

china is bluffing just as hitler was when he marched german troops into the rhineland on 1936
Chinese people aren't the enemy, the CCP and PLA are....A very real distinction.

You are a seriously, seriously stupid individual.

No, stupid is going to war with someone because your corporations got greedy and made them rich.

You guys really worried about China? Boycott any company that makes most of it's product there.

The 1979 Taiwan Relations Act provides the legal basis for the unofficial relationship between the United States and Taiwan, and enshrines the U.S. commitment to assist Taiwan in maintaining its defensive capability.

Not a treaty.... we have no obligation to fight a war to defend a rogue province of China.
That influence will disappear if we lose Taiwan in a humiliating fashion by surrendering without a fight

the smaller nations of asia are looking to the US to lead the resistance to china

otherwise they will have to kowtow to china one by one

china is bluffing just as hitler was when he marched german troops into the rhineland on 1936

Except the Rhineland was rightfully Germany's territory and they had every right to occupy it.

Here's the underlying problem that most of you don't get. Why is Taiwan an "independent" entity?

Because in 1895, Japan stole it from China in a war of aggression, and after WWII, the Nationalists settled there with US help.

We see an independent Taiwan, they see it as another case of outsiders interferring in their internal affairs.
Except the Rhineland was rightfully Germany's territory and they had every right to occupy it.
Bla bla bla

the rhineland was denied to germany by treaty

allowing Germany to ignore international treaties led directly to WWII

in this case china wants to occupy yet another free state by military force

the Taiwanese are a free and independent people

Plus they are an important AND WILLING link in the containment of china
Bla bla bla

the rhineland was denied to germany by treaty

A treaty that even the allies agreed by the 1930's was punitive and unfair.

allowing Germany to ignore international treaties led directly to WWII

Naw, man, what led to WWII was the British and French Government writing the Polish Colonels a blank check on territorial disputes with Germany, and then not being able to back it up. That Drove Hitler directly into an alliance with Stalin.

in this case china wants to occupy yet another free state by military force

the Taiwanese are a free and independent people
Yet another? Actually, China controls less territory now than it did under the Qing Dynasty. They allow Hong Kong, Macao, and Tibet a lot of autonomy.

Plus they are an important AND WILLING link in the containment of china

China is the second richest country in the world, soon to be the first... they can't be "contained", and a lot of the world is going to welcome them.

Getting involved in Taiwan's internal dispute with China isn't our business.
Yet another? Actually, China controls less territory now than it did under the Qing Dynasty. They allow Hong Kong, Macao, and Tibet a lot of autonomy.
Tibet is GRANTED autonomy by the CCP?

that will come as news to the Dali Lama

Tibet does not belong to china and is the victim of sheer naked aggression
China is the second richest country in the world, soon to be the first... they can't be "contained", and a lot of the world is going to welcome them.
And a lot of the world wont

including the nations china wants to deny territorial tights to in the south china sea
Biden sent a clear message to all the bad guys - the world is yours.
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Thanks but no thanks. We are not occupying that Nation. The people they're all want their freedom from communist China. If the Chinese communists were to try to invade the whole world would react and they know it. The last thing they want is war, what is economic superiority over the world. Business and trade suffer when there is war. China will not go to war only to destroy everything they've built. Besides they're not even real communist anymore s anymore, they're more like Republicans.
China is the second richest country in the world, soon to be the first..
Fully half of china lives in 3rd world poverty

china intends to plunder world resources and markets to up lift their 3rd world at the expense of the remaining 3rd world
Tibet is GRANTED autonomy by the CCP?

that will come as news to the Dali Lama

Tibet does not belong to china and is the victim of sheer naked aggression
Expending resources on other peoples is not the goal of the Chinese. They are not like the US; they want your business, they don't want to get into your politics and everyone else's. It simply is counterproductive to prosperity.
Tibet is GRANTED autonomy by the CCP?

that will come as news to the Dali Lama

Tibet does not belong to china and is the victim of sheer naked aggression

Educate yourself.

Actually, Tibet was a tributary kingdom to the Qing empire.

The Dalai Lama was part of a brutal theocratic regime that really treated the peasants like shit.

And a lot of the world wont

including the nations china wants to deny territorial tights to in the south china sea

The key word- South CHINA Sea.

We're talking about a few dozen acres of islands claimed by Vietnam, Taiwan and the Philippines, none of whom have the resources to do anything with them.
Fully half of china lives in 3rd world poverty

china intends to plunder world resources and markets to up lift their 3rd world at the expense of the remaining 3rd world
They are the PowerHouse of the world now. All around the world people are buying Chinese products, you can't go anywhere in this country and most others without finding made in China products. They are doing a good job of lifting themselves out of poverty I'd say. A much better system then-US sending missionaries and aid over to them for the 80 years before they turned communist that only ended up quadrupling their population and making matters worse.
They are the PowerHouse of the world now. All around the world people are buying Chinese products, you can't go anywhere in this country and most others without finding made in China products. They are doing a good job of lifting themselves out of poverty I'd say. A much better system then-US sending missionaries and aid over to them for the 80 years before they turned communist that only ended up quadrupling their population and making matters worse.
They are strategic points, could we use when and if necessary. Just like US, they have their Hawks too.
you can't go anywhere in this country and most others without finding made in China products.
Thats the result of mercantile trade policies designed to drive local competitors out of business

but in spite of the cheap products initially, long term its bad for the indigenous people up to and including the western democracies
The communist chinese army occupies Tibet by force

any alleged autonomy is an illusion

And why is that our problem.

Look, just because we snuck out the corrupt Dalai Lama and he hangs out with Richard Gere and his gerbils now, doesn't lessen the fact he ran a corrupt theocratic regime the Tibetans are better off without.
Thanks but no thanks. We are not occupying that Nation. The people they're all want their freedom from communist China. If the Chinese communists were to try to invade the whole world would react and they know it. The last thing they want is war, what is economic superiority over the world. Business and trade suffer when there is war. China will not go to war only to destroy everything they've built. Besides they're not even real communist anymore s anymore, they're more like Republicans.
Ask the slaves of Nepal.

I, too, feel that the people in Taiwan are wondering whether the United States will also abandon them to the Chinese tyrants.

Truth be told, I suspect that most Americans oppose getting into a war with China over Taiwan.

I do hope, however, that the United States gives the best possible military equipment to the Taiwanese so that they can fight to the end and bloody the noses of the Chinese despots (including bombing Beijing).

I suspect that Japan will soon change its constitution so that it can again openly have an "army" and "navy."

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