China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You

Here's the thing.

Legally, we'd have no business interfering in a war between Taiwan and China.

According to our own policies, and the UN, Taiwan is part of China.

We don't recognize it as a country. We have no embassy. No country recognizes it, they recognize Beijing as the legitimate gov't of China.

Now, if Taiwan does something asspoundingly stupid like trying to declare independence, China would invade. They'd have to. Otherwise they'd be dealing with a lot of other autonomous regions trying to pull the same shit.

The reality- China and Taiwan have kind of a co-dependent relationship. Taiwan needs goods from China, China needs investment from Taiwan.

Taiwan will be fine.
Why bother fighting with the losers...

They write one of these a day... They say what they think Biden will do and then they think because he doesn't do it they were the reason...

Biden will do what he thinks in US interests with respect to Taiwan...

The Trump idiots know fuck all about China and got fucking owned....

China won the trade war(well lost less than US), they are setting up largest trading block in the world, trade balance increased all the way up to the 2019 pandemic.... What can you expect with Trump, he had a private Chinese bank account...
Why bother fighting with the losers...

They write one of these a day... They say what they think Biden will do and then they think because he doesn't do it they were the reason...

Biden will do what he thinks in US interests with respect to Taiwan...

The Trump idiots know fuck all about China and got fucking owned....

China won the trade war(well lost less than US), they are setting up largest trading block in the world, trade balance increased all the way up to the 2019 pandemic.... What can you expect with Trump, he had a private Chinese bank account...
We need the Chinese to step it up in becoming large automobile producers to send to us. We also need them to become large passenger aircraft producers. This will be their next steps along with others. Meanwhile we will have our two year olds change their sex by operations. Remember the movie JFK...when LBJ said I will give you your war.. "Just make me President"? Well Biden has done the same to the globalists who anointed him. He will give them all they want for his power. You can see he is in mental and physical decline. And he was never that good for his 50 years of political power. What is worse is the wife is part of it.
However, what is wrong with China exhibiting influence in their sphere?

Um, they're fucking evil communists?

Stipulating that I'm as non-aggression and anti-war as you're going to find at this dump, China has already entered into an undeclared war with the whole world, by their purposely loosing of the FauxiFlu onto the globe.
Oh Jesus...yeah because that theory turned out to be sooo accurate during the Cold War.
That influence will disappear if we lose Taiwan in a humiliating fashion by surrendering without a fight

the smaller nations of asia are looking to the US to lead the resistance to china

otherwise they will have to kowtow to china one by one

china is bluffing just as hitler was when he marched german troops into the rhineland on 1936
So start ww3 for Taiwan...ok I have seen you it.
Why bother fighting with the losers...

They write one of these a day... They say what they think Biden will do and then they think because he doesn't do it they were the reason...

Biden will do what he thinks in US interests with respect to Taiwan...

The Trump idiots know fuck all about China and got fucking owned....

China won the trade war(well lost less than US), they are setting up largest trading block in the world, trade balance increased all the way up to the 2019 pandemic.... What can you expect with Trump, he had a private Chinese bank account...
America first Biden!
Open the border to let illegals flood in, ship ChiCom Flu illegals all over America, destroy our energy independence, force US jobs to move overseas.
America first Joe!
So you’ll let the ChiComs rule the world.
Who needs Canada and Mexico?
See there is that logical leap. If I don't think we should start WW3 for Taiwan I am all for letting China rule the world. If I am for letting China exhibit influence in their sphere then I am all for world communism.
You sound like one of those shithead politicians who have sold us a bill of goods over the past 50 years.
Taiwan products used to be labeled differently by saying "made in Taiwan" or "Made in Hong Kong"....
It was either during Bush Sr or Clinton administration that America created a "one china" policy and granted China "most favored nation" trading status. All goods from Taiwan or Hong Kong or PRC were now labeled with a generic "made in China".

Hong Kong was a UK province. People were forever sneaking into Hong Kong to escape communist rule of PRC. Because then they could access the rest of the world.

Taiwan is an island of political refugees...a group of capitalists in an area that was seeing rampant communism of Russia. The US had regular trade going on with Taiwan and Hong Kong both. Even in the 80's overtures to PRC to have a gateway into the PRC labor markets was desired. They promptly stole any and all intellectual property and sold it as a discount.
(It's been a problem since the 80's)

This "most favored nation" status was given to PRC because of increasing tensions between Hong Kong, Taiwan and PRC. Taiwan and Hong Kong together already had enough money to buy all of mainland China. And the communist government was essentially broke and impoverished from it's communist/isolationist policies.

One of PRC China's main exports currently are from it's mines. It mines silicon and rare earth metals. Taiwan makes all sorts of electronics... everything from the LCD display on your oven or fridge to tablets and laptops. They even make the chips. Micron, TSM, and NVDA all have operations there as they also refine the silicon from mainland into semiconductors and some of the best memory and computing chips.

Currently PRC wants the banks and assets of Taiwan...just like they seized in Hong Kong. But this time it's involving American, Japanese, Korean, Swiss, Germany, and Netherlands assets.
Because Taiwan has always had a highly trained workforce (inexpensive) that is capable of electronics manufacturing.

Hong Kong still has lots of software and telecom. PRC would love to manufacture processing chips...if we would sell them the highly technology dependant equipment necessary...but we won't. Because of their long history of stealing technology. Neither will Taiwan.
See there is that logical leap. If I don't think we should start WW3 for Taiwan I am all for letting China rule the world. If I am for letting China exhibit influence in their sphere then I am all for world communism.
You sound like one of those shithead politicians who have sold us a bill of goods over the past 50 years.
Says Dufus who says he won’t confront China because he’s a coward.
Says Dufus who says he won’t confront China because he’s a coward.
Am I dufus here? Coward? I don't know about you, but I did my time. I was in a couple wars. I have had friends and colleagues killed for nothing. It's bullshit because the real benefactors are still gonna make their money.
Stop being a pawn for a machine that doesn't give a fuck about you.
Am I dufus here? Coward? I don't know about you, but I did my time. I was in a couple wars. I have had friends and colleagues killed for nothing. It's bullshit because the real benefactors are still gonna make their money.
Stop being a pawn for a machine that doesn't give a fuck about you.
Ok, Tinkerbell. Tell which Ally of America is worth war with China for.
And why is that our problem.
its not “our problem” since freeing tibet is beyond our influence

but it should serve as a warning to the wise about who and what America is dealing with

china is a dangerous, brutal, inhuman expansionist nation that is a threat to every other country on the planet
do hope, however, that the United States gives the best possible military equipment to the Taiwanese so that they can fight to the end and bloody the noses of the Chinese despots (including bombing Beijing).
Taiwan can put up a good fight but it wont be enough

they must have direct military assistance from the US, Japan, India, and Australia at the very least
In the end, they did nothing....Poland fell behind the Iron Curtain.
If they had done nothing poland would have been divided between germany and russia

today its a free country thanks in part to England and France
Here's the thing.

Legally, we'd have no business interfering in a war between Taiwan and China.

According to our own policies, and the UN, Taiwan is part of China.

We don't recognize it as a country. We have no embassy. No country recognizes it, they recognize Beijing as the legitimate gov't of China.

Now, if Taiwan does something asspoundingly stupid like trying to declare independence, China would invade. They'd have to. Otherwise they'd be dealing with a lot of other autonomous regions trying to pull the same shit.

The reality- China and Taiwan have kind of a co-dependent relationship. Taiwan needs goods from China, China needs investment from Taiwan.

Taiwan will be fine.
Legally, China has no business interfering with Taiwan, but that doesnt stop them, does it.
America doesn't lead The World and if we pulled every troop out of every country, China wouldn't either.

In a culture and economic war, America is much better placed to influence world culture than China.

Even the culture of post-revolution China is heavily influenced by America while the cultural influence of China is negligible.

It isn't our military that spreads American culture...

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Nonsense post.

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