China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You

How? Were there Nazi division attacking North America? No. We had some Uboat shellings of the coast, Japs too out in California, but no real threat.
Eventually there would have to be a showdown with Germany

after they conquered the rest of the world America would be the last prize left standing
Hitler would have won if Americans in that era believed as you do now .
How do you know? Do you know the logistics required to move an army large enough to conquer, and hold the United States from across the Atlantic Ocean?
D-DAY was a massive feat in itself. They were ,most certainly not the the 1940's
He couldn't do it against Russia Barbarossa. The Japanese bogged down in Asia as well...despite controlling large section of the continent without resistance.

Not very likely me thinks.
That’s what pisses off the Democrats today.
Who is a Democrat? Me? I'm not a fuckin Democrat. I think supporters on both sides are slave minded pogues who love their chains. You love being lied to so much that you would gleefully allow your country to be destroyed for some rogue state in the Pacific.

You are fools.
Who is a Democrat? Me? I'm not a fuckin Democrat. I think supporters on both sides are slave minded pogues who love their chains. You love being lied to so much that you would gleefully allow your country to be destroyed for some rogue state in the Pacific.

You are fools.
Says Dufus who says Germany and Japan should not have been confronted by America in 1941.
its not “our problem” since freeing tibet is beyond our influence

but it should serve as a warning to the wise about who and what America is dealing with

china is a dangerous, brutal, inhuman expansionist nation that is a threat to every other country on the planet

Are you done with the hysterics, buddy?

Let's look at all the places China invaded since the end of WWII. (And, no, I don't count Tibet)
Korea - 1951 when we were getting too close to their territory
India - 1962 over a disputed border line.
Vietnam - 1979 in retaliation for their invasion of Cambodia.



The US since 1945-

Korea - 1950
Cuba - 1961
Vietnam 1965-73
Dominican Republic 1965
Lebanon 1982
Grenada 1983
Panama 1989
Iraq - 1991
Somalia 1993
Bonsia 1994
Kosovo 1999
Afghanistan 2001 - 2021
Iraq 2003- 2011, and again 2013-2018
LIbya - 2011
Syria - 2017

Wow, it seems to me if I was up in a flying saucer studying the hairless apes on Sol-3, I'd conclude the American Tribe was a lot more aggressive than the Chinese Tribe.
And, no, I don't count Tibet)
You should count Tibet

and you should consider the territorial aggression in the south china sea

china is building artificial islands and then claiming the waters around those islands ss chinese territory

but if china becomes so powerful that no individual nation can challenge them it becomes a simple matter to bully their neighbors one by one to get what they want

and with almost 1 bil poor people to provide for china expects a great deal from the rest of the world
You should count Tibet

Why? The incorporation of Tibet back into China was largely bloodless... and really doesn't count as an invasion because Tibet was not recognized by the UN as an independent state.

and you should consider the territorial aggression in the south china sea

Um, yeah, I don't get worked up about some barren islands that no one actually lives on.

china is building artificial islands and then claiming the waters around those islands ss chinese territory

Again, so what?

but if china becomes so powerful that no individual nation can challenge them it becomes a simple matter to bully their neighbors one by one to get what they want

and with almost 1 bil poor people to provide for china expects a great deal from the rest of the world

Actually, this is where you get confused. If we moved all 1 billion of China's poor to the middle class, then we would have 1 billion new customers for our goods and services. This would largely be a GOOD thing. The more we engage China, the more of an investment it has in the world order

There hasn't been a great power war since WWII, and frankly, nuclear weapons make those impractical.
Why? The incorporation of Tibet back into China was largely bloodless... and really doesn't count as an invasion because Tibet was not recognized by the UN as an independent state.
The UN forgot to tell the Tibetans that they were not “recognized”
didn't have to. Any more than they've had to tell the Kurds, the Basques, the Rohiygna or any other stateless people they are not recognized outside of the nation states they reside in.
The Tibets were incorporated into china by force

just raw aggression by the comminists

'China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You'​

BIDEN To Taiwan: 'America with me as President will abandon you!' Hell, we abandoned 10,000 of our own people in Kabul!"

Oh, so England can reclaim all its colonies by force because they were once theres.

They're welcome to try...

They can barely hold on to the Falklands and Scotland, though.

Of course, there wasn't a point where Tibet was independent. They just managed to achieve a level of autonomy during the warlord era before Chiang (not Mao) re-established Chinese sovereignty over them.

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