China Upped Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

China Upped Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign

5 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joseph Hoft

China upped its donations to the Biden Center 400% as soon as Biden announced his campaign for the Presidency. China inserted $50M to the Biden Center after Biden’s announcement that he was running. reported:
We’ve reported that per Hunter Biden’s emails we could see that China was helping the Biden campaign during Biden’s campaign.

The entanglements between the Biden camp and China are many. There are enough known relationships to properly say China had infiltrated the Biden camp and was using this for China’s benefit.

Will Democrats explain to us again why it’s legal for foreign governments to be able to donate to their political campaigns?
Somehow the Quisling media has either ignored or hidden from the public the Biden family's Trust fund that to date is said to exceed $55 million.
To paraphrase D'Souza, "The Globalists' henchmen in the FBI are the greatest single threat to the USA". That can be confirmed by Louis Freeh's $100,000 donation to the Biden Family Trust Fund.
Then there's the "Tell All" Hunter Biden Laptop that the FBI will not use to prosecute Hunter, and Joey Xi Biden for their criminal conspiracies with Chin, the Ukraine and Russia...
These people must have known that America is probably the only country that they can openly betray without any consequences. This is exploitation of the freedom that has been hard earned by our American ancestors.
The U.S. pays Biden $400,000 to be president. China pays Biden one hundred times that amount and then some. Who do you think Bia Dung works for? Ask a democrat-dumb rube and watch their head explode.
the 'Biden Center' is just another scam like the Clinton Foundation scheme..

Your intelligence agencies allow this to happen, so, it's not his fault. So many before him had a similar response from foreign government as the Clinton Foundation can attest. Obama has a great piece of beachfront property now due to his sacrifices as president.

How much foreign government money is in California, New York and Washington pulling levers and buying influence? When you allow big money in your politics, this is the end result. ALL nations get in on the act. reported:
Someone should tell editors at WeLoveTrump that RECEIVED is not spelled "recieved."

People might get the impression the editor there is an idiot.
Looks like we need a special prosecutor to investigate for 3 years and threaten to imprison Cokehead Hunter if daddy doesn’t cooperate. A lot more proof of Xiden corruption then there ever was on Trump.
Joe doesn't mind consorting with commies as long as he's getting his 10. I bet his son can sell a lot of his paintings to those Red bastards as well.
If the OP is true - highly doubtful - why would anyone be surprised that another country would also want to get an unhinged megalomaniac away from the nuclear football? Especially if they are likely to be the target of those nukes?
So it's okay for China to influence our elections?

China Upped Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign

5 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joseph Hoft

China upped its donations to the Biden Center 400% as soon as Biden announced his campaign for the Presidency. China inserted $50M to the Biden Center after Biden’s announcement that he was running. reported:
We’ve reported that per Hunter Biden’s emails we could see that China was helping the Biden campaign during Biden’s campaign.

The entanglements between the Biden camp and China are many. There are enough known relationships to properly say China had infiltrated the Biden camp and was using this for China’s benefit.

Will Democrats explain to us again why it’s legal for foreign governments to be able to donate to their political campaigns?
Somehow the Quisling media has either ignored or hidden from the public the Biden family's Trust fund that to date is said to exceed $55 million.
To paraphrase D'Souza, "The Globalists' henchmen in the FBI are the greatest single threat to the USA". That can be confirmed by Louis Freeh's $100,000 donation to the Biden Family Trust Fund.
Then there's the "Tell All" Hunter Biden Laptop that the FBI will not use to prosecute Hunter, and Joey Xi Biden for their criminal conspiracies with Chin, the Ukraine and Russia...
These people must have known that America is probably the only country that they can openly betray without any consequences. This is exploitation of the freedom that has been hard earned by our American ancestors.
The U.S. pays Biden $400,000 to be president. China pays Biden one hundred times that amount and then some. Who do you think Bia Dung works for? Ask a democrat-dumb rube and watch their head explode.
the 'Biden Center' is just another scam like the Clinton Foundation scheme..


And that's just the donations they're disclosing! Imagine how much under the table cash Red Joe is getting from his Chinese owners...

China Upped Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign

5 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joseph Hoft

China upped its donations to the Biden Center 400% as soon as Biden announced his campaign for the Presidency. China inserted $50M to the Biden Center after Biden’s announcement that he was running. reported:
We’ve reported that per Hunter Biden’s emails we could see that China was helping the Biden campaign during Biden’s campaign.

The entanglements between the Biden camp and China are many. There are enough known relationships to properly say China had infiltrated the Biden camp and was using this for China’s benefit.

Will Democrats explain to us again why it’s legal for foreign governments to be able to donate to their political campaigns?
Somehow the Quisling media has either ignored or hidden from the public the Biden family's Trust fund that to date is said to exceed $55 million.
To paraphrase D'Souza, "The Globalists' henchmen in the FBI are the greatest single threat to the USA". That can be confirmed by Louis Freeh's $100,000 donation to the Biden Family Trust Fund.
Then there's the "Tell All" Hunter Biden Laptop that the FBI will not use to prosecute Hunter, and Joey Xi Biden for their criminal conspiracies with Chin, the Ukraine and Russia...
These people must have known that America is probably the only country that they can openly betray without any consequences. This is exploitation of the freedom that has been hard earned by our American ancestors.
The U.S. pays Biden $400,000 to be president. China pays Biden one hundred times that amount and then some. Who do you think Bia Dung works for? Ask a democrat-dumb rube and watch their head explode.
the 'Biden Center' is just another scam like the Clinton Foundation scheme..

The Biden center all of a sudden gets a big uptick in donations as the Clinton Foundation dries up . Nothing fishy going on there.
If the OP is true - highly doubtful - why would anyone be surprised that another country would also want to get an unhinged megalomaniac away from the nuclear football? Especially if they are likely to be the target of those nukes?
Yeah, I know Trump was so unhinged he started a war with... He had all the troops in Afghanistan set to leave this last May, only with Biden intervention did it get prolonged to 9/11/21. Of all the dumb things Trump did, starting a war was never going to happen and anyone with a brain (this excludes you) knew that including the Chinese. A business advantage is why the Chinese made a big $50 million donation to Biden. China's economic best interests are in having Biden in office and it is paying off for them.
So it's okay for China to influence our elections?
That's the message I got... China has every right to subvert our nation by buying off politicians
like mentally diminished racist crook Joe Biden, because it's in China's interests.

Well, we have interests too and one of them is to make sure greedy a-holes like Joe Biden
cannot sell out our country to the most evil nation in the world while he gets more and more rich.

Rationalizing the actions of a venal piece of shit like Joe Biden and China is a new low.
Even for a leftist bottom of the dumpster poster.
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"The Penn Biden Center does not accept any contributions or gifts." (Our Mission Statement | Penn Biden Center)

Very sly. Funding is done through the University of Pennsylvania allowing for the Sergeant Schultz, "I know nothing" defense.




China Upped Its Donations to the Biden Center 400% with $50M in Donations After Biden Announced his Campaign

5 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joseph Hoft

China upped its donations to the Biden Center 400% as soon as Biden announced his campaign for the Presidency. China inserted $50M to the Biden Center after Biden’s announcement that he was running. reported:
We’ve reported that per Hunter Biden’s emails we could see that China was helping the Biden campaign during Biden’s campaign.

The entanglements between the Biden camp and China are many. There are enough known relationships to properly say China had infiltrated the Biden camp and was using this for China’s benefit.

Will Democrats explain to us again why it’s legal for foreign governments to be able to donate to their political campaigns?
Somehow the Quisling media has either ignored or hidden from the public the Biden family's Trust fund that to date is said to exceed $55 million.
To paraphrase D'Souza, "The Globalists' henchmen in the FBI are the greatest single threat to the USA". That can be confirmed by Louis Freeh's $100,000 donation to the Biden Family Trust Fund.
Then there's the "Tell All" Hunter Biden Laptop that the FBI will not use to prosecute Hunter, and Joey Xi Biden for their criminal conspiracies with Chin, the Ukraine and Russia...
These people must have known that America is probably the only country that they can openly betray without any consequences. This is exploitation of the freedom that has been hard earned by our American ancestors.
The U.S. pays Biden $400,000 to be president. China pays Biden one hundred times that amount and then some. Who do you think Bia Dung works for? Ask a democrat-dumb rube and watch their head explode.
the 'Biden Center' is just another scam like the Clinton Foundation scheme..


THE PENN BIDEN CENTRE has nothing to do with Joe Biden or his campaign. The Penn Biden Centre is a school on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania:

Your minders must be getting really fucking desperate to tie Biden with China, Sleazy.
THE PENN BIDEN CENTRE has nothing to do with Joe Biden or his campaign. The Penn Biden Centre is a school on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania:

Your minders must be getting really fucking desperate to tie Biden with China, Sleazy.
and the Big Guy gets his ten percent…neat little money laundering scam via UPenn

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