Chinese Spy Balloons Crossed the U.S. Three Times Under Trump

Those three things are verifiable. Covid started the economic distress. Illegal border crossings were at a low in 2016. The Neo-GOP Ignores Trumps' actions in Afghanistan during the implementation of the Doha Accord and subsequent troop reductions not included in that agreement. All implemented before he left office.

The FAUX MAGAPHONE rules Magaworld.

Must have been the right move. Trump told the Taliban if one more American gets killed there, he's going in with full force. We didn't lose one solder in his last 18 months in office. Dementia? Had over a dozen killed in one stupid move.
Those three things are verifiable. Covid started the economic distress. Illegal border crossings were at a low in 2016. The Neo-GOP Ignores Trumps' actions in Afghanistan during the implementation of the Doha Accord and subsequent troop reductions not included in that agreement. All implemented before he left office.

The FAUX MAGAPHONE rules Magaworld.
Chicom Joe followed nothing in Trump’s Afghanistan deal, Simp.
So you blame the covid inspired shutdown of the worlds economy on Trump?

Can't stand the facts about the border in 2016 because they don't line up with the dystopian nightmare Trump painted.

No Neo-GOP can't defend Trump actions in Afghanistan in 2020 when he unconditionally reduced our troop strength and gave a distinct advantage to the Taliban who didn't have to comply with their agreement signed in Doha.

The FAUX MAGAPHONE has your back.
Covid was because of your country government ( China ) willingness to lie about it in 2019 and not informing WHO until late December of 2019 because Doctors in China we're being arrested for notifying the World about Covid.

China closed it economy and caused the crash of 2020 around the World, but don’t let facts get in the way of your mental midget rant!

Also, let's remember Biden did claim if you were vaccinated you couldn’t catch, spread or die from Covid, and yet people are still dying from the virus, so I guess your boy failed also!
So you blame the covid inspired shutdown of the worlds economy on Trump?

Can't stand the facts about the border in 2016 because they don't line up with the dystopian nightmare Trump painted.

No Neo-GOP can't defend Trump actions in Afghanistan in 2020 when he unconditionally reduced our troop strength and gave a distinct advantage to the Taliban who didn't have to comply with their agreement signed in Doha.

The FAUX MAGAPHONE has your back.

The Communists sent out the word they were going to fight Trump on stopping border crossings and he word got out fast. What they couldn't stop in the House, their commie judges did, at least temporarily. In the end (before covid) when Trump finally got his policies in action, border crossings dropped by 90%. Dementia removed all of Trump's successful policies, the most effective ones like Stay in Mexico, and resurrected the problem ten fold. 5 million encounters in less than 2 years. 1 million get aways, over 100 caught on the Do Not Fly list, and the BP reports it's the worst it's been in decades.

The Communists sent out the word they were going to fight Trump on stopping border crossings and he word got out fast. What they couldn't stop in the House, their commie judges did, at least temporarily. In the end (before covid) when Trump finally got his policies in action, border crossings dropped by 90%. Dementia removed all of Trump's successful policies, the most effective ones like Stay in Mexico, and resurrected the problem ten fold. 5 million encounters in less than 2 years. 1 million get aways, over 100 caught on the Do Not Fly list, and the BP reports it's the worst it's been in decades.

They don’t care and truthfully those like that poster doesn't care about the people coming here illegally except for votes during the next election cycle.
They don’t care and truthfully those like that poster doesn't care about the people coming here illegally except for votes during the next election cycle.

That's the long game. The short game is to cheat the elections. Our House critters are decided on by population from the US Census. When these illegals get here they usually run to leftist cities like any one in California or NYC. When the Census takes their surveys they don't decipher between citizens and illegals. Trump wanted to have the 2020 Census to include the question of whether people were legal citizens of not and of course, the commies made sure that didn't happen.

So now we have more Democrat representatives than Americans they represent. This additional 5 million that Dementia let in will only increase that number unless we get Trump or another like him to implement strong policies and increase deportations by next census. So when any leftist says the commies don't cheat the elections, don't you believe it.
Covid was because of your country government ( China ) willingness to lie about it in 2019 and not informing WHO until late December of 2019 because Doctors in China we're being arrested for notifying the World about Covid.

China closed it economy and caused the crash of 2020 around the World, but don’t let facts get in the way of your mental midget rant!

Also, let's remember Biden did claim if you were vaccinated you couldn’t catch, spread or die from Covid, and yet people are still dying from the virus, so I guess your boy failed also!
Regardless of whatever conspiracy a nut job like you is spouting, it was the cause of world's economic downturn and the reason OPEC+ cut production, and the price of the Holy Oil was saved.
So, now it comes out that Chinese spy balloons crossed the U.S. three times under Trump and they didn't tell anyone or do anything about it. Was it because of Trump's secret financial ties with China? Was it because he owed them tens of millions of dollars? Was it because he didn't want to reveal that he had a secret bank account in China? Is he now China Trump?

Suspected Chinese Spy Balloons Crossed Into U.S. 3 Times During Trump Administration

Suspected spy balloons from China crossed into the continental United States at least three times while Donald Trump was president, according to a statement Saturday by the Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense official.”

“Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration,” the statement said. The Associated Press also reported that one other balloon crossed into the U.S. earlier in the Biden administration.
So no facts
Must have been the right move. Trump told the Taliban if one more American gets killed there, he's going in with full force. We didn't lose one solder in his last 18 months in office. Dementia? Had over a dozen killed in one stupid move.
They were not killed by the Taliban were they? Nope that was ISIS still operating within Afghanistan. One of the conditions on the Taliban that 'Benedict Donald' allowed them to ignore was that they would put a stop to other Islamic terrorist from using Afghanistan as a base to harm Americans and/or our allies. Why did he withdraw all those troops and not make those withdrawals conditional on the Taliban's compliance again? Oh yeah, nobody has that answer do they?
They were not killed by the Taliban were they? Nope that was ISIS still operating within Afghanistan. One of the conditions on the Taliban that 'Benedict Donald' allowed them to ignore was that they would put a stop to other Islamic terrorist from using Afghanistan as a base to harm Americans and/or our allies. Why did he withdraw all those troops and not make those withdrawals conditional on the Taliban's compliance again? Oh yeah, nobody has that answer do they?

He didn't need them there apparently. Trump's goal was to get our solders out of the endless war but you can't do that by excitedly pulling everybody out at once leaving Americans and Afghanistan aids behind like Dementia did. Trump would have never done anything like that. He was pulling troops out slowly and monitoring the result with each of his moves. You can't create a chaotic situation and expect everything to go well.
He didn't need them there apparently. Trump's goal was to get our solders out of the endless war but you can't do that by excitedly pulling everybody out at once leaving Americans and Afghanistan aids behind like Dementia did. Trump would have never done anything like that. He was pulling troops out slowly and monitoring the result with each of his moves. You can't create a chaotic situation and expect everything to go well.

He didn't care to enforce the Doha Accords you mean. Within two weeks of the signing of the agreement the Taliban was already not complying. They never started the peace negotiations with the Afghan Army and Government and we should have not withdrawn an single soldier until they did. That was in the agreement. The first item on their agenda at the peace talks was a cease fire between the Taliban and the Afghans. That never happened either. He should not have removed a single soldier until they did. But he did. These are some of the things that happened within the first 135 days of the signing of the Accords. They didn't comply and we reduced our forces to 8,600 by the summer of 2020. During the fall of 2020 they still didn't comply and he reduce our force to 2,500 by the time he left office.
So, now it comes out that Chinese spy balloons crossed the U.S. three times under Trump and they didn't tell anyone or do anything about it. Was it because of Trump's secret financial ties with China? Was it because he owed them tens of millions of dollars? Was it because he didn't want to reveal that he had a secret bank account in China? Is he now China Trump?

Suspected Chinese Spy Balloons Crossed Into U.S. 3 Times During Trump Administration

Suspected spy balloons from China crossed into the continental United States at least three times while Donald Trump was president, according to a statement Saturday by the Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense official.”

“Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration,” the statement said. The Associated Press also reported that one other balloon crossed into the U.S. earlier in the Biden administration.
How many people saw the Chinese spy “ballons” under Trump? How many thinking people realize that the Chinese wanted to get caught to make Biden look like a fool? How many thinking people realize the Chinese use more sophisticated equipment to “research” US under Bush 2 through Biden?

China is making the Democrats look more stupid.

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