Chinese workers hold bosses hostage over 2-minute toilet breaks



Chinese workers hold bosses hostage over 2-minute toilet breaks | Fox News

About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10 Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday. It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were called to the factory.

"The workers demanded the scrapping of the ridiculously strict requirements stipulating that workers only have two minutes to go to the toilet and workers will be fined 50 yuan ($8) if they are late once and fired if they are late twice," said the security guard, surnamed Feng.


At first, I was wondering if this was happening at the company Mitt Romney moved to China the same month as the Presidential Elections, but it wasn't.

China is what Republicans want for this country. No benefits. No workers rights. No regulations protecting citizens. No minimum wage. No health care.

Republicans will say, "How dare you suggest we want those things". But then you look at their policies. If it looks like a pile of shit. Smells like a pile of shit. Who cares if it's "disguised"? For all intents and purposes, it's a pile of shit.

Republicans call for lowering, eliminating federal minimum wage

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss

GOP Governors Deny The Poor Health Care
The real question is, what on earth were you doing reading Fox News?

Isn't that sacrilege of liberal protocol?
Two minutes.

The Chinese are going through growing pains, much like we did from the early to mid twentieth century. Their growth has been based on exports, so keeping cost down in any way is the most important thing from a business point of view. This is changing though, little by little. Within fifty to one-hundred years, China's economy will dwarf ours. All it will take is for them to understand that true economic growth is produced from the bottom up, and not the other way around. This will likely happen the hard way, as unions form and workers demand higher wages. Old ways die hard. What they will learn though, is that buy paying workers more, those workers will actually be able to purchase more goods. Their economy will move from being one that relies on exports to one that sells its goods to its own people.

I'm sure you have read about China's ghost cities. Once they start paying people fair wages, people will be able to afford these new homes and their economy will take off. It is already projected that China's economy will surpass the US by 2025. Based on the fact that their population is four times ours, one can only imagine how much larger their economy will grow.
The Chinese business model is one the far right dreams of: Many low paid workers, under the boot of the boss, having no rights, and working a tireless, thankless job for barely enough to get by, while maximizing profits at all costs. Then, all that profit "trickles down"!!!
Two minutes.

The Chinese are going through growing pains, much like we did from the early to mid twentieth century. Their growth has been based on exports, so keeping cost down in any way is the most important thing from a business point of view. This is changing though, little by little. Within fifty to one-hundred years, China's economy will dwarf ours. All it will take is for them to understand that true economic growth is produced from the bottom up, and not the other way around. This will likely happen the hard way, as unions form and workers demand higher wages. Old ways die hard. What they will learn though, is that buy paying workers more, those workers will actually be able to purchase more goods. Their economy will move from being one that relies on exports to one that sells its goods to its own people.

I'm sure you have read about China's ghost cities. Once they start paying people fair wages, people will be able to afford these new homes and their economy will take off. It is already projected that China's economy will surpass the US by 2025. Based on the fact that their population is four times ours, one can only imagine how much larger their economy will grow.

But as we wait for China to progress, the corporate masters are trying to digress to their level here.
Two minutes.

The Chinese are going through growing pains, much like we did from the early to mid twentieth century. Their growth has been based on exports, so keeping cost down in any way is the most important thing from a business point of view. This is changing though, little by little. Within fifty to one-hundred years, China's economy will dwarf ours. All it will take is for them to understand that true economic growth is produced from the bottom up, and not the other way around. This will likely happen the hard way, as unions form and workers demand higher wages. Old ways die hard. What they will learn though, is that buy paying workers more, those workers will actually be able to purchase more goods. Their economy will move from being one that relies on exports to one that sells its goods to its own people.

I'm sure you have read about China's ghost cities. Once they start paying people fair wages, people will be able to afford these new homes and their economy will take off. It is already projected that China's economy will surpass the US by 2025. Based on the fact that their population is four times ours, one can only imagine how much larger their economy will grow.

But as we wait for China to progress, the corporate masters are trying to digress to their level here.

I agree, we are on a backwards path at the moment. It will likely get worse before it gets better. These things go in cycles based on greed. When the middle class is doing well, the conservative movement toward lower taxes and more free market principals take hold. However, when the middle class begins to take a hit, things change; workers begin to demand more and there is a bigger movement to redistribute wealth back to lower income earners. We are beginning to see this happen currently, but there are still many in the middle class who are more concerned with protecting what they have. Until more of them start to lose out, there will be a lot of turmoil with no clear cut winners and losers.
Chinese workers hold bosses hostage over 2-minute toilet breaks | Fox News

About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10 Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday. It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were called to the factory.

"The workers demanded the scrapping of the ridiculously strict requirements stipulating that workers only have two minutes to go to the toilet and workers will be fined 50 yuan ($8) if they are late once and fired if they are late twice," said the security guard, surnamed Feng.


At first, I was wondering if this was happening at the company Mitt Romney moved to China the same month as the Presidential Elections, but it wasn't.

China is what Republicans want for this country. No benefits. No workers rights. No regulations protecting citizens. No minimum wage. No health care.

Republicans will say, "How dare you suggest we want those things". But then you look at their policies. If it looks like a pile of shit. Smells like a pile of shit. Who cares if it's "disguised"? For all intents and purposes, it's a pile of shit.

Republicans call for lowering, eliminating federal minimum wage

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss

GOP Governors Deny The Poor Health Care

They wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures if they had a union.
Chinese workers hold bosses hostage over 2-minute toilet breaks | Fox News

About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10 Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday. It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were called to the factory.

"The workers demanded the scrapping of the ridiculously strict requirements stipulating that workers only have two minutes to go to the toilet and workers will be fined 50 yuan ($8) if they are late once and fired if they are late twice," said the security guard, surnamed Feng.


At first, I was wondering if this was happening at the company Mitt Romney moved to China the same month as the Presidential Elections, but it wasn't.

China is what Republicans want for this country. No benefits. No workers rights. No regulations protecting citizens. No minimum wage. No health care.

Republicans will say, "How dare you suggest we want those things". But then you look at their policies. If it looks like a pile of shit. Smells like a pile of shit. Who cares if it's "disguised"? For all intents and purposes, it's a pile of shit.

Republicans call for lowering, eliminating federal minimum wage

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss

GOP Governors Deny The Poor Health Care

They wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures if they had a union.

It's coming, but it's going to be a bit slow getting there.

Chinese Workers Demanding Better Wages, Conditions, Real Union Protections | Alternet
ShinMei Electric is a Japanese Company. See, the first clue is that 10 "Japanese nationals" were taken hostage.

Shinmei Electric

Relevance? They're there to take advantage of Chinese working conditions, so the point is moot. In Japan they wouldn't be able to get away with what they can in China. Are things any better in plants owned by U.S. companies?
ShinMei Electric is a Japanese Company. See, the first clue is that 10 "Japanese nationals" were taken hostage.

Shinmei Electric

Relevance? They're there to take advantage of Chinese working conditions, so the point is moot. In Japan they wouldn't be able to get away with what they can in China. Are things any better in plants owned by U.S. companies?
Relevance: OP posted this to bash Republicans when in fact it's the doings of the Japanese.

Reading and Comprehension FAIL!
ShinMei Electric is a Japanese Company. See, the first clue is that 10 "Japanese nationals" were taken hostage.

Shinmei Electric

Relevance? They're there to take advantage of Chinese working conditions, so the point is moot. In Japan they wouldn't be able to get away with what they can in China. Are things any better in plants owned by U.S. companies?
Relevance: OP posted this to bash Republicans when in fact it's the doings of the Japanese.

Reading and Comprehension FAIL!

It is a Japanese company in China. It is the Chinese, not Japanese business "model" they are practicing.
Chinese workers hold bosses hostage over 2-minute toilet breaks | Fox News

About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10 Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday. It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were called to the factory.

"The workers demanded the scrapping of the ridiculously strict requirements stipulating that workers only have two minutes to go to the toilet and workers will be fined 50 yuan ($8) if they are late once and fired if they are late twice," said the security guard, surnamed Feng.


At first, I was wondering if this was happening at the company Mitt Romney moved to China the same month as the Presidential Elections, but it wasn't.

China is what Republicans want for this country. No benefits. No workers rights. No regulations protecting citizens. No minimum wage. No health care.

Republicans will say, "How dare you suggest we want those things". But then you look at their policies. If it looks like a pile of shit. Smells like a pile of shit. Who cares if it's "disguised"? For all intents and purposes, it's a pile of shit.

Republicans call for lowering, eliminating federal minimum wage

RNC Chair Calls for Less Regulation of Wall Street After $2 Billion JPMorgan Loss

GOP Governors Deny The Poor Health Care

They wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures if they had a union.

that is well as better benefits....
I had to come in to see if RDerp actually would bring up and compare republicans to the Chinese. And boy I was not let down. Thanks for the laughs, Derp.
ShinMei Electric is a Japanese Company. See, the first clue is that 10 "Japanese nationals" were taken hostage.

Shinmei Electric

Relevance? They're there to take advantage of Chinese working conditions, so the point is moot. In Japan they wouldn't be able to get away with what they can in China. Are things any better in plants owned by U.S. companies?
Relevance: OP posted this to bash Republicans when in fact it's the doings of the Japanese.

Reading and Comprehension FAIL!

It's an example of what's happening in China. Did you FAIL to READ and COMPREHEND the question at the end of my post? It's the kind of thing Romney and his supporters wish for labor practices in the U.S. Why else to they keep pointing to the Chinese "economic miracle" with envy?
Couple of NewsFlashes for you and rDean:

Romney Not Elected President!

Bush No Longer President!

If Obama actually cared about workers in China he would be doing something about it but he doesn't so he won't.

Homework assignment for you:

"Which Current US President signed a Free Trade Agreement with South Korea that uses a Joint Manufacturing Facility in North Korea?"

What you're seeing in China are the results of "Globalism". It's NOT just the result of one party or the other because BOTH PARTIES represent Globalists.

Litmus Test: Any elected official who says "Free Trade Agreements are good" is a Globalist.

Stupidly waving a "National League" or "American League" flag and cheering for "Your Team" doesn't help at all.
The hilarious thing about this thread is that Liberals are the least likely demographic to buy an American Union man made product.


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