Chips in Guns: Turn-Off Switch


Feb 18, 2013
Somewhere in a land-bound state
Here are some new articles about chips in guns:

It is hard to find information on this subject, but according to one user at a forum, the computer chip in a Heckler and Koch is under the back-strap. You can check your gun to see if it can be removed.
See Does HK really put computer chips in their pistols today? - AR15.Com Archive.

No Chip in Arm, No Shot From Gun
No Chip in Arm, No Shot From Gun

PALM BEACH, Florida -- A new computer chip promises to keep police guns from firing if they fall into the wrong hands.
The tiny chip would be implanted in a police officer's hand and would match up with a scanning device inside a handgun. If the officer and gun match, a digital signal unlocks the trigger so it can be fired. But if a child or criminal would get hold of the gun, it would be useless.
The technology is the latest attempt to create a so-called "smart gun" and could be marketed to law enforcement agencies within a year, according to Verichip, which has created the microchip.
Verichip president Keith Bolton said the technology could also improve safety for the military and individual gun owners.
Verichip, which has marketed similar microchips for security and medical purposes, announced Tuesday a partnership with gun maker FN Manufacturing to produce the smart weapons. The companies have developed a prototype and are working to refine its accuracy, Bolton said.
Similar developments are under way at other gun manufacturers and research firms. The New Jersey Institute of Technology and Australian gun maker Metal Storm Ltd. are working on a prototype smart gun that would recognize its owner's individual grip. The chips can be used instead of security key cards at office buildings or to use global positioning satellites .The chips can be used instead of security key cards at office buildings or to use global positioning satellites.

?Smart Guns? Being Developed That Only Shoot in the Hands of Authorized Users ? But Is the Tech Up to Snuff? | Video |

The Blaze decided to take a look at just what is out there in the way of such technology. The short answer is, there’s not much.

Take TriggerSmart, which is a system that uses radio-frequency identification (RFID) to childproof guns. TriggerSmart’s technology — which had a patent granted in the U.S. last year and has an international patent pending — has the vision to create “smart guns” where only an authorized user could fire the weapon. The technology also seeks to allow remote disabling, called Wide Area Control, of firearms in certain areas, such as airports and schools.

The Irish inventor of the TriggerSmart concept Robert McNamara explained to Reuters in December “we have a technology that could have helped prevent [the Sandy Hook] massacre.” McNamara was recently on Fox News explaining how it works:

[ame=]TriggerSmart Childproof RFID Smart Gun - YouTube[/ame]
video link

Pre-Crime Convictions soon in America! Natural News Inside Edition
December 18, 2012 by Natural News Shocker | Leave a comment
New Electronic G” chip installed in every gun, car, phone and camera in U.S. by end of 2014”

The U.S. Government wants complete control. By the end of the year 2014, basically 12 months or LESS, a computer chip will be installed in America’s “freedoms” and “amendment rights,” whether they like it or not, it’s in their best interest.
Here’s how it works: Say you’re on psych meds and you walk into a school with a gun or guns; the school’s new computer software recognizes the chip, the video recognizes the action, add 2 and 2 and you’ve got a nightmare underway, if nothing’s done. The electronic chip in the guns basically shuts down, disabling the guns from shooting, and the video simulator alerts the TSA agents in charge of each school.

I don't know about this one...:eusa_angel:

There are many links at Google...
Sorry...I copied and pasted and it did not transfer right...

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MA: "Global Positioning System Locators in Firearms Study Commission is hereby established for the purpose of making an investigation and study relative to the feasibility of placing Global Positioning System (?GPS?) locators in firearms" | The Truth

And there you were, thinking that micro-stamping was the be-all, end-all of the government’s attempts to keep track of personal firearms. Nope. It’s micro-tracking. The latest affront to gun rights and privacy is on the table, again, courtesy of the Big Brothers in the Bay State. State Senator Andrew Petruccelli has re-introduced a bill calling for a commission to study GPS tracking for firearms. I’ve belled the Senator’s office. No joy. He might call back. He might not. The text of the bill reads as follows . . .
The Global Positioning System Locators in Firearms Study Commission shall consist of 7 members; the House of Representatives Chair on Public Safety and Homeland Security, the Senate Chair on Public Safety and Homeland Security, one member of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, appointed by the Secretary of the Executive Office and Public Safety and Security, one designee from the Gun Owners’ Action League (“GOAL”), one Chief of Police from a city or town, appointed by the Governor, one designee from the City of Boston Mayor’s Office, appointed by the Mayor of Boston, one designee appointed by the Boston City Council.

Just an example of how GPS interacts with the chips
Like trigger locks, "smart guns" have a mechanical interface thatcan be disabled by someone with some time and the proper tools.

Thus, this will do nothing to keep criminals from getting and using guns.
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I think it is interesting that there are three or four current ways to interact with the chips...Bluetooth, RFID, by magnetic force and there is one more that I do not remember. The video may have mentioned that there will be "no gun" zones where computers in the areas turn off any guns within so many feet of schools, federal buildings, police stations, banks, etc. What if a gun owner lives within one-thousand feet of a school? Does he have to move or give up his gun?

One article that I read implied that putting the gun in the oven for so many minutes would melt the chip...Not sure if this would work or not.

Another site that I saw belonging to hackers revealed a Bluetooth gun that a member created. Could one reverse-engineer the gun to figure out how to disable chips/ Bluetooth connection? Maybe.

I am neither for or against guns, but I am against placing chips in anything for tracking...
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Here is another problem in the design of a gun shut-down switch: At the present time, a satellite cannot send a signal to the gun itself (my theory) but it could send one to your cellular phone tower and then to your phone which would be close enough to Bluetooth the gun...(cell-phone) If you have a satellite dish it could send the signal to the dish and the dish could connect to the gun through Bluetooth, or from an Internet connection through the dish (all satellite dishes have one-way Internet to dish)..

The following I have learned from experience when someone was shutting down the ignition to my car frequently and all mechanics said it should not have been happening:

If the cell-phone is using Bluetooth to connect to any electronic device, especially cars, and maybe guns..turn off the phone and move it 40 ft from the protected device, then turn the device on and off three times to break the connection....With guns, you would just move the cell-phone 40 ft after turning it off (may have to extend distance as technology develops) This breaks the connection to the chip in the device you are trying to protect. No more problems with my car now. As soon as you turn your phone on again you will have to go through the same process if the protected device is within 40 ft.
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If a gun could be fired electronically rather than by the mechanical impact of the hammer on the bullet, then you could create an electronic failsafe in series with the electronic firing circuit.
Okay I'll ask it, since no one else seems to want to.

Would that be a "Kill Switch" installed on those weapons?
Quite a few Police Departments said that they have looked at these and that they are not reliable enough for them to use.
Well, if the gun owners are in such a big hurry to prove they're responsible, what's wrong with having a gun that only fires if the true owner grabs it?

Might stop kids from killing each other by accident.

Would have also stopped the person that did Sandy Hook. If he'd killed his mother (the owner of the guns), and he couldn't have fired them because he didn't have the right grip/fingerprints/RFID chip, etc., then maybe all those kids would still be alive today.
Well, if the gun owners are in such a big hurry to prove they're responsible, what's wrong with having a gun that only fires if the true owner grabs it?

Might stop kids from killing each other by accident.

Would have also stopped the person that did Sandy Hook. If he'd killed his mother (the owner of the guns), and he couldn't have fired them because he didn't have the right grip/fingerprints/RFID chip, etc., then maybe all those kids would still be alive today.

Operation, reliability, how do you reset it when several people fire your weapons. The cops won't use them because they are unreliable now you want all gun owners to pay for them and hope they work. Stop being stupid. Oh, it's you. Nevermind.
Well, if the gun owners are in such a big hurry to prove they're responsible, what's wrong with having a gun that only fires if the true owner grabs it?

Might stop kids from killing each other by accident.

Would have also stopped the person that did Sandy Hook. If he'd killed his mother (the owner of the guns), and he couldn't have fired them because he didn't have the right grip/fingerprints/RFID chip, etc., then maybe all those kids would still be alive today.

Operation, reliability, how do you reset it when several people fire your weapons. The cops won't use them because they are unreliable now you want all gun owners to pay for them and hope they work. Stop being stupid. Oh, it's you. Nevermind.

How do you reset it when several people fire your weapons? Really?

How often do you lend your guns to other people Bigfoot? far as being on a security force, when I was on the security force in Newport RI, there was only 1 weapon assigned to me, and I had it's serial number assigned to me and only me, until I was transferred.

Not gonna be a problem if the cops keep to one weapon (which they already do).

What? You think they switch guns at random just for fun?
Well, if the gun owners are in such a big hurry to prove they're responsible, what's wrong with having a gun that only fires if the true owner grabs it?

Might stop kids from killing each other by accident.

Would have also stopped the person that did Sandy Hook. If he'd killed his mother (the owner of the guns), and he couldn't have fired them because he didn't have the right grip/fingerprints/RFID chip, etc., then maybe all those kids would still be alive today.

Operation, reliability, how do you reset it when several people fire your weapons. The cops won't use them because they are unreliable now you want all gun owners to pay for them and hope they work. Stop being stupid. Oh, it's you. Nevermind.

How do you reset it when several people fire your weapons? Really?

How often do you lend your guns to other people Bigfoot? far as being on a security force, when I was on the security force in Newport RI, there was only 1 weapon assigned to me, and I had it's serial number assigned to me and only me, until I was transferred.

Not gonna be a problem if the cops keep to one weapon (which they already do).

What? You think they switch guns at random just for fun?

My wife, friends, my boys, people at the range. My guns get fired by several people whenever I want them to be. You anti-gun guys are sure a stupid bunch that haven't a clue about the subject you want to stop other people from enjoying.

Police departments have looked at this technology and turned it down!
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