Chomsky: American Drones Are The Biggest Terrorists In The World

One intelligent man.
Hardly, if the stupid old fool doesn't know what's going on outside his little world.

He knows very well what is going on, the Zionist influence and AIPAC influence on our government, SA too. We can't have only one ally which does us absolutely no good, and who would that be Israel and SA.

You can't post without revealing your rancid and pathetic antisemitism wonder you kiss Chomsky's ass
I don't kiss anyone's ass, but you do. I could give 10 shits if you call me an anti-Semitism, as it has no meaning. Don't you understand how ignorant it is to call someone that? Kiss Chomskys' ass, your crazy , you do not believe in free speech, well little irish catholic soon when the Zionist control everything you wont be able to talk without their permission, that will be fine, because you will be shinning their shoes.

You're a ridiculous, cowardly clown.

Hows that coward I'm not, but you might find me funny. Facts are facts. When someone controls your speech , they are in control of you.
Latest interview of famous writer Naom Chomsky, he states that actually the american drones are the biggest terrorists in the world and USA is backing dictatorships, that Europe is too weak to have independent policy from USA and that the Greece shouldn't pay its debt to Europe.

Let us know when the body count for the drone strikes reaches 3,000. Till then Chomskey's just as big a lying scumbag as he ever was.
This link says 3,800 alone in Pakistan, it is kind of an interesting read.

History of U.S. Drones Understanding Empire

I read the whole thing and didn't see that number. I did see this....

"According to the Conflict Monitoring Center, in 2011 alone the CIA fired 242 Hellfire missiles in Pakistan, and at a cost of $68,000, it meant the agency spent at least $16.5 million to kill 609 people. Even after President Obama’s 2012 admission that he was keeping the drone strikes “on a very tight leash”, U.S. officials do not routinely comment on the CIA’s program. Most drone strikes have taken place since U.S. President Barack Obama came to power in 2009, with the most prolific year of strikes taking place in 2010. This increase is partly a result of changes in the way targets are identified. Since 2008 the CIA began rolling out “signature strikes” against targets outside of named kill lists.

Now, there very well might be 3,800 in Pakistan. Now add in all the other terrorist casualties to the 3000 from 9/11 and get back to me.

up to 3,800 people have been killed in 405 strikes in Pakistan, where the drones are controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Dating back to 2004, the controversial program targets al-Qaeda and Taliban-linked militants, and generates fierce debate for its seeming violation of international humanitarian law and national sovereignty.
How come you can find it in my link and westwall said he read the entire article? I think my theory is correct when people on the net read what they want to read.

No fan of Chomsky, but no fan of the increase of drone strikes either, probably 1/2 those deaths were innocent civilians, another thing that disturbs me we are now selling armed drones to allies beyond Great Britian
You've been reading my mail, Lass. Chomsky is a bleeding hemorrhoid.

Had the jack wad as required reading in I thank that professor for leading me away from assholes like Chomsky

Why this antisemetic post?
It's an anti-Chomsky post. Chomsky is a Holocaust denying lump of shit who happens to be a Jew. That fact disqualifies him to hold any opinion of Israel and Zionists. He might have been useful once but no more. He is only good for speaking for his dinner. Otherwise he would starve to death.

Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.
Had the jack wad as required reading in I thank that professor for leading me away from assholes like Chomsky

Why this antisemetic post?
It's an anti-Chomsky post. Chomsky is a Holocaust denying lump of shit who happens to be a Jew. That fact disqualifies him to hold any opinion of Israel and Zionists. He might have been useful once but no more. He is only good for speaking for his dinner. Otherwise he would starve to death.

Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.
Nice interview.
Noam Chomsky: The Real Reasons the U.S. Enables Israeli Crimes and Atrocities
One of America's most critically engaged public intellectuals talks about Israel and its relationship to the U.S.

Noam Chomsky is internationally recognized as one of America’s most critically engaged public intellectuals today. He spoke withKathleen Wells, a political correspondent for Race-Talk,about Israel and its interplay with the United States.
Noam Chomsky The Real Reasons the U.S. Enables Israeli Crimes and Atrocities Alternet
Why this antisemetic post?
It's an anti-Chomsky post. Chomsky is a Holocaust denying lump of shit who happens to be a Jew. That fact disqualifies him to hold any opinion of Israel and Zionists. He might have been useful once but no more. He is only good for speaking for his dinner. Otherwise he would starve to death.

Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax
It's an anti-Chomsky post. Chomsky is a Holocaust denying lump of shit who happens to be a Jew. That fact disqualifies him to hold any opinion of Israel and Zionists. He might have been useful once but no more. He is only good for speaking for his dinner. Otherwise he would starve to death.

Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. ....

Was good at.
It's an anti-Chomsky post. Chomsky is a Holocaust denying lump of shit who happens to be a Jew. That fact disqualifies him to hold any opinion of Israel and Zionists. He might have been useful once but no more. He is only good for speaking for his dinner. Otherwise he would starve to death.

Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax

Really trying so hard to discredit other jews who don't agree with Zionist politics. Anyone hear of witch hunt. Gee, which Jew to believe??
Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax

Really trying so hard to discredit other jews who don't agree with Zionist politics. Anyone hear of witch hunt. Gee, which Jew to believe??

another episode of MAGICAL THINKING !!! poor Penelope-----
she imagines that if she repeats
5000 times ----it will happen
Just the opposite, because he is not a Israel supporter, his views are valid. Or do we just want a one sided bias thread here.
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax

Really trying so hard to discredit other jews who don't agree with Zionist politics. Anyone hear of witch hunt. Gee, which Jew to believe??
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax

Really trying so hard to discredit other jews who don't agree with Zionist politics. Anyone hear of witch hunt. Gee, which Jew to believe??

another episode of MAGICAL THINKING !!! poor Penelope-----
she imagines that if she repeats
5000 times ----it will happen

Penelope is so transparent. She has such a sick anti-Semitic mind that she would have been perfect hanging around with Ilsa Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald. It is quite obvious that this little illiterate skinhead reads the hate sites a lot for her junk. Can you actually see her sitting down, IRosie, and reading a book in her real life?
Yes, Nelly. There's only one side and Comsky is a liar.
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax

Really trying so hard to discredit other jews who don't agree with Zionist politics. Anyone hear of witch hunt. Gee, which Jew to believe??
He said the truth on his tribe, you can't compare a stupid zionazi like Lieberman with intellectual like Chomsky in politics.

He's no intellectual in politics.

You're right, He should stick to the field that he is good at -- Linguistics. I find it amusing how the anti-Semites, like Freeman the Muslim, champion Chomsky when it comes to politics even though Chompsky is an extreme Left Winger and an Anarchist. Let's face it. The anti-Semites like some Jews as long as the Jews fit the agenda of people like Freeman. Meanwhile, there are others who actually have read Chompsky's work unlike people like Freeman who are not enamored of Chompsky.

Chomsky lies denial of the Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia.

The Chomsky Hoax

Really trying so hard to discredit other jews who don't agree with Zionist politics. Anyone hear of witch hunt. Gee, which Jew to believe??

another episode of MAGICAL THINKING !!! poor Penelope-----
she imagines that if she repeats
5000 times ----it will happen

Penelope is so transparent. She has such a sick anti-Semitic mind that she would have been perfect hanging around with Ilsa Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald. It is quite obvious that this little illiterate skinhead reads the hate sites a lot for her junk. Can you actually see her sitting down, IRosie, and reading a book in her real life?

not a real book. She seems to imagine that
the crap she parrots from Nazi propaganda is a big secret----she is coming up with something INNOVATIVE

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