Choose your "Facts" about what happened on 911

the OCTA'S always grasp at straws trying to debunk the testimony of Willie Rodriguez but they cant.This video is everything you need to know about the collapse of the towers and what caused it.everything else said in this thread by the OCTA'S is all irrevent.

Like monkeys,they can only sling shit in defeat.:lol:
yeah, cause him changing his story is not important
Do us a big favour and put us all on ignore

exactly.Candy troll aka Obamamerica and divecunt are pathetic kids here seeking attention.they prove that in spades because they make morons out of themselves here everyday talking to themselves by addressing the posts of people such as myself they know has them on ignore.:lol: I'll give Gomer Pyle Ollie credit,at least HE isnt a kid seeking attention like those two are.He doesnt reply to my posts anymore and did me a favor not too long ago by putting me on ignore.:lol:divecunt and candytroll could take a good lesson and learn from him not to make a fool out of yourself to reply to someone who has you on ignore.:lol:
whats really funny is how you respond to people you CLAIM you have on ignore


LOL and he still talks shit about me, glad to know I still get under it's skin....
the OCTA'S always grasp at straws trying to debunk the testimony of Willie Rodriguez but they cant.This video is everything you need to know about the collapse of the towers and what caused it.everything else said in this thread by the OCTA'S is all irrevent.

Like monkeys,they can only sling shit in defeat.:lol:
yeah, cause him changing his story is not important

In 2005, Rodriguez made this claim: "I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower." Source Yet the handwritten notes by his two interviewers show no such claims about explosives, just as Rodriguez made no such claim in TV interviews in 2001 and 2002, in his statement to NIST, or in his 2004 conspiracy lawsuit against the United States.

Likewise, the notes show that Rodriguez made no mention of suspicions that the attacks were a U.S. government "inside job" and subsequent cover-up, or that his accounts of that day were censored by the anyone.

the OCTA'S always grasp at straws trying to debunk the testimony of Willie Rodriguez but they cant.This video is everything you need to know about the collapse of the towers and what caused it.everything else said in this thread by the OCTA'S is all irrevent.

Like monkeys,they can only sling shit in defeat.:lol:
yeah, cause him changing his story is not important

In 2005, Rodriguez made this claim: "I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower." Source Yet the handwritten notes by his two interviewers show no such claims about explosives, just as Rodriguez made no such claim in TV interviews in 2001 and 2002, in his statement to NIST, or in his 2004 conspiracy lawsuit against the United States.

Likewise, the notes show that Rodriguez made no mention of suspicions that the attacks were a U.S. government "inside job" and subsequent cover-up, or that his accounts of that day were censored by the anyone.


lol.just when i was starting to give you crediblity you prove you have none because you have been caught lying.:lol:you said you had me on ignore. NOW you prove you were lying by responding ,not only do you lie here disinfo agent,you lie as well saying he has changed his story when he hasnt.:lol:thanks for proving how you lie all the time.:lol: oh and I did not respond to you moron,i was telling the truthers how you are a moron,hate to break your heart but thats NOT replying to you,big difference there idiot..:lol: you make Gomer pyle look like a genius.the sad thing is You are real and he isnt.:lol: "rolls on floor laughing.":lol: as usual,you use a dewb bunker dis info website that has been debunked as your source.I love it..oh I forgot. you have me on ignore. yet your replying to my posts.I love it.your hysterical.:lol::lol: you should start a comedy routine.your off to a good start with that dewb bunker link.:lol:

what Gomer Pyle Ollie fails to mention is that dewb bunker link has been proven false with misinformation and lies.example it says that he has made a fortune going on tours and crap like that when the TRUTH is,he has been finiancially ruined.your lies are amusing not only show a link that is lies,you lie about me being on your ignore list and Bill "I never had sex with this woman" clinton,should get together,you,divecunt and him could start a threesome.hahahahaa
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yeah, cause him changing his story is not important

In 2005, Rodriguez made this claim: "I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower." Source Yet the handwritten notes by his two interviewers show no such claims about explosives, just as Rodriguez made no such claim in TV interviews in 2001 and 2002, in his statement to NIST, or in his 2004 conspiracy lawsuit against the United States.

Likewise, the notes show that Rodriguez made no mention of suspicions that the attacks were a U.S. government "inside job" and subsequent cover-up, or that his accounts of that day were censored by the anyone.


lol.just when i was starting to give you crediblity you prove you have none because you have been caught lying.:lol:you said you had me on ignore. NOW you prove you were lying by responding ,not only do you lie here disinfo agent,you lie as well saying he has changed his story when he hasnt.:lol:thanks for proving how you lie all the time.:lol: oh and I did not respond to you moron,i was telling the truthers how you are a moron,thats NOT addressing your post,big difference there idiot..:lol: you make Gomer pyle look like a genius.the sad thing is You are real and he isnt.:lol: "rolls on fllor laughing.":lol:
he replied to MY post, moron, he doesnt have ME on ignore
exactly.Candy troll aka Obamamerica and divecunt are pathetic kids here seeking attention.they prove that in spades because they make morons out of themselves here everyday talking to themselves by addressing the posts of people such as myself they know has them on ignore.:lol: I'll give Gomer Pyle Ollie credit,at least HE isnt a kid seeking attention like those two are.He doesnt reply to my posts anymore and did me a favor not too long ago by putting me on ignore.:lol:divecunt and candytroll could take a good lesson and learn from him not to make a fool out of yourself to reply to someone who has you on ignore.:lol:
whats really funny is how you respond to people you CLAIM you have on ignore


LOL and he still talks shit about me, glad to know I still get under it's skin....

i just proved you amuse me with your lies.I proved to everybody right here YOU talk shit CLAIMING you have me on ignore yet your addressing and replying to me.:lol: looks like that ignore button is working great for you Gomer:lol::lol:

.as always you amuse me.:lol: thats why i dont put YOU on ignore like candyfag and divecunt,YOU always amuse me with your lies like that dewb debunker link.:lol: I'll assume since your lover divecunt replied,his answer was yes to me? lol. I didnt claim i had you on ignore,YOU claimed you have ME on ignore.:lol: or is your memory so god awful you already forgot that?:lol: must I go back and hunt for that where you said you had me on your ignore list? lol
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God you're stupid. I have shown you time after time that your precious website is wrong.
You are dismissed. Go tell your mother she wants you.

I didn't think you could become more of a disgrace with your cowardly behavior, but then you post this and it just proves how afraid you really are.

You have not proved ANYTHING about that site being wrong. Disgusting claim from a disgusting person.

YOU HAVE NOTHING. You are in denial. so once again.

YOU IGNORE the facts I post.

YOU. Are. a. C-o-w-a-r-d.

how many times do i have to say it? You cannot look at the facts of physics because you ARE SCARED. Once you understand that, you will be able to accept the facts. But until then YOU'LL CONTINUE to look like a coward. i'll say it every post until you ACKNOWLEDGE that FREE FALL for 2.25 seconds is ONLY possible with ZERO resistance, WHICH CANNOT BE DONE WITH FIRE/NATURAL COLLAPSE. only with explosives. Why are you so blind ON PURPOSE?????????????????????????

How do you get 2.25 seconds of freefall? NIST admitted it happened after FORCED them to change their report.

Only explosives can instantaneously remove 8 stories allowing the upper structure to accelerate downwards in free fall. The absolute free fall of Building 7 over a period of 2.25 seconds is by itself overwhelming evidence that explosives were used to bring down the building.


I guess the child has a comprehension problem. Not only does he not understand that calling me a coward simply makes me laugh, but he also doesn't understand the word dismissed. A mind is such a terrible thing to waste.

Physics Exist hit the nail right on the head about you Gomer. YOU ignore facts,this is your pathetic reply and comeback you have after he gave you a major ass beating here? :lol::lol: as usual,you give me great comedy seriously should hook up with your lovers divecunt,candyfag and hunt down Bill Clinton and form a comedy club,"the foursome liars" you can call yourselfs.:lol::lol:

Like Physics Exist said you have NOTHING but dewb bunker links full of proven lies and disinformation to go by.Physics thinks your in denial,what he doesnt know though, is that like we both know,you know it was an inside job and explosives brought the towers down and like the troll you are,your just coming here to post lies and bullshit cause thats what your handlers pay you and fellow trolls candyfag and moron in the hat to way would you keep coming back all the time for the ass beatings you get for free as we both
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whats really funny is how you respond to people you CLAIM you have on ignore


LOL and he still talks shit about me, glad to know I still get under it's skin....

i just proved you amuse me with your lies.I proved tyo everybody right here YOU talk shit CLAIMING you have me on ignore yet your addressing and replying to me.:lol: looks like that ignore button is working great for you always you amuse me.:lol: thats why i dont put YOU on ignore like candyfag and divecunt,YOU always me with your lies like that dewb debunker link.:lol: I'll assume since your lover divecunt replied,his answer was yes to me? lol. I didnt claim i had you on ignore,YOU claimed you have ME on ignore.:lol:

Shut the fuck up douche bag. The library closes soon. Go home and pretend you matter.
I can see Gomer you called in your other lover gay boy disinfo

that being said,like i said before,all you agents can do is fling shit in defeat like the monkeys you are and come back with pathetic and amusing lies like that dewb bunker link and your pathetic reply to physics exist.keep it up with the lies Gomer,you DO amuse me constantly.:lol:which AGAIN is why I dont have you on ignore like you want to think i do.:lol: again since you have bad memory,unlike fellow trolls candyfag and divecunt,YOU amuse me so I dont put YOU on ignore.:lol: all for now and today.gotta run.some of us arent paid to come here all day long and blantly ignore evidence and facts and post bullcrap like you and candyfag gomer.:lol:some of us have honest jobs.
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the OCTA'S always grasp at straws trying to debunk the testimony of Willie Rodriguez but they cant.This video is everything you need to know about the collapse of the towers and what caused it.everything else said in this thread by the OCTA'S is all irrevent.

Like monkeys,they can only sling shit in defeat.:lol:
yeah, cause him changing his story is not important

In 2005, Rodriguez made this claim: "I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower." Source Yet the handwritten notes by his two interviewers show no such claims about explosives, just as Rodriguez made no such claim in TV interviews in 2001 and 2002, in his statement to NIST, or in his 2004 conspiracy lawsuit against the United States.

Likewise, the notes show that Rodriguez made no mention of suspicions that the attacks were a U.S. government "inside job" and subsequent cover-up, or that his accounts of that day were censored by the anyone.


Look at his Wikipedia page; you'll probably want to bathe after reading it. Rodriguez is a slimeball.
as usual candyfag,you prove like divecunt does,how pathetic your life is and what an attention seeker you are by talking to pathetic.:lol::lol: enough for the i said,some of us candytroll arent paid to troll like you guys are.some of us have real HONEST jobs.
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as usual candyfag,you prove like divecunt does,how pathetic your life is and what an attention seeker you are by talking to pathetic.:lol::lol: enough for the i said,some of us candytroll arent paid to troll like you guys are.some of us have real HONEST jobs.

he haz its'

lol.just when i was starting to give you crediblity you prove you have none because you have been caught lying.:lol:you said you had me on ignore. NOW you prove you were lying by responding ,not only do you lie here disinfo agent,you lie as well saying he has changed his story when he hasnt.:lol:thanks for proving how you lie all the time.:lol: oh and I did not respond to you moron,i was telling the truthers how you are a moron,thats NOT addressing your post,big difference there idiot..:lol: you make Gomer pyle look like a genius.the sad thing is You are real and he isnt.:lol: "rolls on fllor laughing.":lol:
he replied to MY post, moron, he doesnt have ME on ignore

LOL, I even own his ass when I have him on ignore......

Oh that is so rich.

Fucking dumbass doesn't know I see his posts if someone reposts it... :lol: :lol: :lol:
lol.just when i was starting to give you crediblity you prove you have none because you have been caught lying.:lol:you said you had me on ignore. NOW you prove you were lying by responding ,not only do you lie here disinfo agent,you lie as well saying he has changed his story when he hasnt.:lol:thanks for proving how you lie all the time.:lol: oh and I did not respond to you moron,i was telling the truthers how you are a moron,thats NOT addressing your post,big difference there idiot..:lol: you make Gomer pyle look like a genius.the sad thing is You are real and he isnt.:lol: "rolls on fllor laughing.":lol:
he replied to MY post, moron, he doesnt have ME on ignore

LOL, I even own his ass when I have him on ignore......

Oh that is so rich.

Fucking dumbass doesn't know I see his posts if someone reposts it... :lol: :lol: :lol:
he's not that bright
LOL and he still talks shit about me, glad to know I still get under it's skin....

i just proved you amuse me with your lies.I proved tyo everybody right here YOU talk shit CLAIMING you have me on ignore yet your addressing and replying to me.:lol: looks like that ignore button is working great for you always you amuse me.:lol: thats why i dont put YOU on ignore like candyfag and divecunt,YOU always me with your lies like that dewb debunker link.:lol: I'll assume since your lover divecunt replied,his answer was yes to me? lol. I didnt claim i had you on ignore,YOU claimed you have ME on ignore.:lol:

Shut the fuck up douche bag. The library closes soon. Go home and pretend you matter.

Is it illegal to shoot dumbasses? This boy has lost it. He doesn't even remember why he is on ignore.
yeah, cause him changing his story is not important

In 2005, Rodriguez made this claim: "I met with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring down the north tower." Source Yet the handwritten notes by his two interviewers show no such claims about explosives, just as Rodriguez made no such claim in TV interviews in 2001 and 2002, in his statement to NIST, or in his 2004 conspiracy lawsuit against the United States.

Likewise, the notes show that Rodriguez made no mention of suspicions that the attacks were a U.S. government "inside job" and subsequent cover-up, or that his accounts of that day were censored by the anyone.


Look at his Wikipedia page; you'll probably want to bathe after reading it. Rodriguez is a slimeball.

There is no need we already know he's a liar.
as usual candyfag,you prove like divecunt does,how pathetic your life is and what an attention seeker you are by talking to pathetic.:lol::lol: enough for the i said,some of us candytroll arent paid to troll like you guys are.some of us have real HONEST jobs.

You're the one on public assistance; not me.
You're the one having to peel internet off the public library; not me.
Your'e the one continuously posting on where nobody goes anymore; not me.

Fuck you and the horse you likely fucked this morning.

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