Chris Christie as President

I would vote for him. He seems to be reasonable and not erratic. He wont jump around on talking points and actually stick to the issues not fear based ramblings - which costs us as conservatives.

He wont say: ALL THESE HISPANICS ARE GOING TO GIVE US RANDOM DISEASES...He will deal with the real issues:

How they impact crime rates.
How they lower the minimum wage.
How it destabilizes their home economy.

Because we have the white supremacists hijacking our brand, I doubt he will win this go around. And before anyone says, "well you are white...why do you care?" ...I hate ignorance in any race! And I believe that trashy honey boo boo poor redneck element is bringing our party down.
I've lived in NJ for 9 years. Corzine was a disaster and both parties couldn't wait to get rid of him. Christie rode the backlash wave in 2009. But he got into position to do so by kissing major George W. Bush ass in 2000. So Dubya gave him the U.S. Attorney job, and Christie has bullied his way into power ever since. He's good at playing the feudal lords and fiefdoms against each other that create the political stink in this state. It is beyond corruption.

And if anybody thinks for a minute that the GWB incident was some chick's idea two doors down from his office, they are dead wrong. It was a big deal because what normally on a good day can take 45 min to an hour to cross, and it's only 1/2 long, creating a mess like that was thumbing his nose at the mayor of Ft Lee. He's that fucking arrogant.
I would vote for him. He seems to be reasonable and not erratic. He wont jump around on talking points and actually stick to the issues not fear based ramblings - which costs us as conservatives.

I think you've succinctly given us all the reasons he won't be nominated. :biggrin:
under governor christie, new jersey has witnessed its strongest job growth in 15 years in 2015. that’s why people should look at him.

he hasn't raised taxes on anybody. he's vetoed more tax increases than any other governor in American history.
under governor christie, new jersey has witnessed its strongest job growth in 15 years in 2015. that’s why people should look at him. he hasn't raised taxes on anybody. he's vetoed more tax increases than any other governor in American history.
But that's not good enough for the Republican base, because he said something nice about Obama one time.
he gave him a manhug!

and as dr paul said, if he wants to give him another one, he can go right ahead! :p
What do you think about Chris Christie as next U.S. President?
I think he would be a very corrupt and bully president. He'd do unpopular things and not care if it wasn't popular. He would push the anti middle class agenda of the GOP. He would elect more anti middle class supreme Court justices.

And he's a very good talker. He's not a right wing loon. Too bad for him he showed what he would do to states that didn't go along when he shut that bridge down. He'd be more corrupt than Chaney Ashcroft boulton scooter Libby Scott McClellan rumsfeld condy rice and Alberto Gonzales.
under governor christie, new jersey has witnessed its strongest job growth in 15 years in 2015. that’s why people should look at him.

he hasn't raised taxes on anybody. he's vetoed more tax increases than any other governor in American history.
Weren't you praising rubio on another thread? Bet you like Cruz too? Jeb? Carson? Paul? Kasich?

Anyone will do for you. Even carli?
When a reality tv star out does your own schtick then you're in trouble.
If the GOP field he seems the most reasonable. But he will never get the nomination, since he hugged Obama.

The Jersey Bully Trump would make sure he wouldn't.

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