Chris Christie is gonna be our next president

Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.
That's right. More of that Party-over-country nonsense that the Republicans have become synonymous for in the last 20 years.

Keep it up. :thup:
Governor Christie supports gun conrtrol laws. He has supported the assault weapons ban, opposes concealed carry laws, and supports the New Jersey one gun a month purchase law.

No vote.
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

This....this right here is why he will never win. Christie is not about party over results. He actually crosses lines for his people. That means he is a traitor for people like this idiot [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] .

No dumb ass hard right guy will vote for someone who thinks outside the republican box. This is why he wont win. That and he is fat. Its a image world we live in at this point. Palin actually has a better shot. Not bad looking and dumb as a box of TemplarKormacs .
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

God forbid that didn't call Obama a Kenyan ... because that has worked so well for the right, up to that point.
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

This....this right here is why he will never win. Christie is not about party over results. He actually crosses lines for his people. That means he is a traitor for people like this idiot [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] .

No dumb ass hard right guy will vote for someone who thinks outside the republican box. This is why he wont win. That and he is fat. Its a image world we live in at this point. Palin actually has a better shot. Not bad looking and dumb as a box of TemplarKormacs .

That's probably one of the worst comebacks I've ever heard. Plus, A box of Zonas is has a nice ring to it.

Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

This....this right here is why he will never win. Christie is not about party over results. He actually crosses lines for his people. That means he is a traitor for people like this idiot [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] .

No dumb ass hard right guy will vote for someone who thinks outside the republican box. This is why he wont win. That and he is fat. Its a image world we live in at this point. Palin actually has a better shot. Not bad looking and dumb as a box of TemplarKormacs .

you are such an idiot :rolleyes:
Christie will most likely be the GOP nominee....but there's very little chance of him beating hillary clinton.

1. Clinton is practically running as an incumbent

2. The electoral college will favor the Democrats even MORE in 2016
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

And this is the reason Christie will never win the WH. There are members of the GOP, mostly TP types, that will sit at home rather than vote for a man that said Obama is doing a good job. That is Christie's big problem. I think he would make a good resident, but unless the GOP smashed the TP in the upcoming battle, until they have no influence in the Primaries....Christie is dead in the water.
Dubya was a good President

No, he wasn't. He doubled the national debt. He dragged us into an unnecessary war. He presided over policies that resulted in an economic collapse and put millions of people out of work. He expanded the federal government at that time more than any president since LBJ.
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

And this is the reason Christie will never win the WH. There are members of the GOP, mostly TP types, that will sit at home rather than vote for a man that said Obama is doing a good job. That is Christie's big problem. I think he would make a good resident, but unless the GOP smashed the TP in the upcoming battle, until they have no influence in the Primaries....Christie is dead in the water.

The Tea Party wasn't exactly enamored with Mitt Romney, yet he still got the nomination.
Return of the practical white male leader. I love it

I would prefer not to have a republican president, but if there had to be one, I would want it to be Christie.

The fact that he is white and male has nothing to do with his merits as a candidate.

My thoughts exactly except Huntsmann may have another run in him; he would be a superior choice to Christie on foreign affairs.
Return of the practical white male leader. I love it

NOpe, this country is far to critical for that to happen. He is too fat. Sorry. There will be a woman before there is a fat man in the oval office.

Mark my words on that.

A fat man and a woman. I certain am impressed with your criteria you would use to judge our next leader. :cuckoo:

Palin was picked because of what, her intellect? Please.

I am sorry, but that is the way it is now days. A guy the size of Christie wont win. That and he is an actual good republican. Since he is, he is considered a traitor.
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

This....this right here is why he will never win. Christie is not about party over results. He actually crosses lines for his people. That means he is a traitor for people like this idiot [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] .

No dumb ass hard right guy will vote for someone who thinks outside the republican box. This is why he wont win. That and he is fat. Its a image world we live in at this point. Palin actually has a better shot. Not bad looking and dumb as a box of TemplarKormacs .

That's probably one of the worst comebacks I've ever heard. Plus, A box of Zonas is has a nice ring to it.


how very original of you. :eusa_whistle:
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

This....this right here is why he will never win. Christie is not about party over results. He actually crosses lines for his people. That means he is a traitor for people like this idiot [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] .

No dumb ass hard right guy will vote for someone who thinks outside the republican box. This is why he wont win. That and he is fat. Its a image world we live in at this point. Palin actually has a better shot. Not bad looking and dumb as a box of TemplarKormacs .

you are such an idiot :rolleyes:

Specifically, why? Dispute what I said. I dare you. lol

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